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Apr 19, 2001, 11:25am
You go! I'm the same way, if my line isn't full I download some damn PORN, baybee :)

[View Quote] > If I pay $40 a month for constant 200kbps, by god I'm going to use it ALL
[View Quote]

Steve Gibson Releases SocketToMe & SocketLock

Aug 22, 2001, 12:30pm
Yah but the unfortunate fact of the matter is, only the people who are
clueless need this and they don't go to Gibson's site. :) Well, we have
some clueless people here I guess but not nearly as clueless as the ones I
am talkinabout hehe.

[View Quote] > Security expert Steve Gibson released two programs this weekend to the
> public. SocketToMe checks whether or not you have Raw Socket Support in
> your Windows operating system, and if so, to what degree. SocketLock can
> be installed onto Windows 2000 and/or Windows XP beta to remove Raw
> Socket Support for ALL USERS while letting background/system processes
> still be able to use Raw Socket functionality. In my opinion, all world
> hosters should download and use SocketLock if hosting on a Windows 2000
> or Windows XP beta system without the need for Raw Socket support. More
> information about the programs and the issue of Full Raw Socket support
> can be found at
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)

Re: Security (was Re: My World)

Aug 22, 2001, 12:35pm
Actually, it's not the IT people who are responsible for Code Red continuing to bash us for most of the month. I actually tried to contact some of the people who are infected. Turns out they are all clueless people running Personal Web Server who don't even have a default page where you can find out how to
contact them.

[View Quote] > Well, if someone wanted to launch a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
> attack against your server and you told them you were running Windows NT
> and had a 1.2 mbps upstream connection to the Internet, they could then
> estimate how many other computers they would need to compromise to flood
> your connection with useless data and knock you off-line.
> I don't know if you've ever heard of buffer overrun (also known as
> buffer overflow) errors, Agent, but those types of attacks exploit a
> flaw in unchecked buffers in either the OS itself or a running
> process/program and try to either crash the system or execute code. If a
> hoster listed the amount of RAM in their server(s), it would give a
> better general idea of how long it would take to accomplish this or even
> if it would be possible or not. Intelligence gathering is key if you are
> a hacker. Generally, the more you know about something, the easier it is
> to hack into.
> I believe that most "true" malicious hackers have a goal or motivation
> to break into your system, instead of script kiddies doing port scans on
> the same IP address range your server is located on. It also depends on
> how much (or how little) information you reveal. Just saying that you
> use Windows verses a flavor of Unix could make a difference. However,
> you are generally correct in saying that giving out your system specs
> shouldn't make you more vulnerable, Agent. Any system with any specs
> running any OS connected to the Internet has a chance of it being
> compromised.
> While I'm at it, let me bring up a good point, Agent. You said: "If you
> keep your OS and software updated you usually won't have a problem."
> Most people I know usually say that. However, have you seen how many
> servers have been infected with the Code Red worm (and its variants)?
> All of it could be prevented by a simple patch that was released almost
> a MONTH before the outbreak. One of the main problems is getting IT
> people to actually regularly patch and audit their systems the right
> way.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
[View Quote]

Letter to, Inc.

Jan 7, 2001, 3:52am
I think if Richard Garriott has a short-enough-term non-compete clause he could
come up with an engine like you (and we all) want. Maybe. He's got the vision
tho, and after all this time he has some expertise about how to make things
happen. As well as a name that can get him funds. And a lotta funds of his own
no doubt. But I think what you really want is pretty extensive and since the
graphix engines and such are evolving so quickly it's a real tricky thing to
code something that extensive because of the moving target situ.

But yah I think the server actually has to have the whole database of objects
used in the world at a *minimum.* That way you enter a world you can build in,
you wanna build something, the server can give you a browse list of models and
let you sort by category, function, etc. etc.. And the client has to keep all
artwork in ONE database so that it can keep track of art from various sources at
once. So let's say, I wanna just use the base artwork except ONE avatar I
made...I say look here for the artwork but if it's not here, just go up the tree
and find it in the standard the client doesnt keep 9000 copies of
WALK10, the downloads arent redundant between servers, everything is way more
efficient. And the server should stream the artwork instead of relying on HTTP,
that is the DUMBEST thing about aw. :)

[View Quote] > That's just the beginning. We're just starting to see games appearing that
> use etremely impressive new technological innovations, like NWN's 'build a
> D&D campaign to play online' thing. Granted, that still uses an external
> level editor and most-likely does some sort of compiling (of course, I don't
> know for sure - and if it doesn't I'll be impressed). Regardless, if you
> look around these days, you'll see games with extremely impressive
> graphics - and that's just the beginning. Take Hitman's IK engine. It's got
> bugs, but the dyanmic skeletal physics are impressive.
> I'm afraid it's much too late for Worlds, Inc's little test project, though.
> The rewrites required to bring AW up to par as far as performance and ease
> of use would be incredible. At this point, more gains would be made by
> beginning the project anew - with a new set of programmers, and a completely
> new organization. The bulk of AW code is most-likely a horrid mess these
> days.
> Not to mention that the future of such a project, especially if you want to
> bring in things like 'dynamic vis' (portal rendering, etc.) will not come
> from software based on the referencing of premade RWX-format objects. It
> cannot be done - at least not effectively. For any sort of true
> interractivity, as well as the dynamic implementation of a vis system and a
> full lighting/shadow system ( even this has to be saved a bit for
> higher end systems; a true all-geometry shadow system would be intensive),
> the editor of the geometry itself needs to be IN THE SOFTWARE. Eep, I've
> heard you talk about putting object editing functions into the client, and
> that's a good idea. But it is still not going to cut it, IMO. The server
> needs to store the geometry, not just which objects are at what coords. It
> needs to store the actual geometry of the whole world in a database. Why,
> you ask? Because once the server and the client know the geometry, two
> things can happen: 1) Editing is COMPLETELY unlimited, since you're BUILDING
> THE GEOMETRY. 2) Since there's an easily-available database of geometry on
> not just the server, but also the client, you can EASILY implement dynamic
> vis, dynamic shadowing, COMPLETELY DYNAMIC GEOMETRY (as seen in Red Faction
> [ ]), and ... well, at this point the
> posibilities become very impressive (aside: once the client has the ability
> to build and modify geometry on the fly, we enter new territory. At this
> point, it's very plausible to implement kinetic physics engines, dynamic
> (not by building interraction, more along the lines of destroyable) terrain,
> etc. Treat the ground, if there is any, like solid mass, and give builders
> (or players?) the ability to remove chunks of it by editing (or
> destroying?). It's still in our best interest to section off pieces of
> geometry, much like the "brushes" in Quake-based level editors, as there
> still needs to be some sort of concept of an object for the application of
> actions and so forth (movement for doors, etc. etc.). I would also recommend
> the ability to import 3D models from certain formats (3ds, etc.) into the
> geometry. Basically, this would rip the geometry of the object and throw it
> into your world, wherever you specify. Texturing would most-likely be
> handled in some manner to be determined by the (obviously skilled, if they
> already built the rest) programmers, and a little trial and error. A more
> user-friendly version of the texturing seen in quake-style editors would be
> a good place to begin, unless one actually wishes to set the UV coords of
> each vertex by hand (granted, not as difficult a task while you're looking
> at the geometry and editing it). Build your rendering engine from scratch,
> and use OpenGL. Direct3D is the easy way out - so you can support it too.
> But concentrate on OpenGL, you'll be glad you did when the performance
> improvements show themselves.
> You see, this is how modern games generally get to such excellent
> performance. The compiling process usually involves writing the geometry
> into an easily-readable database, as well as performing lighting
> calculations and vis calculations. These days, though, compiling would not
> be required, as the needed information about geometry could be written on
> the fly, and an acceptable completely dynamic vis engine could be written.
> It can't happen in the current system, where the client is told by the
> server where certain objects should be, the client downloads the object, and
> then renders it. At least, not efficiently.
> Here's the kicker ::leans in:: Remember Quake modding? Sure you do. Every
> new game that knows what it's doing allows you to recode the game rules. So
> you want the option for gaming? Just put in a simple mod-scripting system.
> World owners can leave it alone (no game whatsoever - just a regular
> building/exploring world, like we see in AW these days), or they can modify
> the rules of the world (how much gravity? how much friction? how fast do
> people run? can they jump? how high? can they fly? how fast? you get the
> idea), OR they can write in rules for gaming (inventory? Weapons? What kinds
> of weapons? Can you destroy geometry? Use IK? HUD info? NPCs? Entities?
> (that's a critical one... if you want to make up your own actions (aside
> from the defaults, such as opening websites, making things move, etc) for
> 'objects' (brushes) in the world, you have to code these actions, then link
> the brushes to entities). etc.). It's probably a good idea to have a
> module-based mod system. This way, people can download modules (such as an
> inventory module, or something) and plop it right in. Tribes used a module
> system for mods. It also is probably the best idea to leave this as an
> uncompiled scripting language, just like in Tribes.
> There. There's your future-product. It does everything all at once. You can
> edit the geometry, you can recode the world so that it can by anything from
> a simple public building world to a racing game, it will run fast, and you
> build the world and drive the car (or kill terrorists, whatever your things
> is) using exactly the same software. You'll never have to buy another game
> again. Quite frankly, I don't think we're going to see it anytime soon.
> Why's that? Simple. The people with enough resources to make it don't have
> the vision. You have to remember that most (okay, not all) game companies
> are as short-sighted as AWCI, they simply have more resources. Those with
> the vision don't have the resources. Not in any way. And the companies with
> the resources, but no vision? They're quite happy without vision, thank you
> very much.
> If I ever get tired of quantum physics and biochemistry, that's going to be
> my project. ::points:: Who's with me? ::chuckle::
> --
> 35850
[View Quote]

Its a miracle!

Jan 7, 2001, 3:57am
heehee once upon a time aw had a decent tech support guy I hear :)

[View Quote] > The last time i saw a person with "Support" Was a guy called "Aw Helper Bot"
> He was saying he was a bot, and just running around saying the same thing,
> ver, and over again. I tryed to convince him that he wasnt and he kapt on
> saying he was.... Oh well, i dont think AW COM has a tech support part of
> their company...
> Joeman
[View Quote]

Wherefore Art Thou, Protagonist?

Jan 7, 2001, 4:11am
Just so ya know, the reason Viescas and Britvich vanished is because they got
greedy, fought over AW and both lost. And if you read between the lines of
the bio on Brit which is pretty naive actually, you may find hints that he is
actually a very childish,self-centered individual. I mean, the folks at
Worlds were nitwits I grant ya that but OTOH the biggest reason AW never went
anywhere with Worlds is because Brit is simply imPOSSible to work with. I
should know, I'm the only one who ever successfully got him to do ANYthing (he
says so himself. [g])

Not to take anything away from Ron's creation of AW, which when I discovered
it was just the coolest thing happening. But he's also the biggest reason it
never went anywhere.

[View Quote] > Yea I read it, it's good =)
[View Quote]

Wherefore Art Thou, Protagonist?

Jan 7, 2001, 5:35pm
There was nothing I could do besides what I did. Which I aint gonna enumerate but I
did basically everything because Ron did almost nothing besides write some code and
piss off everyone he talked to and Danny wasn't real busy either. And the morons at
worlds had no clue nor would Ron talk to them, well he was hostile to me too I just
ignored it. Later Roland came along and did all Ron's grunt coding work like a good
soldier. God knows what the hell Ron did after that besides write some code about
once every few months. I assume he was busy playing with his horses and playing
chess or something. Or having a real good time telling Roland what to do. :) But
Ron is not a planner or an architect or a designer, as witness the really
fundamental flaws in the AW concept.

Hostility? Nah just realism.Talk to someone who knows Ron sometime, he is a
complete ass. And not a real good programmer either, nor is he sme kind of savant
mathemetician as the article seems to imply. Let's face it, AW is not a big triumph
of incredible technology, and it never was. The rendering stuff is all done with
renderware and the reason the rendering SUCKS so much speed-wise is that nobody ever
could get their shit together to do any basic culling. Well the biggest reason...
I mean, the Renderware people TELL ya DON'T use this routine to render your scenes
because it sucks, you have to develop your own routines to render things quickly.
So when I had a 486 100 with a halfassed video card it rendered pretty close to the
same frame rates I get now with a p3-866 and fast video card in any kind of
congested situation.

However Ron did something that was pretty cool at the time. So he deserves some
credit for that I guess. I'm not a credit kind of guy. But Ron is. So give it to
him, he needs it pretty desperately. But the article was ridiculous in the
extreme. First of all, DANNY is not someone whose opinion you really want about
ANYthing altho he is a pretty funny guy, I'll give him that. But he knows nada,
zero, zilch about anything at all. Guy can't use an FTP program without 2 tech
support people in a conference call. :) And Ron did something cool. That doesn't
make him someone cool. He is as far from that as anyone I can think of really.

[View Quote] > Speak of the devil, eh? :)
> I sense a little hostility there, Dats... I wonder, what would you have
> done differently to help AW move along? I'll admit Ron probably didn't
> do as much with AW as he could have, (he was basically expecting the AW
> users to make it great for him) but it was certainly better than the
> alternative, in my view. (that being COF)
> Either way, glad to have ya back! You should come around more often! :)
[View Quote]

Wherefore Art Thou, Protagonist?

Jan 8, 2001, 6:05am
Heehee. :) You crack me up man.

[View Quote] > You're not one to talk either, Mr. I-Won't-Release-RWXMod's-Source-Code-Because-I'm-A-Pompous-Ass. Your programming isn't that great either considering the ONE (1) program you've made, RWXMod, which is buggier than all-out hell. At the time I initially asked you about releasing RWXMod's source code, years ago, it could've been MUCH improved and a LOT more useful than it currently is. But, no, you told me off, ignored me, and generally stayed away from AW like a beaten-down whore.
> And if your P3/866 system can't run AW3 faster than AW 2.2, you're a moron. Even my measily P233/MMX, 64MB RAM, ATI Rage 2 system ran AW3 MUCH faster. Get a fucking clue. You couldn't handle where AW was going (and the competition coming up all around you in terms of object creation and world building) so you split to, of all places, Ultima Online (talk about a step backwards).
> Yes, AW may be run by clueless morons who have no direction, but at least AW is still running and being developed...and at least SOME "old timers" have stuck around to see it through. I still see GREAT potential for AW, but whether or not AW or a REAL 3D game reaches that potential has yet to be decided. However, until something better than AW comes along, I'll stick with it.
[View Quote]

Wherefore Art Thou, Protagonist?

Jan 8, 2001, 9:05pm

Contrary to Eep's mystical gleaning of my life, I have other stuff to do. And I have no intention of doing anything with RWXMOD. I have other programs to maintain that actually pay my bills.

I have no responsibility here. First of all, I did RWXMOD in a couple of weeks in my spare time--anyone who can program at all should be able to do what I did in a similar amount of time. I used mostly code from the RW sample programs. RWXMOD was basically my second working program using the RW SDK, and it was NOwhere as nice as the first one hehe.

It was just a real basic quick and dirty subset of my other program that I needed to work with RW artwork. I figured other people could use it too. I shared it. But that's it folks, no source code was promised and none will be delivered.

Maybe I should mention that the COF folks promised to pay me for RWXMOD. Or that they have a version of the source code themselves that Worlds, Inc. sent to them that Worlds reverse-engineered from my code so they wouldn't have to pay me. Or that COF promised to pay and never did. Perhaps COF has been advised that using the reverse-engineered source would allow me to sue them more easily, I dunno.

Or maybe I should mention that I was ordered NOT to write RWXMOD by Ron Britvich, "because we don't need it." So basically it is my program, done on my own initiative and my own time, stolen from me without compensation.

Anyway they have some source code which is actually pretty decent-looking stuff considering the programmers had even less of an idea what they were doing than I did. So anyway, ask them for it, hehe. Or just rewrite the thing, hell if I spent as much time coding as Eep has spent haranguing me for the source I could have written a whole new VR by now. :)

BTW, I don't do RW programming anymore. I don't own the rights to use it. And I think I probably dumped the source code including the source that Worlds made. It's NO BIG DEAL, any talented programmer could do it over much better in short order!

And oh, I really don't care how good it looks to you or anyone else whether I appear to dodge some question. Call me crazy, I just ain't concerned. :)


[View Quote] > I must say, that's not exactly the best way to address someone else's
> concerns. True, Eep's bedside manner could use a little polishing, but
> he has some valid concerns that are shared by a number of people. I,
> personally, would like to know the status of RWXMod and if there's ever
> going to be a version that emulates 3.0/3.1. Considering Eep accused you
> of avoiding him when he brought it up in the past, it doesn't really
> look all that good when you continue to dodge the question. *smirk*
[View Quote]

Wherefore Art Thou, Protagonist?

Jan 9, 2001, 4:07am
Nah I just got tired of people bugging me about it. Hell, COF's new employees
ask me about it. I wasn't even FLAMING, hehe, I'll letcha know when I turn on
the gas. :)

[View Quote] > God man! May I say LET THE FLAMES FLY! For not caring about the whole
> damned situation, you sure very defensive on your side mister datedman. If
> you don't care, please don't bring your conflict back in here; we have
> enough of it without people coming in here to stir up more of it.
> By the way, you should have learned one thing from Cof man. They usually
> never fufill their end of the bargain, you should not have held any high
> hopes. But HEY! Why worry about what cof promised you? Remember, you did do
> this shotty program in three weeks (in his spare time). So give it up and
> stop flaming.
> Lord Caspian
> akA
> Poseidon

Wherefore Art Thou, Protagonist?

Jan 9, 2001, 4:11am
Oh and no, I hadn't "learned from COF" since I was the person who set it up for
them to buy AW in the first place. Thus there was no track record, else I
would not have done so. :)

[View Quote] > God man! May I say LET THE FLAMES FLY! For not caring about the whole
> damned situation, you sure very defensive on your side mister datedman. If
> you don't care, please don't bring your conflict back in here; we have
> enough of it without people coming in here to stir up more of it.
> By the way, you should have learned one thing from Cof man. They usually
> never fufill their end of the bargain, you should not have held any high
> hopes. But HEY! Why worry about what cof promised you? Remember, you did do
> this shotty program in three weeks (in his spare time). So give it up and
> stop flaming.
> Lord Caspian
> akA
> Poseidon

Would Alphaworld ever wipe?

Jan 7, 2001, 5:19pm
No that won't happen.

[View Quote] > That is, would they delete everything in Alphaworld if they came up with a
> new feature or something that wouldn't be compatible with the worlds
> objects, and the only way to add this new feature would be to start over.

Would Alphaworld ever wipe?

Jan 7, 2001, 5:41pm
there's just no reason to wipe it. It costs almost nothing to run it, ya wanna
change things drastically just open another server...if you change stuff for the
BETTER... (which is prety unlikely but) if you do a real good job the point will
be moot fairly soon anyway.

[View Quote] > They wouldn't because this would give a huge riot. If they want to wipe
> AWprime, they'd do it in a sneaky way. And besides, the size and amount of
> stuff in AWprime is a nice thing to brag about to large companies.
> Rolu
[View Quote]

Off topic maybe, but....

Jan 8, 2001, 6:08am
Yah you'll need a good card to drive it too. If you already have one, might
check the site for the card and see if they recommend monitors. Or just do a
web search there are all kinds of folks who sell monitors...

Also places like Comp USA often have dynamite deals on monitors. Sometimes
you just have to go in there and look, calling them can be frustrating. :)
And sometimes they just run specials today only and such.

[View Quote] > I need to know of a good 17" monitor can handle a refresh rate of 120Hz at
> least. I might be getting 3d gaming glasses but they require that you have
> at least a refresh rate of 120Hz at the minimum to reduce eyestrain. Maybe
> post what resolution it gets 120Hz at too. My monitor only goes to 75Hz in
> every resolution.

Shred's Censorship article on

Jan 9, 2001, 7:26pm
Ejection is not punishment. People live to get ejected. :)

They only way you can punish someone in VR is if the VR is good enough that you
can make it a pay-only thing. And then to make it so you can accomplish
something real, and the punishment is then real: you spent money and time to
accomplish something, now it can be taken away.

The online gaming environments have this happening. For instance, in Ultima or
Everquest or Asheron's Call or whatever, you spend money to be there. Then you
spend time building something up. If you misbehave, you lose all that. So
fewer people misbehave...and when they do they're gone as in, GONE. Not ejected
until they dial up again or start another "tourist" account or whatever the
workaround for ejection may be. There are still problems with their handling of
their customers of course. But when you have a pay-only service it's a whole
different scene.

[View Quote] > no offence ment here toward you goober king but this is the same sit that
> has basicly destroyed cybertown/colonycity
> they gave in to a group called the teenz when they did they allowed them to
> basicly say any thing they wanted and of corse they also had to allow this
> for every one else
> now cybertown/colonycity is dieing all because they choose not to censor
> in rr censorship is not and should not be allowed
> but in vr it has to be or the chat room turns in to nothing more than a porn
> chat
> for a chat comunity to survive their must be rules and they must be followed
> if they are not followed the person must be punnished in some way
> if you dont follow the rules in aw then you should be ejected
> i my self dont see rules as sensorship maybe you and others do thats all
> amatter of opinion
> * returns to his seat after grabbing a few buckets of water * :)
[View Quote]

AW Not working

Jan 23, 2001, 11:26am

You don't low-level format drives anymore. That was for pre-IDE stuff. Doing a
new format on a HD is done at the OS level, won't hurt anything but basically it
is the last refuge of the incompetent.

What it doesn't work? Reformat the HD, reinstall all yer apps, that should take
weeks...when you call tech support again hopefully you'll get someone else. :)


[View Quote] > as for not knowing puters i know them more than most as i work on them and
> with them daily ive taken the pratice test online for the a+ cert and passed
> easly.
> evne though passin it doesnt realy mean much. ive met a few a+ certified
> techs that know less than my brother and he isnt very good at working on
> puters yet.
> so yes i do know what im talking bout and yes a low level format can damage
> a drive unless you know what your doing.
> ive seen many drives that have been relowleveled work perfectly i my self
> wont touch a drive with lowlevel format cause i dont know how to do it
> right.
> i do know the biggest danger is haveign the power fail while low leveling a
> drive if it does it realy screws things up with the right programs you can
> recover a drive like that sometimes.
[View Quote]

AW Not working

Jan 23, 2001, 9:20pm
Multiple partitions on a drive is only necessary now if you have multiple OSs
and want to use, say both FAT32 and NTFS or whatever. And that's
complicated...overly complicated for most folks.

One partition makes sense since you won't run out of space on one and still
have space on another...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Re: more of Roland's bad math (was Re: Movement Waits off?)

Feb 1, 2001, 10:50pm
Actually it's Ron's bad math. :) To fix it would probably screw up all kinds of
existing stuff...

[View Quote] > Note that you usually need to go quite close to see them. Also, you can see
> them better when you move.
> rolu
[View Quote]

how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 10, 2001, 5:37pm
BTW although OSI is quite incompetent at times, the UO Updates page at is a pretty good example of how virtual worlds should be run
IMO. On the Shard Issues page you see warnings of upcoming maintenance
downtimes and such, and also a record of every time things have gone wrong and
when, and even why sometimes. :)

[View Quote] > Now for the 10 million dollar question.. what 'kind' of maintenance?
> Casay
[View Quote]

Zone Alarm

Feb 10, 2001, 5:28pm
Try Norton Firewall, it rocks. :)

[View Quote] > heheh i wish i had kept logs from a convo me and a freind had.
> heres the gist of it though
> freind some ones trying to hack me
> me yeh no biggy there most likly just rpobing random ips
> freind there he goes again
> finaly we figured out it was me that was trigering the thing every time i
> said somethign boom heres a hacker knocking.
> ive never had good luck with sw based fire walls.
[View Quote]

AWGor Age Restrictions

Feb 23, 2001, 4:27am
I say bring on the Nazis, the KKK, the Goreans, oh yah and even let those

Not that I like Nazis...but I like a society in which they are allowed to be
what they are. Because suppressing things doesn't cure them. And there are no
hard lines, so once you can say "no nazis" or "no Goreans" you can also say "no
middle-aged washed-up hippies" and then *I'm* in the gas chamber. :)

[View Quote] > I have a few comments:::
> Lots of kids easily lie about being 18+ and quite convincingly too... Will
> the low-lifes of "gor" worlds even notice clues that someone is not adult
> before that someone is witness to a "slave" being ordered down on all fours
> and being publically "taken" by a so-called "master"??? I think not!!!
> Before you say it's not "really" happening, let me remind you that words
> have power; written or voiced... Power to influence... Power to harm...
> Power to degrade... Power to instill beliefs or to take away beliefs..
> Power to create lasting visuals... We may not take our avatars into Real
> Life with us but words and interactions online can and do influence us to an
> extent even after the computer is turned off -- moreso if you are young and
> impressionable...
> I don't feel any decent human beings would even participate in "gor"
> worlds... Anyone that believes that, or even "plays" that, any part of the
> human race is sub-human slave material degrades ALL human beings...
> Period...
> I don't think "gor" worlds should be allowed to exist in ActiveWorlds... To
> me, those worlds being allowed here is on the same level that allowing Klu
> Klux Klan worlds or Nazi/White Supremacist worlds would be... What
> happened to AWCOM's rules about discrimination??? The low-life "gor"
> participants discriminate against females or encourage being discriminated
> against...
> They say they aren't harming anyone... I say, sure, they aren't harming
> anyone, any more than the belief that having dark skin makes you sub-human
> harmed anyone --- and we know how unfair and how very wrong that is and how
> many generations of blacks and other races suffered because of it and some
> are still suffering...
> (Need I remind some of you about 5 bodies found stuffed in barrels in the
> midwest??? This harmful "gor" crap does reach into Real Life from the
> internet...)
> This "gor" crap IS harmful to society as a whole and by extension, harmful
> to the AW society... I will never understand why some ppl stand by and let
> it happen and I will stand against those who embrace it...
[View Quote]

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 23, 2001, 2:21pm
Hrrrm didn't Dennis Miller say that tolerance is the ability to pretend that you don't think everybody but yourself is a freakin moron? ;)

[View Quote] > ok, ok - flame if you like - you don't like smiling people, you don't
> like foreigners, you don't like newbies, you don't like people who work
> with text files, you don't like people who have different ideas than you
> - is there anyone left you like (not counting yourself) ?
> eep schrieb:

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 23, 2001, 2:25pm
The problem is that, like colorizing old movies, you are changing things that were created with a different scheme in mind.

[View Quote] > If anything having objects reflect light more realistically will ENHANCE AlphaWorld, which already looks too fake as it is with all those solid colors and hardly any light shading. The real world (or virtual like AlphaWorld mimicks) ain't so flat-shaded and UNshaded.
> So, no, it DOESN'T make sense not to make AlphaWorld (and other worlds) objects more realistically lit, which is why I recently redid all my object surface settings and why Hole and Cubed look even MORE realistic because of it!
[View Quote]

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 23, 2001, 11:27pm
None of the original textures WERE larger...that is, not what was brought into AW. Almost every texture in AW was stolen from somewhere else. :)

[View Quote] > Totally; hardly anyone bitched when most of AW's textures were mindlessly resized to 256x256 instead of getting the original, larger versions and resizing them down to 256x256 like they should've been. AWCI obviously needs to go back to image editing 101 and learn about pixelation.
[View Quote]

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 25, 2001, 11:42am
Um hell yah, and it generally looks crappier too. :)

[View Quote] > Then they should have left the ones alone in which larger versions weren't available. They replaced some with entirely new ones (which I think most are better), however. But to mindlessly resize 128x128 to 256x256 does nothing except waste memory and download time.
[View Quote]

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 25, 2001, 4:04pm
No as I say, they were stolen from elsewhere, mostly by Danny who no longer works with AW and who probly wouldn't have saved the originals anyway.

[View Quote] > You wouldn't happen to have any of the original versions at higher resolutions or uncompressed formats (BMP, TGA, TIF, etc), would you, Rus? I'm specifically interested in fall_g but will take any others. I've telegrammed AWCI people numerous times about this but they never respond.
[View Quote]

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 25, 2001, 11:13pm
Um, well I hate to disappoint ya but I don't think any of the texture maps were created in-house. A lot of the objects were stolen too, and Cy as well.

[View Quote] > Well, I know some come from Criterion RW 2.1 demos, and others from 3D Studio Max, but some I haven't seen before. AWCI still has SOME originals (metal1 and tree7 I recall offhand) though...ah well.
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Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 26, 2001, 4:25am
They do not.

[View Quote] > I don't give a shit if they were stolen. I'm hardly disappointed by it either. ;P But AWCI has to have the original, uncompressed (non-JPG) BMPs/TGAs/whatever of most of the textures...
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ME and internet

Feb 23, 2001, 11:26pm

[View Quote] [View Quote]

interesting press release...

Feb 23, 2001, 11:25pm
I believe I may know Gardner, he used to be involved in a programming company that
sold out to Boreland, they made a dBASE compiler that sorta became dBASE for

[View Quote] > And who's Michael Gardner? He's got as much stock in AWLD as Rick and JP do...
[View Quote]

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