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Collision Detection

Nov 3, 2002, 3:35pm
If you say so, but I figure it'd be a rather daunting task to fix. I'd
rather just get rid of it, I never thought it was all that useful in the
first place.

[View Quote]

Collision Detection

Nov 5, 2002, 8:58am
I don't normally slide along a wall iether, I hit it.

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Fonts on Signs

Nov 2, 2002, 4:05pm
After seeing this post in the worldbuilders NG, I think it'd be a nice
option to be able to choose a font for signs. :-) While you do that, it'd
also be a good idea to make a default font in the world settings. :-)


[View Quote]

Wish or Idea?

Apr 13, 2003, 3:16pm
I suggested the same thing awhile ago. And then AW could give you say
5cents for every click that goes toward a citizenship renewal or something.


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BingoBoards Randomization

Apr 13, 2003, 3:37pm
I have had some odd times in some Bingo worlds before that has to do with
the randomization of the bot and what boards are more likely to win than
others. I have had times where I have won nearly every game I was in the
world for and other times when I only had 3 or 4 numbers called throughout
each game. The thing is, each board seems to be rather consistant in its

I think a nice PHP script to randomize each board would be a much better
system than to have 100 boards with random numbers on them. The PHP script
could come up with the random numbers and even if what I am feeling is total
bullshit, it'd be nice to know that I'm wrong. :-P Yeah, forgive me for
nitpicking here, but from the moment I heard about Bingo, I assumed that
that's how the boards were generated - it just seemed like the logical way
to do it.

At this point, it may just be a waste of time to do, especially if the
current system works better than I feel it does, but if any new bingo worlds
were to be made, this sounds like the logical way to do things so perhaps
this will at least give future owners of bingo a good idea to work with. :-)


BingoBoards Randomization

Apr 13, 2003, 6:31pm
Because when they aren't truly random, some numbers tend to be more common
than others.


[View Quote] Ryan

[View Quote]

BingoBoards Randomization

Apr 14, 2003, 10:23pm
Yeah, and eventually the 0's would even out. Like I said, I'm probably just
being a little weird here. Numbers like 37 and 65 seem to pop up more often
than others but that's probably just me.


[View Quote] -Agent1

[View Quote]

world user list

Apr 18, 2003, 7:43pm
Not a bad idea. I like it. :-)


[View Quote] maybe you could right click on a world in the list and it would popup a user
list of people in there.

this could be a tied into the privacy setting for each user
so they could dissable this feature.

command line shortcuts

Apr 23, 2003, 5:25pm
that would save tons of space. I have no idea why they haven't done it yet.


[View Quote] What if we could use shortcuts in the command line instead of completely
typing out the command?

create color = cc
create texture = ct
create sound = csound
create sign = csign
create solid = csolid
create name = cname
create noise = cnoise

Or, even finding a character that could be used in place of "create" ?

I know it doesn't seem like it could save that much space, but you'd be
amazed how many times
I have created a "control rod" (using create name) to be able to use the
same texture on various
objects in one area and it actually helped me save space!

Just a thought to possible get some ideas going?


command line shortcuts

Apr 23, 2003, 7:05pm
If you were to use another create command, it wouldn't have to use the 'c'
before the name. So it would be like this:


[View Quote] - mark

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Suggestion: eject by browser id (install id)

Apr 23, 2003, 8:45pm
Something like this was going to be used but instead of a installation ID,
it would be relative to the hard-drive ID. Not sure what happened to that
idea. There was some sort of debate over it and I guess they decided not to
go with it.


[View Quote] I think any additional means by which someone who has been ejected can be
identified should be added...


Forward telegrams to E-mail

Apr 25, 2003, 4:27am
Better yet, a stand-alone contacts program! :-)


[View Quote] *Counts the multitude of Easter greetings and stale telegrams that weren't
read for weeks.*

Forward telegrams to E-mail

Apr 25, 2003, 5:08pm
I don't want spam in my telegrams, too! I get enough of it through e-mail.


[View Quote] telegrams at activeworlds.com

subject = citizen to send to (name or #number)

telegram received sends out the same way :-)

[View Quote]

Forward telegrams to E-mail

Apr 25, 2003, 6:00pm
No, I mean people who want to advertise and crap. I'd be getting
chain-letters in my t-grams! >_<


[View Quote] [View Quote]

Forward telegrams to E-mail

Apr 25, 2003, 7:22pm
LOL, wow, stupidity :-P


[View Quote] Ryan

[View Quote]

Terrain Eraser!

Apr 26, 2003, 2:01pm
Why does the World Admin not have this? I cannot make the terrain all '0'!


Terrain Eraser!

Apr 26, 2003, 3:25pm
Ok, I think that the terrain was erased by the world reset, but the 3.4 beta
client's cache is mucked up so it kept the terrain cache, even after
world-hopping. I had to delete the property cache to get the terrain back
to what it *REALLY* was.


[View Quote] -Dion

Terrain Eraser!

Apr 26, 2003, 7:49pm

I tried to save an elevdump when my terrain was flat and I think it just
ended up as a 0-byte file or something.

When I tried to load it, it said something about no nodes or whatever...


[View Quote] # create a 0 byte file
touch dummy
# make an elevdump from this
elevdump < dummy

[View Quote]


Apr 29, 2003, 6:23pm
if you're talking about laying down an object with create sound on it, the
building of an object is much much too slow, especially for something like a


[View Quote]


Apr 30, 2003, 6:29pm
What? No way, AW would play the sounds just like it plays all other sounds
like how it uses the "create sound" action.


[View Quote] [View Quote]

[wish] ability for bot to assign a light to user

Apr 29, 2003, 11:25pm
Is there a way they could insert it as an RWX command?


[View Quote] Usefull for flashlights, etc.


[wish] ability for bot to assign a light to user

Apr 30, 2003, 5:41pm
Would be helpful, especially for light objects where you want the light to
come from a specific part of the object without making a small sprite,
making it invisible, and putting the light source on that. It saves a lot
of cell space, too! :-)


[View Quote] [View Quote]

Ability to Remove the World Welcome Message

May 2, 2003, 6:10pm
I want that ability to be a world feature so that my bot can create one
that's a bit more colorful and use variables and such for games.


Ability to Remove the World Welcome Message

May 2, 2003, 8:17pm
Well, if a bot did it, I could have it use that person's stats and stuff in
the welcome message and it would get rid of that useless line that comes up
in chat for the world welcome message when a bot has an automatic greeting


[View Quote] [View Quote] I think he wants to be able to leave the world message blank and have a bot
do it
instead. (possibly to be longer?)


Altitude & ".XX" (TITLE BAR WISH)

May 6, 2003, 4:29pm
And perhaps a command to copy current coordinates to clipboard.


[View Quote] (including ALTITUDE)

this would make it easy when making teleports.. even better let people
customize it!

Water Editting

May 11, 2003, 6:30pm
choosing the height of water like terrain wouldn't be bad, either. Then you
could actually do uphill rivers and shit.


[View Quote]

Windows XP Humor

Feb 22, 2002, 7:21pm
Windows XP programs may crash, but the OS does not! I have been using it for
months now and it has not crashed once. Sometimes programs will stop
responding, but that happens on any OS, including Unix and Linux.

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trueSpace 4.2 on XP

Feb 20, 2002, 7:18pm
Maybe it has nothing to do with XP because I know TS5 works perfect with XP
(tried it). Try reinstalling it. If it's not a legal copy, chances are it's
a shit copy so try a different place to d/l it from.;-)

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trueSpace 4.2 on XP

Feb 20, 2002, 9:51pm
LOL, I forgot about that. Probably because I've never had to use it. All of
my programs work just fine.
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ngs on a mac?

Feb 25, 2002, 5:01pm
Anyway, does Mac not have a default program for that sort of thing? I'm sure
it has something relative to outlook express.
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