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Launch command

Sep 8, 2002, 2:45pm
It'd be cool if I could set a command on an object to launch it with a
certain force at a certain direction with a certain speed and have the
object react to gravity and act as if it's landing on the ground at the
altitude I specify.

Create your own AV!

Sep 14, 2002, 4:08pm
When 3.4 comes out, it would be possible to create a PHP bot that takes
avatars that are uploaded to it and adds it to the avatar list and then
could change your avatar to the one you uploaded and it added to the list
when you come in the world. It'd be pretty sophisticated and you wouldn't be
able to use the avatar list, though.

And I think a lot of worlds wouldn't allow it cause it can be used to show
obscene things in public areas.

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Create your own AV!

Sep 18, 2002, 10:50pm
They're probably in debt. :-P

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Scale command

Sep 14, 2002, 4:05pm
A scale command that could be used to make an object larger or smaller would
be great. It could be used with percentages (50%) to determine the new size.
So if you made the height, width, and depth all 50%, it would become half
the size it was and not stretch itself out. But it would also be able to use
meters as well (2.412) so you can stretch it out. :-)


everybody move

Sep 16, 2002, 5:26pm
Do avatars receive object clicks as do bots? If so, the browser could check
the object action for any objects that are clicked. If it has an activate
action, then it would do that action.

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everybody move

Sep 16, 2002, 8:01pm
I actually meant all object clicks by anyone. Bots normally take all of this
information and I had assumed that the browser did as well.

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everybody move

Sep 16, 2002, 10:49pm
Well, if they already go to the browser than there's not much left to make
an activate action sync with everyone in the area.

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Sep 19, 2002, 8:43am
Well, that would be rather dumb. Totally ruins the point of a beta.

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Sep 19, 2002, 11:06pm
You know as well as I do that most people would complain anyway.

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Sep 24, 2002, 5:34pm
I think the beta should test one feature at a time. They should test just
that one feature and after a week or two of very little or no bugs found, it
should be released to the public. That way there are updates more often to
interest the public and testing will be better because each feature will get
lots of attention from the beta-testers.


Beta Testing Idea

Sep 24, 2002, 5:34pm
I think the beta should test one feature at a time. They should test just
that one feature and after a week or two of very little or no bugs found, it
should be released to the public. That way there are updates more often to
interest the public and testing will be better because each feature will get
lots of attention from the beta-testers.


Beta Testing Idea

Sep 24, 2002, 8:50pm
But if they just did one feature at a time, the upgrades would come quick
and with very little bugs. I remember hearing that after 3.3, they were
going to start making smaller updates that came more often (about once a
month) but it doesn't seem like that's happening.

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Beta Testing Idea

Sep 26, 2002, 8:36pm
once every 2-3wks is too often?

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I wish...

Sep 25, 2002, 11:31pm
1. ...that the slide detection would be gone! It's absolutely annoying in
game worlds that cannot function with the bug of people going through the
walls. If anyone knows if this is fixed in 3.4... please let me know.

2. ...that the action commands in objects would be more elaborate. It'd
be really nice if it was an actual language that you could use with
variables and the what not. There could be functions in the world settings
and objects could use those functions.

3. ...that there would be a new action command that could use the chat
box to place a console message type thing. It would work like this.
[Object's Description]: "The Message" That way you would know that it's
coming from an object. It'd be nice if you could choose the color and bold,
italic, and underline as well.

4. ...that console messages could have multiple colors. It pretty much
talks for itself. It's annoying that I can only have one color or style in
my console messages, it'd be real nice if I could change that throughout.

5. ...that terrain textures could be used with different names. Then you
wouldn't have to be limited to the stupid terrain numbers. I find it to be
idiotic that you have to name the terrain textures by numbers.

6. ...that you could add shortcut keys to your world through the world
settings. It'd be nice if about 5 keys were set aside that would be sent to
CT bots if pressed, even if pressed when the focus is on the textbox (the
character wouldn't be put into the textbox, just the key sent to the bot).
That would make it easier to control things in gaming worlds and be useful
in just about any world. In addition to this, there should be an option in
the world settings so that bots within 20coords of the avatar would receive
some of those shortcut key events (depending on which shortcut keys are



Sep 25, 2002, 11:31pm
1. ...that the slide detection would be gone! It's absolutely annoying in
game worlds that cannot function with the bug of people going through the
walls. If anyone knows if this is fixed in 3.4... please let me know.

2. ...that the action commands in objects would be more elaborate. It'd
be really nice if it was an actual language that you could use with
variables and the what not. There could be functions in the world settings
and objects could use those functions.

3. ...that there would be a new action command that could use the chat
box to place a console message type thing. It would work like this.
[Object's Description]: "The Message" That way you would know that it's
coming from an object. It'd be nice if you could choose the color and bold,
italic, and underline as well.

4. ...that console messages could have multiple colors. It pretty much
talks for itself. It's annoying that I can only have one color or style in
my console messages, it'd be real nice if I could change that throughout.

5. ...that terrain textures could be used with different names. Then you
wouldn't have to be limited to the stupid terrain numbers. I find it to be
idiotic that you have to name the terrain textures by numbers.

6. ...that you could add shortcut keys to your world through the world
settings. It'd be nice if about 5 keys were set aside that would be sent to
CT bots if pressed, even if pressed when the focus is on the textbox (the
character wouldn't be put into the textbox, just the key sent to the bot).
That would make it easier to control things in gaming worlds and be useful
in just about any world. In addition to this, there should be an option in
the world settings so that bots within 20coords of the avatar would receive
some of those shortcut key events (depending on which shortcut keys are



Sep 26, 2002, 2:01am
but I can't say "blah blah" and have the first blah red and the second one
blue. ;-)

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Sep 28, 2002, 1:02pm
LOL, I meant like F1 - F5 or something, not any characters on the keyboard
that would be used for anything other than shortcut keys in a world.
And the key clicks would only be sent if ActiveWorlds browser was the active
window, obviously.

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what you see, others see

Sep 25, 2002, 11:34pm
And that'd be one hell of a bot!

NewAW Features available for all world servers

Oct 16, 2002, 5:17pm
Chat zones can be done with a bot by constantly checking everyone's position
and send the chat through global mode to the people inside the same chat
zone that the person who sent the chatline is.

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Re: Water is not accurate

Oct 16, 2002, 5:13pm
reflection is when light bounces back at the exact opposite angle that it
reaches the object. Refraction is when light bounces back at different
angles. A prism would be a good example of refraction.

Refraction is very hard to replicate in a program. It requires a lot of
thinking and stuff so that is basically out of the question.

Now, it would be a good idea to set a seperate fog level for under water. I
am relatively positive that in perfect circumstances, you can see just as
far in water as above water. Because of pollution and such, I'm sure you
could see much further under water than above if the water was perfectly

It would be a good idea if you could use a seperate fog control under the
water because, as Bowen said, there is a lot of sand and dust and things
that are often floating around in the water. Because of that, the "fog" (it
really isn't like the fog that is above the water) can limit you to only a
few feet of clear visibility in the ocean near the shore. However, it calms
down as you move further from where the waves break and is much clearer.
Perhaps a diffent type of fog could be set so that the fog slowly becomes
clearer as you move away from the shore.


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Re: Water is not accurate

Oct 16, 2002, 6:31pm
Well, that perfect water would have to be not moving as well. The surface of
the water is what creates the refraction and any waves or uneven movement
will cause refraction.

I think it's rather unlikely that there would ever be perfectly pure water
in nature, though, and rather tough to create in a lab. ;-)

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Re: Water is not accurate

Oct 16, 2002, 6:42pm
Not that refraction matters cause making perfect refraction on a PC is
unthinkable. Way too much to process.

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NewAW - Stocks

Oct 21, 2002, 5:11pm
How does a stock thing sound? It could be exactly like the real stocks but
obviously you buy stock in newAW with credits. :-)

A few ideas...

Oct 29, 2002, 8:37am
can php do that?

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Passworded Maximum World Limit?

Oct 28, 2002, 4:51pm
Now you know why parents don't install AW for their kids. There's no way to
limit ratings of worlds and such.

While they're at it, it'd be nice if they could add something like a parser
for image URLs. It could check the image URL for a list of words and if any
of those words are in there, it won't download the image. I'd use that
because I don't particularly like finding pornographic images all over the
place when I'm just adventuring through AW. Also, another simple thing would
be to make a list of words that would be censored in the chat.

Obviously, those features would be optional.

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Passworded Maximum World Limit?

Oct 28, 2002, 11:39pm
most? pfft, maybe 3%

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Passworded Maximum World Limit?

Oct 29, 2002, 7:54pm
to the other 70% that are smart enough to download. about 20% of them which
may actually find the distribution.

You exaggerate the intelligence of teens. The ones you know are intelligent
but er... noone else is and there's a lot more :-P

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Oct 28, 2002, 4:54pm
GIF formatted images should be able to be used. They are very good with
images that don't have many colors. JPG format is mainly for digital camera
pictures and such. Or, if there's some sort of copyright issue on this,
maybe a different image format that is similar to GIF.

Collision Detection

Nov 2, 2002, 3:52pm
It should be a world option set by caretakers only. It should also be a user
setting. If the world allows it, the user can over-ride it and disallow it
but if the world doesn't allow it, the user cannot allow it through their


Collision Detection

Nov 3, 2002, 1:41am
Actually I was refering to the slide thing. Was that called "Slide
Detection"? Damn, I can't remember what it was called. It's that thing that
makes you slide along objects and 80% of the time, go through them (which is
rather annoying to builders who make gaming worlds).

Sorry for the confusion.

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