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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 2, 2002, 6:09pm
they do? o.O Mine works fine and I'm only running a 900MHz.
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to allow local addresses but I don't think many
people would use this feature.

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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 2, 2002, 10:26pm
eww, don't by brand computers!

I can run quite a few things on my computer and I have only a 900MHz and
256MB of RAM. Before my 900MHz 256MB I was running a 266MHz 32MB (can't
believe it was only 1.5yrs ago!) and I couldn't run AW and Winamp or WMP. It
was pretty nasty. LOL. But I could run a few things of IE and AW at the same
time with very little slow-down and that was good enough for me [until I got
into the 3D gaming].

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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 2, 2002, 10:36pm
LOL, brand computers just suck. All i would have to do is tell my Dad I can
get the same crap for a bit less and he'd be all for it. But my Dad's not
stupid enough to buy a brand computer (computers are his career). Well,
actually, he has bought a couple brand computers but they were little
brands, no big company like Dell or eMachine. They were just little $300
computers that we can use for backup (the parts). So when a motherboard
fries (as they like to do!), we have another one to take it's place until
the one we buy gets back (cause the extra parts suck :-P).

Sorry for all the unnecessary chitter-chatter. I like to talk, so sue me.


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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 2, 2002, 10:37pm
Oh, and that computer... you suck! LOL :-P
I could run AW and AMP or Winamp at the same time but the music would lag.


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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 3, 2002, 5:54am
I'm a multi-tasking freak with no patience. Sue me :-p

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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 3, 2002, 6:53am
hey, give that to me, i could finally replace my 133MHz LAN Gateway :-P

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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 3, 2002, 3:49pm
Or you can just run it as localhost. http://localhost/

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Terrain lighting

Aug 3, 2002, 6:10am
This was said about a week ago and the general advice was to make your
objects less reflective and make your ambient light brighter.

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Warps Why

Aug 3, 2002, 8:22pm
The warps are made so that they slow down to a stop. Depending on what angle
you are standing from the target location, it differs. A much better idea
would be collision detection while an object is moving. That way you could
simply put "create move 0 5 0 collision=true" and the object would move
whoever it hits with it. Unfortunately, it seems to be a rather tough thing
to do. Maybe someday...

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 3, 2002, 11:51pm
bandwidth hog. Sounds good but unfortunately AW can't afford to shovel out
much more bandwidth.

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 4, 2002, 7:07am
I think he means that he wants AW to make it easier to upload the general AW
objects to your OP by entering your FTP information on their site.

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 4, 2002, 1:45pm

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 4, 2002, 3:36pm
or for those that want to play WarCraft while it's uploading and can't with
FTP cause it causes the whole computer to go as slow as heck!

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 4, 2002, 3:59pm
I use WS_FTP. Not a clue why my entire computer slows down. I think I'm
about ready for a reformat but I don't wanna! Reformatting is annoying and
boring! :-P

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For aw website....OP stuff.. read this, everyone!

Aug 4, 2002, 4:32pm
I use LE as well and no pop-ups but I don't use passive FTP so I'll try
that. Thanks. :-)

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Aug 4, 2002, 4:34pm
There should be an option to auto-mute everyone but people with PS and
caretakers temporarily so that it's easier to hear things like at public
meetings and big gatherings like the cy awards.


Aug 4, 2002, 11:22pm
no, i mean just like the mute feature on the browser. This would simply mute
everyone but PS and CTs while other people can still talk (you just can't
hear them).

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Slant to Terrain (First Person)

Aug 12, 2002, 6:48pm
LOL, well, it'd be really hard to dig your toes into the hill in order to
walk while standing straight.

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Oh ay!

Aug 8, 2002, 10:11pm
That would be soo confusing in small worlds. You'd look forward and see the
same objects that you see when you look backwards! o.O

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Oh ay!

Aug 8, 2002, 11:34pm
It doesn't need to be physically possible in order to program the illusion.
;-) And the worlds wouldn't actually be spherical, the AW Client would
simply make that illusion by warping the land in the distance.

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Oh ay!

Aug 11, 2002, 11:43pm
lol, that'd be some serious curvature for a small world. :-P

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Oh ay!

Aug 12, 2002, 4:22pm
Why did you just agree with yourself? o.O

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Oh ay!

Aug 15, 2002, 12:28am

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Aug 15, 2002, 3:14pm
What about a corona that gets smaller as you move away? Wouldn't that be
what a light does? LOL. You start moving away from it and it gets smaller
and smaller, it doesn't stop at a certain size. :-P

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Aug 15, 2002, 11:57pm
They kind of have a strange effect when you keep moving out. They don't look

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PHP script

Aug 26, 2002, 3:04pm
you have to put an update= on the pic object

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Telegram bombing

Aug 24, 2002, 11:04am
I could deal with that. :-)

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Field of View

Aug 31, 2002, 2:48pm
I would like the FOV to change based on the avatar seq that is happening.
That way people could configure their own FOV changes while walking or just
wanderings that the FOV does while standing there without doing anything.
But I would want the world features to allow a spot so that you can iether
force the users to use that FOV feature or allow the users to configure it
for on or off. Some worlds could make use of this FOV feature but it would
have to be forced, otherwise some people might have an advantage just by
turning it off in some worlds. (Pball and/or RPG)


contact list groups

Sep 9, 2002, 4:56pm
but they still tgram you and it's a pain in the ass when someone who you
dont know starts talkin to ya.

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contact list groups

Sep 9, 2002, 4:56pm
I think the same should be implemented for teleports

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