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Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 16, 2001, 4:31pm
Take a hint, a really important one,

Read a newspaper, a good one, not a biased Republican or Democratic one. A
regular one, maybe just the town newspaper. Associated Press usually does
good stuff, most of the time. ;)

The t.v. media will get you killed. ;) I wish Dan Rather was killed in that
world trade center collapse but those networks are invincible it seems. ;)
Seriously, just don't watch it, it's horrible and causes you too much
trouble *apparently*. Just, let go of the remote. It's bad, no
news for you.

I'd explain why their journalism is so impeccably horrible but the list is
just too long.


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test post

Sep 17, 2001, 9:44pm
This is a test flame. And it's not like I took up a whole kilobyte doing it.

See the point? (prolly not, the reluctant newbies never do)


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thank you

Sep 19, 2001, 8:58am
Although, quite entertaining to read when it's not you. lol.


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About an idea on the FeatureVote site...

Sep 30, 2001, 11:15am
The page that goes with each of the features does state that. :)) It didn't
say anything about avatars, but I assume this is for objects only. We don't
want trampolining and bouncy avatars too. I voted for the feature, I've been
quite frustrated not being able to fully rotate some of those objects. lol.


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New Cozmo-X Website

Oct 7, 2001, 12:05pm
It looks fine, very professional and fast loading, but with a trendy color
scheme. :)Maybe I'm just biased, but I'm a fan of colorful table cells,
text, and such. lol. Try to work on the logo though it's kinda plain.


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(O/T) How to break your copy of Windows 98

Oct 21, 2001, 10:05pm
Yeah, it's also home to Microsoft and Apple Computers. Personally, I'd run
over to Japan to play with their cool electronic toys than play with
anything electronic related in the US (silly capitalist monopolies). :)


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Re: BMP stupid

Oct 29, 2001, 7:00pm
So you should fill up the community group with non community related posts?
Please, you have to think more organizationally than that if you decide to
go off topic.


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Universe greeting in general

Nov 2, 2001, 8:49am
Also, I'd like to add that you should NEVER plan an event around Bingo hours
in the first place, ads or no ads. It's deathly popular. ;)


[View Quote] If you're organising an event, you are ultimately doing something for the
community. All you need to do is contact AWCOM and they will 'GIVE' you free
citizenships to give out, if the event is well worth the time!

(Remove "NOSPAM." from my e-mail to reply!)

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Re: Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song)

Nov 2, 2001, 6:23pm
American culture is SOOO weird.

The two philosophies of American culture in anything is

1) Copy someone else's classics and make them better


2) Change it the next week when something better comes up.

It's so mind-numbing and that's why your education only goes as far as you
travel outside this country. We ARE so young we haven't developed our own
culture, just in mass producing it. We have yet to have any ruins for
example, where people come to just worship in its beauty. Rome does, Egypt
does, China does, etc. Any country outside the US is culturally stable and
non-changing, and where we would look at that as old fashioned and such,
they take great pride and we take much respect in their traditions and
cultures. Why else do you travel to those places anyways?


[View Quote] > is made by people that we elect, and when we change our minds, we have to
> wait for the electoral process to change those people who in turn might
> eventually change the law. It is a horribly inefficient system. But one
> that people my age (old) are not going to easily part with. I hope that
> when that system is threatened, those much younger than I will tear
> themselves away from TV long enough to defend it. It remains to be seen
> strong our resolve will be.
> I can almost guarantee you that if it had been the Eiffel tower that had
> been destroyed, us Americans would be more inclined to sit here and think
> the situation over for a while before taking any action. A long while.
> I suspect that in every workplace there is a big guy, lets call him
> who towers over everyone else and weighs twice as much. We all do our
> of the work on a day to day bases. But when a huge package shows up at
> reception desk and it has to be gotten to the 8th floor, and it won't fit
> the elevator, everyone looks around and says "where's Burt?".
> It may be that there is some heavy lifting to be done in the world right
> now. And maybe we are not always so well behaved over here in America,
> I assure you, most of us in America are not too crazy about being "Burt"
> right now.
[View Quote] Down?

Nov 24, 2001, 12:33pm
all the stuff on moved to, that's all. :)

Gamer's closing down the domain. to get to any pages on, just replace the url with :)


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3.3 features

Nov 24, 2001, 12:31pm
Wooo, finally, some good things. :) The program itself is finally shaping
up. I hope 3.4 or 4.0 gets some good building enhancements, rotation on all
3 planes is wonderful! Too bad it's only in worlds without registries,
doesn't that mean the AWC worlds can't rotate?

I'm liking the slide detection too. hehe. Christmas time in AW must be a
hootenanny with all the frost.


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Another IE problem. lol.

Nov 29, 2001, 8:37pm
I'm sorry if this is getting annoying, but I promise this is pure
coincidence. lol. Anyways, I have IE 6 and it's giving me problems today. I
can't seem to open a link in a new window, whether it'd be manually or the
link automatically opens the page up. The browser doesn't freeze up or
anything, it just doesn't display anything. Clicking on links that open up,
I found the error to be that a module or something is missing. I have
Windows XP home (there's the problem right there. lol) and am considering
downgrading, if I ever knew how. lol. For now, I just installed Netscape but
it's really hard and extremely annoying to download all of their plugins to
view embedded java, video, audio, and such. Can anyone help?


Another IE problem. lol.

Nov 29, 2001, 9:18pm
Well, apparently, I can't play Yahoo Towers. Maybe it's just applets. lol.


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Another IE problem. lol.

Nov 29, 2001, 9:20pm
Well, I don't want to downgrade to regular Windows, but I'd enjoy going down
to IE 5 or at least back to the IE6 settings I had yesterday when I CAN open
up links in new windows. lol.


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Barbie's Nasty Christmas Letter To Santa

Nov 30, 2001, 7:45pm
You mean Barbie DOESN'T have stock options??? Who the hell is running the
company anyways?? ;)


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computer illiterate

Dec 8, 2001, 11:48pm
Oh darn, I guess the dad caught me. I tihnk I'll just push this little link
to the side under this rug right here...yeah...that'll do it....*runs off to
living room*

So dad, about that new AMD?


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[NG Survivor 2] Wanna play?

Dec 7, 2001, 10:13pm
Sorry for the crosspost, I swear to almighty ENZO that this will be the
first and last time this will happen. Honest.

Anyways, the first Survivor Challenge here in the newsgroup was such a huge
success (huge meaning even Eep didn't mind) that I, Nornny, God of
Sadisticism, have been planning for a second one next year. Well, next year
might seem like a long ways to go, but it's only in a few weeks, and
subtract a holiday chunk, and 2002 will be shooting out of the barrel in no
time. So, we better get started, eh folks?

Once again, I'm looking for 16 old and new newsgroup viewer and poster to
put themselves in the line of flames and compete for bragging rights and a
chance to totally demolish the dignity of your fellow competitors. hehehe.
The basic game for all who don't know what Survivor is, is this:

16 people are separated into two tribes. In NG Survivor 2, they will either
be split into 2 tribes of 8, ENZO tribe and NAVEN tribe. As a tribe, they
will compete to win immunity challenges. Should they win, they last another
week in the newsgroup. Should they lose, the tribe faces Tribal Council,
where all members of the tribe must vote off one of their own. In the middle
of the game, there is a merger in which tribemembers are reassembled into
new tribe(s). Eventually, the game becomes a competition between
individuals, where only two can last the entire game. Once it's down to two,
the last 9 players to be voted off reconvene in a final council, where they
decide who wins the million dollar prize, and who doesn't.

Exciting eh? Well, if it isn't because you've already read through the first
season, there's some new twists and turns I'm sure you'll all like. Name
some? Okay.

Well, the prize of course might be bigger than a tee shirt and a title,
depending on Flagg. In fact, there might even be a world for NGS2 use by the
start of the game, who knows. In any case, the game will definately be more
AW interactive, holding not only Tribal Council live every week (hopefully),
but holding challenges too. Which means a contestant's or tribe's
disadvantage might fall in not being able to show up to perform the
challenge. ;) The merger will be REALLY wild this year, as well as the rest
of the game's rules. The diary posts to this newsgroup won't be a place for
funny nice nice, it's hopefully going to make a few people shed some tears.
Lastly of all I want to reveal is the website. shows the improvement in
itself. ;) There will be some website interaction too, remember the
community ballot?
Most importantly though, next year, the game will be played in
general.discussion, which means some good uncensored fun with some new
faces. :)

So, look exciting? Think you can survive 16 weeks starting sometime in
January? I dunno, but here's the preliminary steps for signing up to play
this game for a chance at the title of Ultimate Survivor of
general.discussion and a good AW prize. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! I would've
made a form, but I think this is a good way to filter out some incompetence
in contestant wannabes (at least until I'm desperate).

1. Take this post and reply to it privately to me. Don't post it in this
newsgroup, reply to only me.

2. At the top of the email/post, please put in this information in that
order, making a new line for each new piece of information like below:

AW Citizen Name:
Approximate amount of posts to the general.discussion a week:
Do you even read the general.discussion newsgroup daily?:
Will you be available to read the newsgroup from January to April at latest:
Regular hours on AW during weekdays:
Regular hours on AW during weekends:
Why do you want to play NG Survivor?:
What traits would you bring into the game that would make you win it?:
Make up a luxury item you would bring:

That's all. ;) Make it good, I'm hoping I'll get more than 16 replies, in
which case I'll reply to every potential contestant to fill out a real
application providing more info. :) Okay, that's all.


[NG Survivor 2] Wanna play?

Dec 8, 2001, 11:38pm
Oops, forgot to change the email address on the newsgroup before I posted.
If possible, please resubmit to nornny1 at :) Thanks. :)


My Birthday :)

Dec 17, 2001, 5:52pm
Wow, what good use of flagrant self promotion! :)) Happy birthday!!


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changing default browsers

Dec 18, 2001, 12:06am
Hi all, can anyone help me with a little dillemma? My internet explorer has
been crashing and bugging left and right for a month or so now, and I'm
finding Netscape to be a bit more convienent to me. Basically, I'm missing
some modules or something that prevents IE from opening links in new
windows. Also, there seems to be an error (javascript it seems) in the web
browser in Morpheus (file sharing program, really great, I might add) and
the program crashes after two seconds online. I have to uninstall then
reinstall the program just to get it to work each time I want it to work. I
was thinking that maybe if I set Netscape 6 to default, maybe Morpheus will
work, but more importantly, I'll lose a few less hairs. :) Only problem is I
don't know how. The Netscape site isn't really much help, as the info is
outdated, they're giving me information on changing default browsers with
Communicator, Windows 95/98, and IE 3 and 4, whereas I have Netscape 6
Navigator, Windows XP, and Internet Explorer 6. :/ Any help would be much
appreciated. :))

changing default browsers

Dec 18, 2001, 10:01am
Thanks Goober, Netscape is my default browser now by doing what you said.
:)) Unfortunately, Morpheus still runs under IE (I can tell by the scroll
bars), but i don't think that can be fixed specifically, and I don't think
it's even because of the start page itself, rather an error in trying to
connect to the Morpheus server. Thanks again. :)


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A Bit of fun in The Sims :o)

Jan 25, 2002, 9:24pm
The skin is great!!! Trust me, I can't make skins for the life of me. :) if
you could, email that skin to me, I truly like it. I'm going to actually try
to convert other avs into The Sims, I've always wanted to. :)


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Old AW Splash Jpgs

Jan 27, 2002, 1:05pm
I believe that was a beta version splash, wasn't it? I'm not sure, but it
seems all the logos are accounted for in sinew's attachments.


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Mar 27, 2002, 9:45am
It's definately a really annoying bug, I have that same problem. :))


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[NG Survivor 2] New Game, New Era, Wanna play?

Apr 14, 2002, 4:56pm
As an individual ActiveWorldsophile, I don't have much to contribute to the
community except my love for replicating reality-television series.
Sorry, I've been cursed with bad genetics. :P There's been so much change
and chaos to
the AW community in just the past months, I really wanted to bring back
some semi-old times. That, my friends, would be Newsgroup Survivor, where
all the contestants are loony, and flaming is required! >:) I know some
are leaving very soon, and some newbies are joining the community ranks, and
then there's my pile of people who were unfortunately not casted for the
first season, who all have seen the game and are ready to make this second
cast and win THE BIG PRIZE...

Yes, there will be a big prize (*makes mental note to get big prize*), or at
least a very expensive one, considering how much citizenships sell for these
days. :) The location
for this season will be in the infamously off-topic general.disscussion
newsgroup. Where anything goes, and bashing someone else's momma will only
bring you praise. I know some of you are saying "Hey, this is cool, but
I don't think I'll last a minute." You'd be surprised how lucky this game
can get, just ride the waves. :)

This Newsgroup Survivor, most likely, will be my last. My citizenship
expires next January early in the month, and I'll be moving on with my real
life through a torturously challenging senior year as I head into the home
stretch to another virtual life, college. :) So, as you are slowly wiping
away your tears of sympathy, I urge you to apply for this game. You're
almost guaranteed a spot in the Sweet 16 that will compete in the same old
Survivor, with PLENTY of new twists (I can name at least three that will
blow everyone away). In the proccess, you might be eligible to win a variety
of rewards throughout the game besides the big prize.

Everyone here has a unique personality and attitude that I want for the
game. Almost all of you have the level of commitment (yes, it's that
minimal) to play the game. If you're going to be here over the summer for 16
weeks in front of the computer reading the newsgroup, on the web playing
games, and in Activeworlds doing something, then you're qualified!!! Sign
up!! :)) This season, the game will take place on all aspects of the web,
survivors will compete in real time, in fake time, even in VRT time. ;)
Tribal councils will be held live (to spark better drive in winning
competitions so you don't have to waste an hour of your weekend in AW being
voted off). Challenges will be web based games like the first season, but
also new games in AW itself, providing actual avatarian contact. And don't
get me started on what will happen to the game itself.

I've created a signup page at
Yes, that is a preview of the new Survivor site too (thanks to Elated, no
more basic HTML stuff). It's totally preliminary and will only take 1 minute
(it's only 3 questions). More questions will come later. :))

So, get ready for the adventure of an AW lifetime. The competition for
Newsgroup Survivor 2: General.Discussion is about to begin! *blows the
opening theme to Survivor in a conch shell*


PS. If anyone is willing to share some webspace that are pop-up ads-less,
it'd be much appreciated. Banners, to me, are no problem at all, but pop-up
ads are the worse (especially on my IE browser which can't even display
opened new windows in the first place). They tend to hurt people from
visiting the site, and in this game, the website is really crucial. :) Thnx
in advance.

[NG Survivor 2] New Game, New Era, Wanna play?

Apr 14, 2002, 8:11pm
Thnx for the offer swe, but unfortunately, the Survivor site needs constant
update to keep up with the game and plus, you'll be spoiled early, and we
can't let secrets leak out before we want it to. lol.

However, I forgot all about easyspace, I think it will be close to perfect.
Thanks for your suggestion. :))

*Btw, FYI, I got your form submission*


[View Quote] >

[NG Survivor 2] New Game, New Era, Wanna play?

Apr 16, 2002, 9:44pm
Thank you for your kind offer KAH, Count Dracula has graciously shared some
of his space on his server with me so I'm good for now. :)

Anyways, thanks to CD, the website will be moved to when it's completed, so check
back there often. But, more importantly, you can sign up even more quickly
and efficiently at
:)) Please sign up today before I resort to beggin. :)


[View Quote] only
> real
> variety
> 16
> being
> minute
> pop-up
> Thnx

e-mail i got...(has pictures)

Apr 17, 2002, 8:40pm
Umm...was there a point to this thread besides showing some gruesome
pictures (especially when there are kids viewing this?). Forward this post?
First off, if you copied this from an email chain, you should've NEVER
wasted even more bandwith and internet congestion emailing it out. That's
what we call propoganda, and anyone who creates email chains are NOT, I
repeat NOT doing it out of their kind little hearts. They're not only
manipulating you as a person, but contributing to slow internet connections
worldwide and other bad perils. Email chains (even in the form of a
newsgroup post, which is even worse, really) I consider a form of internet
terrorism (such as hacking), but more so SPAM. It hurts EVERYONE, and no one
gains from it. People are dumb enough to trust 15th hand sources, and these
email chains thrive off that stupidity. No one can say those are real
pictures, even with credible evidence, unless they were there. Plus, the
chain is very objective in the first place, I don't care who's side you're

I'll make up my own opinions from my own experiences, thanks.

Sorry if this is considered flaming to you, but did you truly expect a whole
line of sympathy replies when you're debating a two sided issue? Think
before you post, and the reactions might not be so intimidating.


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Apr 18, 2002, 11:35pm
52? and 30? On a good month, if you're gone for a DAY, you're missing that
much every hour. lol.


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Need a little outside opinion

Apr 25, 2002, 9:11am
Could you set up the situation more clearly? :)

To my knowledge, race doesn't play any part in the word idiocy. The word is
derived from classical Greeks. Idiots were people who didn't hold public
office and therefore were ignorant of current affairs. :) *google search*
Unless you're a 2nd century BC Greek guy, I see no racial connontation.
Although, do you even really need a race to be offended from someone calling
you an idiot?


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