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Who thinks i should change My name

Oct 29, 2001, 8:55am
If you mean on topic by this thread, you've forgotten every single flame
we've sent you over the years. The COMMUNITY newsgroup does not revolve
around your tiny little head, or else it'd be called the AgentFoxMulder
newsgroup. Your post isn't get any names because everyone's smarter than I
am in ignoring the off-topicness of it. You wouldn't WANT to hear my list of
names for your thick headed little mind.


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[NG Survivor] The Final Episode...or is it?

Nov 22, 2001, 11:16am
Well, with 3.2 and everything's that has been going, a small game of
Survivor just wouldn't seem appropiate. But it's time to get back to some
normalcy and the season finale of Newsgroup Survivor. This newsgroup could
use a refresher.

<plays out conch shell>

16 contestants were involuntarily thrown into the community newsgroup game
of insanity, only two made it out alive. After 16 grueling weeks, some
contestants fell quickly, some fell gracefully, while some couldn't take the
pressures at all. 16 would become 10, but life would become even worse as
the weariness and bickering grew into disaster for all involved.

Even so, two SW freaks have made it out with most body parts intact, face to
face with 7 people who they've wreaked betrayal, hurt, and manipulation over
to get to the top. Now, the Jury 7 is all that stands between SW Chris and
Syntax from getting an AW teeshirt.

Who's going to win the million dollar prize?

<Director: cue the intro theme at It's a huge file, but
there's a nice preloader to keep 56k fans sorta happy. It should take no
more than 30 seconds for cable users, I think. It's good. watch it. ;) >

<Director: Cue spectacular fast forward movie of AW landscape falling into a
dark rainy night>

Well guys, I'm sad to say it, but the 16 weeks of hell are over, and only
Syntax from the Facter tribe, and SW Chris from the Typo tribe stand with
their lit torches. Joined with them however, are the last seven people voted
off, the jury, Casay, Wing, and Tony M from the Typo tribe, and Nornny,
Gamer, Leaf, and Alphabit Phalpha from Facter.

As with any Survivor final council, jury members, you are entrusted the
ability to cast one last vote, but not on who should be voted off, but who
should win the game. The prize, courtesy of Flagg and the AWCOM staff is an
ActiveWorlds tee shirt (you're still on that, right Flagg? ;P ), but more
importantly (in case we can't get a teeshirt), Syntax or SW Chris will gain
the prestigious title of Ultimate Survivor of the Community Newsgroup. A
much deserved honor indeed, as you've lost hours of online time playing
internet challenges, flaming off newbies and eating them for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner, and voting your fellow comrades off a cliff.

Anyways, three Koochie jury members attended the live taping of the finale,
which gave them the oppurtunity to ask the final two ANY question they
wanted regarding the game. They were Nornny, Wing, and Leaf. However,
although they casted their votes in AW live, they still do not know who the
winner is as ballots were secret, and they are not aware of the other 4 jury
members' votes. Anyways, here's the questioning and answering (taken exactly
from the chat log):

Leaf: Em
Leaf: Well done guys for getting here
Leaf: and now questions. . .

Leaf: SW Chris - what challenge did you find the hardest in the game?

SW Chris: *cracks knuckles, begins typing*
SW Chris: The hardest challenge? Probably the cow flipping.
SW Chris: Took me forever to get the hang of it.

Leaf: ok
Leaf: Syntax - who did you really want to kick out of the game and why >:)

Syntax: Who did I REALLY want to kick out? You all know that, kellee! She
voted me and that was it, she had to go :-)

Syntax: And I did it too ;-)

(flashback: kellee was voted off by Syntax and Facter tribesmate in a nearly
deadlocked decision when both Typo and Facter merged into a single tribe,
called Koochie. the vote left Typo very vulnerable with one less member than
remaining Facters, however, it obviously made no difference as SW Chris from
Typo beat the odds. It does, however, leave only 3 Typo seats in the jury
and 4 Facter seats. Will tribal lines still play?)

Wing.: Ahh, Chris, I don't remember you ever having to flip the cows :)
SW Chris: is that the question?
Wing.: No
SW Chris: oh. I flipped the cows before you announced yoru little scheme
to me.

(flashback confession: Wing edited his score with a paint program to get a
higher score in the cow flinging challenge)

Wing.: Syn, what are you going to do to me when I vote for Chris?

Syntax: lol Wing. Nothing. ;-)
Syntax: Im happy if either one of us wins

Wing.: And you Chris, what will you do to me when I vote for Syn?

SW Chris: I'm happy if either of us wins, too

Wing.: What? No cit renewal for me? :) Alright, that's enough

(where is he now: Wing, if you remembered, after getting voted off by the
Koochie tribe, left AW due to his cit expiration)

Nornny: First, I'd like to say you all are evil bastards...

Syntax: lmao :-P
SW Chris: >:D

Nornny: you are followers, I should've won it, you hear me?!

Wing.: Nornny and I apparently switched speeches

Nornny: Syntax, you're a snake. Chris, you're a rat. Both of you deserve to
get killed by poachers.
Nornny: BOTH OF YOU!!!

SW Chris: Speak softly and carry a big stick.
SW Chris: Teddy Roosevelt.

Nornny: Now, it's bad enough I have to vote for one of you, but I have to
ask a question?
Nornny: okay, here goes. Who do you think should've been up here besides
you two.

SW Chris: If it weren't us too, probably Gamer and Wing. Sorry Norn...
hosts can't win. =P
SW Chris: too = two
SW Chris: Wing had a plan... Gamer was nice. I don't relaly know him, but
he seemed nice. =)

Nornny: thank you. Syntax, are you awake yet? Answer the same question. :)

Syntax: I would have to say Wing and...hmm...probably Gamer
Syntax: Wing was a great schemer.
Syntax: Gamer was my tribemate all the way up until the final 2
Syntax: It was hard to vote him out :-)

(flashback: The final three people were Syntax and SW Chris and Gamer.
Syntax, having won immunity, was forced to vote out a Facter friend or SW
sibling. Well, you know who he voted for...)

And now we're back to the present in the newsgroup where the 16 of you
started and where the game of chaos began in this harsh community
environment. All 7 of the jury members have casted their votes secretly to
me, and for the first and only time, here's the results. Syntax and SW Chris
do not know if they've won yet either, so I wish them good luck as they're
reading this. Let's go, cue the tribal council music.

<music plays>

1st vote....Syntax...

(Leaf's confession: I vote for Syntax to win as I know him a more better
than SW Chris and I just generally thought he was a better player)

2nd vote....SW Chris....

(Casay's confession: My vote goes to Chris - Reason - Flipped special
Survivor coin- Kangaroo on one side, Koala on the other.............. Chris
won.. ;-) Also.. he danced with me at the Cy awards.. has to be worth
something huh?? lol)

3rd vote....Syntax....

(Wing's Confession: Cuz he's an absolute bum)

That's two for Syntax, one for SW Chris....

4th vote....Syntax....

(Nornny's confession: I place my vote for Syntax. You backstabbed me, but
you played the game much better than Chris did, although he did backstab me
too... )

Syntax 3, SW Chris 1. One more vote Syntax, and you've won the million
dollar prize....

5th vote....


SW Chris....

(Alphabit's confession: I tossed a coin :) )

Okay, that's 3 Syntax, 2 SW Chris. If the next vote is NOT SW Chris, Syntax,
you've won the game.

<cue audience suspense>




Syntax, you are the Ultimate Survivor of the Community Newsgroup.


(Gamer's confession: Syntax, becuase I'm in a secret incestrial relationship
with his mother)

We do not need to read Tony's final vote, so I'll leave that all up to you
to decide who he might've voted for.

Congratulations. And thus ends the first ever AW newsgroup game of Survivor.
Syntax came out the final victor as SW Chris leaves with nothing along with
his 14 other contestants. Please, all contestants, post your comments on the
game in this thread and such and spill your guts on the game. From Chuck's
Party to Syntax, you're all true survivors to me. Thanks for playing the

Next year, 2002, we're going to be journeying down to the general.discussion
newsgroup and begin shooting the second season of NG Survivor. 16 new
contestants will play in the newly acquired but just as flamish territory of
general.discussion, and 1 will again rise victorious. We even got a new
host, by the name of Flagg Probst (get it?). You think you know the game,
but wait until what we're going to throw at them. Signups and selections
will start in December, the game starts in January, so be on the lookout. is the new website. It's just
been started, so none of the links really work, but you'll find any new info


[NG Survivor] The Final Episode...or is it?

Nov 23, 2001, 2:05pm
Thanks everyone for playing the game and bigger thanks to this newsgroup for
supporting it, even Eep. :) It was tons of fun, and no, it wasn't rigged.
lol. I can't wait to do it again. :)

Btw, the link to the new webpage is actually Sorry for the wrong link.
lol. I'm glad you liked the movie too, and thanks for your patience as I
made it before posting the finale post. The link above is to the new (and
MUCH MUCH better) website that I'll be overworking myself to update
throughout the game. It's not done yet, but you'll notice the nice layout
(properly copied and pasted and edited, but mostly inspired from the UK and
US official Survivor sites, shhh...) and the names of the new tribes. tee
hee. Eventually, you'll see the 16 new faces too and a cool flash preview.
anyways, thanks again!

Unfair ejection...

Dec 7, 2001, 9:45pm
AWTeen is kind of....unique, shall we say, because it was originally formed
by Lucrezia, I believe, but then turned over to the masses of sorts.

The misconception is that AWTeen does NOT have to follow AWC rules, that's
not really true. The world owners are subject to constant harrassment and
restraints, just as any other AWC owned world, by the big cheeses to keep
things within the guidelines. But, I guess the easiest way to put this is,
that the guidelines can kind of be up to interpretation there. It's not a
world run or maintained by Flagg at all, unlike the rest of the big AWC
worlds, so the rules aren't the same as his. AWTeen is flexible, I guess,
they can add to the rule or express it differently due to the fact that
they're not only facing a different audience and target group, they ARE a
different audience and target group. lol. Only in AWTeen would you have to
worry about parental concerns too, for example, so "censorship" might be a
bit tighter. It's hard to explain, they have to follow the rules, but they
have to follow them in a different way (that's really not all that
different). ;)

Personally, I think the ejection was neccessary, not exactly fair, but
still. You talk about sex in front of other kids, and that's not good for
anybody. I doubt warning would've helped. Everyone says they would've
stopped, but rarely do they. I think it all boils down to thinking about
what you're saying and doing on BOTH sides, so future incidents won't happen
like this.


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[NG Survivor 2] Wanna play?

Dec 7, 2001, 10:13pm
Sorry for the crosspost, I swear to almighty ENZO that this will be the
first and last time this will happen. Honest.

Anyways, the first Survivor Challenge here in the newsgroup was such a huge
success (huge meaning even Eep didn't mind) that I, Nornny, God of
Sadisticism, have been planning for a second one next year. Well, next year
might seem like a long ways to go, but it's only in a few weeks, and
subtract a holiday chunk, and 2002 will be shooting out of the barrel in no
time. So, we better get started, eh folks?

Once again, I'm looking for 16 old and new newsgroup viewer and poster to
put themselves in the line of flames and compete for bragging rights and a
chance to totally demolish the dignity of your fellow competitors. hehehe.
The basic game for all who don't know what Survivor is, is this:

16 people are separated into two tribes. In NG Survivor 2, they will either
be split into 2 tribes of 8, ENZO tribe and NAVEN tribe. As a tribe, they
will compete to win immunity challenges. Should they win, they last another
week in the newsgroup. Should they lose, the tribe faces Tribal Council,
where all members of the tribe must vote off one of their own. In the middle
of the game, there is a merger in which tribemembers are reassembled into
new tribe(s). Eventually, the game becomes a competition between
individuals, where only two can last the entire game. Once it's down to two,
the last 9 players to be voted off reconvene in a final council, where they
decide who wins the million dollar prize, and who doesn't.

Exciting eh? Well, if it isn't because you've already read through the first
season, there's some new twists and turns I'm sure you'll all like. Name
some? Okay.

Well, the prize of course might be bigger than a tee shirt and a title,
depending on Flagg. In fact, there might even be a world for NGS2 use by the
start of the game, who knows. In any case, the game will definately be more
AW interactive, holding not only Tribal Council live every week (hopefully),
but holding challenges too. Which means a contestant's or tribe's
disadvantage might fall in not being able to show up to perform the
challenge. ;) The merger will be REALLY wild this year, as well as the rest
of the game's rules. The diary posts to this newsgroup won't be a place for
funny nice nice, it's hopefully going to make a few people shed some tears.
Lastly of all I want to reveal is the website. shows the improvement in
itself. ;) There will be some website interaction too, remember the
community ballot?
Most importantly though, next year, the game will be played in
general.discussion, which means some good uncensored fun with some new
faces. :)

So, look exciting? Think you can survive 16 weeks starting sometime in
January? I dunno, but here's the preliminary steps for signing up to play
this game for a chance at the title of Ultimate Survivor of
general.discussion and a good AW prize. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! I would've
made a form, but I think this is a good way to filter out some incompetence
in contestant wannabes (at least until I'm desperate).

1. Take this post and reply to it privately to me. Don't post it in this
newsgroup, reply to only me.

2. At the top of the email/post, please put in this information in that
order, making a new line for each new piece of information like below:

AW Citizen Name:
Approximate amount of posts to the general.discussion a week:
Do you even read the general.discussion newsgroup daily?:
Will you be available to read the newsgroup from January to April at latest:
Regular hours on AW during weekdays:
Regular hours on AW during weekends:
Why do you want to play NG Survivor?:
What traits would you bring into the game that would make you win it?:
Make up a luxury item you would bring:

That's all. ;) Make it good, I'm hoping I'll get more than 16 replies, in
which case I'll reply to every potential contestant to fill out a real
application providing more info. :) Okay, that's all.


[NG Survivor 2] Wanna play?

Dec 8, 2001, 11:38pm
Oops, forgot to change the email address on the newsgroup before I posted.
If possible, please resubmit to nornny1 at :) Thanks. :)


Christmas Time

Dec 14, 2001, 11:52pm
Heck, I visit AWTeen regularly, but something about AWTeen isn't community
related, plain and simple. An ad to visit an AW event addressed to the
community is fine every once in a while (so long as it's not binary), but
that's the extent of it. AWTeen's actions are AWTeen's, we don't discuss
Alphaworld here, we shouldn't discuss AWTeen. I'm a teen, and I'm vehemently
opposed to the idea that since there's hundreds of you little sprouts, you
can ruin a perfectly good community group by talking about petty fights.
We're here to talk about 3.3, AWC, things that affect the entire AW
community, not something as annoying as teen problems. gross...


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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 21, 2001, 7:28pm
I dunno, I kinda liked the guy. He's definately disgruntled, there's no
doubt about that, but he definately brought a different perspective on
things. I mean, taking a look at posts in the past few weeks, I can't say
that there's been any good discussions or fights here, except a discussion
on generations, but even then, everyone just agrees. It's always good in a
family to have that crazy uncle who curses off the world, who's probably WAY
too ahead of its time for the rest of the family members, but does provide
tremendous insight to certain things, even if it is 99% of the time. Every
newsgroup I've ever been to has one.

Eep is actually fairly tame, to tell you the truth. He offends, but I figure
we're just as much to blame for giving those stupid comments the light of
day. I mean, yeah, he's pretty narrow minded, but he sure knows how to drill
in repetition in a good debate (or flame war when someone gets mad that he
called them a twit). Anywho, the guy thinks I'm fairly stupid too, don't get
me wrong, but I can respect what he does and doesn't do. Some people are
just put into this newsgroup to break the rules. As a family or community, a
certain respect has got to be made for that for the sake of that in the
future, maybe the rules will be remade for the better, you know?

However, I must say I'd enjoy no-Eep for the holidays, even I can only take
so much from his bantering. Maybe next year. :)


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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 22, 2001, 1:30pm
whoops, I meant 1% of the time. hehe. sorry about that folks. Eep's not that


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Re: bowling

Dec 21, 2001, 7:13pm
Bleh, for what? Self gratification? Didn't anyone ever teach their kids to
be modest? I don't think I've bragged about any of my life changing
experiences except learning how to potty (ironic that every thread centers
around the toilet) when I was a kid, and even then, I got quite a beating
from my parents to shove it in my brother's face. heh. Oops, kinda bragged
right there, but I'm trying to keep to a point here, if you're going to post
off topic in a newsgroup (which is sorta rude and totally inept, especially
if you make 4 other posts saying you're going to cancel it), at least have
the courtesy to spam us rather than show off about a recreational sport. I'm
sure you got a nice trophy from the alley and balloons fall from the ceiling
(at least they do at the alley I go to, so I'm just assuming), so isn't that
enough? Must you tell the whole community of bad bowlers (good posters
however)? Think before you speak, please, and know how to speak (in a
newsgroup sense). :))


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Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 28, 2001, 12:32am
The guy has a point. I mean, english teachers are rolling over their grave
because kids (of course) can't distinguish what's slang and unacceptable in
good american business culture and what's "proper". Don't go rolling over
your grave either, but for god sakes, I have to chuckle every time my
teachers rip out hairs because a kid writes "cuz" instead of "because" or
even use "cool" in a report!! Yeesh, there's a time for certain things, but
using cool in a report or paper is not the right time. It's not only
disrespectful to teachers who try to teach the english language as it was
and is, Noah Webster would die in your arms. I must admit, I'm guilty of a
slip, you'd be surprise how many computer-addicted mistakes go into your
paper without proper proofreading. ;) I say Moff has every right to kick you
in the brain for using cuz in a world. hehe. You are, after all, the one
breaking the english rules for the sake of quick conversationalism.


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Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 30, 2001, 12:26am
I wish someone would clear this up for me and the rest of us, because this
whole issue of what's legal or not has always been a constant debate here.
I've always thought that what's "illegal" depends on the person in which
whom you are commiting an act against. Ergo, if you use an American gun in
Canada and you're Canadian and shoot an American tourist, he/she could
prosecute you or the American gun company in American court. However, if you
shoot a Canadian, you're safe from American laws, at least. No, the moral is
not to shoot our lovely neighboring Canadians, but it'd be a nice
experiment. Anyone a political science/law major by any chance? I doubt this
is really cut and dry, but it'd be nice. Does it depend on the prosecuter,
the defendent, or the company's jurisdiction? Quite a quibble.


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 6:32pm
The good thing I see about this is

1) No more stupid tourists!

2) No more cheap and mindless kiddies to ruin the newsgroup! Yay!!!

The bad thing I see is:

1) No more AW citizens, total. lol.

2) There's a reason I don't own a world. ;) If you expect me to pay for a
world just to be a cit, then you're not only killing people like me, you're
killing worldowners who might have to pay double.

3) You're going to need a MUCH better upgrade in 3.3 than what you have now.
The present community's requests/demands should be met to keep us happy, and
for your chance at creating essentially a new one or at least a changed one.
They're on our good side with at least implementing one thing, but I don't
think that's going to cut what we've been complaining about for a few years.

4) Security cracks, nough said.

5) AWC basically lied to us denying any profit losses. Actually, I don't
think they ever lied, but the members of the community themselves
misinformed the lot of us. If they did, naught naughty, for if they were in
good financial health, 20 dollars a year should've cut it for them.

The bad outnumbers the good, but I still see the good as REAALLLLY good,
especially for the community. Kills the gene pool a bit, but only the bad
defected ones. ;) I wished it was more along the lines of 5 dollars a month
though. 10 is really sharp. That two dollar analogy is not a good one,
considering we've been paying less than a candy bar for them. Personally, I
want to keep my lunch money for something useful, like lunch. ;) And I'm
sure it's going to hurt ENZO's image too. Tough times for AWC, such a shame,
but at least the community tried, I'm glad to know AWC doesn't see it as our
fault. ;)


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Who will leave

Jan 3, 2002, 8:29pm
meh, cit expires in January nowadays (THANK YOU SERVER CRASHES OF 00 and
01!!!). I have to update soon, for 20 dollars and it's a cheap ride for a
year. By next year, who knows, personally, I might be too busy in the first
place to play with AW. At least I can stay for now and see how things weed
out the longest.


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New version released... this is it, folks.

Jan 3, 2002, 8:46pm
lol, it's like watching the AW version of Independence Day or Pearl Harbor
in here. ;) Only wish I could rent it on DVD than pay 120 dollars for it.


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can we please talk about something positive??

Jan 3, 2002, 8:43pm
If I looked at the community newsgroup a month ago, and look at it now, I
must say I would be quite proud of your achievements. ;) It's like September
11th happened a few months late in here, but I've noticed the community
newsgroup is quite the community. ;)

Now, bear with me here, and breathe. Yeah, it might be the end of the world
as we know it (*pauses and mentally sings the awesome Ramones song*), oh
yeah, where was I. A short time ago, you were all bickering and flaming each
other over HTML and off topicness, and now, it doesn't even matter. I've
never seen as minimal of swearing as I do in the 400 threads with 500
replies you all have made in about one and a half days (although it's a
bother to read). Why did it take such a "tragedy" to have this happen? Hmm?
Well, I'm glad it did either way, because it's somewhat enjoyable here. I
say, quit worrying about other people's business and enjoy your own before
it's too late.

There will be an entirely new community in less than a year, no doubt. A lot
of us aren't sticking around, and for the many that are, they'll be greeted
with brand new wide-eyed newbie faces (and rich eyes too I might add). Why
doesn't someone find Alphabit and get in a quickly planned Cy gala, or
someone make Festival? it's time for us as a community to bring out the best
of ourselves, because sooner or later, this community will die, just as it
did when they first started charging for AW (it was once free, remember) and
a new one emerged with new people. In short, y'all better get yer 120
dollars worth in 20 dollars. ;)

But I must say, it makes perfect sense why they kicked out Eep just a week
or two back. ;)) It'd be a one man war waiting to happen. tee hee. Although,
I'm kinda wishing for his gut wrenching opinion right now...


can we please talk about something positive??

Jan 4, 2002, 10:11am
I thought REM did the cover from the Ramones...I'm not good on 80's and
early 90's bands, obviously. lol. Glad you caught me.

*plonks himself*

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New AW object set

Jan 8, 2002, 6:21pm
Well, at least AWC is kinda noticing our distress. But don't get me wrong
*takes out hammer*...if AWC think they can raise objects and give us a few
good quality objects *starts hammering down gfena1.rwx*...they better think
differently *lays down Roadc1.rwx *. God, my house looks good. Anyways, what
does everyone else think about the Alphaworld objects?

To me it kinda looks like a jacked up version of The Sims (which I play
almost as religiously as AW) *puts down ruga1.rwx*. I kinda like it because
it gives me a good access to objects I can create FOR my sims (since object
making for The Sims is kinda easier and less expensive than for AW). Which
btw, if Alphaworld is trying to become more Simmish, would The Sims Online
be more worthwhile to spend a subscription to (I think theirs is like 20
dollars a month minus the 75 dollars or so buying the game and 3 expansion
packs with another one coming this spring, although they haven't released a
price)? They'll basically have everything AWC has, just in Sim form, which I
think is definately some new competition.


New AW object set

Jan 8, 2002, 11:08pm
Now that you mention, you're right, they were for a supposed new world. We
even saw like 5 screenshots of them. It was the world with the high detail
avatars, that they spread across the various 3d worlds. I wonder what
happened, I guess it was a desperate tactic. :)

Anyways, a new world would be nice for a lot of reasons at the moment. But I
can see how it can be abandoned just like every other AWC world in existence
without a lot of pitching for Alphaworlders to leave Alphaworld and
congregate in the new world. A crowd attracts a crowd in AW, rarely does one
public building world get more builders on a normal day unless they already
had 40 to begin with, unless there was a party or some other reason. It's
really a game of follow the mob in AWC worlds, which is disappointing, you
can't travel very excitingly.


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Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves

Jan 12, 2002, 1:34pm
Gosh, we better get some media besides JPGs and GIFs inside AW then. At
least AWC's nowhere near to debt, so ergo, I don't think it's going anywhere
(thank god). Whether this community goes or not, is beyond me, but with the
advent of mixed media in a 3d virtual environment, this could be quite good
for AW, for the newbies coming in, and the oldies staying in. God, I can
actually have like decent art museums, movie theaters, and state of the art
architecture. :)


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Weebette is in the hospital;(

Jan 13, 2002, 3:12pm
:((( Zandorfa (Weebette) and Weebo were one of my very first teachers. ;( I
pray that Weebette will get better and wake up.

Please send your sympathies.


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Managing information in AW culture

Jan 16, 2002, 8:25pm
We, as a newsgroup, tried to organize a Citizen's Union to attempt to be
more close with AWC staff in a polite and coherent manner. It was done only
a few months past, not ancient history here. :) It did work, on AWC's part,
to my knowledge, it was our lack of devotion or something that made it
discontinue (second hand information, as far as I know, they're still
alive). You seem to be misplaced when you say AWC the company doesn't listen
and respond to citizens'. Well, if I was an AWC staffer, send me to an
institution before posting in this newsgroup. ;) The reasons are obvious,
I'm sure. But, Flagg, Roland, and almost ALL of the AWC staff are not only
willing to listen, talk, and share their views with us (through other forms
besides this newsgroup, like in AW, or through email), they DO. Some are
even considered close friends, many were AW users before AWC staffers. They
know what we think, they're not stupid logs. Flagg and/or Facter hasn't
banned anyone in this newsgroup for illegitimate reasons, and sure as heck
haven't censored us in any way. Their decisions have been based on OUR
judgements as a newsgroup, not theirs.

I think what you're actually targeting is the two people, Rick and JP, who
are the big cheeses that one rarely sees inside AW, and whose connection
with the AW community is slim to nonexistant. Of course, the knocker is that
they're the ones making huge decisions without our input, but it's part of
business, good or bad.

I hope I'm ranting about the correct topic here. lol.

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Managing information in AW culture

Jan 18, 2002, 9:59am
Yeah, according to the first two, AWC shares have been steady for their
quarters, although I'm not a stock man yet. 100% profit isn't anything bad
or good, looks fine actually. It's been this way since the turn of the
century, I believe, so it's nothing to fret over.


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Any idea on 3.3?

Jan 26, 2002, 9:55pm
Knowing the pressure Roland is under by his upper cheeses who managed to
frustrate every user and staff, I wouldn't discount the rumor that 3.3 is
coming out next month, when the new pricing plan is in place. In a way, it'd
kind of make sense (one of the reasons why I don't believe it. lol) to
update the browser if you want to update the entire user base. Why would
people sit around paying 10 dollars a month for a version they paid 20 a
year for that's almost a year old? I think it's a year old, seems like an
eternity for me. lol. You get the point, I think they're trying to rush it,
which is bad news for any program.


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Bad Taste - Joker CY

Feb 3, 2002, 5:01pm
ummm....I think he meant Cy should really get a brown leather Versace cap to
go with his pants rather than that Joker hat. *giggle* o.O


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New Pricing...

Feb 6, 2002, 7:05pm
Looks like everyone CAN comprimise. Kudos. Although, I'm still left to
wonder why the new plan in the first place, maybe I forgot it if it was
stated in the first letter. I'll just assume they're changing with the
economic times. :)) 6.95 a month is something I myself can work with, and
it's pretty much a standard price for anything charged monthly online, more
standard than 9.95 at least. Well, back to virtual life.

Too bad for the people that thought the universe is ending

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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 8:13pm
I agree, it's like listening to two loudmouths argue on how to be quiet. ;)


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An ALTERNATIVE To #D Homepages......

Feb 11, 2002, 10:21pm want to replace a bad idea with a bad idea? *boggle*

As citizens, somewhere in our bill of rights state that land claim in public
world is free to whomever gets it. I don't think anyone would be happy with
that idea. You do touch off a good idea for private world owners, especially
large private world owners, such as !Friends, A'Tuin, Broadway, and the
like. With a new financial pinch because of raised prices, and since
bandwith these days cost more than Bill Gates himself, your idea for
charging a small pay for a lot is economically logical and still morally
right. If a world doesn't feel it needs to, they don't. But everyone
sensible enough would understand that these worlds have to pay to maintain
their world somehow, why not let their frequent citizens help pitch in. I'm
surprised it hasn't been courtesy in such worlds for users to PayPal donate
5 dollars or so to private worlds they visit often. It would keep the world
running longer and better, as I see it. With Alphaworld, it's useless
because AWC is already charging us for us to use the world in our cits.
We're already directly paying for land, get me?


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World hosting and free downloads

Feb 18, 2002, 6:55pm
Oh, I think you just haven't given this thread enough time. *wink*

Well, I think the problem with Insanity's post was the non-professionalism
in the post itself, not in the site (although I do like alterlink's better).
What was so non-professional about it? He replied back to stupid comments.
In the process, he looked fairly stupid himself, and let the flamers know
that he was actually there to be targeted. Plus, he spammed the newsgroup 3
or 4 times every month, it seemed. His approach in advertising his servers
was more door-salesman'ish, casual, even an attempt at friendliness (but
look where friendliness gets ya). That's not neccessarily a badthing, but it
sure backfired. When looking for a world server, I, the dumb consumer, looks
for less talking, more hosting. Get your point out, I'm not looking for an
acquantance. You basically have what I need or don't. It's like searching
for a free web host, you don't look for conversations with the web host, you
just need someone to put up your pages. Alterlinks posted the features, and
let us do the walking ourselves. Insanity tried to bs the newsgroup in
his/her posting. Honest hosting? That was a name of the thread for god sakes
(assuming insanity made up the post header, Outlook really screws me with
that find feature and deleting old messages). he tried to sell the server
rather than let the server try to sell itself.

I hope some of this provides any insight on why I, at least, react
differently to this post than to others. The lesson being "If you want to
make a conversation about a product, you're bound to get one."


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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 1:21pm
[View Quote] They DID. lol. A lot of them WOULD want it. But they are arguing on
principle here. I hope you understand that people can do that. What they are
debating about is not whether they'd let the bot in, which is what you are
blindly trying to debate about. They are debating on the topic of why the
bot was let in without their permission. A lot of them DISABLED bot access
in their worlds, and yet a bot came into it. First of all, that loses a
sense of trust in your world's security. Second, it creates anger towards
the person that did it, in this case, AWC. They'd still be in an uproar
whether a hacker did it or the company itself no matter WHAT purpose. Why?
Principle, you just don't come into a party when you're uninvited. If you
did, people will get defensive.

>Now that You know what the bot does, why would
> you not want it to do that?

AHH!! They WOULD!!! I'm sure all of them would. But the fact of the matter
is, they didn't know, and to own a world that costs a LOT of money and not
know what is going on is scary at the least.

>It gets you more visitors and if you do not want
> it, then I'm sure you can make those spaces in your world settings a blank
> space of nothing. That would not allow people to find your world through a
> search, although the bot would still come and check periodically.

Whether they want or don't want visitors is not the point. You're pointing a
point where it shouldn't go because we ALL agreed on this point miles up on
the thread.


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