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May 25, 2002, 11:24am
Last I checked, this was a general.discussion newsgroup. If he has no
"right" or "priviledge" to post a link to his website in THIS newsgroup at
least, then please inform me to what he is entitled to. Everyone put
themselves in this newsgroup with full awareness that anything goes, hence
why this group was created. I've seen MUCH worse out text postings around
here (not this thread specifically, but elsewhere), than I do one webpage
with a sketch of a naked woman on it. Even AW's texture path has a picture
of a naked woman. As for the whole slave aspect, one can find worse
listening to modern music. Anduin doesn't swear or cuss on the site, and
he's providing a service to Goreans. He's apparently taken the measures to
prevent as much contact with children as possible, it's up to parents to do
the rest. I'm assuming you're talking about 6-10 year old kids, since the
majority of us here are 11-21 year olds. If you "kids" are seeing it, isn't
that something to be said? What did you guys do once you saw it and was
offended? You closed it. That's the same for any book, email, or anything.
If a kid wants to snoop around the site, and he's able to, then let him/her.
The only reason he'd be able to is if his parents had let him by not
watching what he views. But even that totally exceeds the point that this is
a GENERAL DISCUSSION newsgroup. Anduin is welcome to post his links, you're
welcome to be offended, but I don't think anyone is in a position to tell
him NOT to continue posting the link. In fact, this newsgroup was kind of
created for Anduin, you can say, because he wasn't, and still probably
isn't, allowed to discuss this in community, where it is moderated, if not
by Flagg, by the posters themselves.


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[NG Survivor 2] Come play, Please read, Win Millions. :)

Jun 13, 2002, 1:28pm
Thanks to what has become the most generous Flagg in years (quick folks,
milk him for all AWC's worth), he kindly gave me a cornicopia of things for
NG Survivor 2, after much begging and puppy eyes (he's a sucker for

Okay, first, let me say the usual, NG Survivor is a 16 week game that occurs
in the newsgroup, in ActiveWorlds, and on the web, where 16 of you newsgroup
posters try to become the Ultimate Survivor and win the "Million Dollar
Prize." What is the Million Dollar Prize?? Well, let me quote what Flagg

"a grand prize of one P-50 w/ hosting & FTP for the ultimate Survivor"

God, I'm drooling...and I'm sure many of you are too, even the ones that own
worlds. I mean, who couldn't use another? :) This is MUCH better than a
stupid tee-shirt from the first season,
but thanks to AWC sponsership, we've got those too! Each week, a reward
challenge or web challenge will give EVERYONE a chance to win a tee-shirt,
not just the Survivors. Survivors will also get little rewards for their
long journey if they survive long enough. The dogs usually get to them
within a week. ;)

For all you old Survivor remnants, this new season has plenty of twists and
turns to make your viewing pleasure even more enhanced. Besides the
surprises I have for the Survivor themselves, the biggest change in
Newsgroup Survivor 2 is that a lot of the game will be played in
Activeworlds! :) That's right, Flagg loaned me a world, and thanks to the
kind contribution of Robbie, a former contestant, we have a custom OP to
play with. Each week, the immunity challenge, and the tribal council, along
with other important events in the game, will take place live in the world,
for all to view. After Tribal Council, the person "kicked off the newsgroup"
will also be available for a live Town Meeting type chat with viewers and
any one else who cares to watch. They'll be able to ask questions and get
honest answers, as none of the remaining contestants will be present to
listen in.

So, if you have an hour or two every week to log into AW, and you keep up
with the general.discussion or community (lurkers are more than allowed to
play) newsgroup, PLEASE PLEASE sign up! :) I don't want just overzealous
pre-teens, I want manipulative trash-talking adults, drunk and wasted
college kids, and kind old tech-savvy grannies and grandpies. All you have
to do to be considered is fill out a small form at Who knows, for your
little effort, you could win a world. :) Doesn't that sound nice? People who
have already signed up, I still have your application, so there's no need to
sign up again.

Please please please, let me go out of AW with a bang, and bring back NG
Survivor. I only have a few applicants at the moment, and I need 16. :))
Everyone wins in the end (except the 15 people who will lose). Here's a few
list of people I'd personally like to see play, if you guys are interested,
please sign up along with anyone else I didn't mention (they're just being
listed because they posted or were mentioned recently). I know a lot are too
busy to play, but still, never hurts to ask? :)

Anduin Lothario
Lady Murasaki
Goober King
PC Hamster
Johnny B
Glitter Bug
Zeo Toxin
Anyone else... :)

Wow, never knew there were so many people in the newsgroups. :) Surely, I
can force 16 of ya to play my sadistic game, right? Or, scout around for
some other AW users to join the newsgroup and play, we can raise the
population and flame each other at the same time, it'll be fun. The game
will start in July, the earlier, the better. :) But I can't play until I get
16, so sign up! :)

AND FOR THE ORIGINAL 16, tell them how fun and evil this game is. :))

Special thanks to AWC, especially Flagg, Robbie for the OP, and Count
Dracula for the webspace, wouldn't be able to do it without ya.

You will go to
You will go to
You will go to
You will go to
You will go to

It's the mens turn to struggle!!!

Jun 16, 2002, 11:27am
ROTFL. VERY funny post (but also very thought-provoking). :) And so, the
Cy-neca Falls Convention begins in virtual reality. I think we're making
progress here, we've evolved into the 1800's. YAY!!

I say, join NG Survivor at and let the sexes duke
it out there to see who will reign supreme in the AW uniserver. Sheridan...I
know you want to...</shameless plugs that will go on for at least a week
until I start the game>

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Racists in AW ?

Jul 7, 2002, 12:52pm
You really should quit before you start sounding more ignorant than you
already have said. I mean, these people give you a luxury most people die to
have, and you're calling them dumb, broke, and totally devoid of doing
calculus, basically.

I did my research on truck drivers, garbage people, and they're just as good
as blue-collar profession as any other. These people, unlike you Dion, are
not obsessed with money, and that's perfectly legal. Some have families they
want to go home to early, some like to travel, they're perfectly educated.
Many have even gone to college, almost all of them graduated high school or
have GEDs. So basically, they're just as smart as you are, and yet, they're
getting paid and you aren't. Sounds smart to me.

If you ever drove too, you know driving is a tougher job than it looks. I
can barely drive a car without running into a telephone pole every day, who
knows how truckers do it with their enormous load and horrible blind spots.

And trust me, government jobs are not the most frugal in the world. lol.
They get paid well for what they do, even if you consider it very little. I
couldn't see why more moms, especially, wouldn't want a job like that to
care for their kids. While they're sleeping, she does the trash (most moms
do anyways), and she's home the rest of the day to take care of them. Wise,

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 10:29pm
lol, don't jinx it.

Is it just to torture and belittle us even more, or did Eep just not see
this fuming hotbed of flames to contribute his kind words to?

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 10:30pm
Simple question for ya, was that supposed to be an insult towards Eep or a

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Re: word usage

Aug 10, 2002, 9:19am
I personally find the newsgroup the WORST (hehe) possible place to be
teaching or learning English lessons to or from anyone. It would be like
teaching a classroom of spider monkeys.

People have their distinctive style of typing. Since rarely, besides kellee
:), is it 100% correct, I've grown to assume its just a style to emphasize
personality rather than laziness to proofread (which I am equally guilty for
most of the time).

That said, I suspect alt.languages.english would have a field day with us
all with our inproper verb tense, horrible conjugations, and awful
misspellings. We're not English users apparently, just ActiveWorlds users.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Quantum Mechanics and Space Time

Aug 28, 2002, 10:10pm
When AW users actually are normal, healthy, civilized members of society.
That'd throw me for a loop. :P

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Taking bets..

Sep 7, 2002, 12:12pm
Is this appropiate? I don't know what you're trying to say with this post,
but it seems like to me, you're ridiculing the amount of memorials built for
people who have lost their lives. If anything, there should be over 3,000
memorials for each person that died. To make bets out of something sort of
solemn in American culture is pretty disgusting, even for a gambler like

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Does anyone else think that...

Oct 7, 2002, 7:16pm
AW2? :) When you spell out the formal name, it can be AWToo! Or would it be
AWAlso? If it's going to be the second AW, make it a two! :))

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Does anyone else think that...

Oct 9, 2002, 9:18am
We're naming Eep replacements too? I guess it's efficient these days to do
the same thing in one thread. ;)

Let's name him EepToo, and his nickname can be Eep2 for the lazy folks. ;))
NewAW needs a NewEep, eh?

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

NewAW Question

Oct 24, 2002, 9:17am
Those aren't rumors. lol. The Sims Online is expected to be released within
a few months. :))

And it will be sorta like NewAW, from what I hear about NewAW, just in a Sim
way. :) I actually have followed TSO a lot closer than NewAW, but the
concepts are similar. Put sims/avatars in a world, and let them do real
worldy things. :) Of course, both the programs in general AND specifically
have VERY different focuses and centers, they are by NO means the same or
can ever be compared. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 5, 2002, 12:18pm

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]


Nov 7, 2002, 7:41pm
Ack, Roland just took my dream job!!!

Congrats Roland!! :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Another game idea

Dec 16, 2002, 12:25am
AWBattleship is a must. ;)

Or Risk, that's one of my favorites.

And call this a secretive childish obsession, but having a 3d version of
Magic:The Gathering, Pokemon, or now the popular Yu-Gi-Oh trading card games
would be cool. :)) Just playing cards in AW I think I would find very fun,
no matter how cheesy. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."
[View Quote]

Another game idea

Dec 16, 2002, 7:39pm
It's on the UPN channel Saturday mornings. It's basically just another show
about kids with a collection of monsters battling it out and such. :)

I find it a bit more well-done plotwise, less predictable than Pokemon and
more intelligent (if that's possible) storylines.

I think it's really called Yu-Gi-Oh: Card Captors. What Yu-Gi-Oh the trading
card game is doing is trying to replicate the duels that the characters on
the show have. They play a game of Card Captors. The game (in RL and in the
show) is very much like Magic where there's monsters, and you attack them,
and there's magic cards and item cards to make your monsters stronger, and
you try to eliminate the opponents lifepoints. Do a search online and you
can find out more info. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."
[View Quote]

Attn: Beta testers

Sep 19, 2001, 9:08am
Well, it's not fair. Roland can admit it to you. But we're living in ideas.
The idea that no one will scream and shout when their memory or computer is
destroyed from a bug (hey, it happened in 3.1, I believe). The idea that no
one will bother Roland with the same bug report he just got a minute ago.
He's still trying to do his job, releasing a new program. He can't be held
back by the AW mass. If his job requires to get a little help, he has the
right to close beta.


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Re: Tgram from AlphaBit Phalpha! - CP's & JFK2 Builder's Ideas

Sep 16, 2001, 4:31pm
Take a hint, a really important one,

Read a newspaper, a good one, not a biased Republican or Democratic one. A
regular one, maybe just the town newspaper. Associated Press usually does
good stuff, most of the time. ;)

The t.v. media will get you killed. ;) I wish Dan Rather was killed in that
world trade center collapse but those networks are invincible it seems. ;)
Seriously, just don't watch it, it's horrible and causes you too much
trouble *apparently*. Just, let go of the remote. It's bad, no
news for you.

I'd explain why their journalism is so impeccably horrible but the list is
just too long.


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Poll Time!

Sep 19, 2001, 8:57am
Personally, any of those would be fine, but it'd have to be a darn good
looking world for me to even consider wasting finger energy to get to the
Worlds tab. The only worlds I frequent are !Friends, Hole, Cube, the
occasional NewYork and Broadway just for laughs at how two beautiful worlds
can be the haven for such verbal destruction, A'Tuin, and so forth.

Custom object path or at least a creative way of using old or default object
paths. The gaming aspect would just be another icing to keep me there
longer, that's all.


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New Website!

Sep 26, 2001, 6:45pm
Like the new 3d homepage thing, although it's just a premade trial world.
It's a pretty darn good looking one though. lol.


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3d scams

Sep 26, 2001, 8:07pm
I don't think there's any legal copyright or legal definition of a
"homepage". lol. It's not a scam, it's an advertisement ploy to grab newbies
to come in and be impressed. :) They are told it is a 30 day trial and so
forth so there's nothing wrong or illegal with it if that's what you're
implying. Hey, the guys want people to come into AW. Give them a restricted
trial world and a trial cit even and you got a growing consumer base. Smart
stuff. :)

Although, I can see where it could seem misleading with the "homepage" word.
But I think the basis of their thinking was not a "page" that is put on a
server that lasts close to forever, but rather a "page" in which you show
your personality and personal information on you. The ones prebubescant
girls always make on themselves with butterfly animation and pink floral
backgrounds. :)


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3d scams

Sep 27, 2001, 7:24pm
Just think, in 30 days, it will be back to the 400 worlds we know and love
with 50 or so constant trial worlds. lol. It's just excited energy taken out
on the poor Worlds list. :)


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did Roland rush out 3.2?

Sep 26, 2001, 8:13pm
3.2 seems to be a lot buggier and annoying for you all than 3.1 was. This
isn't a post to bash Roland or whatever, but I was just looking around for
opinion. And wondering who the hell bugged Roland to beta test 3.2 so many
times? You know you two thirds of you would've just reinstalled 3.1 again
with all the troubles you guys are having. lol. I'm wondering why it didn't
go into open beta either. Seemed kind of useless in 3.1, but looking at
things now, it would make a bit more sense. You guys always said the
Roland's beta list is a very limited computer system gene pool. Anyone know
what happened, from info from tech talks and such or other things? I'm a
curious cat tonight. :)


Out of curiosity...

Oct 3, 2001, 4:52pm
It's still going on, it was supposed to be announced on September , but you
know what happened. But, if one must play Survivor, one must wait for
editing. ;) I'm working on a giant culmination, with the final release of
the NG Survivor intro movie, plans for a possible second season (should the
newsgroup hold), a site redesign for the finale, and tons of things. You'll
all see what happens in due time. :) It's not dead, but school's got a hold
on my time also. GO watch The Mole 2 on Fridays at ABC or something, quit
bugging me.


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There Is A Wolf In Sheep Clothing Loose In Active Worlds

Oct 4, 2001, 7:55pm
God, you're the most ignorant online user I've ever met.

You deserve the title of "terrorist" more so than ananas, cuz you're scaring
me to death that you're still alive after saying that. Would you go out and
educate yourself a little? Take a little World History or something more
useful than fight over a virtual event. Are you THAT disoriented from


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What does it take?

Oct 11, 2001, 9:02am
Actually, when we last debated where AW makes their money, it was somehow
reached that their corporate sponserships from companies like Juno, NetTaxi,
P3DJ, and so forth is where the money is. The basis of this, and
confirmation of this, was that if WE were giving AW most of its money, we
wouldn't be in this situation. ;) Ergo, we're down there below Corporate
America in the food chain, so things have to get done. ;)

basically, Flagg prolly ignored you because he doesn't sit around in an
office all day playing ActiveWorlds. He's not a typical AW citizen, he's a
working citizen when on AW, so sure, out of 100 or so telegrams he recieves
every 5 minutes, you could try until Armageddon, but NO AW staffer is going
to answer them all. You need to call, email persistently, or some other
form. Mail always worked too. They're not neglecting you, they're trying NOT
to neglect others first.


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Help please:)--Fair World Server Pricing?

Oct 21, 2001, 10:02pm
Well, the cheaper you can make it, the more I'll be lured into it. If it's
reliable too, that's a bonus, but if I were to have a world, I'd be happy to
have it up half of the time it's alive. Most people don't view a private
world 24/7, so if you can comprimise the quality of the hosting to more
downtime but lower prices, I'd use it. However, if you can still keep it
that cheap without adding more downtime, that's even better. lol.

20 dollars a month maybe? I was never familiar with worlds and world
hosting, but 20 seems more reasonable than 50 or whatever dollars a month.
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Halloween Scavenger Hunt in A'tuin+

Oct 20, 2001, 6:11pm
What a creative idea, I'll have to run over to A'Tuin within this week and
go play. Reminds me of those cool Neopets game...Did I say Neopets? I don't
use Neopets. What is that anyways?

Obvious Reader: A freudian slip, dumbbutts.


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Oct 27, 2001, 5:34pm
Those darn sprouts, always stirring up trouble. ;)

Gives the poor teen term in general a bad name in AW, it's bad enough in
real life. lol.

It's all just attention deficit. Whereas Alphaword prolly gets vandalized
daily, these AWTeeners like to brag about it every time they do it. weirdo


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Oct 28, 2001, 12:18am
What's even more stupid, the screenshot shows the gz being covered with
large signs saying "SWE is king" or something like that and an object
properties bot with swe's name on it. If you're going to post stuff on
vandalism, don't post your own vandalism. lol.


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