Spy bot (Community)

Spy bot // Community

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Feb 21, 2002, 6:27pm
[View Quote] Regardless of that, Joe, wouldn't it have been prudent (not to mention =
polite) to inform world owners at least 24 hours in advance that they =
were sending a bot through the worlds, with a brief explanation of the =
purpose of doing so? =20

Come to think of it, here's a good question, has AWC sent email to world =
owners (as a group) about anything, ever? Just wondering if there is a =
failure to communicate, or just a complete lack of concern about =



Feb 21, 2002, 6:29pm
I do not blame MrGrimm's person, I blame his role.
If he was asked to do this by his company, I blame
the company.

But - "just doing his job" is a poor excuse for doing
something illegal.

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Feb 21, 2002, 6:32pm
I do think that there is a lack of communication. That is AWCs weak point,
AWC to community communication is very small. A letter to the users would
have been good. But, this was only a beta run. Something should have been
done, but it wasnt, like always. Still, I think this is a feature that we
need, or, would like. Its more or less a good thing. I do think that
ananas did a good thing by pointing it out, but he seems so bent on the
death of this thing :(.


[View Quote] [View Quote] Regardless of that, Joe, wouldn't it have been prudent (not to mention
polite) to inform world owners at least 24 hours in advance that they were
sending a bot through the worlds, with a brief explanation of the purpose of
doing so?

Come to think of it, here's a good question, has AWC sent email to world
owners (as a group) about anything, ever? Just wondering if there is a
failure to communicate, or just a complete lack of concern about



Feb 21, 2002, 6:34pm
No one can steal anything from me because nothing from what
I made is protected. If you can just take something you
cannot steal it. It's a very good protection ;)

The landlord who takes photographs from your appartement
without asking, just because he has a key, does not steal
stuff either, but still he acts wrong.

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Feb 21, 2002, 6:35pm
Its not illegal at all! Try to sue him, or the company over it! You would
be laughed out of court. All they are doing is indexing publicly available
information. This is not illegal. If someone wrote down your world name,
title, and or keywords, according to you, they would be doing something
illegal. You have an odd lookout on what's illegal and what's not. Its a
bot running on #1. If someone came into your world with the privs of #1,
would you be just as mad?


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Feb 21, 2002, 6:36pm
They could have asked the world owners, who want to allow
it, to set bot rights for one specific special citizen,
instead of using the master key.

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Feb 21, 2002, 6:39pm
It was a beta test. Beta for crying out loud! It didn't touch anything,
just entered, and left. That's all... Nothing was harmed. Your making such
a big thing out of this "Oh! Lets ban grimm for doing his job!" and "That's
illegal!". It was a test of the system. Go ban it if you don't like, but
don't make false claims of something being illegal. Its just like google
coming up and recording your website address, that is not illegal or wrong.


[View Quote]


Feb 21, 2002, 6:39pm
It is very much a difference how you retrieve your
informations, with a machine or yourself.

I know examples where a company had to proof, that they
had hired people to collect informations, that could as
well have been retrieved automatic.

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Feb 21, 2002, 6:41pm
The Google bot respects bot exclusions.

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Feb 21, 2002, 6:41pm
Well, would you consider google coming to your site and indexing it illegal
and wrong?


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Feb 21, 2002, 6:43pm
The Google bot respects bot exclusions.


Feb 21, 2002, 6:43pm
I know, there *will* be bot restrictions for this too! This is beta! There
is no bot restriction code in it right now, but there will be. You may be
able to set like bot:off in the keywords, and the bot would not index your


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Feb 21, 2002, 6:44pm
*will* = most likely, sorry :)


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Feb 21, 2002, 6:48pm
Well, let's hope so

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Feb 21, 2002, 7:05pm
Just wanted to publicly say thank you Ananas for pointing it out! Very glad
to know what is happening behind my back. Im sure other world owners are as
just as glad to know too. I dont care if its a beta, or someone working for
AWCORP or not if someone enters my world with a bot without my permission I
want to know! Thanks again!


Feb 21, 2002, 7:27pm
"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> a écrit dans le message news: 3c75557c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you block that, you block anyone working at AWC

By the way, not sure about IP bans, but I do know that someone using priviledges of citizen 1 can not be ejected. I guess they could enter whatever the ejection etc... (have to test this though)

Fox Mc Cloud


Feb 21, 2002, 7:36pm
They can be added to the eject list by hand, under world options >


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Feb 21, 2002, 7:38pm
They may be excluded completely from all ejections if they have the awld
priv on.


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Feb 21, 2002, 7:49pm
I don't think so, adding the ejection by hand will just disconnect all
clients with that IP, regardless if they are using the #1 cit.


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Feb 21, 2002, 7:54pm
Hmm, but don't you think that AWCom would've added a feature in so if you're
using AWLD's privs that you'd be exempt from that? (but they can just
delete the ejection anyways)


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Feb 21, 2002, 8:10pm
They cant delete the ejection if they are ejected. I have ejected people
with AWLD rights plenty of times.


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Feb 21, 2002, 8:25pm
Why would they bother doing that when they could just flip a bit and turn
your world off?


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Feb 21, 2002, 8:45pm
Uh.. just because you've ejected them doesn't mean they don't have the
powers to uneject themselves or delete the ejection. This is the Universe
Admin privilage we're talking about.

They just didn't do anything about it when you did eject them. Most likely
from ill-interest.


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Feb 21, 2002, 8:45pm
It may be illegal to go into an apartment without good cause, but into a
world that you pay for a privlage from AWCOM??!?! I may not like it but its
really there software and they can lookinto public worlds as much as they
want. Besides, there public and you let other people come in, why not

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]


Feb 21, 2002, 8:48pm
Its not illegal. Like if you have a webpage and they host decides to go
through it... And becides whats stopping MrGrimm from coming into your world
as a person and writing down stuff?

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]


Feb 21, 2002, 8:49pm
Do you know how ejection works? Here's a brief break down

Right click > eject:
Check if CT, if so, don't eject, else, eject.

World options > eject:
Disconnect user with IP, if connect again in timelimit set, disconnect.

Cit #1 is CT in every world, you cannot eject CTs from right click and
eject. But, if you add them in by hand, the world server will just
disconnect them, regardless if they are CT. That's just how things work...
They cant come back in and remove it, because the world server will just
disconnect them.


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Feb 21, 2002, 8:49pm
Yeah just like you can do that with a caretaker, and eject them

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]


Feb 21, 2002, 9:19pm
Why? Because I don't allow bots and they used one. Whether they have a right
or reason to do that is beside the point. I think world owners owe it to
themselves and their builders to stay aware of anything that goes on in his
or her worlds that might jeopardize their investment of time and money. Don'
t you? I happened to be the one who discovered these strange entries in the
logs of the 2 worlds that I host myself and showed someone who I knew might
be able to help me decipher them. When he checked it out he found that there
were others who had this happen. I personally think that the apparent future
browser feature sounds great -I'd like to see that and I don't care if they
check out my worlds, but anytime you attempt to keep something you're doing
on someone's property (rented from you or otherwise) a secret-a birthday
party or burglary or whatever-you take your chances on the reaction of the
recipient if they catch you. You then (and always) have a responsibility to
account for your actions. Should I have kept quiet because there was a
chance that the "Search Spider" had a good reason to be there or was I right
in investigating on the chance that it didn't? I pay a good amount of money
every year to have my worlds, and I think in doing so I have the right to
question what goes on there even by the company from whom I license them. I'
m sorry I untied the first knot that let the cat out of the bag but I also
know that I had the right to look inside under the circumstances.

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zeo toxion

Feb 21, 2002, 9:34pm
unless they hack your world server?

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count dracula

Feb 21, 2002, 9:38pm
Someone once came into my closed world.He was not on the enter list,he was
called E N Z O.The fact did he entered my world did not bother my at all,but
the fact that when I said "hi" he poofed made me consider him rude.I grammed
him and said "that was a quick visit" but got no reply either.A few days
later AW.inc decided to steal my world name.

Personally I do not mind if bots pop into my world.I think in this case the
bot is just making Grimms work a bit more easy,since it appear that the bot
collects information that would be able to be collected by visiting the
worlds.So Grimm could enter each world and write down all info and collect
it this way,so I guess he just wanted to make his job done faster..a bit
like reducing a rwx file using Multizip instead of doing it by hand in


joeman <Joeman at bootdown.com> kirjoitti
viestissä:3c755a0b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Its not illegal at all! Try to sue him, or the company over it! You
> be laughed out of court. All they are doing is indexing publicly
> information. This is not illegal. If someone wrote down your world name,
> title, and or keywords, according to you, they would be doing something
> illegal. You have an odd lookout on what's illegal and what's not. Its a
> bot running on #1. If someone came into your world with the privs of #1,
> would you be just as mad?
> -Joe
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