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Physics Engine

Aug 10, 2003, 3:20am
AW needs one, I want to beable to push certain objects without setting up
triggers that take hours just to make a realistic environment; Physics
Engines AW can get but they won't get reflections that I've shown possible
.... AW can get a physics engine, is 100 % able to and should

Physics Engine

Aug 12, 2003, 4:06am
ever hear of Havok? Half-Life's Physic System sucks, I'm just saying I pay
for my citizenship and I think AW should have a Physics Engine
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Physics Engine

Aug 12, 2003, 4:08am
actually, don't mind Brock's Post .... because he is just being a newbie....
if I recall he seems to post on my stuff because he does not like me and its
a waste of space; in other words: Brock's Posts are pointless
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Physics Engine

Aug 12, 2003, 4:11pm
oh yeah
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Physics Engine

Aug 12, 2003, 8:46pm
where did I say "Half-Life" I said Physics Engine, there are many Physics
Engines why is Half-Life (the game which made physics engine bad) what these
people say I am whining about which I never said "Half-Life" only Physics
Engine, and BTW Half-Life's Physic Engine sucks so stop whining for it I
just said AW's Current Physic Engine (nothing) sucks and that anything would
be better than nothing ffs
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Physics Engine

Aug 14, 2003, 7:19am
I'm only humoring him
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Active world Deluxe will be Awsome Idea

Aug 13, 2003, 10:50pm
they wouldn't, free citizenships = raise money; new features for an AW
Deluxe = pay developers more, raise money for being a cit on AW = everyone
gets AW Deluxe = AW disappears
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day to night system such as morrowind?

Aug 15, 2003, 4:51am
here is how it might work good:

1. Enter "Day" Sky Gradient Colors (ones now)
2. Enter "Night" Sky Gradient Colors
3. Enter Start Position for Corona
4. Enter End Position for Corona
5. Begin Fade Time
6. End Fade Time
7. Start Unfade Time
8. End Unfade Time
in other words have the ability to slowly "fade" the sky color(s) to the
night color then back to default (day) at a certain chosen VRT Time ... or
something like that


Aug 14, 2003, 9:55pm
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Aug 15, 2003, 3:31am
Wow, you get half a cookie for being stupid now go pratice being stupid some
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coustom masks

Aug 18, 2003, 6:28am
yeah we do need it
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Make part of aw_3d web window transparent

Aug 23, 2003, 2:22am
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new window

Aug 23, 2003, 10:51pm
you mean Heads Up Displays? I hope so, that would make AW better sort of
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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 24, 2003, 12:23am
I agree, when I finally found *SOME* land in AW the NAC Land loaded and I
had to search more, I hate alot of Land owned by noone that is left behind
to stop new citizens or old citizens from building
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Realistic Gravity

Aug 25, 2003, 5:28am
I wish you could chose to make you "stick" to a moving object or not moving
object for making elevators and stairs in real life you don't go through
elevators or fall down to the floor of them, and you also don't "jump" down
stairs when walking

Realistic Gravity

Aug 26, 2003, 1:29am
don't forget Chrome Mapping, a moving texture not animated that makes it
appear like light is reflecting on it
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new modes

Aug 28, 2003, 9:14am
I didn't know secret agents exist in Active Worlds as "birdes"
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a sorta elevator

Aug 30, 2003, 8:25am
yes it has
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Object Zooming effect

Aug 30, 2003, 8:39am
I've come up with a good idea that allows your view to "zoom" in on an
object when your cursor goes over it, and the ability to decide how far you

if you put create zoom without a number it would zoom in on the object
depending on how far you are away from it (and if its in range) a few other
ways for it to work could be:
0 meaning default meters (or w/e else) and 40 meaning how many meters away
you can be the zoomin on it, when you do zoomin the object will appear to
you no matter where you are as long as you are in the area its in, in other
words if you were in its line of sight, if it were inside a room (or behind
a wall object or any other object for that matter) and you wern't in the
room you wouldn't zoomin on the object
create zoom 0 40


once zoomedin on an object if it were moving (or started moving) then your
camera would follow it until you moved your cursor off of it; you could also
set it up so people could zoomin on your avatar when their cursor is on you
(or on your chat bubble), if you didn't want your avatar to have people
zooming in on it you would disable it and if you didn't want to zoomin on an
object (or avatar) at all you could disable zooming(for your browser)

and if a world allowed you to you could zoom in on anything you want by
yourself, in other words there could be a Paintball World which could allow
you to zoom in for sniping or one which does not, they'd also beable to
choose if zooming was enabled for avatars to give away (or not give away)

Object Zooming effect

Aug 30, 2003, 4:21pm
what happened? I was asking for a feature that allows you to zoomin on an
object not scale an object and where did I agree to "Its been asked for over
a year."?
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Object Zooming effect

Aug 30, 2003, 11:30pm
or objects
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Object Zooming effect

Sep 2, 2003, 3:25pm
uhh, we already know that
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Sep 16, 2003, 4:50am
what is the r for? you didn't tell us what that is
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Sep 18, 2003, 3:42pm
"activate text "crazy PiLLs RULEZ"" that shows that Crazy Pills thinks he
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Ground Object Action/Description

Sep 17, 2003, 2:57pm
AW should have a feature so you can set a Description and Action on the
ground object, for example:

ground ("create texture stars1_strat" "Space")

left would be the Action and right would be the Description; this would be a
good idea incase you don't have an object path and want the ground object to
have a different texture, play a sound or emit light

Telegram Checker

Nov 7, 2003, 4:18am
I think AW 3.5 should have it so when your at the "Password" startup area
you can click on a button marked "Check Telegrams" to see your telegrams


Cell Grid Selection

Nov 21, 2003, 10:12pm
I think that you should be able to select a cell when displaying the Cell
Grid, and it would display on it the amount of objects in the cell and the
objects per cell limit so you know when your getting close to the limit


The big list of everything

Dec 7, 2003, 1:49am

7) your avatar can "hold" an object
8) V4.0 needs have Dynamic Lighting and Soft Shadows

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The big list of everything

Dec 7, 2003, 1:50am
this is the same thing (pretty much): "activate URL about: hello

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Jan 22, 2004, 7:35pm
what exactly do you mean by that?

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