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Browser Within Activeworlds Ability

Apr 21, 2003, 8:26pm
you can view the old ones if you have the right stuff you just have to
reprogram the Browser and message set
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Browser Within Activeworlds Ability

Apr 21, 2003, 8:37pm
maybe i didnt fully read
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Animated Textures

Apr 21, 2003, 8:24pm
the create texture command should have a new feature
(example: create texture <texture> anin=<number> anim=<name>)
anin = animation number (how many numbers it uses)
anim = animation name (you could choose which texture it uses next)
this way you could have multiple textures, and tags (which work in create
animate me.... too except it takes up more Cell Space)

Animated Textures

Apr 21, 2003, 8:37pm
yeah your right
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Apr 21, 2003, 8:36pm
I have a good way to "enhance" Terrain

1: there would be a terrain options area under options with the following:
Use more memory (if you checkmark this it would render terrain more, with
more cells for more realistic holes and hills)
Show terrain errors (if you checkmark this it reads out terrain errors for
when they become not-solid and shows locations)
Upload custom texture (this feature allows each user to upload 3 terrain
textures to the ActiveWorlds op it renames them to whatever the name of the
next terrain texture would be and uploads them to AW's Default Terrain path
which would be public for those who want their own terrain untill they get
their own Terrain Paths if they dont want object paths, and Universe Admins
could increase a user's limit just like bot limits)
World Option: Use More Memory enabled (this allows more realistic terrain to
be created if you have Use More Memory enabled in the Options area for the


Broadcast (about fixing it)

Apr 24, 2003, 8:13pm
some people have their worlds hosted so they should have it in the World
Options too for people who have it hosted, you could transmit broadcasts
from there

A lil indicator called 'Join Pending'

Apr 25, 2003, 8:16pm
good idea, or better yet a join sound?
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A lil indicator called 'Join Pending'

Apr 25, 2003, 8:16pm
and flashing light
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May 6, 2003, 1:40am

Terrain Textures

May 6, 2003, 1:57am
does AW plan on putting the NewAW Terrain Textures onto the megapath? we
could use them

new world list option for tourists

May 7, 2003, 2:54pm
it should also have "show beta worlds" that are using the Beta Server
Version, in order for that the "Beta World Build" setting in the universe
options would be used
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May 7, 2003, 5:36pm
there is a such thing as "avatar" objects, and where you can use them like
this "../avatars/<name>.<format>", AW should have a "sequence" command ..for
activate sequence <name>

so you can have avatar objects using idle sequences or walk sequences for
create move commands

Privilege Passwords

May 8, 2003, 2:32am
ActiveWorlds should have two types of "PPWs":
World PPWs (for world rights)
Build PPWs (for building)
you could set these up in the Citizen Settings so you dont have to worry
about Citizens messing up terrain and rights, or making "their own world"

Privilege Passwords

May 10, 2003, 2:11am
oh yeah i knew i forgot one LOL (seriously)
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Privilege Passwords

May 10, 2003, 2:11am
go to Community
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Privilege Passwords

May 10, 2003, 2:12am
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Object Push

May 8, 2003, 8:01pm
why not this command setting? push=1/0
create move 0 5 time=12.5 wait=2 push=1
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Load Terrain Button

May 10, 2003, 2:36pm
when you reset your world, or modify terrain if you go somewhere else and
come back it isnt there; Active Worlds isnt overriding elev files for them
to reload terrain on every world stop and you have to dump your cache, there
should be a Load Terrain Button that reloads terrain over existing elev

Water Editting

May 11, 2003, 4:00pm
(i heard this was going to be worked on or was in the past) we need Water
Editting where you can select a part of the water (Size of a Terrain Square)
and edit it to be there or not i know lots of people want lakes and oceans
in their worlds but dont have them because they also want under ground

Water Editting

May 11, 2003, 6:56pm
yeah except E N Z O said 3.5 has no bugs (reason: no features) how come they
are working on 3.5 if there is a 3.4? they should just add it in 3.4 and
release it
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Head Move

May 12, 2003, 7:00pm
in a game it is set up in models so that when they look their head turns in
the direction they are facing, the same thing could be done on AW by
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standalone mode

May 13, 2003, 2:48am
yeah.. or falling through terrain and landing inside a secret area
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standalone mode

May 13, 2003, 2:48am
they need to get that terrain bug fixed
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standalone mode

May 13, 2003, 2:55pm
you might have come up with a solution to the terrain bug: couldnt AW use
boundary dumps as well to read where terrain is, isnt, goes up, or goes
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AW Cam

May 13, 2003, 4:53am
there should be a command which renders everything in an environment and
everything in it in a picture object(this would be live 24/7 update) and it
should be set up like this:

create camera 3n 1w 2a 12 -6(down +6 for up)

this would put a live pic updated by the second into a picture object
showing people chat, walk or show what happens in the world like clouds
moving, water flowing, objects moving by or admins changing terrain and
stuff... this would be the first and best AW Camera for live updates 24/7
another command could be

create camera (there'd be a
record feature and stop record feature to put these movies out or create
camera 3n 1w 2a 12 -6 record=120 (seconds)....)


AW Cam

May 13, 2003, 2:53pm
no it could just render it all in a picture window
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AW Cam

May 13, 2003, 2:54pm
with a change or two
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May 19, 2003, 9:10pm
Deformation Features: in the AW 3.4(or 3.5) Browser you should beable to
activate and deactivate it in your world, Deforming Terrain would use many
diffrent Terrain Squares in a selected one to deform it (you could choose
how many squares in one square) and there would be "dots" visible at the end
of each square inside the selected one that you could select, then move up
and down for better terrain (AW Users would have a choose to deactivate and
activate this on their browser, if they had it off it would use normal
terrain if it was on it would load Deformed Terrain or use Normal Terrain in
Worlds without Deforming Terrain enabled)

Terrain-User Settings: in 3.4(or 3.5) you should beable to set brightness
level, terrain square color and gravity in terrain squares for complete
world control (say you want to make a tunnel and make it with terrain and
existing models with no darkness level, terrain wouldnt have the object
shadow so you could decrease the brightness)

Tunnel Controls: in any terrain square you want to be a tunnel you could
open Tunnel Options for it, say at one part you can make it the entrance you
would select "Tunnel Entrance/Exit" (you can change the direction at either
end in raised terrain) this would make an entrance with walls, floors and
roofs inside it, you could also select "Terrain Tunnel" which makes inside
walls and floors, also roofs, other selections would be "Under Ground
Entrance/Exit" it would have the same settings avaible as Terrain Tunnel
Entrance/Exit.. it would also have "Under Ground Tunnel" same as Terrain
Tunnel except this would be Under Ground, so would the Entrance/Exit Setting
but it goes below the ground and has a hole going into a tunnel


Carving Features: in AW would take an object, and you could place it in one
object and click carve; it would save it to the universe for everyone to see
the carved part gone looking in the shape of how the object that carved it
was shaped


mirror command

May 20, 2003, 1:31pm
yeah we do need this command, i've seen it done in 3 games and 2 programs
like AW..
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mirror command

May 21, 2003, 3:56pm
the other programs i mentioned that are like AW have objects that use stuff
more out of date than AW's and yet they can reflect on stuff
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