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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 11:48am
hmm, maybe we all that use his bot, should sponsor Xelag
So he can contune his great work.


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new virus alert!

Jun 6, 2003, 12:41pm
This is a Virus that is ment to work on Bank system, but if you update your
virus software every day, as you should. this virus is nothing to worry


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new virus alert!

Jun 6, 2003, 1:01pm
or just set your outlook to plain text, so it won't generate html code

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AW Forum?

Jun 14, 2003, 9:05am
LOL..... ohhh I did't know. rofl


"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> skrev i melding
news:Xns939A7F104EA81kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "calhoun" <coen at charter.net> wrote in news:3eeac48d$1
> at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> You are in it... Time to open your eyes, mate.

Welcome 3.4

Jun 20, 2003, 6:27am
Well, you can enable Precise Movement in General Settings, if you have
problem with the movement speed.

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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 7:09pm
That have been done, so far I know

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Okay you can kill me now...

Jul 5, 2003, 8:45am
Not that I know, I remember back to 97/98 and it was WingOnite that own it


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M A T T again

Jul 26, 2003, 5:12pm
I notice that ...Elf Creon... is in AW as well, is this same owner, and
stoled that too?

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Xelagot 3.422 available

Aug 2, 2003, 12:43am
no he won't

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Serious Windows bug!

Aug 13, 2003, 7:06pm
I have get one computer in to be fixed here that have another version of
this virus, thtp as a .pf file, same as msblaster have. you should only have
one single thtp file at your putter, and that is thtp.exe

msblaster does also have a msblaster as a .pl file, be sure to remove this.

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Serious Windows bug!

Aug 14, 2003, 6:27am
you have also this:

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Attached files

Aug 14, 2003, 4:02pm
agree on that

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America world

Aug 25, 2003, 2:47pm
I'm not sure of use the bot, but america is still under construction, and it
will take some time before builds will be allowed at all.
At this time they are working on the OP, that need some work, and OY that
will be upgraded after that. first when all this is done, I think build will
be allowed.
But what about old builds, I'm not sure, but I think it will be a problem
with that, since your backup can have
objects that no longer exsist in america.

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America world

Aug 25, 2003, 4:09pm
I did't say you will not be allowed, but was not sure, because of the OP.

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Stars Texture?

Aug 29, 2003, 6:18am
stars_1 so far I know

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Sep 5, 2003, 11:18pm
lol, agree

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Sep 9, 2003, 7:30pm
First of all, all the tg about Incendium I have hear and got.
Telegram I got was:
incendium is a hacker who hacked the mainframe, aw is hunting him right now

First of all, I did't belive much of this, then 30 min later this guy gram
me with a:


I asked who he was and no reply

because of that I did some looks up, and asked few of my friends if they
have any info.
and the resault was :

340007 lncendium ( with smal L )
335249 Incendium..
351003 Incendium
299225 S t e f a n

reason why last 2 is that at the moment did have same IP as one of the 3
but anyway, I find it rude if they or he did this to make people afraid.

So grow up, and let us have fun in AW, no one should try to harm anyone.


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Sep 9, 2003, 7:34pm
funny you said that, look at my post earlier

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Sep 9, 2003, 7:58pm
First of all, if I was the hacker, and this telegram start to go around, I'm
sure I would get telegram that tells me that, and I do not then start to
post telegram to everyone, just with :) and then refuse to answer.
this makes uneeded afraid people. Not all are super user that knows

can't be hard to understand, can it?

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Sep 9, 2003, 9:23pm
I have no problem with that, since I did't belive it, but did all do that?
I did get many grams from worry people, and so short time after last hacker,
I did't find it funny, even it was suppose to be.

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Sep 9, 2003, 10:02pm
you missed the point CD, a smile is always welcome, but my question is more
about the gram I got 30 min before I got the smile ( and many else ) , and
why he did't answer, when I asked who he was.

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Sep 9, 2003, 10:09pm
not more?
great contact list even I thought it have only max 500


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Sep 9, 2003, 10:17pm
Well Stefan

[View Quote] [View Quote] is the same is't it?

anyway, if 1200 asked, who many did not? lol

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Cy Awards Cancellation

Sep 10, 2003, 1:02pm
Sorry to hear that :(


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Sep 23, 2003, 2:44pm
He have not left, I did talk to him last nite at America.
about 19 hours ago.

But I also know he does not read this NG. so just telegram to Jetta Lewis


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Lost Friend

May 20, 2004, 3:33am
This was very sad news, dont not what to say, AW have lost a dear friend,
and one that brings enjoy to all.


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Somewhat OT: Professional 3D

May 21, 2004, 1:18pm
Well, Poser is nice, but to be use in AW, it is not, a avatar made in Poser
would have to much Polygons and quads, to be used in AW.
I did try to take one of my work there over to rwx, and reduce it so much I
could, but still it was 10 times more then what is good in AW

If you want to do 3D for AW, it is better to use Ordenery 3D software like
Truespace, 3D max, Wings, etc


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Somewhat OT: Professional 3D

May 21, 2004, 3:29pm
Well, a good start to begin, is to look at

This sites usual brings you to many great web pages
about 3D.


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LNH's site redesigned!

Jun 8, 2004, 11:40pm
The gap have its reason

If you look at first table width= you will see it says <table width="100%"
if they remove 100% to nothing so it says <table width="" then the gap will
be gone.
of course you can remove width="100%" as well. result will be the same.


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Funny games

Jun 7, 2004, 7:24pm
must say this makes me laugh a litle. :)


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