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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 22, 2004, 2:24pm
You should not belive it. if you have take the time to look at first page
( home )
you would see this:

And I must say, I dont belive that!!


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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 22, 2004, 2:32pm
This enzo does have csc.com as mail adress, dont think our enzo have that,


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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 22, 2004, 3:02pm
Bummer, you should have sold your company when you still have this 1.4
Billion dollars .



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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 24, 2004, 11:25pm
taken from linspire ( Lindows ) web page:

Is Linspire designed to run software written for Microsoft® Windows?
No. Linspire is designed to run stable, secure and affordable Linux
software. Fortunately, there are thousands of great Linux software programs
available to perform most any desktop computer task, and the amount and
quality of the software is advancing every day.


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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 24, 2004, 11:27pm
Here you have the web url, that gives you more answer:


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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jul 4, 2004, 12:54am
Maybe this can be the future for you, if they will add Linux.
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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jul 4, 2004, 12:56am
Maybe a idea to add the link, http://www.reactos.com/

This is a open source beta OS that runs same drivers as Windows does, but it
is to early yet.


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Help please.

Jul 2, 2004, 6:23pm
She have to put in her username and password at Tools>accounts, then news
tab, she find news.activeworlds.com account there, mark this and click
properties. then she get a menu pop up, at the server tab she put in her AW
user and pw
Ticket on "this server req....."

This should help


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Jul 7, 2004, 8:26am
you can try a new install of AW


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Jul 7, 2004, 3:54pm
well, you can dl this zip
and install it where you have your AW.
This will work, but I would suggest that you dl AW when it is at the webpage
at activeworlds.com


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Jul 8, 2004, 7:04pm
that file have been deleted as AWI have now updated their page with dl of


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Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???

Jul 8, 2004, 9:11am
[View Quote] World features can have the object refresh on to low value, if so that will

> 2) Seqs stop all of a sudden and for no apparent reason, the only way I
> correct it is to reboot browser, and then after awhile it happens again.

Try to delete your cache

> 3) MP3 and other songs are intermittent at best, they no longer play
> smoothly like they use to. Choopy music is no fun to listen to.

Do you have your AGP driver installed?

> 4) Can you please open beta group to further discuss these issues and
> some time for the general community to comment? Personally I asked a few
> you AWI owners to add me to beta, you didn't ... I don't understand why
> is considered final release when only a handful have tested it. I could
> access beta group for one day (yesterday) but now I'm off again?
> I'm back on 3.5 (532) until I get some answers...

Beta is fininish, as 3.6 is released.

Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???

Jul 8, 2004, 12:57pm
Well playing mp3 can be done 2 ways, if create sound have been use, you
shouldt get problem with playing this song, as the mp3 does not playing
before it is downloaded local.
And it is this way i think LN have problem with, and this was something I
notes i did have also, when AGP driver was not installed. Even midi was
playing crap.

Create Media as you point to Xelag, can have that problem as you mention,
but wouldt this be because, what you have dl of streaming is finish to play
and it trys to get the rest? So far I have not get this problem when
playing audios.


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Tengels AW web

Jul 12, 2004, 9:13pm
Many have telegram me and ask me if I will my web online again. And of
course it will.

My old tipssenteret.no was shut down in march 2004 and will never be online
again, at least not before some one else buy that domain.

That olds domain name I didn't feel, did have anything to do with AW, so
today I have start up a new one, that will have all the stuff my old have,
but also a lot more will come, just be patience as my day only have 24 hours
even I wish it should be 48.

Anyway, you all is free to look at it, and during the summer all of the
goodies should be added to the web.

Web: http://3D-nordic.com


Tengels AW web

Jul 12, 2004, 9:40pm
a little double posting? hehe


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Tengels AW web

Jul 12, 2004, 10:15pm
been there, but I have all that stuff here, so it works better here, lol
they just show the txt and color.

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Tengels AW web

Jul 13, 2004, 12:09am
Media Error code finder, just been released at
Most of the error codes you get at the sign in AW is here, just type in the
code you get, and it will tell you what is wrong.
url: http://3d-nordic.com/modules.php?name=Error


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Tengels AW web

Jul 13, 2004, 12:19am
my Java?
shouldt not be java at my tutorials, they use flash


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Tengels AW web

Jul 13, 2004, 12:40am
Lady N did try the url eep post, this is not my web site, this is just a bad
copy of it. avoid this one.

URL is: http://3D-nordic.com


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Tengels AW web

Jul 14, 2004, 12:56pm
Some new stuff have been added, like the ugly beast of a dragon avatar


have fun


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Directive 7"2' is Invoked

Jul 14, 2004, 7:40pm
Well, is not always so smart to convert it to Flash, let say you move
around, in a world where they have sky layers in movment, just because of
that, hole 3D window will be used as frame, instead of just avatar or the
mouse coursor. This will make the flash movie to be biger then what you
could done in avi.
But what you can do, is to create in Flash studio a loadmovie command, so it
shows the avi, in the flash.
This can save alot on the DL.
When you use Camtasia Recorder, you should always try to avoid so much
movments around ( sky, water, another avatars, eg), what you realy want to

Another useful tools in combination with Camtasia is Blufftitler, a software
that makes you create a billion differends 3D animated text effects movie.


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Something for jus fun :)

Jul 19, 2004, 7:30pm
Funny one, after few try, I was lucky enough to get 75 meters. pure luck.



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Again... what's up with NewAW ?

Jul 20, 2004, 1:30pm
So far NewAW, is a test world, and if i remember correct, it will be some
beta test there, that citizen could sign on to join.



[View Quote] Why does AWI take sooooo long before opening NewAW ? Does anybody know
what's happening with this world ? Just wondering...


dead link at ActiveWorlds.com

Jul 21, 2004, 1:29pm
At some page at Activeworlds.com it is few dead links, so to help, I post
the new URL of it, if it exists. And also one dead link in the aw help file

Page: http://www.activeworlds.com/newsletter/0604/resource1.html
AlphaWorld Object Gallery
New url: http://rypp.pangle.no

Page: http://www.activeworlds.com/community/resources.asp
Tengel's AW Website http://www.tipssenteret.no
New url: http://3D-nordic.com
Mundo Hispano: does not exist anymore
Patagonia: http://www.fna.no/pata/
New url: http://pata.3D-nordic.com
Active Worlds Building Help Files :
Should be: http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw36/building.html#1
HenrikG's Texture Tutorial : http://www.henrikg.com/tt/
Deleted by HenrikG as his own wish.

And one dead link in ActiveWorlds default.awh file:
The Newsgroups "How to read and post"
Does not exist



dead link at ActiveWorlds.com

Jul 21, 2004, 6:50pm
you find that under Building--Command---Media in your user guide
url of it is: http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw36/media_command.html



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dead link at ActiveWorlds.com

Jul 21, 2004, 6:52pm
Spanish one is still mention on that same page as Mundo, and that link does
work. But what happend to the russian one, I dont know.



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Bingo ... For Tourists ONLY

Jul 22, 2004, 8:23pm
thanks, guess you will see me as "Tengel" :)



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question (nonaw)

Jul 23, 2004, 8:10am
when you are at Display properties, go to the settings tab, then find the
Advanced button.
There you will find Adapter tab, if it says VGA as Adapter type, you must
reinstall your Video card ( drivers ), this you can do at the properties
button, then driver tab, click then on Update driver.
Since you might have to do this, the best is to get the latest driver from



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One of the Best Movies I've seen...

Jul 25, 2004, 8:14pm
Funny that one, and it was even on our national TV news today, people in
studio did laugh alot on that one.



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To Nvidia Geforce users

Jul 27, 2004, 11:07pm
To those that have Nvidia video card.
Nvidia just have release a new series of video drivers, for their products.
I did upgrade mine, and my performence did go up alot in AW.
Ver. 61.77 can be found here:



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