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Sep 18, 2002, 6:40pm
.....I hate to say it but i knew this was going to happen.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at

[AWNews] If You Insist...

Sep 20, 2002, 1:19pm
Personally i don't think anyone will be stopping him any time soon, i mean
the movie industry, college, etc. and we're just a bunch of little people,
what we do wont matter.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at

Re: Well....

Sep 20, 2002, 1:12pm
Bull! I told you 3 weeks before it expired that you better pick it up before
a squatter (mostwanteddomains) does but you said pfft no one is going to
want that bad, and .org isnt registered, i said so?
doesnt mean they still wont pick it up, they know someone will want it.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at

[View Quote]

Re: Well....

Sep 20, 2002, 10:46pm
of course ^_^

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at
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Aw Video 4 Almost coming out

Sep 23, 2002, 10:14pm
I never watched the third video, now that i did i notice something my house
in awteen is in it LOL ^_^

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at

Aw Video 4 Almost coming out

Sep 23, 2002, 11:44pm
Yo Pineriver, how big is the aw3 movie i can provide a mirror and what not.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at

Aw Video 4 Almost coming out

Sep 24, 2002, 6:10pm
Fat Chance.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at
[View Quote]

Aw Video 4 Almost coming out

Sep 24, 2002, 6:44pm

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 431
Brock at

[View Quote]

The Video4 is out!

Sep 25, 2002, 8:57pm
Authorized V4 Mirror now up:

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 433
Brock at

New Browser

Oct 11, 2002, 11:39pm
The time for release of the new 3.4 browser has not been set.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 435
Brock at

New Browser

Oct 13, 2002, 6:23am
My view on the new version is simply, i wish we would have had these
features premiere along with terrain in 3.3
The new clouds, sky colors, water, you can tweak the effects so much as to
make it into any type of day you want, that is definately a plus not a fan
of those comicy chat bubbles, but maybe you are.

Oookay that's it for now.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 435
Brock at

[View Quote]

Playing THE GAME pays off!

Oct 14, 2002, 7:38pm
No offense but your posts are starting to get annoyed.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 435
Brock at

[View Quote]

Playing THE GAME pays off!

Oct 14, 2002, 8:08pm
Putting it simply,
We really don't wish to know what happens in your world. Why dont you start
a private forum for users of your world, or post it in worldbuilders or
and not general, community and especially wishlist

You are not making a wish are you? no.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 435
Brock at

[View Quote]

Concerning The Game

Oct 16, 2002, 9:28pm
Sounds like some dumb spamming company like that is here to do
nothing but annoy you.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 435
Brock at

[View Quote]

Tourist on Alpha Prime

Oct 27, 2002, 11:54pm
Personally i don't think it will work this time.
We have got them to bend on many occasions
but seeing as Prime is the main building world, the largest.
Letting tourists back in there, would just be like, well let's just get rid
of tourist restrictions all together, see my point?

On the business side it's just not logical.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 435
Brock at

[View Quote]

Close the newsgroups

Nov 5, 2002, 10:18pm
We could always just have them cleared and start fresh, that sounds better

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: Heck who knows they shoot them out faster than a rabbit does
baby rabbits.
Brock at
[View Quote]

Daphne's Bingo Topic

Nov 5, 2002, 11:48pm
Where would we build them at because i would do it provided i am given a
temp world to work in

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 440
Brock at
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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 6:03pm
Finally. He leaves, yay.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 442
Brock at

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 10:50pm
You want to know
I'm starting to develop a hatred for tourists. They seem to breed around the
area of A!!CT, Eliminate A!!CT, eliminate annoying tourists..... The ones
that talk to Customs Aide, go into other worlds asking where is the zbot the
ones that get in your face when they talk to you, the ones that follow you
around yelling BRAINS.....
I didnt really mind the world, but when tourists got opened in AWTeen, it
was like opening pandoras box.
I went to AWTeen as a safe house from the tourists, but now they are there.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 442
Brock at

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 10:58pm
When i was a tourist i figured alot of stuff out on my own.
Customs Aide, how to build, the proper aw etiquite.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 442
Brock at

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 8, 2002, 10:15am
Sorry to anyone who was offended but well thats what i think.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 1292
Brock at

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What's taking you so long, Bill?

Nov 11, 2002, 1:38pm
them sw'ians need their map lol.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 443
Brock at

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Unexpected deletions

Nov 11, 2002, 5:17pm
Lets all call Enzo a newb and throw stuff at him
*throws cup at enzo*

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 443
Brock at

[View Quote] I must apologize to any and all who have unexpectedly seen their posts
deleted this morning. The command that was used to delete one thread
unexpectedly also sucked a group of others with the word "CommunitY" along
with it. This means that a bunch of what I am sure were fine and inspired
posts were deleted for no apparent reason. I apologize again.



"gimme a break I'm new at this"


Nov 21, 2002, 7:53pm
For the last time. Stop posting this stuff here, get your own NG.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 443
Brock at
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Reporters & Commentators Needed

Nov 23, 2002, 11:41am
Once again I would like to suggest that The-Game gets it's own newsgroup,
host their own, ask andras for one, pay someone to host one, etc, etc.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 443
Brock at
[View Quote]

Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 25, 2002, 9:46pm
I'm in 100 percent agreeal with this, there are like 20 people i can name
that shouldnt be in beta test, just want in because 3.4 looks cool =\
They don't report bugs, they are new, they are lame.
Are the types of people heh.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 445
Brock at
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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 25, 2002, 11:47pm
Beta testing is for solving bugs......

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 445
Brock at

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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 26, 2002, 4:45pm
Well E if you want to be close to having a stable release stop adding new
features in this version and start putting them into the next version,
figure out all the features of 3.4 make sure their all fixed tight, then go
on :P

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 445
Brock at
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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 26, 2002, 5:34pm
So let me get this straight after Build 445, there will be no more new
features added to 3.4, future builds will be put in place to fix those found
in previous 3.4 builds.
Is that what you are saying?

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 445
Brock at
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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 26, 2002, 6:27pm
Well if my opinions mean anything
people like Mike Zimmer, and chris here would be a good beta tester :P

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 445
Brock at

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