brock // User Search
brock // User Search
Mar 14, 2003, 7:36pm
I did not say arguing was wrong, no no no.
I said that this is a huge universe, there are plenty of places to do that.
All AWGate is for, is for learning how to use aw and really light
conversation, you learn how to use it, then you leave, you want to argue, do
it in aw, or some other world, see how they react, the peacekeepers will
probally tell you not to do it also, simply because there is no reason for
you to be doing it in that place. That's why we have AWDebate, that's why we
have whisper, and that's why we can go elsewhere, and talk in private.
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 455
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3e717209 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Why Brock?
> Where is this law written? and most importantly, why?
> the point was not whether AWGate is only for Bunny Rabbits, obviously it
> but where was the logic behind the decree?
> Forcing everyone to exist without argument is pretty unnatural aint it? To
> eject any one that holds an opinion for or against any thing and just
> the entry way to AW as a plastic, sterile, garden of meaningless carrot
> recipe chatter.......*shrugs* that surely only appeals to the minority
> offends the majority
> Arguing because i can? yeah... too right i am..... i CAN, at least in
> this place, at this time.....thank goodness.
> "brock" <Brock at iceflare.net> wrote in message
> news:3e716e66$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Your only arguing the matter because you can, there is a time and a place
> for everything, and debate and stuff like this is simply not for a place
> like AWGate, and not a time when your in AWGate. Do it in whisper or go
> somewhere private.
Mar 23, 2003, 2:55am
I'm not coming, i dont even like SW City Full of weird people that go O_O
and Say Citrus and Cheese logs =\ know what i'm saying? Actually just
kidding, wouldnt miss it :D
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 467
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
Mar 24, 2003, 6:53pm
Welcome to the newsgroup, there is just a few simple rules of etiquite
1) Don't ask or suggest stuff that's been suggested for the past year. Such
as cit prices.
2) Don't ask stupid questions, for example Why is Enzo's world closed? Or
How do i go about participating in beta?
Because there are simple ways to solve this
Why is Enzo's world closed? Telegram E N Z O
How do I particpate in Beta? Don't even bother asking, they will tell you
when they need people.
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 469
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e7f05ae at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It seems many think $6.95 per month for a citizenship is too much. It
> there aren't as many people immigrating at that price (just by what I see
> the gate, I don't have any statistics). Some think a price increase was
> but would like to pay something lower than what we are paying now. Like
> $30.00 per year or something in that range. I hope there is a better way
> soon. It seems like with no tourists in Alpha World and noone wanting to
> pay $6.95 per month that is hindering happiness of citizens and growth of
> the community.
Mar 24, 2003, 8:53pm
I bet you'll get over it.........
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 469
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"johnny b" <jbitt2ATjunoDOTcom> wrote in message
news:3e7f8734$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well now, That wasn't very neighborly :Op
> "brock" <Brock at iceflare.net> wrote in message
news:3e7f7058$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mar 25, 2003, 12:01am
who's trying? I'm in a bad mood today, so i'm saying whatever comes out.
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 469
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e7fb193$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "brock" <Brock at iceflare.net> wrote in message
> news:3e7f8c50$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You really need to stop acting like Goober's interpretation of you from
the awng
> guide. It really isn't good, and you're really trying too hard.
> --Bowen--
Mar 25, 2003, 7:08pm
Yeah goob lol, i was wondering where the heck that thread came from.
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 469
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3E804AD8.8040409 at utn.cjb.net...
> *blink* Umm, Brock didn't say anything about the war in that post...
> Perhaps you replied to the wrong thread?
> wings0nite wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Maybe Wings *is* crazy ;)
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Mar 28, 2003, 8:20am
Yes, stop it it is quite annoying to see The Game Advertisements every other
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 470
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3e83eb91$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> So you have said... 10+ times.
> - Mark
> "the game master" <the_foundation at sprynet.com> wrote in message
> news:3e83db06 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> improvements.
Mar 28, 2003, 6:30pm
Why do you say "we" it's just "you" lol.
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 470
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"the game master" <the_foundation at sprynet.com> wrote in message
news:3e8455d0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> We are sorry for repeating our post, but for some reason they keep
> vanishing. If we are to reach people about our world events the posts have
> to be placed in these groups. Sorry if we have annoyed anyone.
> Thank You.
Mar 29, 2003, 12:24pm
What, i'm just speaking the truth aye :)
And for your information i'm a 15 year old lamer :P
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 470
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns934D893A9F573kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "brock" <Brock at iceflare.net> wrote in
> news:3e84b0f6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> Brock, Ihnk, please stop acting like four year old lamers, okay?
Mar 29, 2003, 6:55pm
Yes this is one of the oldest hoaxes in the book, i cannot count the
computer's i've had to repair because of this hoax.
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 470
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"truetome2" <TrueToMe2 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3e85ff96$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Please check your computers and forward this on to your contacts.
> Good luck,
> TrueToMe2
> Subject: virus
> A virus has been passed on to me by a contact.
> Since you are in my address book, there is a good chance you will find it
> your computer too. The virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by
> or McAfee antivirus systems. The virus sits quietly for 14 days before
> damaging
> the system. It is sent automatically by messenger and by the address book,
> whether or not you sent e-mail to your contacts.
> Here's how to check for the virus and how to get rid of it:
> 1. Go to start, Find or search option.
> 2. In the file folder option, type the name jdbgmgr.exe
> 3. Be sure you search your C:drive and all sub-folders and any other
> you may have.
> 4. Click "find now"
> 5. The Virus has a Teddy Bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN
> ! ! ! !
> 6. Go to Edit (on the menu bar) and choose "select all" to highlight the
> file without opening it.
> 7. Now go to File (on the menu bar) and select delete. It will then go to
> the Recycle Bin.
> To Do This:
> a) Open a new e-mail message
> b) Click the icon of the address book next to the "TO"
> c) Highlight every name and add to "BCC"
> d) Copy this message and enter subject paste to e-mail
> Deb Wellborn
Apr 12, 2003, 11:24am
a PS2 costs 200.
a citizenship costs 70
I don't see a close price difference lol.
Plus citizenship prices are never going to be lowered, so stop posting that
they should be, give it up it is a endless battle that will get you nowhere,
you either have to pay, or don't pay which results in you being a tourist
again :)
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 476
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"tengel" <tengel at fna.no> wrote in message
news:3e97c9ec at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I don't know, what the price of this is in yours contry, but in my contry
> singel of PS2 game cost about the same what 1 year Chitizinship cost.
> Nobody complains about the prizes of a singel games of PS2. games they
> mostly get tierd of before 1 year have gone.
> Is maybe wrong to look into this, in this way, but in my view it is the
> same. A hobby I have to pay to use.
> ( PS2 = Playstation 2 )
> "twik" <twik at diville.fr.fm> wrote in message
> news:3e977557$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> my
> prices
> cant
> and
Apr 12, 2003, 2:16pm
oh a game,
Game: 50
AW Cit: 70
Game lasts till you finish it
AW Cit: Lasts for a year guaranteed.
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 476
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"tengel" <tengel at fna.no> wrote in message
news:3e98129e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> At Amazon.com I don't find any games to 200, but I find to 50, and Brock I
> don't care it cost money, I was answer Twik,
> as I said a hobby I pay to use,
> some use money at ps2, I use it at AW.
> "brock" <Brock at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3e98056d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that
> nowhere,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> contry
> he
> 2002
Apr 12, 2003, 6:01pm
That's another thing, like goober said a long time ago.
People spend money on things like cd's and video games, then complain about
not having enough money for aw.
He said this when the 20 dollar price was in position, i think it still is
effective for the new 70 dollar price :)
Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 476
AWTeen DE Leader
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
"Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
especially when it concerns others in his own age range.
In other words, the perfect NG candidate."
[View Quote]"chiana" <stonkingv8 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e98404e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> most console / PC games have 40 - 80 hours game play , then its finished
> when you replay it, its the same old things again.
> with AW a citship lasts a year and every day is differnt , the path isnt
> like it is in a Game, so everyday can be different but that depends on the
> user :)
> you cant really compare the two lol
Apr 16, 2003, 9:22pm
I've been in NewAW, NewAW is retarded. It got boring after 2 weeks.
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"dion" <Dion at digevo.net> wrote in message
news:3e9dbbc1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yeah, NewAW isn't just the old AW with a twist - it's an entire new type
> thing that may not attract nearly as many as AW does. AW has been the
> spot for years and I doubt any world will ever surpass it - AWCom hosted
> otherwise.
> -Dion
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E9D3BEB.7040306 at utn.cjb.net...
> Umm, no. For the last time, NewAW is *not* going to replace AlphaWorld!
> It's just yet another world people can visit, if they so choose.
> Honestly, I doubt NewAW will affect AW Prime's visitor levels after it's
> opened.
> As for the AW Feature Vote, I'm still waiting to see what the AWI staff
> thought of the AWNews poll results that I sent them. :P
> j b e l l wrote:
> then
> --
> Goober King
> Always waiting on AWI...
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Apr 17, 2003, 1:35pm
My lord AW's propdump is 7 Gigabytes >_<
>_< at THAT
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3e9e9ff3$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> bastillion wrote:
willing to
> Last time I got the dump it was around 7 gigabytes and it is still
growing! You can't compress it with WinZIP but only with GZip (of course
since the server is running under Unix, that is not a problem).
> Just to create the propdump takes almost a day! I don't know if the SUN
server supports DVD writer thou :)
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)
Apr 20, 2003, 12:50pm
Yes it's like this in AWTeen also, maybe AWI will take a hint and fix this
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ea29e73$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Anyone know why the Custom's Aide is greeting twice?
Apr 25, 2003, 9:02am
Once Again, the kiddie adults are going at it.
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"whitestar" <bdale at woh.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3ea8a9dd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Mr. Bruce has banned me from A!!CT I felt it neccary to let every on know
> that I can no longer be a part of A!!CT his childish tantrums and
> harassment of the Citizens has forced me to start my own world he has
> me for all his problems I told him that Defiance has cussed out my 13 year
> old daughter and was harassing females in A!!CT as a Care Taker I repeatly
> got complaints about Defiance on NCC what ever he calls himself his CIT #
> 340479 this person is destroying people trust in A!!CT and because Mr.
> has no real control over his own world he lets it go on. I had plans to
> with A!!CT and help them with sponsorships but once Defiance cussed me out
> few times I got the big picture and realized that he had taken control of
> A!!CT from Mr. Bruce and there was no hope of fixing it Defiance has block
> people from his object path they challenged him on some graphics he had no
> right to sale so he blocked him from loading the objects and there was
> nothing I could Do about it so when he Shuts down A!!CT Again He is going
> blame me I hope for the sake of all the builders in act that this will not
> happen. So when this happens im sorry but A!!CT is a train heading off
> tracks and no one but Mr. Bruce can fix it and that's not likely to
> If you have kids going into A!!CT keep an Eye on them Defiance is a
> and even thought A!!CT is a G rated world Defiance is a Care Taker so he
> say anything he wants and no one will eject him. Again I'm sorry to all
> great people that come in act to build and that might have got there hopes
> up that I could make A!!CT a great Place To hangout but I never have that
> kind of control over A!!CT I was promised that I could make some changes
> that's why I took over the world to make A!!CT a Place you felt safe to
> the kid's hangout build and bring their friends then sell corporate
> sponsorship but that was not what happened. So forgive me when Mr. Bruce
> Shuts Down A!!CT and blames me for it, that was never what I wanted I did
> not set out to deceive anyone and I will have a new world Open Soon that
> will be a Safe place to hang out.
> Whitestar
Apr 25, 2003, 9:02am
Kiddie Adults Strike Again!
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"whitestar" <bdale at woh.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3ea8a9dd$5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Mr. Bruce has banned me from A!!CT I felt it neccary to let every on know
> that I can no longer be a part of A!!CT his childish tantrums and
> harassment of the Citizens has forced me to start my own world he has
> me for all his problems I told him that Defiance has cussed out my 13 year
> old daughter and was harassing females in A!!CT as a Care Taker I repeatly
> got complaints about Defiance on NCC what ever he calls himself his CIT #
> 340479 this person is destroying people trust in A!!CT and because Mr.
> has no real control over his own world he lets it go on. I had plans to
> with A!!CT and help them with sponsorships but once Defiance cussed me out
> few times I got the big picture and realized that he had taken control of
> A!!CT from Mr. Bruce and there was no hope of fixing it Defiance has block
> people from his object path they challenged him on some graphics he had no
> right to sale so he blocked him from loading the objects and there was
> nothing I could Do about it so when he Shuts down A!!CT Again He is going
> blame me I hope for the sake of all the builders in act that this will not
> happen. So when this happens im sorry but A!!CT is a train heading off
> tracks and no one but Mr. Bruce can fix it and that's not likely to
> If you have kids going into A!!CT keep an Eye on them Defiance is a
> and even thought A!!CT is a G rated world Defiance is a Care Taker so he
> say anything he wants and no one will eject him. Again I'm sorry to all
> great people that come in act to build and that might have got there hopes
> up that I could make A!!CT a great Place To hangout but I never have that
> kind of control over A!!CT I was promised that I could make some changes
> that's why I took over the world to make A!!CT a Place you felt safe to
> the kid's hangout build and bring their friends then sell corporate
> sponsorship but that was not what happened. So forgive me when Mr. Bruce
> Shuts Down A!!CT and blames me for it, that was never what I wanted I did
> not set out to deceive anyone and I will have a new world Open Soon that
> will be a Safe place to hang out.
> Whitestar
Apr 25, 2003, 11:27pm
Will you Shut up Already!
If you got a problem with him, email him or something. No one cares about
A!!CT Your acting like your talking to everyone who attends A!!CT, post
something in your world, or get your own NG, because i'm getting fed up of
hearing the Adult Kiddies yell at each other.
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3ea9a360$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> COMMUNITY: First off its not my fault or intention for A!!CT's problems to
> be a part of your newsgroup, its my stupidity for listening to people who
> seem like concerned mature adults to help take some of the burden off of
> so I am not doing one thosand things at once! I certainly hate typing
> is why i perfer staying to myself, to own a world with its own path is
> work then any of you realize,I can not do everything at everyones whim.
> object path is the biggest bitch because alot of the doanted objects were
> altered by the donaters, editing a 200 object set is very time consuming
> when the textures have a combination upper and lower case letters in them,
> my server is case sensitive and its very annoying and very time consuming.
> Whitestar wants me to get rid of Defiance, but with the getting rid of
> Defiance also involves losing his object path and whitestar does not
> understand this, yes maybe I need to get rid of Defiance (I admit that
> goddamn it) but when his path is gone, so are the objects he created.
> Whitestar thinks i can just screw everyones build up without giving it a
> thought.
> I want to be truthful here, i hate aw and i really am miserable here,
> has been nothing but a nightmare since i had Heartfall path hosting as a
> host and InSaNiTy played ejection God with my world and hassled me over
> was allowed in his object yards and the crap here in AW never seems to
> People come to me saying they can help, i listen to them and say look I am
> really over whelmed here with having to do everything myself so yes i
> use the help. So OK here I
> am again wasting my time not getting those textures fixed, again posting
> typoing another fricking post, becasue someone who offered to help me is
> complaining about me and my world A!!CT and its sucky management.
> It seems all these helpers do to me and my world is go eject happy, i have
> world that has average 20 people in it that drops to 5 within weeks, half
> the people are in the ejections list.
> Im caught in the middel of being bot person, object path designer and
> Moderater trainer, everything is on me and then on top of that, I have to
> play judge over a dispute between a CT who is eject happy and a victum who
> says they were wrongly ejected.
> A!!CT mostly makes the news over CTs ejecting people out of my world, one
> bought and paid for A!!CT and the fact that as (the credit card holder)
> A!!CT I am not advised as to why the person is ejected or the details. If
> feel fit to remove a ban or ejection I am threatend by the CT they will
> leave and start a world of their own to compete with and destroy my world.
> That is the reasons the following people came to A!!CT, became a CT and
> A!!CT to open their own worlds (but not without posting my name and world
> these Goddamned newsgroups saying MrBruce is this ..MrBruce is that ...I
> opening my own world where things will not be like MrBruce or A!!CT,
> is a bad world owner come to ***** world instead
> I am sick of this bullshit folks and its mainly from GROWN ADULTS who want
> nothing but POWER!
> KeithB did this to me and opened A11NY, Rick did this to me and opened
> A!!!!!BB, King BlueMax did this to me and opened AKINGDOM, Rowey did this
> me and deleted 90% of A!!CT's GZ before I had AW disable his cit. Now
> Whitestar does the same thing to me over Defiance!
> What is wrong with the people here?
> Why am i always in the lime light defending myself, I came here to have
> and provide something for everyone.
> Whitestar came to my world when i told him i was sick of people doing to
> just what he just what he did to me. I put my trust in him, i believed in
> him.......he says i should have booted defiance long ago, does he have any
> idea how long it takes to rebuild a suitable path to repalce defiances? I
> think not.
> I am angry that instead of fixing MY path i am here wasting my fucking
> defending myself again and yes i am pissed!
> My world has had nothing but bad raps since it coem to be and i get the
> blame for it all, i try my best i put my trust into people who say they
> to help and look what i get.
> Whitestar this is a message to you, you complained about A!!CT being too
> open and free to do what you wanted, so i gave you A1CT so you had totoal
> control over that world, I told you was buying my own server at
> webmasters.com with my own path but it was going to take time to put
> together. %0% of the objects were freebies with tons of errors in the
> scripts, resulting in hours of unzippping editing and rezipping and
> to remove capital letters like some idiot who named a wall Wall01.RWX on
> server (which is case sensitive) a person has to type Wall01.RWX not
> wall01.rwx for the object to load. That takes time and till its done my
> can not fully repalce Defiance's path, lets be logical here!
> Your causing me great un-needed stress here mr whitestar because you claim
> its taking me too long to finish, you made a commercial business deal
> promiss with me 4 months ago, whats taking you so long? I have an excuse,
> have only had my own server less than 3 weeks and it should not be
> to be ready yet!
> So for some unknown reason, you abandon the project in A1CT claiming it
> over Defiance, I call you a coward, because you never told me anything, if
> had not gone to A1CT and seen the message you left on the immigration
> officer, i would not have known you walked out on me to start your own
> world.
> I feel you used me, yes until i used defiances object password my path was
> unprotected and you were able to downlaod off it freely to steal objects,
> once defiance shared his apssword with me, i started zipping my objects
> his password to protect them, thats when you could not longer downlaod
> and what were your intentions? You moved the builds from A1CT to AWTeen
> using a bot, you used a bot to copy A!!CT world's entire landscape, why?
> move it to AWTeen or your world you plan to open?
> I feel you used me, in 4 months I, nor A!!CT world has received anything
> from you, but promisses not kept and an ejection list a mile long!
> Had you had some money invested in A!!CT I would have seen your right to
> so, but you paid nothing, you used me, you used my world and path to get a
> status symble for yourself, to open your own world and compete with me,
> like all the others did to me.
> But you know what Whitestar? Those who did that to me and have worlds,
> failed to do what their posted claimed they would do. A!!CT still tops the
> worlds of those who were A!!CTs past CTs, you know why? because 90% of AWs
> citizens are on the ban lists.
> In closing and i am not going to waste my time editing this shit, I never
> brought A!!CT to AW to be power hungry or to play God, I do not care who
> builds there or comes there, its a free world and I DO NOT like others
> are not owners to do it either!
> A!!CT according to AW records has TWO real owners who have paid for A!!CT.
> Those are Mayor Taz and MrBruce. Defiance is only an object path owner.
> Mr Whitestar its not me that failed you or A!!CT, i was doing my best, it
> was you who walked out on not only me (someone who did nothing to you) but
> you also walked out on A!!CTs community and if our frienship was so thin
> that a smuck like defiance could end it, then it was never really a true
> friendship anyways was it?
> End of discussion I have a Path to work on and your actions made you look
> just as bad as defiance!
> You want to act mature contact me, otherwise to avoid you copying any more
> builds in A!!CT your banned, you seem to be one to get the last word in so
> am sure I will hear something negative from you soon.
> Thank you for your time!
> MrBruce.
Apr 26, 2003, 12:24am
Bruce, in simple terms.
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3ea9e2c5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Brock I am here to defend myself, as I said before, why are you not
> the same advice to Whitestar who brought this crap here in the first
> hmmm why not brock? Look down a few posts, don't see you telling Whitestar
> the same thing. Just like they need a headline to attack me in, I need one
> to defend myself in. Plain and simple, maybe if people keep my business
> of here, so will I.
> Lastly, funny how you always attack me here and put me down, but your not
> banned from my world and you infact have a build there not far from GZ.
> "brock" <Brock at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3ea9e089 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> who
> were
> them,
> consuming.
> am
> have
> half
> to
> who
> one
> If
> world.
> world
> want
> this
> in
> any
> I
> totoal
> claim
> excuse,
> if
> was
> objects,
> a
> the
> AWs
> never
> A!!CT.
> it
> but
> look
> more
> so
Apr 26, 2003, 12:53pm
My final suggestion?
Get rid of the path.
Delete the world.
Close the world.
Ask AW for a refund, if you get it good, if you dont oh well.
Let the world remain closed until it dies =\
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3ea9a360$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> COMMUNITY: First off its not my fault or intention for A!!CT's problems to
> be a part of your newsgroup, its my stupidity for listening to people who
> seem like concerned mature adults to help take some of the burden off of
> so I am not doing one thosand things at once! I certainly hate typing
> is why i perfer staying to myself, to own a world with its own path is
> work then any of you realize,I can not do everything at everyones whim.
> object path is the biggest bitch because alot of the doanted objects were
> altered by the donaters, editing a 200 object set is very time consuming
> when the textures have a combination upper and lower case letters in them,
> my server is case sensitive and its very annoying and very time consuming.
> Whitestar wants me to get rid of Defiance, but with the getting rid of
> Defiance also involves losing his object path and whitestar does not
> understand this, yes maybe I need to get rid of Defiance (I admit that
> goddamn it) but when his path is gone, so are the objects he created.
> Whitestar thinks i can just screw everyones build up without giving it a
> thought.
> I want to be truthful here, i hate aw and i really am miserable here,
> has been nothing but a nightmare since i had Heartfall path hosting as a
> host and InSaNiTy played ejection God with my world and hassled me over
> was allowed in his object yards and the crap here in AW never seems to
> People come to me saying they can help, i listen to them and say look I am
> really over whelmed here with having to do everything myself so yes i
> use the help. So OK here I
> am again wasting my time not getting those textures fixed, again posting
> typoing another fricking post, becasue someone who offered to help me is
> complaining about me and my world A!!CT and its sucky management.
> It seems all these helpers do to me and my world is go eject happy, i have
> world that has average 20 people in it that drops to 5 within weeks, half
> the people are in the ejections list.
> Im caught in the middel of being bot person, object path designer and
> Moderater trainer, everything is on me and then on top of that, I have to
> play judge over a dispute between a CT who is eject happy and a victum who
> says they were wrongly ejected.
> A!!CT mostly makes the news over CTs ejecting people out of my world, one
> bought and paid for A!!CT and the fact that as (the credit card holder)
> A!!CT I am not advised as to why the person is ejected or the details. If
> feel fit to remove a ban or ejection I am threatend by the CT they will
> leave and start a world of their own to compete with and destroy my world.
> That is the reasons the following people came to A!!CT, became a CT and
> A!!CT to open their own worlds (but not without posting my name and world
> these Goddamned newsgroups saying MrBruce is this ..MrBruce is that ...I
> opening my own world where things will not be like MrBruce or A!!CT,
> is a bad world owner come to ***** world instead
> I am sick of this bullshit folks and its mainly from GROWN ADULTS who want
> nothing but POWER!
> KeithB did this to me and opened A11NY, Rick did this to me and opened
> A!!!!!BB, King BlueMax did this to me and opened AKINGDOM, Rowey did this
> me and deleted 90% of A!!CT's GZ before I had AW disable his cit. Now
> Whitestar does the same thing to me over Defiance!
> What is wrong with the people here?
> Why am i always in the lime light defending myself, I came here to have
> and provide something for everyone.
> Whitestar came to my world when i told him i was sick of people doing to
> just what he just what he did to me. I put my trust in him, i believed in
> him.......he says i should have booted defiance long ago, does he have any
> idea how long it takes to rebuild a suitable path to repalce defiances? I
> think not.
> I am angry that instead of fixing MY path i am here wasting my fucking
> defending myself again and yes i am pissed!
> My world has had nothing but bad raps since it coem to be and i get the
> blame for it all, i try my best i put my trust into people who say they
> to help and look what i get.
> Whitestar this is a message to you, you complained about A!!CT being too
> open and free to do what you wanted, so i gave you A1CT so you had totoal
> control over that world, I told you was buying my own server at
> webmasters.com with my own path but it was going to take time to put
> together. %0% of the objects were freebies with tons of errors in the
> scripts, resulting in hours of unzippping editing and rezipping and
> to remove capital letters like some idiot who named a wall Wall01.RWX on
> server (which is case sensitive) a person has to type Wall01.RWX not
> wall01.rwx for the object to load. That takes time and till its done my
> can not fully repalce Defiance's path, lets be logical here!
> Your causing me great un-needed stress here mr whitestar because you claim
> its taking me too long to finish, you made a commercial business deal
> promiss with me 4 months ago, whats taking you so long? I have an excuse,
> have only had my own server less than 3 weeks and it should not be
> to be ready yet!
> So for some unknown reason, you abandon the project in A1CT claiming it
> over Defiance, I call you a coward, because you never told me anything, if
> had not gone to A1CT and seen the message you left on the immigration
> officer, i would not have known you walked out on me to start your own
> world.
> I feel you used me, yes until i used defiances object password my path was
> unprotected and you were able to downlaod off it freely to steal objects,
> once defiance shared his apssword with me, i started zipping my objects
> his password to protect them, thats when you could not longer downlaod
> and what were your intentions? You moved the builds from A1CT to AWTeen
> using a bot, you used a bot to copy A!!CT world's entire landscape, why?
> move it to AWTeen or your world you plan to open?
> I feel you used me, in 4 months I, nor A!!CT world has received anything
> from you, but promisses not kept and an ejection list a mile long!
> Had you had some money invested in A!!CT I would have seen your right to
> so, but you paid nothing, you used me, you used my world and path to get a
> status symble for yourself, to open your own world and compete with me,
> like all the others did to me.
> But you know what Whitestar? Those who did that to me and have worlds,
> failed to do what their posted claimed they would do. A!!CT still tops the
> worlds of those who were A!!CTs past CTs, you know why? because 90% of AWs
> citizens are on the ban lists.
> In closing and i am not going to waste my time editing this shit, I never
> brought A!!CT to AW to be power hungry or to play God, I do not care who
> builds there or comes there, its a free world and I DO NOT like others
> are not owners to do it either!
> A!!CT according to AW records has TWO real owners who have paid for A!!CT.
> Those are Mayor Taz and MrBruce. Defiance is only an object path owner.
> Mr Whitestar its not me that failed you or A!!CT, i was doing my best, it
> was you who walked out on not only me (someone who did nothing to you) but
> you also walked out on A!!CTs community and if our frienship was so thin
> that a smuck like defiance could end it, then it was never really a true
> friendship anyways was it?
> End of discussion I have a Path to work on and your actions made you look
> just as bad as defiance!
> You want to act mature contact me, otherwise to avoid you copying any more
> builds in A!!CT your banned, you seem to be one to get the last word in so
> am sure I will hear something negative from you soon.
> Thank you for your time!
> MrBruce.
Apr 27, 2003, 12:57am
Chris just give in and raelize, it's over, let it go A!!CT must die. It's
like the dog that got hit by a car. You dont wanna let it go but you have to
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
Apr 28, 2003, 11:39pm
E-mail me all of your bug reports and i'll forward them to the Beta NG for
you, hows that?
Brock at my.activeworlds.com
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
Apr 30, 2003, 12:12am
So true, yet AWTeen keeps it =\
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"wing" <wing at transedge.com> wrote in message
news:3eaf1bc3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> IMHO....
> G = AWGate - No other world has any right to have this rating.
> PG = Worlds targetted at younger people, where foul language is tolerated
> some extent
> R = Worlds targetted at adults, where foul language is tolerated.
> X = Sexually themed worlds, excessively violent or disturbing worlds such
> those depicting a post apocalyptic environment. Note that these can appear
> to some extent in an R-rated world, but making it the central theme bumps
> up that last notch. This rating is also appropriate for ungoverned
> free-for-all worlds where the owner doesn't control any of the content.
> "princess kiki" <kristymlee at ev1.net> wrote in message
> news:3eaf11b5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 2, 2003, 10:52pm
Pretty good, but
TEXT = Good
Anyway nice pic.
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
May 3, 2003, 12:22pm
YES! Enzo = Bad
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3eb38e8f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> therefore enzo = bad by your calculations???
> "maki" <maki at awgate.com> wrote in message
> news:3eb33132$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 6, 2003, 2:00am
YAY! He used text, and posted a link, i love it :)
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"baro" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3eb70ae7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This new peek includes tudor AND stone, a shocking combo. Dare to peek?
> Click below.
> http://host.activeworlds.com/moff/peek2.jpg
> Comments? yes please!
May 7, 2003, 11:33pm
You should post AWTeen related stuff in the AWTeen NGs, i imagine the aw
community could care less lol.
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"crazy pills" <Chris101d at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eb98e49$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The Gate is open, thge soon to come world is now in beta at awteen. goto
> 1111N 2260W in awteen to see it, as long as the bots on ur safe to be
> beta starts about 5:00 VRT and ends usually at 11:00 VRT so have fun, test
> it out.
> ALSO: TK(TeenKeepers) and TKA(TeenKeeper Assistant) applications are open
> TK-cits, ages 14-death.
> TKA-Tourist/people younger than 14.
> Email: TeenGate at hotmail.com
> or for a preview of our site goto
> www.geocities.com/teengate
> Have fune, enjoy, i know I will!
May 8, 2003, 8:26pm
Yeah but i dont wanna do it, since mrbruce has so much money he's putting
into A!!CT why dont they buy it it's own NG, so they can annoy their own
people :)
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3eba7fe4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> IMHO this is community related:)
> A!!CT is a world in AW which has citizens in the community in it...no?:)
> Someone has been gracious enough to make sure a tourist has received a
> they can use in AW:)
> Dang...let's recognize community involvement as such :)
> "swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
> news:3eba7b19 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> was
> give
> he
May 9, 2003, 10:34am
I just tell it like i think it is bit lol.
No one is gonna censor me :)
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3ebaef91$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Don't feed his ego....lol
> "mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3ebaee08$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> putting