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agreeing with the GK's is bad

Apr 20, 2003, 1:50pm
*shakes head* She doesnt even deserve to be a GK ejecting for stupid reasons
like that.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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They're Running out of ideas here

Apr 20, 2003, 1:49pm
I think they don't know what to put on these signs anymore, no more ideas
there guys?

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

Second Life Open Beta

Apr 25, 2003, 6:11pm
I was unable to sign up, requires credit card heh

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Yes Mr. Bruce will shutdown A!!CT Again (Mr. Bruce grow up)

Apr 25, 2003, 5:46pm

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Apr 28, 2003, 11:40pm
Take this time to use that as a hint.
AOL Sucks, get a better ISP :)

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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GKs and their Perks

Apr 30, 2003, 12:24am
It's not all for nothing Carl
They deserve it, they put up with the annoying n00b tourists, so we don't
have to, i mean sure a few of them slip through the cracks every once in a
while, but i commend them for what they do, sure sometimes they get out of
line, but they are only human........

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Sad but True

May 1, 2003, 7:33pm
LOL So true, so true......
I've seen it happen so many times it's sad.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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PDA bots

May 7, 2003, 9:13am
I support this :)
Hint hint XelaG :D

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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The Teen Gate Beta Has BEGUN!!!!

May 7, 2003, 11:33pm
You should post AWTeen related stuff in the AWTeen NGs, i imagine the aw
community could care less lol.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

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this is hilarious

May 9, 2003, 8:31pm
yeah lol i saw that one in a computer forum about a few weeks ago.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 10, 2003, 11:13am
*sees a link that says DreamLand Park - Best 3d Chat*
*laughs hysterically*
*rolls on floor and laughs*
*cries because it's so funny*

Okay i'm done.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 10, 2003, 7:10pm
Trust me i've been there, the managment is 100 percent corrupt lol.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 11, 2003, 1:25pm
Trust me, they may look like gentle nice people
But the managment just puts on a mask, and that's ALL you see.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 12, 2003, 9:38pm
Uh shows how much you know bruce *rolls eyes*

It was Richard that was destroying the tourist builds lol i was just

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 12, 2003, 9:46pm
Okay here is my story:

I was a active member of DreamLand Television, which was founded by Joe zip
and co-founded by me. Mix Master today runs it, after I rightfully covered
land that was uncovered, Anne and Thundercloud complained to me. Anne even
assumed an alias, i do not remember the name, but the citizen number was one
less than mine. Yes i had proof it was her. She totally destroyed my last
nerve with it of course. But i of course did nothing wrong. But ONE day
whenever I had went to sleep at about 10:00PM on a Sunday. She and
Thundercloud went into action, they were not the owners of the universe at
the time the universe was still owned by Carrie, they were in administrative
positions, on the "board". Anyway Thundercloud proceeded to log onto my
citizenship, and make fraudulent images which showed me, making the
following images, a image containing a human avatar and a animal avatar in a
suggestive position. Also a sign on my property that stated DLTV was full of
homosexual staff. Those images were all fradulent. Thundercloud made the
products for the images, and Anne took the pictures for them. They proceeded
to show me these images and then they banned me for 30 days from the
DreamLand Park Universe. I of course was fed up with it, after i came back
after the 30 days of course. I said forget it, i refuse to be in a universe
with corrupt staff.

Then I left DreamLand Park for good, away from the corruption that governs

The Truth Behind DreamLand. The things you never see, or will never hear
about, everything typed here is 100% truth, and i have all the evidence to
back it up.

I thank you for your time.

Brock - 308723
Proud AW Citizen
Down with DLP.

New Models and Sprites

May 13, 2003, 9:03am
Every Word I say is Truth, wether you believe me or not is your decision,
because i know DLP wronged me.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 13, 2003, 9:10am
If you think a ban in A!!CT makes me care, or affects me boy do you have it

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 19, 2003, 11:45pm
For the last time i speak nothing that is untruthful.
All of this is 100% Truth
I have been harassed by Anne and Thundercloud.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Models and Sprites

May 20, 2003, 7:23pm
I'm not even going to give you the pleasure, but i assure you these
allegations are completely false, and Anne has obviously made up these kind
of things before to get me kicked out of DreamLand Park, what stops her from
doing it in this situation.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

New Models and Sprites

May 20, 2003, 8:04pm
Sorry to inform you but uh it was the OWNER of that world, that was building
those kind of objects :)

> Remember that day I was called into someone's PG rated world due to people
> and animals av's and objects doing XXX stuff you built in there behind the
> owners back?

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

New Models and Sprites

May 20, 2003, 9:08pm
It Seems Mountain Myst is not enjoying my plight, she asked me to stop
talking about this, and not to reply to DLP Anne's posts. I agree to this,
so just a official notice to not continue this post.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

New Models and Sprites

Jun 7, 2003, 11:52pm
Yes it was, why'd you reply to it lol.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

".duo." <ncommons at>

good job brock

May 13, 2003, 9:05am
See you all chalk it up to being young, yadie yadie ya whatever. Your all
just blind to the truth, my DreamLand Park story is true, notice how anne
doesnt reply to it, or deny it, she knows it's true. I mean WHY would i
insult myself? I know some of you are thinking "so you can tell this story
about Anne and Thundercloud" No that is not it, i tell it because it's true,
i was wronged by the administration, yes the administration who should be
rightful and true, was wrong, and corrupt.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Aw T shirts? i want 1! i wanna be a walking blillboard for aw!

Jun 4, 2003, 7:39pm
For once in my life i agree with Mark.
Please don't bring in like 10, 15 losers, like yourself. We don't want them
here, just you is bad enough.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

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new virus alert!

Jun 6, 2003, 4:36pm
*pats NAV 2003 Pro with AutoLiveUpdate*

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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new virus alert!

Jun 8, 2003, 12:44pm
*would like to know what kind of weed Mark is smoking, because he is
apparently delirious, and trying to make himself sound like he is smart at
the same time. Failing miserably of course.*

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

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new virus alert!

Jun 8, 2003, 12:45pm
pc-cillin is the worst anti-virus avaliable, god get NAV, rated the best by
PC Mag and tons more pubs

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Jun 28, 2003, 12:53pm
Neither do i, i NEVER get viruses, i NEVER get trojans, because i'm not a
moron who opens every e-mail attachment he gets, infact i rarely open any
e-mails or e-mail attachments at all.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader


Jun 28, 2003, 12:55pm
maybe because auto-detect only works on files you are working with at the
time or e-mails you are receiving AT THE TIME.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Jun 28, 2003, 2:38pm
well not if you don't have the most updated definitions at the time the
virus is put in, because then the virus detector doesn't KNOW the virus

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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