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the joker ss // User Search
the joker ss // User SearchThe Eagle Has LandedMar 19, 2003, 9:50pm
France isnt repsonsible for the many ppl that gonan die in this war , and
what politic isnt corrupt ? The Eagle Has LandedMar 20, 2003, 6:40pm
at least he has an own opinion , and doesnt repeat what bush tells you ppl ,
and stop making fun of him cause you cant take it that he knows better then you guys . The Eagle Has LandedMar 20, 2003, 11:06pm
i didnt mention anything about that , i t was funny how ppl repeat what bush
says each time , and when bush gives a new pseach , with a new reason to attack iraq , i get see the same thing posted here again and again , i didnt mention it before cause it was funny to see :) The Eagle Has LandedMar 20, 2003, 11:34pm
who says it was SCUDs ? USA says it was , IRaq said they werent . propganda
, fact is , i havent seen pictures of falling SCUDS or anythign like that , and i cant go check the debree , fact is , Iraq has lot of other middle range attack missiles , al samud is only one of the three own made types , so dont go judge on what you hear imediately . The Eagle Has LandedMar 21, 2003, 12:18am
i wasnt the one saying it was this or that , you said it was a SCUD , cause
you heard it on tv The Eagle Has LandedMar 21, 2003, 12:23am
you prob did ; or read it on a site . anyway , you beleive too fast what you
wanna beleive The Eagle Has LandedMar 21, 2003, 12:39am
i didnt say yes or no , if it was a scud , i said no one of us can know yet
, so dont judge too fast The Eagle Has LandedMar 21, 2003, 2:05am
you said they have scuds that they werent supposed to have , you didnt say
anything like "i heard something like that " 3.4 my opinion for what it's worthApr 15, 2003, 1:28pm
the new movemnt system isnt a bug , and its intended to be that way , one or
the other has to get used ot it , but thats the way it iwll be in final version also . GKs and their PerksApr 29, 2003, 10:46pm
its the same with pks , watchkeepers , teachers , and so on
Vote for AW!May 8, 2003, 10:01am
thats just theory , AW use dot have lot fo ppl , they raised it to 70 $ cits
, then less ppl came , so it doesnt make sence really New Models and SpritesMay 12, 2003, 7:47pm
i bet you are enjoying the free cit extension now in DLP ;)
Float and AVRquest Jpg yard extendedDec 16, 2001, 1:07pm
are there other great .jpg yards like these ?
"wizard myrddin" <Wiz at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3c1ca783 at > Hi folks > > To them that are not aware the Float and AVRquest teams have extended our > jpg collections in aw at cords 3152.7N 1067.2W 0.0a 269 > > We have now the following selections: > Vending machines > Glass Doors > Wooden doors > Kitchen display and Jpgs > Stained Glass > Tin Signs > Neon signs > Carpets and Rugs > USA Road signs (over 300) > Linens ans wrapping papers > > We will be opening a extensive music and sound collections in the new year > with over 500 sounds and effects. > > Happy Building > > Is "damn" a cuss word ?Dec 26, 2001, 9:58pm
i never get offended by any words , not the f word not the d word , only
when ppl are really trying to harras me in person "moff piett" <baronjutter at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3c2a639a at > It really depends who you ask. All my european and Canadian friends would > say no, even most of my american friends. But I notice people over 40 > years old who comes from the bible belt/midwest area of the united states > can get very huffy over such a word. > > Is "damn" a cuss word ?Dec 28, 2001, 2:57pm
i couldnt say it any better :o)
"bowen" <bowen at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3c2c9e96$1 at > The first amendment prohibits that. Freedom of religion, not everyone > believes "god" is their god LoL, then there's the people who don't believe > in a god. It's just a figure of speech really.. not really meant to be > taken offense too. If it's offensive to you.. mute them, that solves that > problem, because 99% chance it's not offensive to anyone else, we can't > cater to a small precentile of people who are religiou s fanatics. But when > someone makes a racist statement, that applies to everyone of that race.. > and it offends others that aren't from that race as well. > > --Bowen-- > [View Quote] Who will leaveJan 3, 2002, 1:59pm
i gonna stay till my cit expires , and if renewall cost more then 20 $ a
year i wont be in AW anymore "data21" <dbmiller at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3c347d70 at > Im not sure who blinded all you guys, but think about that new price, are > you just seeing the $10.00 a month and say wow what a good thing. > well think about this, its been $20.00 a year, now its going to be $120.00 > dollars a year! > > [View Quote] WhispersJan 29, 2002, 1:04pm
i think some ppl can allready
"mongo" <mongo at alt.2600.comcrap> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3c56b49f at > I talked to both Hamfon and Roland on this issue. I didn't totally > understand the exact specifics of how whispers are conveyed (session level, > IP based peer to peer, etc.), but the impression I was left with was this. > The world server client would have to be rewritten to intercept whisper > traffic happening within a world - and not just patched, major portions of > code would have to be rewritten to allow this practice. Needless to say, > this is not likely to happen in the near future, but it indeed is not > impossible. > [View Quote] free objects :)Feb 4, 2002, 11:31pm
*allready thinking of many objects* , andi think its a great idea :o)
"ananas" <vha at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3C5EDC13.8E335D91 at > I could do this task too ;) > [View Quote] The end of an eraMay 31, 2002, 1:12am
allthough i am not his best friend , i hope he is going to have a great
future , and thx for all the effort he put in AW , i hope he drops by in AW someday to check on us :) "brant" <awteen at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3cf6de56$1 at > According to a chat log that I received two weeks ago, two things of > importance are supposed to occur today. While the release of 3.3 is > probably no longer on schedule, I doubt that the other event has changed. > For those of you who are unaware, Roland Vilett, AW's lead programmer, will > be reporting for his last day of work at Activeworlds this morning. > > For those of you who don't realize the impact of this event on the > community, Roland has contributed too much to Activeworlds to recount. If > anyone had a technical problem, Roland was THE source on AW - period. > Having been around at least since the COF takeover of AW if not before (in > other words, a LONG time), Roland single-handedly programmed almost all of > the current browser, world, and universe software that we all use every day. > > Putting aside some minor disagreements some might have, Roland has been > actively involved in the community since day one - holding TechTalks, > visiting worlds, and talking to people using his software. At times, he was > even moreso a representative of the company than his superiors. During the > days when corporate partners set the development order, Roland was at the > forefront, continually arguing to include more features aimed to improve > normal citizens' experiences. > > I'm sure that everyone remembers an instance where Roland helped him or her > solve a problem. For myself, I still remember Roland's nonstop commitment > last Fall when AWTeen was continually being attacked by hackers and password > stealers. He must have been asked to resolve these problems at least a > half dozen times if not more, but he didn't complain once. Even when it was > past 10:00pm and he had to be off the clock, he was still working late into > the night restoring property, looking up world logs, and taking care of > vandals. > > I titled this post "the end of an era" because Roland's leaving really is > just that, and cross-posted it to all these newsgroups because if there's > one topic that's of interest to all AW citizens, this is it. I hope that > I'm not alone in saying that Roland has left MrGrimm some very large shoes > to fill. > > If you're reading this, Roland, I wish you luck in your future endeavors :) > > |