New Models and Sprites (General Discussion)

New Models and Sprites // General Discussion

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dlp anne

May 10, 2003, 2:17am
Hi everyone,

My New modeling site is now open. Keep in mind only been learning truespace
a couple months.

there is a section that has free sprites unter the 3D models section

Thank You,

Twilyte VR Entertainment
What 3D Virtual Reality Chat is all about!


May 10, 2003, 11:13am
*sees a link that says DreamLand Park - Best 3d Chat*
*laughs hysterically*
*rolls on floor and laughs*
*cries because it's so funny*

Okay i'm done.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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May 10, 2003, 5:57pm
Why should one not visit multiple universes?
You seem a bit narrow minded :-/

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May 10, 2003, 7:10pm
Trust me i've been there, the managment is 100 percent corrupt lol.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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May 10, 2003, 7:30pm
I visit people, not managements. And I know that DLP has many
nice citizens so it's worth a visit.

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May 10, 2003, 9:48pm
and so is aw-europe! (that is real nice place and lots of
nice people, plus lots of new things coming soon which im not allowed to
talk about!


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May 11, 2003, 4:18am
Having been in AW for nearly a year now, I'm surprised to find such
infantile antics in what is called a "news"group! But I will do as I was
taught and not waste significant time on insignificant people with
insignificant thoughts. I need to get back to DLP and host a Mother's Day
activity that was originally to have been hosted by one of AW's top cits who
also has a DLP cit and a world there.This makes that cit no different than
at least 20 others on my contact list alone!! Many of which are the top
modelers and community leaders in AW.

It isn't hard to figure out. You are greeted at the gate politely and made
to feel welcome. You are supplied with full instructions on what is
available to do and how to navigate DLP. You may even be accompanied by a
personal tour guide. You can chat at Portal without having your ears burned
with language not fit for the street! If you stay, you know that you can
trust your friends, that some of the top builders around are world owners,
that your children will always be a priority there and there will always be
someone willing to help you out or answer any question.

I guess the only people who miss out on the benefits of belonging to such a
place are the ones who waste their time laughing over nothing!

Could you please define corrupt for me? Or do you know the definition?

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May 11, 2003, 1:25pm
Trust me, they may look like gentle nice people
But the managment just puts on a mask, and that's ALL you see.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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May 11, 2003, 1:54pm
Brock, you never know when to quite ; ) that's why your finally banned from
A!!CT, mainly for using bots to destroy tourist builds, fine example of AW
community you are! Ha, now I'm guilty of a personal attack and you know
what? It doesn't make me look and feel any smarter! So I'm not sure what you
get out of it! ; /
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May 11, 2003, 2:40pm
To Brock:

I have been going to DLP for quite a while now. I have not seen you
there. I do not know what your talking about. I have not seen anything
"corrupt" as you say within the management. Yes, management there may seem
to be different than you expect. The owners enjoy the medium the same as
the users. There are people that come in there and think that things should
be run one way or another and when things don't look just right to them, all
they do is complain and attack. Reading the NG's proves this all by itself
with all kinds of topics. I find the owners of DLP to be.. Hmmm.. What's
the word? Oh yeah. HUMAN
The old saying goes. You can't please all the people all of the time.
You might be wise to not alienate other universes, because most likely you
might be saying something that could cause owners from many worlds and many
universes to look at you and know your not a person they would welcome
because of your off handed accusations based on nothing more than your
opinions or rumors you might have heard. ;)
I agree with Shalimar. Please define exactly what you mean by
"Corrupt". Because if you have any concrete evidence that these gentle
nice people are corrupt, I would really like to know. If you don't want to
say it to the public, I'll be happy to listen to you in email.

To Everyone Else:

I find it really funny that some people have to sneak into other
universes with another alias and don't want people to know they are doing
it. LOL
I am not ashamed to admit that I have friends ALL OVER! :) I like AW and
respect all universe owners that give us the ability to have variety. No
shame in that.


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May 11, 2003, 2:55pm
Don't tell anyone - my alias in DLP is "ananas" (with quotes)

I hope no one will find out that it's me :)

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May 11, 2003, 3:07pm
Your secrets safe with me. ;)

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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

May 11, 2003, 11:55pm
sure can i have chat to prove it from the kids in case "she" has forgotten

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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

May 11, 2003, 11:57pm
brock is right mr bruce ck the facts first

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alphabit phalpha

May 12, 2003, 12:14am
I am sure glad I don't judge people by what others say about them in the ngs
or in petty gossip chats.
I have seen many comments about individuals in the past belittled or
slandered in here, only to find out that the person that was being attacked
had even more credentials then the attackers:)
I personally have visited DLP and still do and have been treated as nicely
as the next person at all times.
I also might suggest we be careful about slanderous statements on the Net,
because every day we move closer to IRL lawsuits actually being executed.
Especially when it's against a company. And if folks don't think they can be
"found" when slandering others.....wake up:)

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May 12, 2003, 1:04am
and i won't tell only one i have a cit there and outerworlds under the name
MrBruce with 3 numbers in each cit instead of 6 : )
In fact i have a cit in most english speaking universes and galaservers too
: ) Its nice to visit other parts of cyberspace there's nice people out
there to!
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alphabit phalpha

May 12, 2003, 1:18am
You betcha!:)
AND when AWI releases the universal teleport then you will already have tons
of friends everywhere!:) might want to check out 3dnetz also:)
They do the lazer light show for the Cys and have a heck of a wonderful
light show in one of their worlds!
Please give my howdys to J o and Nightraven and Gobman should you stop by:)

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mix master

May 12, 2003, 2:27am
Ok. I'm going to put in my two cents on the matter, because i have been a
citizen in DLP for over a year and a half, I own a world there, I have two
websites dedicated to it. Anne and Thundercloud try their hardest to make
the atmosphere in DLP pleasant for everyone. People who come in and cause
trouble continuously usually end up getting a universe ban. They have good
reason behind this. Brock, yes you will be mad at me for this, but I speak
my mind just as you do. I much rather enjoy spending time in DLP because of
the fact that the owners and management staff spend most of their time
there, helping people. Everyone gets along, its like a big family without
any problems. Quite frankly, I am tired of everyone downing DLP, especially
if they have not even been there. People base their opinions on what they
have heard, not what they have seen. If you have never been to DLP, and you
think its bad there, I challenge you to visit it ONE time. Just one time
thats all I am asking. You will change your opinion very quickly.

I enjoy being in AW too, and I help out wherever I can. I have contacted a
Virtual TV station that was previously spreading lies about DLP, and offered
to help them, provided they never did anything of the sort again. I hope
that you all read this and take into consideration that everyone in DLP is a
Human, and they have feelings. And what is said on this newsgroup hurts
some of them. One in particular. I just ask you that you do not say
anything else derrogatory about DLP, or any other universe for that matter.
This is the community newsgroup, lets act like one. Do you think that a
person in a new community coming and seeing everyone yelling at each other
would want to stay? NO! I don't think they would. I know I would not.
Let's all get along Please.

- Mix Master


May 12, 2003, 6:00pm
Thank you Mr Bruce, Ananas and Shalimar! Well said! I own 4 worlds in DLP
and I have been there for over 2 years. I know the owners and the board
members and they are all very nice and always willing to help anyone. They
run a nice clean universe where you wont have to worry about kids being
around anything inapropriate. The rumors about DLP are just that! Nothing
but rumors made up by a couple of people that are banned from the universe
because of their inapropiate behavior. Why don't you come and see for
yourself what a nice place DLP really is :) We are like 1 big happy family
there we all get along well together and help each other and share with each
other. Everyone there is friendly and love meeting new people. So please
come see for yourself. Don't just take the word of gossips. The people that
start rumors are sick miserable people and the only way they feel alive is
to start rumors and cause trouble. When I 1st came to DLP I was told the
rumors by the person that started the rumor. But I didn't believe her I went
and saw for myself. I'm glad i dont go by rumors I go see for myself. I am
gald I found DLP :)) AW is nice too but my heart is in DLP now .
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May 12, 2003, 6:22pm
Umm maybe a certain person got banned for DLP because he had Pornography
there Brock!
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May 12, 2003, 7:26pm
What the Hell does all this DLP bashing have to do with Annes models and
sprites anyway? Are you bashers nuts or what?? Anne was nice enough to give
away some of the things she made and all you Brock and you Linn can do is
bash dlp!! I think you are both petty and childish! not to mention
disrespectful! It only makes you guys look bad :)
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the joker ss

May 12, 2003, 7:47pm
i bet you are enjoying the free cit extension now in DLP ;)


May 12, 2003, 7:56pm
There isnt any that i know of.
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dlp anne

May 12, 2003, 7:59pm
Aa the OWNER of DLP there are NOT free cit extensions. Please check your
sources berfore posting rumors

Thank You

Twilyte VR Entertainment
What 3D Virtual Reality Chat is all about!

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May 12, 2003, 9:38pm
Uh shows how much you know bruce *rolls eyes*

It was Richard that was destroying the tourist builds lol i was just

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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May 12, 2003, 9:46pm
Okay here is my story:

I was a active member of DreamLand Television, which was founded by Joe zip
and co-founded by me. Mix Master today runs it, after I rightfully covered
land that was uncovered, Anne and Thundercloud complained to me. Anne even
assumed an alias, i do not remember the name, but the citizen number was one
less than mine. Yes i had proof it was her. She totally destroyed my last
nerve with it of course. But i of course did nothing wrong. But ONE day
whenever I had went to sleep at about 10:00PM on a Sunday. She and
Thundercloud went into action, they were not the owners of the universe at
the time the universe was still owned by Carrie, they were in administrative
positions, on the "board". Anyway Thundercloud proceeded to log onto my
citizenship, and make fraudulent images which showed me, making the
following images, a image containing a human avatar and a animal avatar in a
suggestive position. Also a sign on my property that stated DLTV was full of
homosexual staff. Those images were all fradulent. Thundercloud made the
products for the images, and Anne took the pictures for them. They proceeded
to show me these images and then they banned me for 30 days from the
DreamLand Park Universe. I of course was fed up with it, after i came back
after the 30 days of course. I said forget it, i refuse to be in a universe
with corrupt staff.

Then I left DreamLand Park for good, away from the corruption that governs

The Truth Behind DreamLand. The things you never see, or will never hear
about, everything typed here is 100% truth, and i have all the evidence to
back it up.

I thank you for your time.

Brock - 308723
Proud AW Citizen
Down with DLP.


May 12, 2003, 10:44pm
thats a crock! u r the one that did all that stuff. it doesnt make any sense
for them to do that. lmao! u r one sick puppy! so quit telling lies brock
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mix master

May 12, 2003, 11:31pm
My two cents, AGAIN

Ok. I'm going to put in my two cents on the matter, because i have been a
citizen in DLP for over a year and a half, I own a world there, I have two
websites dedicated to it. Anne and Thundercloud try their hardest to make
the atmosphere in DLP pleasant for everyone. People who come in and cause
trouble continuously usually end up getting a universe ban. They have good
reason behind this. Brock, yes you will be mad at me for this, but I speak
my mind just as you do. I much rather enjoy spending time in DLP because of
the fact that the owners and management staff spend most of their time
there, helping people. Everyone gets along, its like a big family without
any problems. Quite frankly, I am tired of everyone downing DLP, especially
if they have not even been there. People base their opinions on what they
have heard, not what they have seen. If you have never been to DLP, and you
think its bad there, I challenge you to visit it ONE time. Just one time
thats all I am asking. You will change your opinion very quickly.

I enjoy being in AW too, and I help out wherever I can. I have contacted a
Virtual TV station that was previously spreading lies about DLP, and offered
to help them, provided they never did anything of the sort again. I hope
that you all read this and take into consideration that everyone in DLP is a
Human, and they have feelings. And what is said on this newsgroup hurts
some of them. One in particular. I just ask you that you do not say
anything else derrogatory about DLP, or any other universe for that matter.
This is the community newsgroup, lets act like one. Do you think that a
person in a new community coming and seeing everyone yelling at each other
would want to stay? NO! I don't think they would. I know I would not.
Let's all get along Please.

- Mix Master


May 13, 2003, 12:42am
BRAVO!! :))
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May 13, 2003, 8:04am
Watching is already justification for your 8 years lasting ban, xaw3.rwx finished you off. By the
way, all your builds have been erased and the lots given to tourists. -_-

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