beardo // User Search

beardo // User Search

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web site

May 4, 2001, 7:19am
I have put on my old background web site on a new location. There are some
old and some new backgrounds and a few textures.
The web site is not yet complete so you have to excuse the faults within.



Old review

May 19, 2001, 6:45pm
I got the tip from old Raven Shadow. he lured me into AW October 97. But now
he's gone and I'm still here :)


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May 22, 2001, 6:14pm

This might be a futile (sp?) attempt but I'm trying to collect location in
AW and other worlds. If you know some interesting places, your home,
interesting buildings or any other fun place to visit, please let me know
the location.

Also Active Worlds related web pages are interesting for me to know.

Either reply to the ng or send me an email at beardo at



May 23, 2001, 3:43am
Thanks to everyone who replied to my request of locations and aw related

But I would like more people with AW related web pages to submit their sites
to me.
Send me a link to your web page to beardo at



Updated Web page

May 24, 2001, 7:41am
My AW web page is now updated with new links to locations in AW and other
worlds, thanks to Gooberking and others.
A few links on the resource page has also been added.

I'm still urging people to submit more locations in Active Worlds and other
worlds. Also links to web pages are appreciated.


Updated Web page

May 25, 2001, 7:58am
Thanks for the correction. I'll fix it ASAP.


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Updated Web page

May 25, 2001, 7:59am
Thank you!

I'm already working on a facelift though :)


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Re: Late-breaking news

May 28, 2001, 11:37am
LOL Tyrell :)


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Another update

May 31, 2001, 9:37am
Once more I have made a major update of my web site. I have moved three
sites together to one place. Among the new things are 600+ textures that can
be used in Activeworlds and as backgrounds to web pages.

AW locations, AW resources and AW users web pages have been updated.

If you haven't done it yet, please use the online forms to submit a location
in AW or your/others web pages that contain anything about Activeworlds.



beardo at

Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 2, 2001, 5:50am
Well spoken!


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Reunion TechTalk

Jul 5, 2001, 7:16pm
Perhaps someone could tell us more of what's been said at this Tech Talk?
Please share the news with us, Andras :)


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New backdrops

Jul 10, 2001, 5:17pm
New backdrops have been uploaded and are free.There's now 100 different
backdrops for FREE.
Also take your time to submit one or more of your building areas in any of
the worlds.
If you have a web page about Activeworlds like resources of any kind or if
it's your personally web page, you can now add your own link at my site.



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New backdrops

Jul 11, 2001, 7:46am
[View Quote] I know, but isn't there to be an option to use sky box or a regular



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Did you ever notice...

Jul 15, 2001, 6:39pm
Excuse me for interrupting. But why do you _need_ to post in HTML? Is it
only because you _can_ or is there another special _reason_ for it?



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World Hosting

Jul 15, 2001, 6:35pm
Could someone give me the URL's to as many as possible regarding World
hosting? Please.



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World Hosting

Jul 15, 2001, 7:04pm
Thanks for your help.


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World Hosting

Jul 16, 2001, 6:55am
Thanks for your help.


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To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 18, 2001, 7:24am
I fully agree!


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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 18, 2001, 8:57pm
- I found this article by Brant at more exactly = , so go there to argue with him =
since he doesn't read this newgroup anymore.



Goober King presents many valid arguments in his July edition of =
"Stirring the Virtual Melting Pot". While there are several =
improvements to be made to the Activeworlds universe, his article =
presents some serious flaws.

Goober presents a list of mistakes that AW has made in the past. He =
points out that gaining corporate sponsors is one of these "mistakes", =
while charging for free citizenships is also a "mistake". Simply put, =
Activeworlds has to make money somehow. If Goober wants AW to stop =
seeking corporate sponsors, then AW has to charge for citizenships; if =
citizenships were to be free, AW would have to rely on advertising and =
corporate sponsorship. At least one of these steps has to be taken to =
ensure that the bills are paid. Yet, there are those who believe that =
AW can continue to exist as a company without a source of revenue.

There seems to be a stigma that AW has poor customer service and does =
not try to help the community. In contrast, all of the AW employees I =
have met in my experience have been very experienced and helpful. =
Lucrezia Borgia has never stopped trying to help people; Mountain Myst =
has been visible in the community coordinating events and setting up =
activities like AWCamp; Facter and Flagg have provided valuable =
technical support; and even HamFon has participated in many =
behind-the-scenes activities such as programming the BingoBot. Yet, =
there are those who believe that AW employees are "out to get them."

Some believe that the AW universe is "dead and dying". In contrast, I =
remember a time just last September when the number of users logged into =
the Universe rarely exceeded 500. Today, at the same time of day, the =
number is regularly between 600 and 700. Yet, there are those who =
believe that AW should by now have millions of users registered.

If AW is not aiming to increase its userbase, then what is the purpose =
of releasing its upcoming version 3.2? Take the corporate firewall =
support that will be included, for instance. Many AW citizens would =
like to use AW at work, and Activeworlds' management is giving them this =
new option. Firewall support isn't just for Juno subscribers or for =
NetTaxi readers or for other Universe owners, but for all citizens, as =
is OpenGL support. Contrary to popular belief, AW is growing and is =
taking steps to ensure that its growth continues, and its partnership =
with Juno is supporting this growth. I remember a time when the =
JunoDome world had in excess of 100 people occupying it during a Juno =
advertising campaign, and I know many citizens who started out as Juno =
users. Furthermore, one of the biggest problems that AW (and the =
frustrated bot programmer) has faced, the discrepancy between versions =
2.2 and 3.1 of the AW browser, will be eliminated with the upcoming =
software renderer. Yet, there are still thse who will complain that AW =
is not taking steps to ensure its continued success.

Looking below, you'll find that there is an article about a petition =
in AW that is attempting to lower world prices. I would like to ask the =
creators of this petition what lowering world prices would accomplish. =
Would cutting the cost of worlds make the community closer? Would =
charging less increase AW's revenue so that it can further its =
development? Would eliminating the one-time signup fee bring more users =
to the universe? Absolutely not. Instead, lowering world prices would =
simply increase the number of dead worlds and reduce the number of =
people who actively participate in the AW community. And yes, there are =
also those who believe that lowering world prices would solve all of the =
problems of the Universe.=20

However, despite all the positive things that AW has done for the =
community, I find that there are many steps that AW can still take to =
increase its userbase, and ultimately, its revenue. First, a stand =
needs to be made against troublemakers and those who aim to destroy =
worlds and to hack other users. Many worlds have been closed or =
hindered because of this sort of cyber-crime. AW needs to enforce its =
GZ behavior policies, Content Guidelines, and other various charters and =
rules more strictly. In addition, AW employees need to take a more =
active role in improving the Peacekeeping of AlphaWorld, as several of =
the Peacekeepers with which I have dealt have not handled a situation in =
a professional manner. In my experience, some Peacekeepers have been =
downright rude when I have contacted them, and their superiors did =
nothing to correct the problem. Most importantly, the company needs to =
moderate its newsgroups. Many a user, myself included, has left the =
newsgroups because of a select few citizens who continue to post =
inappropriate content that serves only to demean fellow users, ruining =
the atmosphere for legitimate debate. In fact, while I had been =
aggravated by the arrogance of those citizens in the newsgroups for a =
long time, I finally decided to leave the groups after Eep, instead of =
debating in a calm manner, flamed my posts on the subject of this =
article. In short, troublemakers both in-world and out-of-world destroy =
the community feel which is so crucial to AW's success, and AW must take =
swift and decisive action against them.

What do I find wrong with Activeworlds' management? In short, very =
little. Activeworlds has done what any company tries to do - make =
money. While most Internet companies have floundered and become a =
"passing fad", Activeworlds Corp. has stayed around for over six years, =
during which a tremendous technological change has occurred. Through =
this change, AW has secured its place in the 1% of startup companies who =
survive past their first year, which in itself is quite a feat. While =
there are a few areas that leave room for improvement, I feel that AW =
has, in general, done a good job balancing appeasing its customers and =
securing corporate deals. Besides, AW currently has many =
community-friendly activities up its sleeve, such as new building =
worlds, an object maker for the AW browser, and more events, for which =
Goober King and the citizens who support his letter clamor ceaselessly. =
If everyone would work to make the community better instead of =
petitioning Activeworlds for what it is already attemping to do, then =
perhaps the Universe would be a better place.

New textures

Jul 19, 2001, 6:33pm
I have uploaded 4 new textures (total 50) in different colours. I hope =
they are usable on your objects.



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uh..NOW what's wrong with AW?

Aug 17, 2001, 10:11pm
Saturday, August 18, 2001

The main AW server crashed today at approximately 1:35 PST. The universe is
now back up and we are in the process of restoring the worlds. Some worlds
may be down for an extended period during the restore process.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Sincerely,, Inc.

I got that from the network status page.


[View Quote]

What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 25, 2001, 8:21am
My home in AW


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Update to Objects d'AW

Sep 3, 2001, 8:44am
Welcome to the 40's club :-)


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Aw is becoming more and more messed up every day...

Oct 4, 2001, 5:42pm
I totally agree with you Brant :-)


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New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 7:08am
Couldn't you have changed the font colors? That purple color makes it
hard to read.



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"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at> skrev i meddelandet
news:3cc8bcf5$1 at
> Woooohooooo!
> The new Cy Pages are up and running!
> AND...Thanks to Computerizer and his Company.....we now have our own
> Please come and join the forum to keep updated on upcoming events and
> announcements. And also, please feel free to leave comments and
> suggestions:)
> The forum is sectioned out so if you have input for a particular area,
> can go directly there to leave it:)
> Team Leaders will be checking the forum daily and someone will get
back to
> you within 24 hours:)
> We also have past photos of the Ceremonies!
> Well...last round, but tons more to come!
> Cya at the new site!

Backdrops and textures

May 29, 2002, 7:15pm
Hi everyone,

I'm soon going to remove all Activeworlds related stuff at my web site. =
If you need any backdrops or textures now is the time to visit my site =
before it all goes away.



Remove nospam for email reply. Free Bryce 4-5 textures and planet =

Best of AWTEEN Story 2

Jun 1, 2002, 9:17pm
This is no crap! It is artistic freedom at the best and have everything =
to do with AW.

Strike, it's good work! :-)



Remove nospam for email reply. Free Bryce 4-5 textures and planet =

"silenced" <nospam at> skrev i meddelandet =
news:3cf8c781$1 at
> Don't post this crap here..
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
[View Quote]

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