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Disable Create Picture

Jan 14, 2003, 8:22pm
Hi All,

A good feature to add to World Features would be to *disable* create picture and/or create sound altogether.

Anduin (317281)
- The Gorean Scribe


Jan 15, 2003, 4:04am
An identity claiming to be known as ryan jacob scribed the following news:3e24dcde at :

> I don't want to push people off mountains...sounds kinda violent LOL

Are you *sure* you don't wanna push anyone off a mountain?? ;)

Anduin (317281)
- The Gorean Scribe


Jan 15, 2003, 7:41pm
An identity claiming to be known as ryan jacob scribed the following news:3e254f88 at :

> Well, I'll make an exception in your case. Which mountain do you want to be
> pushed off? :)

:D K2

Anduin (317281)
- The Gorean Scribe

3d homepage wish

Aug 23, 2003, 10:11am
[View Quote] And what's this then that I heard about a Matrix 3D HomePage? Was there a
need for a merchandise contract then or am I completely wrong about this new
homepage on the way?

- GoreanScribe - The Ultimate Gorean Resource
- GorHost - Cheap & Reliable Hosting for Goreans

AW Fan Site Material

Sep 24, 2003, 7:11am
Hello All,

I wouldn't mind seeing AW provide some Fan Site materials on their pages.
Such as banner graphics, screenshots etc all in a zip file for fans to use
and create their own AW website with.

- GoreanScribe - The Ultimate Gorean Resource (
- GorHost - Cheap & Reliable Hosting for Goreans (

Idle Time - AFK

Dec 21, 2003, 5:08am
Hello all,

I'd personally like to see a feature that automatically puts you on AFK
mode after a set amount of idle time (user has full control).

For people who like to leave AW running in the background at times or
tend to leave the room frequently, having the browser automatically set
them as AFK after, say, 5 minutes, would be a good tool; especially if
it sets them to back automatically after they touch a key on their
keyboard or something.

(o o)
| o DreamCities - Fast & Reliable Hosting |
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| *!* Reply to: anduin at |

Idle Time - AFK

Dec 21, 2003, 7:56pm
On 21 Dec 2003 08:16:22 -0500, zeofatex wrote the following message
<3fe59d26$1 at>:

>I'd like to see the chat window turn into an mIRC window. Scripts,
>timestamps, commands, etc. So that everything could be controlled by
>commands. "/aps 347592" or "/dps 347592" things like that. I love how IRC
>works and you can set up bots to control everything. AW is kinda turning
>into that and maybe AW should just make the chat thing INTO the real mIRC --
>every world technically starting their own IRC channel. This would also
>allow you to chat in the world without being in AW. I realise the bot sdk
>would have to be almost completely re-done along with the AW Browser itself
>but it sounds cool.

And if it were based on an IRC Server, how would registration work?

(o o)
| o DreamCities - Fast & Reliable Hosting |
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| *!* Reply to: anduin at |

Create Bounding Box or Create Group

Dec 21, 2003, 7:57pm
On 21 Dec 2003 14:44:33 -0500, orb wrote the following message
<3fe5f821 at>:

>For putting several objects in a build into one group so that we can use the
>move and rotate commands as though the grouped objects has one axis.

I like that idea :o)


(o o)
| o DreamCities - Fast & Reliable Hosting |
| o - 5mb FREE Hosting also available! |
| *!* Reply to: anduin at |

Rights are Like Muscles

Jan 2, 2004, 7:11pm
On 2 Jan 2004 13:33:53 -0500, the lady wrote the following message
<3ff5b991$1 at>:

>If they aren't exercised, they wither away.
>Please bring back a community newsgroup for all of us to enjoy.
>Thank you.
> - moderated properly and unofficial. Can say what you

(o o)
| o DreamCities - Fast & Reliable Hosting |
| o - 5mb FREE Hosting also available! |
| *!* Reply to: anduin at |

Separate Camera

Sep 28, 2004, 4:07pm
[View Quote] You can already zoom in and out of an avatar's face. Check your
controls, but I zoom in and out with * & / I believe...


Latest wishlist!

Oct 29, 2005, 9:15am
On 27 Oct 2005 20:26:17 -0400, "Siliconmana" <d4 at>
[View Quote] >1. Set up an automated crash report on browser as Second Life have in place.
>Browser crashes, it automatically asks to locate crash file and sends it

Welcome to AW.
>Msn has a 'block' list, so does Secondlife.

Again, welcome to AW. We are so different from the rest ;o)

Best Regards,
Anduin (317281)

Immigrated Monday, May 8th 2000
DreamCty World Coming Soon! (

AW Should Mail World Owners of World Server Updates

Jan 15, 2006, 12:35am
Or... The world admin tool should automatically check for server

Best Regards,
Anduin (317281)

Immigrated Monday, May 8th 2000
DreamCty World Coming Soon! (


May 20, 2002, 7:23am
In a galaxy far far away, known as general.discussion, an identify
claiming to be known as "your hiroshi" <bentremblay at>
scribed the following:
>test test test???
>Jiggly puff PUFF

Testing also
o Citizen 317281
o (The Gorean Scribe)
o It wasn't me, it was the one I'm in!


Sep 9, 2002, 10:48am
(o o)
| Anduin (317281) |
| o The Gorean Scribe |
| o |
| o World: GorSJ (18+ Only) |

Is it just me

Apr 17, 2002, 12:00pm
Yep, it went down for a bit :)

[View Quote]

Huggiing Sequences@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2

May 2, 2002, 9:44pm
I believe Outerworlds Universe, their main world has those sequences, take a
look over there, then take the seq from the cache. Or if you prefer asking,
then do so :)

- Anduin

[View Quote]

Bot request.

May 9, 2002, 10:25pm
Now why would someone want a bot as annoying as Custom's Aide? It's the
worst out there.

[View Quote]

Bot request.

May 10, 2002, 10:03pm
Ok, I guess that would do, LOL

[View Quote]

Bot request.

May 11, 2002, 11:11pm
We have a CA bot in AWNewbie, can't bring in other bots or the silly thing
ejects them!

[View Quote]

Bot request.

May 12, 2002, 4:23am
Thought I should write something a little better instead of just plainly
mention 'why would anyone want a CA bot'.

What does the bot do, really, except for welcome someone and point them to
the worlds/uniservers rules.
As well as monitor the chat for swear words and such.

I believe these types of scripts are really easy to make, I do know know
exactly how, as I haven't played around with Scripts too much.

I would recommend a Preston bot though; very easy to set up for such a task.
You can add words which it ejects a user on and such, as well as welcome a
user when they enter your world.

That is, if you truly want a bot as annoying as the Custom's Aide.

Citizen 317281

[View Quote]

24/7 posts ( what happened to the other one? I don't know)

May 18, 2002, 11:02pm
[View Quote] Why don't you get some proper hosting somewhere? You're going to have to pay
at-least something to get something up that will stay up without any
advertising and bandwidth limits and such.
I would offer you some room on my domain, as I have no limits from my ISP
who is hosting it freely for me, but then again I only have one account
password to it and the main domain is all about GOR. (Ok guys, don't start
flaming about GOR again).

I would suggest one of the AW Hosters out there, I believe Builderz,
Insanity and such do hosting, and for such a small project (1 picture) I'm
sure they may even charge a lot less than having a whole website up. Though,
I'm not sure on that ;-)

Citizen 317281

Free yourselfs

May 15, 2002, 11:51pm
Hey, I like it... Gave me a laugh.

Citizen 317281

[View Quote]

Free yourselfs

May 16, 2002, 3:40am
Hell, hehe, to me there is none, there is also no heaven :P So I save myself

Citizen 317281

[View Quote]

Free yourselfs

May 16, 2002, 9:24pm
Yeah, listen to KAH, I started one of those posts 1 night when I got bored
in the middle the the night... KAH speaks the truth! LMAO

Anyway, I don't think this 'The Messiah" person is real btw, I think it's
someone from THIS NG that felt like causing a little flame.

Citizen 317281

[View Quote]

Free yourselfs

May 16, 2002, 9:26pm
"BURP" excuse me......

[View Quote]

DirectX 8.1

May 17, 2002, 3:13am

I'm just wondering if anyone is using DX 8.1 yet and having ActiveWorlds
running. I have had one friend tell me that every 15 or so minutes his AW
now crashes with DX 8.1.

Anyone else having problems?

Thanks guys :o)

Citizen 317281

DirectX 8.1

May 17, 2002, 6:42am

Ok, I took the chance in installing Direct X 8.1, my system specs are as

OS: Windows XP Home
CPU: P4 1.7ghz
RAM: 512mb
Video: GeForce MX/MX 400 (64mb) with latest Detonator XP (28.32) drivers

All seems to be working fine, no problems so far.
I guess it may depend on your system, I installed it also on a Win98 Machine
with 128mb RAM but with an old Voodoo 3 2000 (8mb) and AW runs in software
mode... Maybe I'm missing something.

Citizen 317281

[View Quote]

DirectX 8.1

May 17, 2002, 6:44am

> No problem. I'll send the bill later.... :-) j/k

Waiting on it:

P.O Box 1584
Bakery Hill, VIC
Australia 3354

Citizen 317281

[View Quote]

DirectX 8.1

May 18, 2002, 11:06pm
[View Quote] Yes it is. I ran "dxdiag" as KAH had suggested. Everything is running fine;
thanks for the tip KAH :o)

Citizen 317281

Something i noticed about scale in AW

May 18, 2002, 8:05am
Hmm, interesting... But how does the sky get down lower whe the Earth is
round and the sky has no limit. You must be meaning the clouds are much
lower on more days than here. But then again, if I went over to where the
sky is 'supposedly' lower, how come I don't get squashed down?
Could be more of something to do with slight changes in GRAVITY, not
something to do with the sky.... Seems much more realistic to me.

Citizen 317281

[View Quote]

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