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The Language Thing

Oct 30, 2003, 5:50pm
god scary i gotta agree with ya Bowen ;)

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Anyone heard from TZ?

Oct 27, 2003, 6:03pm
I'm curious how things went on Thurs.

My rant...

Nov 5, 2003, 2:28pm
Does not hold his breath for that to happen.

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My rant...

Nov 5, 2003, 4:49pm
I usually do not do this but this time I will answer inline........see below.....these are of course MY opinions and are spewed as such.

Leo :)

[View Quote] Read what he typed a little's the security....the fact that what you build will remain for years and not be wiped out by a "world rebuild" or the world simply closes.

> b. What is the 15 minute scheme rotation?

Not 100% sure on this but i remember AW changine the freak'in weather and skuy every few minutes as some kind of "weather system" Pretty lame actually.

> c. Why when a vote was taken was there only about 30 votes?

Main problem with AWI no communication link between staff and customers.

> d. Why do you insist there is some correlation between AW and NewAW? NewAW
> is an entirely different project (in some ways a prototype) and one from
> which most developement of 3.4 and 3.5 came from. Many of the ideas started
> in NewAW were things which have been on the wishlist for YEARS and have now
> been incorporated in the client!

His point is spend as much time investigating Alpha World as you do with other give the impression that Alpha is dieing....see point "a." above

> e. Are you sure there was a plan to revamp AWGZ?

I also heard this mentioned more than once.

> f. You don't remember that people were upset when the new avatars got
> added? This was not when "only Cy" existed but was years later.

Not so much the "adding avatars" that got people upset as much as "improving" of the good old that comes to mind is the "butch" avatar.....why make him look all art deco and all? NEW avatars are always welcomed....not changes to ones we love. ie old CY. you did not learn from this?

> g. What are the features still to be unlocked? It was my understanding that
> tourists are allowed and 3Axis rotation is also. What would you like?

NEW features not a stagnate world and objects.

> h. You feel that a rate hike was done and a promise was made that AlphaWorld
> was then going to be improved?

After a rate hike and we see no improvement in the "staple world" Alpha World....this is a signal that you intend to let Alpah World die.... the only world that should be here to stay.

> Let us know what you think AW should have and then we can rebutt or agree.
> E

Not sure what the big deal is with all the "dark worlds" lighten things up a bit and make them more welcoming....GOTHIC is not the "in thing to do".. Alpha World Rocks!

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My rant...

Nov 5, 2003, 6:16pm
Thanx for listening ENZO and thanx for the replys also....We appreciate your time.

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My rant...

Nov 6, 2003, 12:14pm
FYI I also was not "invited" to the latest BETA program I've been a developer for over 25 years.....Been on the BETA program all along..... this was the first time I was not involved, and took that as a message that developers are not wanted and not needed around here.....pfffft

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welcome new AW cits

Nov 11, 2003, 8:06pm
lol thanx for this what a hoot been a while since i've seen this...:)

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For those who cared A!!CT and MrBruce bid you fairwell!

Nov 13, 2003, 12:07pm
PUT A SOCK IN IT CARL! damn smartass Your type of atitude is part of the problem around here.

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For those who cared A!!CT and MrBruce bid you fairwell!

Nov 13, 2003, 4:26pm
so what?

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The (Hopefully Not) Pending Loss Of A!!CT & MrBruce

Nov 14, 2003, 5:27pm
I disagree 100% just watch the NG's for a while there is a "team" of "disruptors" in here.
They do not hesitate to cause upheaval. It IS AWI's responsibility to create a welcome environment for it's customers.

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The (Hopefully Not) Pending Loss Of A!!CT & MrBruce

Nov 14, 2003, 6:17pm
while I do agree with what your saying Bowen it has nothing to do with what I just posted.

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The (Hopefully Not) Pending Loss Of A!!CT & MrBruce

Nov 14, 2003, 6:43pm
LOL touche'

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Where's Baro?

Nov 17, 2003, 12:18pm
When did this newsletter go out? Date please? I have nothing in my email either.


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Where's Baro?

Nov 17, 2003, 12:55pm
nevermind BB *thwacks* himself real hard....:)

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Nov 18, 2003, 4:39pm
It's AWI and there infinite wisdom .....they, for some reason, think that "leet talk" is cool......sheeesh in the universe message they have "d1rTciTy" why they would use a number one(1) instead of a letter "i" is beyond me and only further confuses new users...enough with the "cool" things and use your heads AWI. YES make it a link so people do not have to "hunt" for something you WANT them to see.

Leo :)

ps; ENZO, this is one of those "dark worlds" I mentioned before why so dark? add some light and happiness to the feel.

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Nov 18, 2003, 4:53pm
aaahhhh yes you caught this too KAH although your "caret" was not below the "i" on my dang proportional spacing...:)

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Nov 18, 2003, 11:12pm
wow adding another layer to MY confusion.....oh well....nevermind....


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Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 2:22pm
Keep on keep'in on Jetta!!!!! :)

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this is all true and good

Nov 20, 2003, 5:19pm
Brock why do you post this crap's quite obvious to everyone you have a grudge to grind leave this out of OUR NG's please. Stop and keep what little respect you have others work to yourself.
Your opinion caries very little weight around here.

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this is all true and good

Nov 20, 2003, 5:47pm
Not at all, but i see what your trying to say......he's being "attacked" the same way InSaNiTy was. It's not a good thing to be on the recieving end of something you cannot fight.....NG postings.....Even if they are lies and opinionated beyond logic. Most people do see these "attacks" as what they really are....but to the person recieving these they feel the need to "fight back" I do not hold this against either MrBruce nor InSaNiTy. It's just not a pretty thing to see in public.....I myself Blame the lack of NG monitors on this. Especially when someone like MrBruce is slammed for no real reasons beyond personal grudges.

Leo :)

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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 24, 2003, 5:59pm
He is anti-American because he is ignorant. If he were to learn more about what "an American" is, maybe he would lighten up a bit. Sometimes you need to look past the "TEAM" your against and look at the "players".....when you put these things on a more personal level it's much easier to understand.... When you look at the "big tough American team" you will never see past that for what we really are.

Leo :)

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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 24, 2003, 6:01pm
and Count Dracula....I am not calling you an ignorant person. I do not believe that you are ignorant. I'm saying you are ignorant to the facts of the argument you put forth though...:)

Leo :)

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A!!CT Coming back.

Nov 28, 2003, 11:46am
I'm getting a little sick of you kids pulling this shit....why not just go
PLAY with The Sims.?
And ya far as I am concerned Mr Bruce is lay off his
shit....every post I see from now on knocking anything to do with his world
and that person will be labeled a trouble maker in my book....PERIOD

Leo :(

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Merry Christmas

Dec 23, 2003, 2:15pm
Hey there Jetta!!!! Keep on keep'in on....:)

Leo :)

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M A T T situation

Jan 14, 2004, 7:40pm

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M A T T situation

Jan 15, 2004, 3:32pm
Excellent! way to go team!!!!!

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HarvestMoon's Sister Alice

Jan 19, 2004, 12:07pm


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Matters of good Grammer

Jan 22, 2004, 12:03pm
" I guess same logic as in when some saudi arabic terrorist crash planes in usa, one need to punish iraq ?"

Drac, your obviously quite mis-informed. These two events had nothing to do with each other.

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Matters of good Grammer

Jan 22, 2004, 12:27pm
think what you'll never quite fully understand it ....not with that wall you have in front of you.

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Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 12:24pm
[View Quote] You nor I have the final word on this yet. How can you say they do not exist?

> Was it because Al-Quida and Iraq both has the Q in them ?

Remember, the USA has NO BEEF with the people of Iraq....only their bully, Saddam and his regeme.

> Was it because Bush simply is bully ?

No, in my opinion Bush was just more powerful that Iraq's Bully.
Some people pick the side of the underdog seem like that type.

And, you don't have to believe just me....look futher for your own facts.

Leo :)

> Tell me, you tell me one good reason and I promise to belive you Leo.
> Drac
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> nobody
> nobody

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