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Complains lol

Mar 10, 2005, 12:18pm
it's nothing ANTI sheeeesh this is one world THE FIRST WORLD leave it alone. move one....

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Complains lol

Mar 10, 2005, 12:25pm
I'm not against change not at all everyone is talking about changing no changes old builds should not be destroyed...that's what I mean by no change...let it continue to grow but leave it's current looks alone.
Very simple stuff here...mover on to bigger and better things...leave AW alone let it grow on it's own...make a new BETA world for all new features that tend to wreck old builds....

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Since AlphaBit Phalpha requested not to receive any moe emails

Mar 15, 2005, 12:35pm
Agreed!!!! Thanx Alphabet Phalpha!!!!! (((((((AP))))))

Leo :)

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Michael Jackson

Mar 18, 2005, 12:02pm
Your missing the whole point of having a rating in the first place..... you mean the old your cit number is the more you should be allowed to "talk nasty"? Come on guys..... think about it...... why is it there is a rating in the first place? and why is it usually enforced at GZ? come on use your heads for once instead of your egos.


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Michael Jackson

Mar 18, 2005, 7:14pm
YOUR missing the point also SWE, just like Strike..... sheeesh it's not about YOU it's about the other people in the world that don't want nor need to listen to YOU talk that way.... it's about having respect for others no matter whom they are and where they are.

And when I say YOU I do not mean YOU, SWE it was a metaphor :)

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Michael Jackson

Mar 18, 2005, 7:51pm
Stick to the argument dude.....changing the subject shows your uncertain of your position..

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