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Sep 25, 2003, 2:32pm

Because Linn was passing her spew on as fact when, in fact, she never checked it out in the first place...these NG's need to have INFORMATION in them not opinions/rumors of grudge holding users.

More of these posters NEED to be called out when they make statements like this.

This poster has developed a pattern of this type of post.

Leo :)

And NO I am not playing Judge here...I just refuse to sit idly by let them abuse the NG's.

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World Connection

Oct 7, 2003, 6:53pm
might wanna read this over Trishia:

Leo :)

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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 12:09pm
You sound like your proud of the fact you've done illegal things and were never punished.
This is a sick attitude to have.

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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 1:01pm
Fuck you SWE your a punk kid. I picked on Joeman because he admitted doing illegal things and sounding proud he did so this is a sick attitude,'s about you commenting on this statement instead of my age or weight or any ailments I might have(then I will follow in kind).......:) BTW I found nothing wrong with his last post.....only his attitude about his comments.


ps; if you honestly think you can shut my mouth then bring it on.

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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 1:40pm
John....most that do not agree with me ARE kids..... they mostly do not like it when an older person pulls the experience card. Hey what else do I have? I've taught myself most everything I know....I do not rely on others to force feed me information. I "picked on Joeman" because of what he said not who he is.... (he seems like a very sharp well rounded kid)

Leo :)

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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 4:46pm
LOL why is that strike? because I said a bad word? or because you don't agree with me?

hows about BinaryLeft

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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 5:47pm
That *may* be proof that you did not make it up,.... but it's also proof that someone made up the return address...;)
Pretty obvious.

That email came from a server in Canada.....not Kansas, toto....:)

OrgName: Netfirms Inc.
Address: 5255 Yonge Street #800
City: Toronto
StateProv: ON
PostalCode: M2N 6P4
Country: CA


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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 9, 2003, 6:05pm
LOL It's a waste of time trying to talk with you .....Your just being argumentative.
Besides you make very little sense other than you like conflict.

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Virus/Trojan Etc. Alert

Oct 9, 2003, 6:06pm
ditto here...and it checked out just fine...:)

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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 2:28pm
Bowen your remarks are offensive....and not in the least humorous.

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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 2:31pm
The fact is, Bowen, that these are YOUR opinions and not worth the pixels used to convey them.

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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 3:31pm
and that is your opinion also....not the law.

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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 6:09pm
Sorry, I forgot, your just naturally offensive.

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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 6:10pm
great lame comeback answer HIS question. Stop changing the subject.

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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 6:39pm
naaa it wasn't he was asking you 'cause he knows you don't have a clue. you just like to argue.

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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 6:39pm
lol you don't have a clue do ya? LOL

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copyright violation

Oct 15, 2003, 11:42am
he has the copyright as soon as he creates them.

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STOP the Insanity! (Pardon the Pun)

Oct 13, 2003, 1:00pm
You do have the right to NOT read any post in this NG....but your missing the point if you think you DO have the right to tell other people to not post. :)

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STOP the Insanity! (Pardon the Pun)

Oct 13, 2003, 1:25pm
I agree 100% with your assessments.

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 16, 2003, 3:33pm
Anyone that knows TZ, and would like to help, please contact him.

Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 17, 2003, 12:46pm
does it matter to you?

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 17, 2003, 2:45pm
yes please that would help

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 17, 2003, 4:31pm
yea I hear ya.... he's got a lot on his plate right now...:(

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 22, 2003, 6:59pm
This is the most ridiculous thing I have seen you post linn(and I've seen them all)......TZ has a heart of gold, and your telling him to "harden up" or he's in trouble. You need to understand what a good human being is like. You've been "hardened" by what YOU have learned in life why should others "be like you"?

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 22, 2003, 7:06pm
and further more TZ is not dumb as you portray him. Do you think for a second that TZ would do this again without giving it a second thought? ( which in itself is sad to think he might hesitate to help someone next time. ) I have no doubts he has learned a lot from this.....mostly just how cruel the world can be...people like you included.

I hope TZ NEVER learns to NOT help people in need. The world needs more TZ's!!!

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 30, 2003, 5:31pm
my god lady, you are lame. And not very compassionate.

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 30, 2003, 5:48pm
Tell linn to keep her asinine comments to herself and guess what.....we won't talk to her.
When she says inconsiderate things like this she will get inconsiderate responses in return.
This does not take a rocket scientist to figure out.

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Bye everyone

Oct 21, 2003, 11:20am
take care .duo. seriously, it's been fun. Sorry if I was such a jerk 2 ya.

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Bye everyone

Oct 21, 2003, 12:37pm
right after you SWE :)

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The Language Thing

Oct 26, 2003, 3:21am
eerrrrr aahhhhh ...I think your hanging out with the wrong crowds

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