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is anyone ealse having V scan problems?

Nov 22, 2001, 1:00am
Hi, for some reason I am no longer able to run my V scanner, i got the
lastest update last week.
Since then when ever i scan my HD for viruses it will not ever finish.
For some reason my virus scanner is using over 1 GB of HD space during the
scan, I have no clue why and I cant regain that space ether, this happened 2
times already to I now have 2 GB of space used up by it and I can not get it
Someone please help. if this keeps up I wont have any HD space left.

My V scanner is McAfee VirusScan

is anyone ealse having V scan problems?

Nov 22, 2001, 1:40am
I just had this PC in the shop last month getting fixed due to a virus.
lost over half my files on my HD over that.
and the only things that I have downloaded since then was being in Active
Worlds and dreamland park.
The only files I have downloaded where the windows updates when they come
And I check McAfee for updates once a week. and no viruses have ever shown
up yet.

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is anyone ealse having V scan problems?

Nov 22, 2001, 4:40am
your right people can get in your PC through open ports.
I have had a few times when someone from outside the AW browser tried to
accesses my world server.
In the world log it listed there IP they tried to get in, it said message to
long kicked out.
I am able to recreate it myself but I don't know if they did it that way or
1 way I found out is to go in a web browser and do a http://IPaddress:7777
that will give the same post in the world log. "message to long kicked out"

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is anyone ealse having V scan problems?

Nov 22, 2001, 10:06am
They can if they can hack into your net bus port or find some way to hack
activate ftp incoming to you.
Yes it can happen it has happened to me in the past.

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Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 2:54am
ICQ is the worst thing out there.
1. its not safe
2. all people in the world that use icq know your ICQ number weather you
gave it to them or not.
3. its easily hacked to get at you!
4. To much dang porn urls coming over it from unknown users!
I would recommend AOL IM or Yahoo Messenger

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any ferret owners please help

Nov 23, 2001, 2:50pm
What is the best way to litter train a ferret? I have been trying sence
April lol.
I do have a corner litter pan and she's not using it, keeps going in the
front left corner, if I relocate the litter pan to that corner she goes in a
new corner.
Any ideas?

any ferret owners please help

Nov 29, 2001, 4:15am
When mine bites it is only playing, it don't even hurt.
I have not had any problems with her biting me hard.
Im not saying it can't happen, but if it dose its probably something you did
and not realizing you did anything, all animals give show warning signs when
they don't want to be bothered if you don't see it or don't know how to see
it that's your fault not the animals fault.
They don't have to make any noise to warn you, there is body language to you
got to pay close attention to.

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need help

Nov 23, 2001, 5:17pm
Hi, I made some new folder icons and I need to know how to set then up on a
(new ""folder"" type)
I already created it at a registered file now I need to know what actions to
add to make it act like a "normal" folder.
When I click on it , it will not open
Note I need it to act just like a "normal" folder would so I can store files
in it.
I know how to make a new file type I just never made a new folder type

need help

Nov 23, 2001, 5:58pm
If only I could see the action properties for the normal folder type I could
do it, but the normal folder action properties are grayed out :-(

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3.3 features

Dec 6, 2001, 8:52am
that would have a bad effect if you ban a tourist lol

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I need CD-RW drive info

Nov 26, 2001, 9:46am
what is the best CD-RW drive out their today?
I had one by HP and it went defunked after the first 3 months I had it.
I need one that will read and write to both CDR's and CDRW's and also will
let me make my own music CD's

Sorry bout Coca Cola being so big

Nov 27, 2001, 3:25am
next time put a link to the web page it came from, or upload it to your web
space and post the link to it.

Anyway, that was good lol

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Sorry bout Coca Cola being so big

Nov 29, 2001, 3:15am
what problem are you having with outlook? I use that to and have no problems
posting in any NG's

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e-mail forwarder

Nov 29, 2001, 4:07am
use hot mail.

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e-mail forwarder

Nov 29, 2001, 6:43pm
I never had that happon to me, I been using hotmail for 3 years and i only
get email from things i sign up with.

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e-mail forwarder

Nov 30, 2001, 11:18pm
I have never got any spam from anyone using hotmail.
All emails i get come from places I selected to get mail from.
I never got porn in mine.
Your said you didn't give it out to anyone, thats strange for that to
"thinking" it might be possible by some slim chance you created a hotmail
addy that someone had in the past. If you don't log in at least 1 time evry
30 days or so, your account is fully removed. You might have picked the same
name as that someone that desided to let there account go or somthing and
you activated that and got all his or her junk flooding in.
hotmail dose have a block feature now.

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this is driveing me nutz

Nov 29, 2001, 4:02am
Hi, I sent this same message to my local PC repair guy and he responded with
bring it in, I do not have the money to keep taking it in evry few months,
no one on this world dose!

Can anyone in here please help me fix these 2 problems.
Note: most of this post is me talking to the repair guy when I say "you" I
do not me any of you here in the NG's.
Ok here is my 2 problems.


I need to know how to get my CD-ROM working 100% again.
we are the ones that had our PC down with you for the CD-RW problem to find
that the CDRW was bad.
ever sence we got it back from you our CD-ROM is acting up.
Some times it will read CD's and some times it will not
I tried to reinstall the CD-ROM drivers that didn't help any.
The CD-ROM was working great intill we got it back from you.
Could there be something you might have forgot to reinstall?
Music CD's play fine, its the data CD its doing this to.


This is really bugging me still.
I know its not a virus but something really likes to use up 1 GB of space
and there is no way I can get any of that back.
3 GB lost to this now.
can you give me a list all all possible things that could be doing this.
This is really getting crazy please help.
none of my program log files or cache folders are doing it because they are
all set not to go over 50KB
what ever it is its using up 1GB every few hours, even when I delete stuff
and fully remove it from my hard drive I loose space instead of getting some
You did replace our old hard drive, could this new one have bugs on it or
I never heard of this going on before.

this is driveing me nutz

Nov 29, 2001, 7:12am
My CD-RW is bad I know that and have to get a new one,
My CD-ROM came with my PC, it is a MITSUMI CD-ROM FX320 !B
Whats not being read at time are normal store bought program CD's {games and
divice setup CD's}
This never happoned till I last got it back from the repair guy
All cables and connections are fine.

I did scan disk also, it dont help any although it always finds errors on
the drive, not sure why.
It fixes them errors then i run it again to make sure and it finds more and
more to fix. thats always been doing that ever since I 1st had this PC must
be a bug in the scan disk or something.
Im now to the pont where I keep geting out of room on hard drive errors. now
im just floating along on 58KB free space lol
I dont now how to get any of that space back ether.
there are a few 0 bite files in my C:/ not sure what they are doing there

[Some miner info about my PC]

Windows 98 version 4.10.1998

128 MB

Manufacturer : MITSUMI, Inc.
32X Max

[video card]
Voodoo5 5500
Manufacturer : 3dfx Interactive, Inc.
Hardware Version : 001
Chip Series : VSA 100
Bus Type : PCI
Total Video Memory : 64 MB
Graphic Chips : 2
Graphics Clock Speed : 166 MHz
BIOS Version : 1.11

[Sound Card]
Sound Blaster AWE64 Value
Manufacturer : Creative, Inc.

well thats enough info to be posted in here lol

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this is driveing me nutz

Nov 29, 2001, 7:23am
Oh yea and my processor is a P2 350 MHz

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this is driveing me nutz

Nov 29, 2001, 2:15pm
My file system is FAT32
I don't have Norton Disk Doctor only McAfee VirusScan
Im not that good with DOS commands
All my .tmp files combine are well under 2MB
Last time I had my PC in for fixing I had to get the hard drive replaced,
lost many programs over that. {wonders if this new one could be bad}
My CD-ROM has been constantly used almost daily for about 3 years.
My internet cache is set to never go over 50MB and it always auto cleans it
self daily.
My AW cache is set to never go over 100 MB I delete that about once each
I can't run my V scaner anymore ether, when i tell it to do a full PC scan
it stops about half way because something during that scan used up 1 GB,
thats where the problem started.
So im stuck scanning with some online scanner.

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this is driveing me nutz

Nov 29, 2001, 10:30pm
I can't surch that, windows 98 can not serch for files that are over
9999999 KB

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this is driveing me nutz

Dec 2, 2001, 6:57am
I hate that to, though mine worked in the other direction.
On the box it says 7GB but when I look at the properties of it on my PC its
and im still not sure what sucked up that 3GB of space ether. it has stoped
for now but i still cant reclame any of that 3GB
This is a new HD my old one got screwy lost alot of data over that and I had
to get a new one and move what files i was able to save to the new one.
I never had this problem on my old one.

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trade in your Voodoo cards against Verto cards

Nov 30, 2001, 11:07pm
Nah think I will keep my Voodoo5 5500 card.
Can't keep buying new stuff every time it comes out, you can't keep up hehe.
Im happy with this for now :-)

Voodoo5 5500
Manufacturer : 3dfx Interactive, Inc.
Hardware Version : 001
Chip Series : VSA 100
Bus Type : PCI
Total Video Memory : 64 MB
Graphic Chips : 2
Graphics Clock Speed : 166 MHz
BIOS Version : 1.11

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AW 3.3 News

Dec 2, 2001, 12:41pm
WOW! that's really cool

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Help - Windows Defrag

Dec 2, 2001, 5:50am
For defrag to work 100% with no problems you must close all running
do that ctrl alt and delete 1 time and close out everything in their. you
might get an error or to but that's fine for now, next pause the task
scheduler then disable any screensavers and make sure you don't have you PC
set to turn off the HD when your idle, after that run scandisk because
defrag will not run if there are errors on the drive. After it runs and
fixed all errors then start the defrag and leave your PC alone till its

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NG cleaning?

Dec 2, 2001, 7:00am
I see AW is cleaning the NG again loosing topices and posting the re's to
some, gee the removed some topices and some of the re's to them. and
reposed some of the re's. now how is someone that just started reading that
topic going to know what was already said lol

NG cleaning?

Dec 2, 2001, 9:39am
Thanks for that info :-)
I only use OE for news groups.
So I never bothered to check them options lol

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Dec 5, 2001, 6:36am has seen an OUTBREAK of computers infected with
W32/Goner at MM, also known as Pentagone, Goner or Gone. This
is a NEW, HIGH RISK virus that spreads via Microsoft Outlook
email and ICQ instantmessaging programs. This mass-mailing
worm will arrive from someone you know with the following
email message:

Subject: Hi

Body: How are you ?
When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you
I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!

Attachment: GONE.SCR

Goner has a DESTRUCTIVE PAYLOAD. When the attachment is
opened, it will look for a variety of anti-virus, firewall
and other security programs and attempt to delete them,
along with ALL FILES in the same directory. This worm
will also place a trojan, REMOTE32.INI, on the system, which
contains instructions to attempt Denial-of-Service attacks
on other IRC users.

For detection and removal instructions for the
W32/Goner at MM virus, click here.

looking for programing language

Dec 5, 2001, 9:48am
I need a good programming program that I can make bots with and any windows
based programs with.
Not sure what to look for in the store ether, I see games and stuff but
nothing about program languages.

looking for programing language

Dec 10, 2001, 5:23am
cool thanks :-)

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