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data21 // User Search
data21 // User Searcha new world onwner featureDec 11, 2001, 8:24pm
you know the flying and shifting through obejcts option in teh world
features? ok there are some of us that want thouse off to all but the builders. but that can't be done unless all builders are caretaker. could have it set that if its off but you can build its on for you and off for all others that cant build here. AW you must do this, its a must, no ifs ands or buts about it!!!!Dec 12, 2001, 12:13am
Please disable create url in the world features.
My virus scanner picked up a virus as I was wondering around in AW world. I didn't have anything open but AW. I dont know where it might have came from and I don't remember the cords where I was. And yes it can be done if that option is on all they did was create url The virus name was W32/Magistr.b at MM AW you must do this, its a must, no ifs ands or buts about it!!!!Dec 12, 2001, 12:50am
hmm well they could make the .exe a non suported file type or something.
and maby have some options in the browser, user options. like the cell gride. sept this would make all bump actions get hilighted in red or some other color, there is no way to detect a bump untill after you hit it. activate is detectable by your mouse pointer but not bump or create. [View Quote] AW you must do this, its a must, no ifs ands or buts about it!!!!Dec 12, 2001, 1:23am
Yea, but what reason would anyone need to directly link an .exe in here?
They can just link to the web site that has the .exe [View Quote] AW you must do this, its a must, no ifs ands or buts about it!!!!Dec 17, 2001, 10:26pm
My virus scanner scans all files that come into my computer.
But would be cool though. As for the defrag thats not a good idea, as it will only run if nothing is running with it, every time the drive changed it would restart. And it would really lag the heck out of you to. Now if you mean defrag the AW cache only that would be cool :-), just have to find a way to pause all downloads wile its running. [View Quote] fix world surver bugDec 13, 2001, 10:16am
This is the windows version of the world surver.
Make it compatible with a dile up connection. I have done tests on my computer and it is the world surver not my computer. this is what's going on. If I get knocked off-line by my ISP the world surver will open a never ending supply of dile up connections never reconnecting. It keeps opening dile up connections untill all my system resources are used up then the world performs un illegal operation and shuts down. My tests I did to confirm it is the world surver. I ran diff online programs and waited for a disconnect. All online programs opened 1 dile up connection and reconnect with no problems. The world server is the only thing that opens a never ending supply of dile up connections during a ISP disconnect. Note: It only dose this if the ISP knocks you off, It will not do this is you disconnect yourself. fix world surver bugDec 13, 2001, 2:41pm
I already have its not my dial up settings it is the world surver.
Nothing else dose this. The world surver is the only thing that makes my dial up act that way. online games don't do this, AOL IM don't do this, yahoo messenger don't do this, a web page loading in mid disconnect don't do this, the AW browser don't do this. And yes the world surver will try to reconnect and it will open a never ending supply of connections just like I said it dose. if only I has a web came and the ability to make an mpg vedio I could upload that and show you that it dose all im saying it dose. Hmmmm just a sec I got paint shop pro I can make an animated .gif for you to look at give me a few to make that. [View Quote] fix world surver bugDec 13, 2001, 2:57pm
fix world surver bugDec 13, 2001, 3:52pm
Here is the elegal operation error i get when this happons, it probly just
means connection not found or something along them lines. WORLD caused an invalid page fault in module WORLD.EXE at 015f:00401c91. Registers: EAX=3c18e7f7 CS=015f EIP=00401c91 EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00664bbe SS=0167 ESP=00664b58 EBP=00664b8c ECX=00000000 DS=0167 ESI=00000001 FS=3cff EDX=00000000 ES=0167 EDI=00664b74 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 89 42 20 8b 0d 38 47 43 00 c7 41 18 02 00 00 00 Stack dump: 00401be1 00009be2 00402871 3c18e7de 00000000 004014da bff7363b 000009a8 00000113 000003e8 00000000 9bbc6997 00000167 00664ba0 bff942e7 332f9be2 [View Quote] move to a new planet heheDec 13, 2001, 5:26pm
I wish to move to a new planet where world peace is a #1 rule and if you
brake it your deported back to Earth. lol move to a new planet heheDec 13, 2001, 5:29pm
move to a new planet heheDec 13, 2001, 6:08pm
That I knew about.
Why can't we just rocket our trash into the sun. it would burn up before it hit the surface lol If money is a problem, well take a lesson from Star Trek, they don't use money and look at all the good things that happened hehe Yea I know its science fiction but hay I bet it would work if we all pull together :-) [View Quote] seq's as action commandsDec 14, 2001, 12:19pm
The ability to use seq's as action commands :-)
For like when you use an avatar as an object. seq's as action commandsDec 15, 2001, 1:29am
another new world owner optionDec 20, 2001, 4:09pm
Have the ability to turn off 3rd person view for all people but the builders
just like the shifting and flying. another new world owner optionDec 20, 2001, 5:59pm
I use 3rd person to build alot also, I ment a way to turn it off so only the
ones that can built can use it. [View Quote] This would be coolDec 21, 2001, 5:42am
Hi I have one of them Logitech ifeel optical mice that has diff vibrating
modes when I mouse over links and stuff also dose it over the worlds list, would be cool if it could in some way do it for all textures to let me fill the objects :-) Would be kinda cool hehe. activate url additionDec 22, 2001, 4:49am
You know how we can link email addresses to objects.
Ex. activate url mailto:yourname at Ok well how bout the added subject line like we can on web page html. This will not work linked to an object yet, but I wish it did. Ex. activate url mailto:yourname at ?Subject=aw mail AvatarsDec 23, 2001, 8:21am
Just set your worlds object refresh to 1 this way after you change the
avatar.dat anyone that comes in will auto update without any need for a cache dump, just keep it at 1 for about a week after you edit it. [View Quote] WeatherDec 25, 2001, 2:22am
Now that would be awesome :-)
that fog maybe its time for a new action create fog radius=5 density=10 Its a possibility :-) As for the rest of the weather that could be world feature settings that you specify in VRT , random, and how long it will last etc. [View Quote] reprogram the tab'sDec 26, 2001, 10:48am
you know how if 2 or more people use the same computer and the same AW
browser with diff log in's and each log in gets there own telegram list? well how bout each haveing there own ""tabs"" my contact list is maxed out, and my sister can't add anyone for her self on that list. AW why?Jan 3, 2002, 2:04am
There are 3 classes of people out there in this world
poor class, middle class, and rich class I fall among the middle class. Why are you shoveing us away from AW making it only available for the rich?!?! There is no way in heck I am paying $120 dollars a year for be in here! If you guys do this, well be prepared to loose a ton of citizens and world owners and money, to the point you will crash and fall under, bankrupt. You got 2 options. 1. Keep all prices the same and hope for the best. 2. Change the prices and fall under. THINK BEFORE YOU DO! AW why?Jan 3, 2002, 4:01am
If its more money they want, they can also do it by decreasing the prices.
More will buy and give a good amount of money coming in. [View Quote] Fix the OpenGL video mode if it can be doneJan 17, 2002, 3:14pm
Before anyone here tells me to use DX mode and not openGL, I do use DX mode
:-) my video card supports all 3 video modes I love DX mode, all this is was a test on OpenGL mode again. In OpenGL mode all lighting is over bright. I dont use that mode for that reason. OpenGL mode seems to amplify the light based on your visibility setting. All the light looks fine when my visibility is set to 30, but as soon as I move it up to 60 the lights get so bright it just destroys the whole lighting effect. create light color=orange fx=fire OpenGL at 30 visibility this looks great real light fire flickering orange light but that same light command when your visibility is set to 60 you see a way to bright over powering constant yellow light color over everything around you. rwmoderJul 3, 2001, 1:48am
Anyone know when there will be a new version of the rwmodeler? I am not
setting my date back to use it. Just wish the creator would have the new version ready before the current version runs out. :-( He wont respond to emails ether. time travelers or sellsmen with a mentel condition?Jul 7, 2001, 2:11am
Hi, I see this alot in many advertisements.
technology of the future, available today "some batteries" power of the future, today Those are just 2, but there are many, I'm not going to list them all. but what's up with all this? They think by saying its from the future that people are going to buy it? LOL time travelers or sellsmen with a mentel condition?Jul 7, 2001, 2:43am