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I need a list

Nov 17, 2001, 10:03pm
I need a list of all SDK error code numbers and what each one means.

I need a list

Nov 18, 2001, 2:16am
Hmm they seem to be missing one. what dose this one mean?

Immigration Officer: Could not enter world (reason 430)

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I need a list

Nov 18, 2001, 5:02am
All can enter my world without any problems, its this 1 person that's
getting that message when he tries to enter it.

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What would you like to see?

Nov 23, 2001, 4:27pm
How bout a bot that you can ride in?
your on it, it moves, you move with it.
might not work with current version of AW, but maybe some time in the future

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Wanna cage your friends?

Jul 7, 2001, 3:48am
can this bot be made to run in other universes?

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Bot Of The Month

Jul 7, 2001, 2:37am
Xelagot, great bot, still my favorite out of all of them. :-)

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Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.

Aug 6, 2001, 6:03am
Bots are best as separate programs. If they where integrated into the
browser then we would have to stay logged in to AW all the time just for
some of up to keep out 24/7 bots running. having the bot in a separate
program like they are now means we don't have to be in AW just to keep the
bots running, saves on PC resources, and on people thinking you rude not
answering telegrams or letting them join you not knowing your sleeping and
just keeping your 24/7 bot running.

Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.

Aug 6, 2001, 6:14am
I know, I only posted it here because he posted here. Since few check the 2
to 3 day old posts re's
I just make it a new topic.

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Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.

Aug 6, 2001, 2:30pm
Go in the wishlist, eep responded to this over their.
same topic and discussion.......

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Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.

Aug 6, 2001, 2:33pm
This all started in the topic "The bird bot" posted 8/03/2001
Just read eeps posts their then continue back to this topic. he replied in
teh wishlist same topic [Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the
browser as plugins.]

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bingo bot

Nov 7, 2001, 11:32am
Is there a good decent bingo bot out their that is available to the public?

can a bot be created using this program language?

Nov 23, 2001, 1:13am
Sorry bout the attachment will remember to upload to my webspace next time
and put a link.

Im not sure what the name of this language is but I have used it before.
I know that with it you can make programs that communicate directly with the

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can a bot be created using this program language?

Nov 23, 2001, 5:23pm
That's what I figured lol
Thanks for all the info :-)

can a bot be created using this program language?

Nov 29, 2001, 4:44pm
whets the best and easiest program language to learn on my own without going
to school for it?

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phone bot

Dec 12, 2001, 10:35pm
You know that phone bot?
Dose anyone have one that works in all universes?

phone bot

Dec 13, 2001, 5:18pm
I have zords phone bot.
It only works in AW, I need one that works just like his dose but will run
in all universes.

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is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 14, 2001, 12:31pm
Is there a bot program out there that when you start it will start asking
you all sorts of questions and when your done answering its questions the
program creates a bot to your needs and spit out an EXE for it?
Im not good at programing and cant seem to find one for my needs.

I need one that can change about 300+ named objects without lagging it self
I tryed useing the Preston for that but I gess its a bit much hehe.
It tryed to change all in under a second. That over loaded the world surver
and kicked the bot out LOL
Is there one that will change these objects about 5 objects per second?

is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 14, 2001, 5:24pm
Xelagot is my fav. bot :-)
But im not a programer so I can't script it to do that.

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is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 14, 2001, 9:30pm
the only program language I 50% understand is machine code lol
looking at the xelagot script pages and looking at a few scripts I see some
similarities to what some things do and mean.
but will be a long time before I actuly figure it out, took me 1 year to
figure out that machine code and only understanding it 50%
I can not learn by reading.
I learn best by doing.

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is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 15, 2001, 1:13am
The Machine code I do have a book for I dont have a compiler for it thats
why its takeing so long to learn, im only reading it.
I read and follow and try to find out the results by reading through it, its
not easy this way.

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is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 15, 2001, 1:24am
I do have a small script that i tried to make by looking at another.
I ask it a simple question and if gives the answer I told it to give lol
But still don't understand it that much.......yet :-)
I will never give up.
AW related goals I want to acheave.
program a new bot, learn how to make a seq file, learn how to make av's

some goals I compleated :-)
learned how to make obejcts, and animated jpg's { love True Space 4 }

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is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 17, 2001, 2:11am
named objects not the obejct name,
i want it to change all objects that have "create name snow" in the action
these are all diff obejcts.

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is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 17, 2001, 12:39pm
yea I did :-)
"I need one that can change about 300+ named objects without lagging it

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is there a bot program out there that.

Dec 17, 2001, 9:23pm
Is it my fault I had crapy teachers that all they cared about was getting
there paycheck.
Im 21 years old and made it though 12 years of school and graduated, had
good grades to.
I do not trust spellcheck because it is not reliable.
Spellcheck don't know all words eather :-P

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megaHAL bot for aw

Dec 17, 2001, 9:24pm
never herd of that one, whats it do?

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Zord creator of phone bot, you their?

Dec 24, 2001, 4:44am
Could you make phone bot be able to log in to any universe please?

bot urls

Dec 30, 2001, 11:47pm
Has anyone made a web page with links to all AW bot pages?
Or maybe a AW bot web ring?
If so could I please have the url
Thanks :-)

bot urls

Dec 31, 2001, 8:07am
Thanks :-)

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bot urls

Dec 31, 2001, 8:08am
Thanks :-)

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bot help

Jan 8, 2002, 10:31am
is there a way to slow down the rate at which a Preston edits objects?
i got my world winterized and i want to remove the snow from the objects.
all my ground covering 400+ objects have this in the action.
create name winter,texture snow1
I want that all to be edited to be
create name winter
but when i do that with Preston it lags itself off-line.
to get it winterized in the 1st place i did it all by hand took lots of my
time doing it that way. The Preston bot is just way to fast for this kind of
if xelagot will do it and not lag itself off-line could someone make me a
i want to change all object actions create name winter,texture snow1 to
create name winter

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