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bot help

Jan 8, 2002, 2:46pm
The Preston only sees objects that are 10 meters around itself, just need
some way to slow its object editing down to maybe 5 objects per sec.
The way it is now it tries to change all objects that it can see as fast as
it can lol

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bot help

Jan 8, 2002, 6:02pm
I don't have a script that will do what im asking. Im not a programmer so I
can not make one. :-(
XelaG's help pages under the topic "Xelagot action script" is way beyond my
Its written in a way a programmer can make sense of it, but not the
nonprograming people.

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bot help

Jan 9, 2002, 9:51am
wow thanks it worked. :-)

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bot help

Jan 9, 2002, 10:08am
hmm wait, it worked but it also added junk in the objects action files.
when i did the replace/function it did replace but it made the following
line included in as a object action.
now all my snow objects are looking normal but they have this as an action.
create name winter 960 100732039

them group of numbers after winter should not be there and then numbers are
different on each object.

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anyone know?

Jan 14, 2002, 5:54pm
anyone know when the next version of Preston will be out? this latest
version dont know what a skybox is hehe its changing the lighting fine, but
no skybox changing.

A new option for mid files

Mar 16, 2001, 3:41pm
I would like to see this in the next update.
a way to choose weather you want a midi to fade or not.
one way they could make it so you can do this.

create sound mymusic.mid play=nofade and create sound mymusic.mid

Just an idea to consider, it would be nice :-)

another building option

Mar 16, 2001, 3:55pm
you know how you can rotate the object to position it. how bout a way to
rotate it to make it upside down.

Note: I am not talking about the rotate command

another building option

Mar 16, 2001, 8:32pm
Yes know, I do read eep's web page often.
But that Z axis rotation would be vary useful in the object properties box.

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a way to hold more then 100 contacts :-)

Apr 5, 2001, 8:32am
This would be nice to have, as right now I just make 2 or more lists and use
one at a time.
Right now the contact list is stored in a .txt file.
A [ .doc file or a .dat file ] would hold alot more, but the AW program will
only use and see a .txt file for use as the contact list for now.

a way to hold more then 100 contacts :-)

Apr 5, 2001, 8:34pm
For your information wing, I am not a newbie, and I wish you would not reply
to my posts if all your going to do is insult me.

[View Quote] Oh, and you should check your knowledge about possible file sizes,
here are 2 links that might help you :

If you do not find a medium that can take the required amount of data
you will hardly be able to create a single file that can contain all
the informations a brain can hold.

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a way to hold more then 100 contacts :-)

Apr 5, 2001, 8:38pm
If you ever opened your contacts.txt you will see why it only holds 100.
Its the way the contacts are stored in it.

[View Quote] Oh, and you should check your knowledge about possible file sizes,
here are 2 links that might help you :

If you do not find a medium that can take the required amount of data
you will hardly be able to create a single file that can contain all
the informations a brain can hold.

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a way to hold more then 100 contacts :-)

Apr 6, 2001, 5:52am
I know that. LOL

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a way to hold more then 100 contacts :-)

Apr 6, 2001, 5:54am
For your information wing, I am NOT a newbie. I was just thinking of better
ways to store that contact list.

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building in offline without internet connection

May 4, 2001, 6:58pm
Hi, that would be nice to do, but it would cause large amounts of surver
Just think if everyone did that. As soon as they would come online in here
it would be like a very large propdump or upload to the AW survers.
It would just about kick everyone out till it was finished.

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building in offline without internet connection

May 5, 2001, 3:43am
Well if it don't cause any surver lagg then why is it when I am in an area
where a few people are propdumping with bots. I get the old waiting for
server warning....
No I am not getting disconnected, its caused by all the data hitting me all
at once.
Its like someone dumping a load of gravel on you without warning and your
trying to dodge it all without getting hit, it is not going to happen LOL

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midi fadeing I don't like

May 4, 2001, 6:53pm
Still having problems making a midi NOT fade out when you walk from it.
1. spacing midi's out on every other object.
2. having a bot control midi objects all over the world.
< will not work reason when you loose site of the last object it was on the
hole mid restarts>

Gezz you would think that when the programmers made the new 3.1 they would
have though of this problem for us who want background music in our worlds
at least they could have did a little thinking and planning before they made
such a change

They could have made 2 new simple commands fade=no fade=yes

privlage pass word detection

May 18, 2001, 5:43am
I would like to have a new detection built into the AW browser something new
for the Immigration Officer , Building Inspector or the Operator. to detect
when someone is using your privilege pass word, like when someone logs in
using your privilege pass it could read out in red saying something like.

Operator: citizen number 2749 is using your privilege password.

It would only say this to the owner of the privilege pass.

privlage pass word detection

May 19, 2001, 8:42am
Yes, and if your off-line and someone uses your PPW. the browser will see
that you are off-line and ether send you a telegram or an email to you when
people use your PPW when you are off-line.

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privlage pass word detection

May 21, 2001, 6:20am
Yes option is a great idea, just like that option for the object errors,
only a world owner would have any use for that.
They could add a new check box in the settings for the browser for [P-PW
I have sent this in that suggestion box to.

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Re: PPW building. 1st posted by pike

May 24, 2001, 12:28pm
That is not a good idea.
I have a reason for saying that.
Most universes the owner sets up some citizenships that are only to be used
for they privilege p-pw noone ever uses them as a citizenship therefore no
one would be able to say yes or no to the request making it useless.

My way would be the best way, it is in "this" news group under the topic
"privilege pass word detection"

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Re: PPW building. 1st posted by pike

May 25, 2001, 6:06am
Yep :-)

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hosting 2 or more worlds, with each world having its own log file

May 27, 2001, 5:10pm
I have noticed that if you host 2 or more worlds with that 3.1 world surver
it uses the same log file for all worlds on that surver.
It would be nice if each world has its own log file.

New and Improved AV's for standard use?

Jul 5, 2001, 1:21pm
Hi, I have used the manhole1.rwx and that other object that looks like it
but with a sand texture think it
was stepstone.rwx anyway it made a good looking chess board. :-)

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a new eject improvment

Jul 5, 2001, 2:58am
Hi, I would like to see a new thing with ejecting people.
This idea will realy solve all them problems with unauthorized ejections.

You know how in the world eject you can add a commend to the ejection, well
how bout it do even better.
Have it log the citizen number of the person who gave the eject and also log
if they use a p-pass to do it. That would realy save us world owners the
trouble of bugging AW to send us our world log file to look it up.
This way we can just enter the IP, click lookup and it will show the comment
that was given for the IP, the time and date it started and ends, and the
citizen number of the person that did the ejecting along with any p-pass
they might have used to do it.

a new eject improvment

Jul 5, 2001, 12:24pm
Yes they are, but under the eject when you look it up, it only gives the
comment that was given, and the time and date it started and ends. The only
way to get who did the ejecting is to look at the world logs
the world loges show who did the ejecting , there number and the p-pass
number if they used one.

Just wish all this info would show up in the {"options", "world",
"ejection's"} that way we wont have to look at any logs just to find out the

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Jul 23, 2001, 1:40pm
Hi, this fading of the midi as create sound, NEEDS a new command to make it
NOT fade.
with all this fading its really messing up my background music in my world.
nothing works to fix this problem, (yes nothing) :-(

the following ideas others have told me to try DO NOT fix this problem

1. adding the same midi all over the world, reason when you loose site of
the farthest object its on, the midi will restart even though it never

2. "create noise midi url" will not work, because then it will play all the
way through and if you come near a another midi it will not start till the
1st one finishes.

3. having a bot control all the midi's, why should I bog down my connection
with a bot with the AW browser should be doing all this?

4. why dose "create sound midi url" play all midi's in your site range 1 by
1 tell they all play even though your not in there area? you can be sitting
in 1 spot and you would hear all of them even though your right next to the
closest midi object?


Jul 23, 2001, 3:41pm
That don't help me any, I use 3.1, I am never going back to 2.2 LOL
All we need is a new simple midi commands to pick if we want it to fade or

AW creators "hint" "hint" :-)
create sound midi url fx=fade
create sound midi url fx=nofade

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Jul 24, 2001, 2:38pm
the derek, create noise will play the mid yes but not the way I want it to.
you see, with create noise you will hear it with no fading but when you come
in contact with another midi it will not play till the 1st one you hit
I have my world set up kinda like how games are set up, you have diff
background music for each area.
Ex. I got a certain midi playing only inside buildings, and certain midi
only playing outside the buildings.
That's why create noise will not work.
I need create sound with no fading just like it was in 2.2

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even better sound idea

Aug 3, 2001, 3:04am
A whole new option/setting for the browser so we can choose what sound
drivers we want the browser to use, and how we want the sounds to act, this
goes for all sounds [ mid's , wav's , and mp3's ]

Ex. chooses a driver.
And it would search your PC for all drivers you have and let you choose what
one it will use.

Ex. sound effect.
fading [wav] [mid's] [mp3's] [all]
nofading [wav] [mid's] [mp3's] [all]
echo [wav] [mid's] [mp3's] [all]
you pick all you want or all.

This I believe will solve all of our sound related problems 100%

even better sound idea

Aug 3, 2001, 9:16pm
Oh and the same thing also for your video drivers you may have.

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