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data21 // User SearchEep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 6, 2001, 6:00am
Bots are best as separate programs. If they where integrated into the
browser then we would have to stay logged in to AW all the time just for some of up to keep out 24/7 bots running. having the bot in a separate program like they are now means we don't have to be in AW just to keep the bots running, saves on PC resources, and on people thinking you rude not answering telegrams or letting them join you not knowing your sleeping and just keeping your 24/7 bot running. Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 6, 2001, 6:17am
I know, I only posted it here because he posted here. Since few check the 2
to 3 day old posts re's I just make it a new topic. [View Quote] Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 6, 2001, 7:01am
hmm this would run useing the worlds rights list for bots.
Wouldn't that lagg the world surver down? Besides the surver running the world or worlds and holding all that come in and out of them, it would also be running bots for each of the many users. Still think its best for the user to host the bot and not the surver. hmmm users + building or users + building + 3 bots per user each bot doing its own thing. You get a few of them more complex game bots in there that will drag the surver down alot. [View Quote] Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 6, 2001, 8:27am
I beleave hes talking about making bots built into the world surver. That
will look to the world rights to see who can use a bot in this world. And have the AW browser use this world and bot surver combo. Making the AW browser have a new pull down menu for bots. You pick the bot you want the surver to load up, you config it, and it stays on even if you log off, the bot stays on till you log in and turn it off. Anyway, it would still cause a lot of lagg to the world surver [View Quote] Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 6, 2001, 1:36pm
Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 6, 2001, 6:55pm
Well why didn't you say it like that the first time, your 1st post about it
and the others you posted never told this part of your idea, this version of it I like alot. I would be happy to have a built in bot that changes world features :-) And yes I do play 3D games. :-) [View Quote] Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 7, 2001, 3:44am
Shouldn't judge people without knowing what they can do.
It is you who didn't post your idea clear enough, till now your posts to this topic had tons of gaps in it. its ok to post a book type post, i will all of it. I been using bots for 3 years going on 4, I know what a bot is and what they are capable of doing. [I used bots as world greeters], [world featurs changers], [univercel actions for objects. Ex. you activate the action all see the effect]. [world backing up], [prop loading/saving/building], [midi playing], [chating through them], [moveing land from univerce to univerce and world to world], [changing obejcts.] they can probly to alot more then this to. yea theres alot more, but im not wasting time listing all things a bot can to, id be here for years doing that. [View Quote] password protection for server shutdownNov 1, 2001, 9:47pm
Hi, I host my own world and I would really like it if there was a password
protection to prevent people from right clicking on the world icon and shutting it down. This password would have to stop shutdown from right clicking and exiting, and stop from ctrl, alt, delete. This would really help me out because when I am not at my PC anyone can wonder on by and shut it down behind my back. Ex. right click exit. [ please enter world server shutdown password ] ctrl alt delete and end task [ please enter world server shutdown password ] password protection for server shutdownNov 2, 2001, 8:00am
Yes, true bet then I would be yelled at for that, Im not the only one that
uses this computer. And to disable a password screensaver all one needs to do is turn computer off then back on again and move the mouse during startup to prevent the screensaver from coming on, then go into the screensaver options and disable it or change the password. [View Quote] password protection for server shutdownNov 2, 2001, 8:54am
Yes they would, because I would then have to give that boot password to
them, this is a family computer. [View Quote] password protection for server shutdownNov 2, 2001, 8:59am
This password would also have to be asked when you do a "ctrl alt delete"
on the server aswell. [View Quote] password protection for server shutdownNov 2, 2001, 9:01am
password protection for server shutdownNov 18, 2001, 7:40am
Gawd what's with you people turning down my idea? This idea is a must and
needs to be added. Im not sure what goes on at your place but noone shuts the PC off or unpluges it at my house. All I want is a little password protection on the host side. You know we got it for the remote side and there is nothing zero protection for the host side.... [View Quote] password protection for server shutdownNov 19, 2001, 5:39am
Ohh yes there is, its a little program called Jana Server
If you try to close it a password box comes up, if you try to config it a password box comes up. [View Quote] make new sound actions pleaseNov 2, 2001, 8:29pm
Hi, I posted this before a wile back and it seems to have been overlooked.
again...... midi fading is not good for background music please make new sound code options. Ex. create sound mymidi.mid fx=nofade create sound mymidi.mid fx=fade create sound mymidi.mid fx=loop create sound mymidi.mid fx=noloop These would really help as this midi fading has really 100% ruends the back ground music filling in my world. AW citizens do not respond to this as you all have in the past and nothing you suggested worked. This is for AW programmers if there are any in here. world server fixNov 6, 2001, 7:54pm
I wish the world server would be tested on a dial up connection.
Right now I am on a dial up connection and if I get disconnected, the world server will sit there and try to reconnect and it never dose, instead it will open a never ending supply of dial up connections never connecting and just locks up the PC. This problem has been around since, well, back when I started hosting my world back in 1999 and I always get the updates and its never fixed. world server fixNov 6, 2001, 7:58pm
I don't mind hosting it, I just wish that problem would be fixed.
and maybe a little password protection on the host end :-) [View Quote] world server fixNov 11, 2001, 9:35pm
Yep its really annoying it using up all the computers RAM to before it
finally performs an elegal operation and shuts down. [View Quote] Switch to disable hiding of AV namesNov 9, 2001, 7:02am
You talking about how you can't see who it is until they say something?
Or how you can't see them or the name through an object? [View Quote] Switch to disable hiding of AV namesNov 9, 2001, 11:12am
You can always set your visibility all the way down to find someone then put
it back up again. [View Quote] password protect the world server plzNov 13, 2001, 3:06pm
Make a password protected shutdown of the world surver.
Event right click and exit. it will ask for a password, if you enter the wrong one it will stay connected. Event ctrl alt delete and end task. it will ask for a password. if you enter the wrong one it will stay connected There is a way to interrupt the ctrl alt delete end task. Heres proof of it being interrupted. Any of you that use that rwx modeler from make sure you have the most up to date version, start to make any thing like just a flat walk. Don't save it. instead hit ctrl alt and delete and end task on the modeler you will get a window asking you if you wish to save your project. Take that and improvise a little password protect the world server plzNov 13, 2001, 4:47pm
password protect the world server plzNov 13, 2001, 6:28pm
neat little program, but its still won't stop closing it. can just end task
on the AWSNoClose then do the same for the world server. [View Quote] password protect the world server plzNov 13, 2001, 9:08pm
new version of the world server?
I just updated it LOL i still got an icon next to teh clock. now if it would run the the background with no visible icons or anything, that be great [View Quote] password protect the world server plzNov 19, 2001, 8:50am
hahahahaha shut up evil overlord, you must ether be really new to
computers or your just a jerk. I posted a request. And I don't need smart mouthed jerks like you in here saying stuff like that. People like you should be kicked from these news groups if all your going to do in insult people. That is all I'm going to say to you evil overlord. [View Quote] password protect the world server plzNov 19, 2001, 2:58pm
I don't call this valid, this in no way what so ever helps anyone or
anything. Maybe you think its funny or something but I don't. If this is valid then you need help. evil overlord replied this to me. Try doing CTRL+ALT+DEL twice in a row really fast, most progs wont catch that :) [View Quote] small bug found in the newest world server.Nov 18, 2001, 5:06am
when you save the attributes with the admin tool, it will not save the max
visibility setting if its set at 30. if its set at 30 and you save it then reload the atdump it will load it as 40 ensted of 30. small bug found in the newest world server.Nov 19, 2001, 5:41am
wish list???Nov 19, 2001, 9:06am
Just something I fill needs to be said.
This is the wish list right? And its a place to list things you want AW to add to or make changes to the browser or world servers right? If you answered YES Then please tell me why are all of us replying to peoples posts? Yes I do to at times but only if someone smart mouths me. This should be a list on single unreplyed to messages that someone at AW reads ( not sure if they do or not ) but weather they do or not is not my point here. My point is stop replying to wish list topics unless your someone that works for AW. If you don't work at AW why are you replying when you can't do anything about it???? |