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I need CDROM help plz

Dec 7, 2001, 5:58pm
anyone know what would cause a CDROM drive to only read 1 CD and refuse to
read all others? none of them are CDR's or CDRW's.
They are all store bought CD's mostly game CD's and software CD's
I reinstalled its drivers and that did not help.
Im still confused on why it will read this 1 CD and no others.
All my CD's are in good condition and all worked before.

I need CDROM help plz

Dec 12, 2001, 2:33pm
I tried something new and was confused about the results.
I changed the drive letter of my CD-ROM to see if maybe it was not
recognizing that latter, and when I changed it and rebooted the new drive
letter was in My Computer just like it should be, But the strange thing is
the old letter D:/ was still there so in a sence the CD-ROM now had 2 drive
letters to itself D:/ and E:/ witch should not be.
so I changed it back to D:/ and the drive letter E:/ vanished.
Why did it not remove D:/ when I changed it to E:/ ?
E:/ left when I changed it back to D:/
note: changing drive letters did not help eather.
Could this be causing all the problems im having with the CD-ROM drive?

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I need CDROM help plz

Dec 14, 2001, 11:24am
I can't reinstall windows, it will not read that CD eather :-(
I know my CD-ROM is fine it read this 1 CD just fine, but its not reading
any other CD's
They are all store bought CD's they all worked before.

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Dec 10, 2001, 7:18pm
Will AU run on Windows XP ?


Dec 10, 2001, 7:19pm
sorry, AU = AW dang typos lol

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Dec 12, 2001, 12:17pm
I got a P2 350MHz and 128MB RAM
Right now im running windows 98, hosting 2 worlds, a bot or 2, along with
the AW browser and my processor is only being used about 1% - 6%
System resources are around 60% free

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Dec 12, 2001, 10:16pm
Ok :-)

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cable modem

Dec 13, 2001, 3:41pm
Hi where could I buy a cable modem, evry store I go to only sells dial ups
and network cards.
Web sites I go to don't list them at something to buy.
currcit city
Just to name a few, don't sell them least not in my area.
lot good it will do if i get one anyway due to cable internet is not in my
area yet.
sigh... maby some day it will.....
Its all up to AT&T or Verizon, one of them has to pay big money to lay out
the new wireing into my area.
Why they cant just use the normal CATV lines?
They did it once with Sega Channel for thouse who remember that, it went
over the CATV.

cable modem

Dec 13, 2001, 5:15pm
Well gee I was hopeing to be able to connect myself up, you know to be my
own little privet ISP lol

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cable modem

Dec 13, 2001, 5:58pm
well thats how my ISP started out, in a house only ISPing for friends, now
they are the best in my area.

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cable modem

Dec 16, 2001, 9:34pm
Well what do you call them? Everyone I know on this planet calls them cable
modems :-P

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cable modem

Dec 16, 2001, 9:41pm
its still a modem lol

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cable modem

Dec 17, 2001, 2:15am
Thats also where the word modem was derived from
MODulate/DEModulate MODEM :-)
------ ------
Yes its true I did not make that up.
Was tought that in electronic class when we started on computers.

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dont you just hate people that don't know how to forward an email the right way lol

Dec 13, 2001, 5:22pm
Don't you just hate people that don't know how to forward an email the right
way lol
I get emails from people I know and some send forwarded emails as
attachments hehe
So I end up opening about 10 or more .eml files before I get to the real
email LAMO

I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 12:48am
yea i know, someones going to say I should ahve posted it the topic i
already started.
I can't, out look cleaned it out.

so newbies know whats going on im reposting with an addition, peopel that
read all of this pleace scroll down to the addition.

[what is going on]
Ok my CD-ROM will not run any CD's sept the game Diablo.
I am not sure why it just stoped rerading all my other CD's
I did buy a CD-ROM cleaner like some segested, it will not read that eather.
I can't reinstall windows due to the reasions stated above.
I tried changing drive letters to see if by some chance it was not seeing
that letter, that did not help eather.
All my IDE cables are in good working order, even chaged the IDE cables just
to make sure, still no fix.
I know its not my CD-ROM or my CD's
1 all my CD's are in exelent condition, and my CD-ROM "WILL" play 1 CD
only so I know it can read.


Divice status
This divice is working properly.

In the device manager then in the settings for the drive it is set at this.
Target ID: 0 Firmware revision: m02
Logical unit number: 0
Disconnect checked
Sync data transfer unchecked
Auto insert notification checked
Removable greyed out
Int 13 unit greyed out
DMA checked

Current drive letter assignment: D:
Start drive leter nothing
End drive letter nothing

reasion for the nothing on thouse is there is no D listed to pick from.
what ever drive letter i pick it will not show up in the start or end area.

I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 1:43am
My primary IDE has only my hard drive on it, my secondary IDE has only the
CD-ROM on it.
Both the hard drive and the CD-ROM are masters of there IDE's

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 1:55pm
still have same results.

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 2:05pm
My #1 brian buster is why is it only reading 1 CD and refusing all others?
none of my CD's are scratched or damaged.
the only CD it is reading is the game Diablo created by
I have other games by them and its not reading them.
I just bought a CD-ROM cleaner and it will not read that eather.
Im just worried if i buy a new drive that I will still have the same
The dive must be fine or it wouldnt read that 1 CD.
The only error I get on all CD's but that one is divice not ready.
note: All my CD's worked fine 3 months ago.
I can't accsess the drive from DOS mode, I can for the diablo CD but no
Fill ree to post all or any thing/things I can try.
List me a whole book, I will read it all, im desprit here.

No I am not trying to advertize the game diablo, that is the only CD it will

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 3:09pm
I never had spawned version, its full version retail

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 3:10pm
The game music it playes from the CD during game play.

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 4:51pm
yes i know, but i did full version install not spawn.

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 4:55pm
Just trying to fix it myself with the help you all give me 1st.
I have also been emailing the shop guy to, none of his suggestions where of
any help.
If I take it in the shop its $65.00 just for having it in their and more if
he dose anything to it.

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 17, 2001, 9:34pm
well he is the only computer repair guy in my area, and he knows that, so he
can really charge anything he wants within state sells limits.

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 17, 2001, 9:36pm
And I know my computer and all that is in it lol
I know I built the thing hehe

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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 18, 2001, 2:40pm
Its not my CD-ROM
I am able to uninstall and reinstall Diablo.
Still cant run any other CD's
"thinks to self" "could this game somehow have possessed my computer?"

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something i have been thinking about

Dec 18, 2001, 1:41pm
You know all this new stuff that came out due to what went on Sept. 11, 2001
Well some of that I just really hate.
Think about it, we would NOT have it if it was not for that day, so in a
sense if you buy it, sure the money is going where it should.
This makes me mad but just think about who you have to thank for it.
Yep thats right the terrorists, because without them we wouldn't have this
Thats just sick!!!

And why do we always have to name stuff after people that die, why not name
it after them when they are alive!!!!
Come on people we are making money off of someones death, and I hate it!!!!

something i have been thinking about

Dec 18, 2001, 3:39pm
Im in the USA and its just what I see.
as you know our world traide center buildings where destroied by terrorists.
and right afer that we started getting all this new products out now.
people selling the amarican flag for way to much money, amarican hero coins
being made.
all because people died.
these things would not be made at all if that day did not happon.
Sure they sell flags all over, but never for this much money.
Im just sickend by it.
Always makeing things over a death of a persion or persions.
Why not make them when the persion or persions are ALIVE!

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something i have been thinking about

Dec 18, 2001, 6:28pm
not sure how your schooling is, but mine sucked, teachers never cared about
the students, all they cared about was getting paid.
spelling classes stopped at 6th grade and they where a waste they where
teaching how to spell small words that all people know.
And english class not sure how yours went but mine hardly taught anything
Thats just one of many reasons I hated school, and im glad im finally out of
that crap hole.
Yes I did graduate, never failed any grade or class.

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something i have been thinking about

Dec 18, 2001, 6:38pm
Same, I furthered my education in the area of electronics.
Now don't you wish school, grades 1-12 where like most collages, teaching

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computer info for all.

Dec 19, 2001, 1:25am
regarding to my CD-ROM problem, it works again.
the CD-ROM creators finnaly emailed me back.
Anyway they gave me this info. Try it you will be supprized, I was.
ghost drives, my computer was hunted lol

Remove any "ghost drives" in safe mode (95/98/ME/2000)
During the cold boot up process, tap the f8 key until you see the microsoft
startup menu. Choose option 3 and hit enter(SAFE MODE). When the desktop is
loaded up in safe mode, right click on my computer and go to properties.
Click on the device manager tab then click on the plus sign next to cd-rom.
When devices are removed they may remain in the memory. You can view these
"ghost drives" in safe mode. If you have several ghosts and are unsure which
listing is the one that is actually connected, remove all listings. Windows
will detect what is actually connected when you restart into normal mode.

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