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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 19, 2001, 9:24pm
email takes to long so hopefully someone here will read this.
some reason my citizenship ran out with no warnings today, way before it is
soposs to.
its renewal date is in Feb. not now

AW what are you doing now?

Dec 19, 2001, 9:38pm
yea I know, but I cant log in to AW, and I can post here, strange huh?

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 19, 2001, 9:45pm
Yea but the thing is, its not to be running out now.
Someone did something wrong on AW's end
My account is good till February and I got no warnings either.

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 19, 2001, 9:48pm
I get sorry, this account has expired.
Then the CC renewal window comes up.

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 19, 2001, 10:02pm
I have emailed Roland only email for AW I have.
I know I did nothing wrong to be banned, all I do is hang out in either
cygnus or nitemare with online friends, neither world is owned by AW.

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 19, 2001, 10:50pm
It gets redirected to where it needs to go, I emailed him before and the
response came from
(by way of Roland Vilett <roland at>) to
support at

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 2:28am
I hate being a tourist, took me 15 min to locate a friend lol
Hope AW adds days on to my citizenship for each day its like this.

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 3:05am
no, because I never renewed in December ever.
I have 1 citizenship and I always renewed in Feb, its been that way for 3
AW did do something. maybe something went wrong on the computer where my
citizenship is stored or something and had to reload an old backup, I have
been in and out of AW all month and I got zero warnings, it just went off
today for no reason.
I can post in here and the forgot password still works. Gess I got to wait
for the support email to see what's going on.
I do hope they add this day and all days its like this because this is not
right, cutting me off 2 months before the renewal date.
If they email me saying that it did run out, well then the only true thing
that went on is someone ether hacked AW or someone over there hit the wrong
button or something, and I will complain for ever to them until they fix it.

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 3:07am
Who knows maybe this Nate007 is behind all this, who knows what all he can
do besides vandalizing worlds.

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 3:46am
LMAO I got in the members area in under 10 sec LOL

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 5:04am
hmm maybe someone reported a Data2l or a Data2I for doing something wrong
and they ran through not thinking or seeing right and just found me Data21
my 21 is 2 numbers not a 2 and a uppercase I or a lower case L. see how the
number one and the lower case L look almost the same...
maybe that is what happened, have to wait and see.
My name is Data21 that's a two and a one!

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 3:26pm
wooo hoooo im back!!!! :-)
still don't know what did that.

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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 7:59pm
Could try emailing angelfire acting as if your him, you lost your password
and you got your email changed.
That believe that LOL
If it don't work im sure angelfire would love to know what his site is made
up of hehe.
opps that would delete his account LOL

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3D Homepages

Dec 24, 2001, 3:10pm
im on a 56K dial up and that list use to take me about 10 sec to fully load
in, now with the 3d home pages it takes me around 30 sec to a min.
sure some of them themes look cool, but giving them out like that free trial
was not a good idea. I even tried one, and the theme I picked it and with my
visibility set to 40 it lagged like a 5th day tourist build. any higher
visibility and you can't move, I got a good video card to.

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3D Homepages

Dec 29, 2001, 10:32am
I do best in Direct 3D mode, although I am able to use all video modes.
Direct 3D gives be best performance overall.
OpenGL seems to over brighten the light commands.
and the software mode, I don't really see a difference between it and Direct

im running a P2 350Mhz 128MB ram voodoo5 5500 card with 64MB video

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yea its me again

Dec 25, 2001, 5:47pm
Seems that fix for my CD-ROM was a temp fix :-(
Its doing it again!
reading 1 CD and refusing all others.
The problem IS NOT the CD-ROM or my CD's
Here is proff, it will read only 1 CD the game Diablo, and I just got
Diablo2 for x-mas and its new never used and it will not read that.

so someone please list ALL information that will cause this sort of thing to
my repair guy is at a loss to ideas and so is the CD-ROM tech support.
someone........anyone........please help me.....

strange stuff i find out just now

Dec 26, 2001, 10:40am
I can't see it to add re's to it, but dose anyone remember the post I made
about something using up around 1 GB of space each time I ran my V scanner?
well this time I watched it along with the size of my hard drive and right
when the scanner got to the directory C:/windows/temp it stopped and
repeatedly scanned that temp folder, during this is when something is eating
my hard drive up, I stopped the scan and it would not stop, I had to do a
ctrl alt delete on it to stop it.
in that temp folder I found 4 sub directories that are near 900MB each.
each of them directories only have 1 file 0.dll
the directory names are

Would it be safe to remove these or anything in that temp folder?

strange stuff i find out just now

Dec 26, 2001, 11:22am
I do a disk cleanup at the end of each day, you mean it don't bother
cleaning that directory??

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strange stuff i find out just now

Dec 26, 2001, 12:06pm
there is 1 file it will not let me remove that is in that temp folder its
only 261 bytes.
it is called
it is not read only. it says its being used, I opened it to see what it was
and all that's in it is my computers name and Admin.
Ex. name Admin.

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strange stuff i find out just now

Dec 26, 2001, 4:34pm
Well you know some things are best not to bother, so I don't.
I vary rarely go picking around in the windows directory, can be bad if you
mis click anything hehe.
And I got windows 98.
This PC is about 4 years old. not upgrading to a new OS till I really need
Besides keeping up with all the newest stuff and you will be poor all your
life till you stop it lol.
I can read all about the new stuff but will not buy it till I have a need
for it.
Im not a network user so I have no use for windows 2000 or NT, or any other
networking OS.
And oh yea, I have been messing with computers sense I was 6 :-P
I am 21 now.

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help me choose.

Dec 26, 2001, 2:42pm
Im going to buy a new CD-ROM I dont want to pay to much, trying to stay
under $100 US dollars. I prefer buying from store not over the internet. I
want a "good" one that will "read" normal CD's, and music CD's, and CDRW
CD's and CDR CD's
32X or higher

help me choose.

Dec 26, 2001, 6:51pm
well the reason im asking is the last time I bought a CD-RW drive it only
lasted 3 months.
I don't want another lemon drive.

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Cits Fight Back

Jan 3, 2002, 2:37am
Well if AW dose this they WILL go out of business, they will loose tons of
many citizens will not renew, many world owners will not renew, many
universe owners will also stop if there renew prices go up.
AW needs to rethink there actions.

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Cits Fight Back

Jan 6, 2002, 1:10am
If the owners of AW can't afford it anymore, well maybe they should sell to
someone that can!

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dose anyone have tempus vernum in mid form?

Jan 3, 2002, 1:34pm
Dose anyone have a mid file version of "Tempus Vernum" by Enya ?
Yes I have the CD and can make an mp3 from it, but a mid file of the song is
what I am looking for :-)

AW protest !

Jan 4, 2002, 12:10pm
If AW falls under will they take all the other univerces down with them?
AW dose own the browser, world servers, uniservers, and galixyservers.
Not ownership buying wise, ownership program wise.
AW goes they all go, I sure hope not.

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I must have answers now!

Jan 5, 2002, 11:35pm
Is AW behind all the other universes being down leaving only AW open???
I cant go any place but AW now!
I have been in longer then AW and I have a world there
If AW is behind all this well then someone's going to give me money for each
day my world can't be on line!!! >:-(

I must have answers now!

Jan 6, 2002, 12:12am
Its hosted by AW, but not owned by them.
And my world is hosted by me.

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I must have answers now!

Jan 6, 2002, 12:44am
well what about all the other uni's ? AW is just hurting thereself more.
noones going to pay that outrageous unfair price, thouse other uni's are
all AW has left to bring them out of the hole.


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I must have answers now!

Jan 6, 2002, 12:50am
If AW is doing this all.
Just say for a sec that you owned a world and I hosted it for you, your
saying even though i dont own it I can decide to give myself rights in it
and completely destroy what you built letting you see it after, then take
the world offline.
LOL yea right there would be some sueing going on if that happened.

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