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The Cy Awards Restructure

Mar 1, 2003, 3:55am
If you use technology, you still have to input the coordinates of the builds
to copy them, then input new coords where the copy is going to be built. So
it still takes work. :)

SW Chris

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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 26, 2003, 8:21pm
If that was suggested last fall, then perhaps things would be different. I
don't recall anybody even suggesting ratings be posted for any nominee.
That is a satisfactory way to do things, imo. But what's done is done.

Most parental responsibilities do not require society to help with raising a
child. However in this case and any other case like it (Ludicris, eminem,
good ol' ozzy), I myself still think responsibility for what is made public
and therefore what kids see lies with everyone, not just the parents (the
only Hillary Clinton issue Bill and I agree with, I think), and I'm content
with the decision that the committee made. It takes a village, people! :P


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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 27, 2003, 2:36am
Most parental responsibilities do not require society to help with raising a
child. Did you not read that? :P It's my disclaimer!

Parents have responsibility to monitor what their child is doing. But it's
society's job to help. If that wasn't true, you'd have porn on basic cable
in this country.


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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 27, 2003, 2:36am
So we are essentially in agreement...


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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 27, 2003, 3:20pm
Stick to the facts when presenting your arguments... Probablys and maybes
won't further your point of view.

SW Chris

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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 28, 2003, 1:58am
Awwww... :)


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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 28, 2003, 1:59am
You realize no Goreans are chiming in? It's because Goober's right. :)
The facts defend them in this case.


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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 28, 2003, 2:08am
Well, it is logical. But it doesn't solve the problem. Take jacob here,
for example. He's rumored to be 6! Of course, it's impossible to tell,
since he just as likely has a bad concept of english grammar. But let's use
the age as an example in any case. Now, knowing Jacob as I do (he and one
of his friends hang around SW City sometimes) he's just going to click on
any little ol' sign he comes across, regardless of whether it's in an
R-rated or X-rated category or not. Why? He's a little kid. He can't
grasp these kinds of things.

You're assuming kids are going to stay away from X-rated worlds just because
they are labelled as such. Well that doesn't always happen. Teenagers are
especially notorious for ignoring these kinds of things. Parents need to
watch what their kids are doing, yes, but the problem should be attacked
from both sides. Society should be doing just as much to look out for
children as parents, otherwise we'd have porn channels on our basic cable.
I've said that before, and that is why I'm confortable with the Cy Awards'
new stance on this subject.

Btw... thanks for letting me use your name as an example, Jacob! :)


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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 28, 2003, 2:17am
All we're saying is that your arguement is supposition. Not saying anything
more, anything less. We're not saying they're "right".


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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 28, 2003, 6:57pm
My comparison was to X rated worlds only. Not R rated. X is where the line
should be drawn. Here in the US we don't have set top boxes or V-chips on a
lot of television systems we own. It depends on what cable system you
subscribe to, but in my case there's no way to control the content. Just
like there is no way to control the content in Active Worlds at this moment.
Until such parental control code is implemented, the CY's stance on this
issue is fine.

SW Chris

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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 28, 2003, 7:00pm
Just as the "guy next door" example, X rated content is still taboo in
modern society. Therefore it needs to be regulated. R rated content is not
taboo. So that shouldn't be regulated.


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A Theory on Posters and Flames

Feb 27, 2003, 8:31pm
Disintegrated, please.


SW Chris

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XeonTV, Cyberwar Productions

Feb 26, 2003, 8:22pm
Good luck with it. :) I'm too busy with my own real life short film to
help, but I'd like to!

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Guestbook Guru

Feb 28, 2003, 2:18am
Try http://guestbook.superstats.com/

Chris :)

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Anyone seen Bobby

Mar 1, 2003, 3:57am

SW Chris

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Anyone seen Bobby

Mar 1, 2003, 4:00am
I saw the video clip of something similar that someone I know created a
month ago. It is from last year's State of the Union. Where'd TonyM find
this mp3 file?


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Anyone seen Bobby

Mar 1, 2003, 4:02am
grr... picked the wrong topic to reply to. please ignore.


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Soundclip editing humor

Mar 1, 2003, 2:56pm
I saw the video clip of something similar that someone I know created a
month ago. It is from last year's State of the Union. Where'd TonyM find
this mp3 file?


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Soundclip editing humor

Mar 3, 2003, 7:46pm
Ok then. :)


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php - help :-)

Mar 3, 2003, 7:46pm
Standardized website layouts...ich. Customize it! :)


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php - help :-)

Mar 4, 2003, 8:19pm
But who actually takes the time to do it? :P


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Lottery Joke

Mar 5, 2003, 7:49pm
How would we know? :)


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Recommendation for mail client?

Mar 3, 2003, 7:48pm
Apparently "better" is in the eye of the beholder. :P


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XP and AW

Mar 9, 2003, 5:15am
In laymen's terms, it's the "language" that the video card uses to translate
those 0's and 1's into 3D images. DirectX and 3DFX are two other such


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XP and AW

Mar 9, 2003, 5:17am
I would really like to know how RenderWare is getting along someday.
Because it's gotta be worse than AW. Who even uses the engine for new
products? I'm not dissing AW. They picked up the engine when it was still
new and had a use.


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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 6:45pm
Then the last twelve UN resolutions regarding the issue were about weapons
he doesn't have.

Obviously since Bush is being patient and actually going through the UN, he
cares about the results. Your logic is a little flawed because you just
proved yourself wrong.

The United Nations is weak and inept. And speaking strictly from the facts,
it has historically caused more deaths with its resolutions than all of the
wars that haven't spawned because of them since its inception. I'm actually
surprised the United States, Britain, Turkey, all of the former Russian
bloque countries, Spain, and Australia haven't moved in yet. And let's not
forget our pal Chirac's own party, who at this moment isn't very pleased
with the man.


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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 6:48pm
First off... you just listed all of our "allies". Secondly... just how
many ruthless dictators do you think one country can deal with at a time?
Come on! If the UN were on the ball, that list would be dealt with already.

A lot of culture will be destroyed by bombs? Sure, if you're the Taliban.
But I think Rumsfeld is a little more concerned about hitting military
targets than Budha statues. You're speaking from hearsay. Stick to the
facts. Not the What-ifs.


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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 6:53pm
We can't cower in fear just because of a possibility. Somebody needs to
stand up. I don't want war. Nobody does. But there are things out there
that people need to stand up to. And in the case of Iraq, the Gulf War and
twelve years of resolutions that aren't followed up just doesn't cut it.
The guy needs to be taken out.


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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 10:39pm
Oh please... you think it takes the worlds' only superpower four months to
deploy? Come on.

Next. :)


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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 10:43pm
Then look at the facts that we do have.

Saddam declared in his report in December he had no weapons.

In February Blix's suits found those Al-Sammud missiles, several empty
chemical warheads, and in March (like, two days ago) a strange liquid

Saddam lied. Are you willing to base the US's national security on the
prospect that he "might" not have any more hidden somewhere? If so, well
that's your opinion. But it would then be my opinion that that opinion
doesn't make any sense. :P


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