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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 4, 2003, 9:50pm
I'm waiting for you to justify how this war is about oil now. :)


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 4, 2003, 9:50pm
You are rather cold-blooded to criticize seven astronauts who just died, and
then twist the subject into criticism about an issue totally unrelated.


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 4, 2003, 9:52pm
Yeah? Put it in another thread, then.


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 5, 2003, 12:28am
Yeah? Where?


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 5, 2003, 12:31am
It's alright. I just asked him to do the same.

I believe count dracula posted this:

"Is it really neccesary to have a memorial for everyone who dies ( if he or
she happens to be from the "western" world).

People starve to death each day, who makes memorials for them?

I bet Stupid Bush will blame this on Saddam, and it seems one jew was on the
ship also, so i bet this will give Israel a reason to nuke Arafat and keep
on harrising the palestinians..."

to which you replied...

"i ageree count, its the jews fault !"

You agreed with the criticism of the memorials. You agreed with the
criticism of Bush. Er go you criticized the memorials yourself and helped
to twist the subject. I rest my case.


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 5, 2003, 12:31am
What a cop out!


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 5, 2003, 12:33am
Well if peace at any cost is what you want, then you are better off in Iraq.
Iraq has peace. They have order. Democracy inherently evil because people
can actually fight for what they believe in.


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 5, 2003, 12:36am
That is why you should be criticizing the UN for not acting in those other
countries! Everyone sat back and watched the Rwanda massacre.

As for the Iraqi matter... The United States needs a peaceful way to topple
Saddam's regime. If they can't find one, then the alternative is to do it
by force. If you have a peaceful way, then by all means, tell us! You
can't sit on your hands, or your enemies will take advantage of that.


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 5, 2003, 12:40am
Oh please. Why would a Russian-European alliance attack the United States?


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 5, 2003, 2:01am
If all you can do is insult people, then I guess you have no facts left to
back your views up with. I do, and you haven't proven any of my core points


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 6, 2003, 5:10pm
Give me one reason why you think Iraq's supposed plans to attack America is
the only reason the international forces are going to attack?


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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 6, 2003, 5:12pm
I'll bet you $50 you will see Iraqis dancing in the street after Baghdad is
liberated. I'm 100% serious.

You want to take that bet?


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Feb 4, 2003, 8:56pm
Think that'd stop SWE? :D


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To All the Whiners (was Re: Memorial)

Feb 6, 2003, 5:09pm


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What is worth fighting for?

Feb 4, 2003, 9:18pm


What is worth fighting for?

Feb 4, 2003, 9:29pm
I said what _Is_ worth fighting for. LOL


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What is worth fighting for?

Feb 6, 2003, 5:49pm
It is freedom of religion. The Constitution states so. "Congress shall
make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof... ad verbatim..."

The ACLU and other organizations are aggressively suing people who don't
agree with their leftist views under the pretext that it violates this
clause. Stupid rulings, like not making parking available for a religious
display, or have the Ten Commandments in school. But you can teach classes
on the Koran, Islam, Confusionism, and other religions. How, may I ask,
does the ACLU get away with it?

It has to do with the difference between spirituality and religion.
Spirituality has nothing to do with religion what so ever. Religion does
have everything to do with spirituality. The ACLU purposely confuses to
this point to achieve it's agenda.

It's not a question of fact. The US's founding fathers were indeed
religious people. Ben Franklin called for a prayer to open each session of
the Second Continental Congress. Tom Jefferson, easily the most antiseptic
person of the founding fathers toward religion, respected and practiced his
own form of Christianity. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian
principles. This is all fact.

These principles are ingrained into our government to its very core. But
our government is not religious-anything. It has a spiritual side to it.
Not a religious one. The difference being that each religion is different
and expects something out of someone. Spirituality is purposely open-ended.
In Christianity this is that you have to be saved by accepting Jesus Christ
as your savior. In Islam it is following the Koran and the teachings of
Mohammad. But Spirituality has none of these attached to it.

You see, if you're like me, you believe that for something to be whole, it
has to have physical, mental, and spiritual sides to it. This is true of
the government. If the Government cracks down spirituality under the
pretext that it is religion, it kills off a part of itself and it cannot
govern affectively, because there is then no moral code on which to base
legal judgements.

The Ten Commandments being pulled out of schools are an example of this. So
is the case where the word "God" was pulled out of the Pledge of Allegiance
in the western United States. Yes, the The Ten Commandments are
Judeo-Christian in origin, but do not impose any religious belief on anyone.
However, they establish the same moral code that the US was based upon.
There are other moral codes from other religions that say the same thing.
Therefore they are spiritual in nature, not religious.

As for God being taken out of the Pledge. The Pledge in its current form in
the Federal government (not the western us version) does not state what God
it is referring to. There are gods in every major religion. And for those
who don't have a religion, those who are atheistic, it does not state that
they must have a God in order to feel like a loyal citizen of the United
States. If anyone says that that is what they feel, you can assure them
noone else thinks they are less of a citizen. So if they continue to hang
onto that belief, then there is an agenda hidden somewhere. But I digress.
;P Because there are gods in all religions, and even to those who don't
belong to a religion, the word is spiritual in nature, not religious.

The key paragraph to remember here is that yes Virginia, there is a
difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality has nothing to
do with religion what so ever. Religion does have everything to do with

So that's my case. I can't make you go along with it, but that is how it
really happened. :)


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What is worth fighting for?

Feb 11, 2003, 12:09am
Spirituality isn't "church".


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What is worth fighting for?

Feb 11, 2003, 12:09am
Give it up. He's a closet-anarchist. :P


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What is happening to AW?

Feb 6, 2003, 5:53pm
So people are leaving... they've been doign that forever. Let's stop
focussing on people leaving and focus on getting others to come here, and
more importantly, our friends and those of us who choose to stay.


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Inside The Art Of "Artifex" - A New Face On AW

Feb 6, 2003, 6:17pm
hrmm... is the url correct? Because it's not working.


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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 11, 2003, 12:22am
Someone's a little unstable... ;) Chill, dude. The newsgroups are hardly
representative of the AW community. If I were you and been through what you
have, then I'd stay away from them.


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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 23, 2003, 9:25pm
It was a selfish post. But full of hurt, too. So he's gone. There's
nothing we can do about now.


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Is it true?

Mar 4, 2003, 8:24pm
Ooooo that was low! LOL. I like Michael Crichton!


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Maybe E N Z O could answer?

Feb 18, 2003, 1:27am
Yeah, people with sense. ^_^ I agree too.


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Maybe E N Z O could answer?

Feb 23, 2003, 9:32pm
Replying to an old post, I know...

This is one of those times that I'm actually glad ENZO doesn't see the
newsgroups as an indicator of public opinion. Have you ever thought about
this feature being used for AW's public building worlds? Egocentric world
builders. ;) It's not for you. :P

SW Chris

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Feb 18, 2003, 1:28am
Would you rather have a flame war? What if nobody came to that? :P


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Feb 18, 2003, 9:05pm
I'll raise you my supreme logical reasoning capabilities, a bowen, and an SW
Comit! Bingo! Idiot's array, boys! Read em and weep! 8)

Long live Yu Gi Oh.


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The Cy Awards Restructure

Feb 27, 2003, 3:13pm
That certainly is interesting. :) Of course each entry will be of a
different size, so you're going to need new Cy staff to help move everything
and put it in its proper place. Since that's a given, I'd also suggest
putting each copied entry underneath a CyAwards citizen account to make
moving entries around that much easier, with signs being put up at the
entry's starting point detailing who did the entry and where the original
can be found.

Of course, we had lots of problems just getting someone to update the voting
yard with the correct entries for SW City last year, and that was never
resolved. So this would take a lot of organization beforehand by some
dependable people.


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The Cy Awards Restructure

Feb 28, 2003, 1:56am
Judging from the 200 e-mails poor Bits had to send out for bad sets of
coords, this will be a big undertaking indeed.


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