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email/NG problem

Nov 20, 2001, 4:24am

Thanks for that, something new for me too! LMAO

Anduin Lothario
SMS: +278314217962714

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Mipmaps, Use them or Loose them!

Nov 21, 2001, 8:50pm
I use Mipmaps...
Doesn't look so much as LEGO LAND as it does without mipmaps on.

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Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 2:07am
Hi all,

So ICQ2001b is out, but I have a little warning for you all about one of its
new features, if you even use it that is.
One of its new features include an HTML format Signature with your ICQ
details which even show if you are online or offline ICQ to the people
reading the message. What is wrong exactly you ask? Well, Norton Antivirus
picks up the message as a virus and the message is blocked... The virus
seems to be called nothing at all: " " it is a full stealth virus or
something. Anyway, it is a pain, their HTML signature picking up as a virus
is a shame, was looking forwards to using it for myself as I do now in my
TCT format signature <sigh>.
Have I tried editing it? Yes I have, I think it's the actual code for the
picture attachment which Norton picks up as a virus. If you have ICQ, try
out the signature file for yourself, send the message to yourself and read
it... Strange.

Any suggestions?

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 5:24am
[View Quote] I've used AOL and Yahoo, both of them are not as good as ICQ, I set
everything up as to not get spammed too much and annoyed by too many. I have
not either been hacked in the years of using ICQ, even when I had the Web
Front enabled I had no troubles, although it's stupid anyway.

I don't mind people knowing my ICQ number either, that's the whole point of
using ICQ, for IM's and people to seek you and talk with you. Anyone I don't
like, well they meet the 'ignore list' also...
I've tried most of the ICQ Cracks anyway, even to the point of revealing IP
numbers and registering low ICQ#'s as lost as 100... But it all comes down
to your personal computer protection also, I mean, even on AW anyone with a
bot or eject rights can get your IP address...

Anduin Lothario

Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 5:27am
Yes, I agree with you here. I'm on ICQ 24/7 and use the program to its
fullest potential's, just like I do with any program I get. I like to make
sure I don't miss out on ANY of the features and wish to know programs
inside out, without getting into the hacking side of things that is.

But that still doesn't resolve the problem about there HTML Signature file,
I've contacted their technical support and I got answers to totally
different subjects, so I am still awaiting their second reply...

Anduin Lothario

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Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 5:54am
> Security by obscurity is Microsoft's traditional politics and has proved
> to work. Protect your computer, don't just hide its address. Like not
> revealing your home address to anyone would prevent you from getting
> Installing an alarm is a better way in my opinion.

You made a good point there, and it makes perfect sense too.
Although you can as well try and prevent giving out a home address by
providing a P.O Box or a Private phone number.
With an IP you can scramble it if you have the proper equipment also...

Anduin Lothario

Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 23, 2001, 5:38am

> my # is 4953664... i stopped using it cause of those dumbass chain letters
> and spam messages i got. if u dont get them no one has you on their list
> theres is almost no other way not to get them

Well, if someone from my contacts list sends me some spam or chain letter
things, I plain out tell them not to do it again or visit my ignore list.

Another thing to do is not to Authorise people you do not know, that way,
you won't get junk either, or for the most of it anyway.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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IP tracking

Nov 23, 2001, 2:23am

> was wondering if there's a lil utility tool out there that can monitor all
> connections that your computer has, with relation to what prog is using it
> and to what IP addy it is connected to and what not.

Well, I don't know how to do is "with' showing which program is using it, or
receiving the connections. But to get a list of IP's connected to you
through the Internet you can use MS-DOS Prompt and type in NETSTAT. It does
however tell you whether it's pop3, nntp and so forth...

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Daily Jokes?

Nov 23, 2001, 2:21am
Would posting of daily jokes under one thread be permitted to those
interested in reading? Just wondering before I do :)

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Daily Jokes?

Nov 23, 2001, 3:11am

> Would my first newsgroup filter be OK for you?

Because I mentioned all of them would be posted in 1 single thread, you
could simply mark the thread as ignored. No problems caused.

If you aren't smart enough to handle such an easy task, then I don't know
what else.

All I thought, was that these jokes I have are rather funny. A simple answer
of, not interested would have been fine.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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More Bin Laden Humor

Nov 25, 2001, 11:23pm


Stupid, but funny in its own kind of way.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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I need CD-RW drive info

Nov 26, 2001, 5:16pm

> what is the best CD-RW drive out their today?
> I had one by HP and it went defunked after the first 3 months I had it.
> I need one that will read and write to both CDR's and CDRW's and also will
> let me make my own music CD's

Not sure if this is 100% Correct, one of my friends has one... He's using a
Sony burner and says it is one of the best, it can override some security
features found on game CD's and so forth.

Both Sony and TDK have been in close combat for CD/Video/Tape related.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Nov 28, 2001, 7:48pm
Hi there,

> I did, it won't show the size if there's something attached.. only once
> click on it and it downloads. OE is Microsoft evil anyways ;). (ME =
> Microsoft Evil or Migrane Edition) LoL

If your Outlook Express is not showing file sizes, you may need to set up
your columns...

For example, where it says Subject, right click on it and select ==> Columns
==> Select any columns which you may want for the Newsgroups.

Hope this fixed your reader up...

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Nov 28, 2001, 7:48pm
Dang, I should have read further before posting mine, LOL

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I'm bored

Nov 30, 2001, 6:22pm
Ah, well, scientists have now discovered a way for a woman to produce a baby
without a man, only problem is, they can only produce female babies, no

So what happens now?

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Barbie's Nasty Christmas Letter To Santa

Nov 30, 2001, 6:37pm
Dear Santa:
Listen you fat little troll, I've been helping you out every year, playing
at being the perfect Christmas present, wearing skimpy bathing suits in
frigid weather, and drowning in fake tea from one too many tea parties, and
I hate to break it to ya Santa, but IT'S DEFINITELY PAYBACK TIME! There had
better be some changes around here by next Christmas, or I'm gonna call for
a nationwide meltdown (and trust me, you won't wanna be around to smell it).
So, here's my holiday wish list:

1. A nice, comfy pair of sweat pants and a frumpy, oversized sweat shirt.
I'm sick of looking like a hooker. How much smaller are these bathing suits
gonna get? Do you have any idea what it feels like to have nylon and Velcro
crawling up your butt?

2. Real underwear that can be pulled on and off. Preferably white. What
bonehead at Mattel decided to cheap out and MOLD imitation underwear to my
skin?!? It looks like cellulite!

3. A REAL man...maybe G.I. Joe. Hell, I'd take Tickle-Me Elmo over that
wimped-out excuse for a boyfriend Ken. And what's with that earring anyway?
If I'm gonna have to suffer with him, at least make him (and me)
anatomically correct.

4. Arms that actually bend so I can push the aforementioned Ken-wimp away
once he is anatomically correct.

5. Breast reduction surgery. I don't care whose arm you have to twist, just
get it done.

6. A jogging bra. To wear until I get the surgery.

7. A new career. Pet doctor and school teacher just don't cut it. How about
a systems analyst? Or better yet, an advertising account exec.

8. A new, more 90's persona. Maybe "PMS Barbie", complete with a miniature
container of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a bag of chips;
"Animal Rights Barbie", with my very own paint gun, outfitted with a fake
fur coat and handcuffs; or "Stop Smoking Barbie", sporting a removable
Nicotrol patch and equipped with several packs of gum.

9. No more McDonald's endorsements. The grease is wrecking my vinyl.

10. Mattel stock options. It's been 37 years. I think I deserve it.

Ok, Santa, that's it. Considering my valuable contribution to society, I
don't think these requests are out of line. If you disagree, then you can
find yourself a new bimbo doll for next Christmas. It's that simple.

Yours truly,

Help - Windows Defrag

Dec 1, 2001, 6:16pm
Hello All,

First of all, I'm using Windows 98.

This is the first time this has ever happened to me, so obviously I don't
know what to do.

I need a FREE program that will tell me what programs are running in the
background and/or what they are also doing.

This problem has only occurred for less than a week now, and I haven't
installed anything new, not that I know of anyway...
What is happening is that when I start my computer, it already presumes that
I am connected to the Internet. ICQ Detect opens up and loads ICQ, e-mail
tries to check without connecting, Outlook says it is connected to the
Internet, and web-pages try to load when I open up Internet Explorer. Of
course, nothing loads and works, because it's not connected.
ZoneAlarm pro picks up connections, the reason for this is because even
WINGATE, with the networked computer, sees that I am connected to the net
(which I'm not) and tries to load its programs that need the Internet and
have detected it, somehow.

This is not my main program, I close all of these programs, wingate,
ZoneAlarm, EVERYTHING in the taskbar that I can see open, even what I know
of in CTRL-ALT-DEL...
I run Defrag, which is a mess because I never ran it for probably 6 months
now (sorry, could never be bothered, LMAO), and it only fixed up a few
little blocks and it tells me that C Drive has been changed: restarting, and
defrag starts the folder checking process and does a few more blocks on the
HDD and restarts again and again. Scandisk does the same, but luckily
scandisk doesn't take as long.

I left defrag running when I went to bed last night and left it to run for
about 8 hours... It has only done barely HALF of the screen, not half of the
defrag, half of the screen in view!!! It was still on the 10% mark because
of all these resets of defrag...

What is it that could possibly be causing this!?!? I need a defrag and fast,
this PC is running me nuts... The only thing I can think of is starting up
some rescue disks and running defrag in DOS mode.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated thanks :)

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Help - Windows Defrag

Dec 2, 2001, 1:34am
I thank you all so much for your help, SAFE MODE definately made Defrag work
without the slightest hassle, not a single restart. Still took a few hours
of course, but then, there's always the playstation during that time.

I'm still trying to figure out what is wrong with my internet connection
though... When I start up my PC, it automatically 'thinks' that it is
already connected. Any suggestions? May it be a network setting, I haven't
touched anything, so I don't see why.

Thanks anyway.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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How To Confuse

Dec 4, 2001, 5:34pm
Instead of milk and cookies, leave him a salad, and a note explaining that
you think he could stand to lose a few pounds.

While he's in the house, leave a parking ticket on his sleigh.

Build an army of mean-looking snowmen on the roof, holding signs that say
"Bah Humbug" and "Go away Santa."

Leave him a note saying that you've gone away for the holidays, and would he
mind watering your plants.

Take everything out of your house as if it's just been robbed. When Santa
arrives, show up dressed like a policeman and say, "Well, well. They always
return to the scene of the crime."

Leave out a copy of your Christmas list with last-minute changes and

Paint "hoofprints" all over your face and clothes. While he's in the house,
go out on the roof. When he comes back up, act like you've been trampled.
Threaten to sue.

While he's in the house, cover the top of the chimney with barbed wire.

Leave lots of hunting trophies and guns out where Santa is sure to see them.
Go outside and yell, "Yee-haw! A herd of deer!" and fire a shotgun a couple

Leave Santa a note, explaining that you've moved. Include a map with unclear
and hard-to-read directions to your new house.

Dress up like the Easter Bunny. Wait for Santa to come and then say, "This
neighborhood ain't big enough for the both of us!"

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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How To Confuse

Dec 4, 2001, 6:36pm
Sorry, messed up the subject :)


Dec 6, 2001, 2:22am
I've had this e-mail sent to me twice already, meaning someone with me in
their address book was infected.
Anyway, the attachment in both of mine were:
gone.zlq of 39.0kb in size.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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[View Quote]


Dec 8, 2001, 11:48pm
Umm, the virus can be sent through anything, if I were to save the virus
file to disk (which I have), and I sent you the file through ActiveWorlds,
it would do much the same thing.

[View Quote]

Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 5, 2001, 8:37pm
Hi all,

I'm just writing this e-mail as I am getting a new PC some time at the end
of Christmas.
The system specs will be: (I could probably get even better in a months time
for the same price, we'll see anyway)

o Pentium 4 1.7ghz
o 512mb RDRam
o 64mb Geoforce 2 Video Card
o 40gig HDD (4 x 10gig NTSF Partitions)
o Windows XP Home

I heard that Windows XP and NTSF don't like each other, seems to make lots
of errors on the HDD when using chkdsk even 30 minutes later after fixing
errors it picks up new ones? Maybe it would be safer to stick to FAT32, not

Ok, what I need to know is a few things, firstly, does AW Support Windows XP
without hassle?

Also, does anyone know if Norton Antivirus 2000 supports Windows XP?
I know you can use XP's compatibility options to have programs work as they
would like they did with previous versions of Windows until you can get
driver updates. But this would be a pain in the backside...

Also, I've heard that the new versions of ICQ2001 have been having some
problems with WindowsXP, is this the same with any of you out there?

Anything else I should look out for with WindowsXP and my most commonly used
programs, let me know:

o ICQ2001
o AW 3.2
o Norton System Works 2000 (Includes Antivirus 2000)
o ZoneAlarm Pro (Built in firewall in XP, is it any good and better than
o Wingate (Apparently, don't need it with XP or any newer versions of
Windows, I've been stuck in the Stone Age)
o All my previous PC Games, Soldier of Fortune, anything at all which you
know won't work?

Also, some other questions include, if I format to NTSF partitions, and
network to a first edition Windows 98 machine (The one I'm using now), I
should be able to see it, but the Win98 machine should not be able to browse
my files and so on, right? Of course, they should still be able to share
printer, scanner, burner, dvd?

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 5, 2001, 10:41pm
I thank you for all your help Baron, and yes, I am looking forwards to using
WindowsXP on my new machine. I've been reading all its newsgroups and the
Microsoft pages on this program to get a feel of what it will be like. Also
used it for about 2 minutes at the computer store. Big difference, yet,
better I think.

Now, the reason I want 4 partitions isn't really relevant, but the last
partition will be used for back-ups of C Drives, to prevent me ever having
to loose everything and can restore back to original state.

The others would be for Collections such as MP3's and Movies.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 5, 2001, 11:43pm
Or for the same price, can get an even better PC.
I try and stick to the same price every time I get a NEW PC.
Best thing to do though is buy a rather good PC for around $1500US, which is
what mine is worth, it's actually $2945AUS, about the same in US Dollars.
You keep the computer, and when it needs to be upgraded, best thing to do is
actually to sell it as it came, formatted and with windows installed for
someone, looking new, and sell it for say $1000US, now with that, add
another $500US on top and you have a bran new PC, even better than the one
you sold.
Better than upgrading 3d cards and everything and spending that same amount
when you could sell it and get an all round better PC, no?
Unless, of course, like myself, you like to keep them all and network :)

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 6, 2001, 2:22am
Firewall is in your dial-up settings under the advanced tab I think?
Other than that, it's probably in one of the advance tabs in network
settings. Has to be one of them :-)
I've read a whole lot before even getting XP. I'm still 100% for XP although
some problems have been mentioned that annoy others, but not myself...

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 6, 2001, 4:39am
XP has the same as Windows 2000 basically.

[View Quote]

Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 6, 2001, 5:09am
Hi there,

I didn't specify all of my specs because that wasn't relevant to the
questions I was asking about Windows XP, which yes, btw, I want 100% and
have read everything about it and follow up on its newsgroups.
I know its errors and solutions wherever possible, even BEFORE getting it.
With the new key every time you change your hardware that's a load of bull
pooh (LOL), actually, it's every 6 or 7 different hardware devices you
install or removed and every 30, 60 to 90 days after the change or so,
depending how frequently you change the hardware and how many at a time.
Re-installing hardware wont effect the limit before needing to re-authorise.
Windows XP is fine in my eyes, and all in all, it's the user of the OS not
the OS itself.

> Now, I guess you want that because the name Intel is stamped on them...
> I must say that I dislike Intel ever since AMD started making faster and
cheaper processors (the Athlon 500 was the first), but I'll
> stick to benchmarks and give reference, so you don't think I'm biased.

I have trusted Intel ever since I got my first pentium, after the 386 & 486
I had years ago. Never had a single problem with Intel at all. And AMD
heating up so fast, I couldn't care less about the cheaper things.
Just like I've trusted Microsoft with all of their products with not a
single complaint ever since Windows 3.11 & DOS (Yes, I know the story behind
where they got it all from) All it takes is reading and keeping everything
up-to-date. Had enough of everyone whining about things going wrong and how
to do so and so without reading help pages or manuals, lol.

> NTFS will run without a problem on XP and 2000, I recommand it. FAT32

Ok, thanks for that input.

> I know, that was a really long post. I hope it helped you or the others
that took time reading it.
> I don't like Microsoft and Intel, I can't say the opposite. But I've tried
to be objective, let me know if you think I'm biased, but
> I think everything I stated here was backed by facts and/or figures. I'm
not trying to promote anything, just to give advice on
> what's the best practice when building a computer.

I know very well how to build a computer, but I also have my favourites,
such as Intel and Microsoft. Never had a problem with them :-)

Anduin Lothario

SMS: +278314217962714
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Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 9, 2001, 3:35am
Conversation is over, and I already got my new system with Windows XP, no
hassles. And why would I worry when I don't use pirated software??

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Dec 10, 2001, 10:15pm

Yes, I'm using Windows XP and AW works perfectly without a single problem,
so does every other program that has driver updates, or may need them.

Anduin Lothario

SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +278314217962714
More ways to contact me:

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