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brandon // User Search
brandon // User SearchSURVIVOR III AWTEEN REVEALED!May 10, 2001, 8:42am
that wasnt me the other i said dont yell at me for it becuase it
was Peirce Brosnan's Message [View Quote] Website asking for AW password (eeps website)May 11, 2001, 7:16pm
this site is beliave is Eeeps...i was looking at his improvements page and i came across a voting asked for your AW pssword (the log-in one) and says it will be sent to doesnt that sound a little bit weird just to vote? Website asking for AW password (eeps website)May 11, 2001, 8:16pm
thers no reason to include your pasword in a vote.....especialy when its on
a server i dont trust [View Quote] Website asking for AW password (eeps website)May 12, 2001, 12:20pm
i dont care who it gies to there is no reason to give your password for a
vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [View Quote] Final solution to everything.May 11, 2001, 9:39pm
Dreamlandpark picture inside!May 14, 2001, 10:29pm
........thank you again for spamming the NG with this picture of dreamland
park thats we've already seen about 5 times before [View Quote] more info on above postMay 19, 2001, 1:13pm
this is the webpage i got of the AW Historical Site or whatver...talks about this mafia type gang thing and is where i got the above coords....EXTREME VANDELISM!!!!!!!!!.....a lot of wasted space on stupid $hit. Old reviewMay 19, 2001, 1:33pm
An intresting Review of the first (or one of the very early) AlphaWorld (as it WAS called). It was the Worlds Chat or something like that before and this was the new Alpha World chat.....look in my other post about the spy thing and click some of the "Spy pic" links to see pictures of it. Very simple hehe :) Old reviewMay 19, 2001, 2:53pm
i went to and searched for "3d chat" (i think) and after
goign through a list of tons of them acutaly found OuterWorlds first :)....but after being a tourist in OW i diddnt like it (of course i didnt know anything about AW then). After a while later i tryed again and saw ActiveWorlds (didnt know it was connected to OW) and after about a week of being a tourist i became a ciezin (in January 2001)..surpisingly ive only been in AW for about 4-5 months now and i know how to script...use bots a lot...and bought a world and have a hosting company.....the got a world actualy after a week of being a citezin so theres my AW story :) anyone else wanna tell theres? i'd like to hear one when AW just started :) [View Quote] Star Wars Online Game....May 29, 2001, 10:15pm
I saw a post a while back talkign about a site for a new Star WArs game. It
was like an online RPG sort of game. Can someone please tell me the sites mentioned in tha post. Thanks Brandon Eep....and his f*cking mouthJun 1, 2001, 4:38pm
"Fuck off. If you want to "have fun" go to another newsgroup and shit in it.
Leave AW's alone or face my wrath, newbie. And don't bother replying since you're now filtered." Im very Pissed becuase its sad that his life has turned into swearing and insulting everyone he thinks to be "newbies" even though thats just what he may call them. AW isnt a place for his mouth ether. Posting a funny joke or something like that doesnt hurt anyone but cussing at them is not right at all. Its not like hes the "master" of AW's newgroup ether so im not afraid of his "wrath". I just think someone like that should get off their drugs or whatver they are taking becuase they are meesaed up in the head, seems like the only logical explaination. Eep....and his f*cking mouthJun 1, 2001, 9:07pm
eep probly bloacked my posts too so i dont think he even got this whole
message...oh well i dont really care about him anymore [View Quote] To Whom It May Concern... [long!]Jul 18, 2001, 3:29pm
Brandon Nolan
CitNum - 327967 You ARE letting them know about this right? becuase not ALL of AWCI reads the NG. [View Quote] Article by Brant (long post)Jul 18, 2001, 11:30pm
he NEVER said he wanted the citezinships to be free or anything like that as
brant says "they have to make money somehow"...alls he said is that they should listen to us users who actualy are the backbone of the program intead of corprate users [View Quote] /Beardo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goober King presents many valid arguments in his July edition of "Stirring the Virtual Melting Pot". While there are several improvements to be made to the Activeworlds universe, his article presents some serious flaws. Goober presents a list of mistakes that AW has made in the past. He points out that gaining corporate sponsors is one of these "mistakes", while charging for free citizenships is also a "mistake". Simply put, Activeworlds has to make money somehow. If Goober wants AW to stop seeking corporate sponsors, then AW has to charge for citizenships; if citizenships were to be free, AW would have to rely on advertising and corporate sponsorship. At least one of these steps has to be taken to ensure that the bills are paid. Yet, there are those who believe that AW can continue to exist as a company without a source of revenue. There seems to be a stigma that AW has poor customer service and does not try to help the community. In contrast, all of the AW employees I have met in my experience have been very experienced and helpful. Lucrezia Borgia has never stopped trying to help people; Mountain Myst has been visible in the community coordinating events and setting up activities like AWCamp; Facter and Flagg have provided valuable technical support; and even HamFon has participated in many behind-the-scenes activities such as programming the BingoBot. Yet, there are those who believe that AW employees are "out to get them." Some believe that the AW universe is "dead and dying". In contrast, I remember a time just last September when the number of users logged into the Universe rarely exceeded 500. Today, at the same time of day, the number is regularly between 600 and 700. Yet, there are those who believe that AW should by now have millions of users registered. If AW is not aiming to increase its userbase, then what is the purpose of releasing its upcoming version 3.2? Take the corporate firewall support that will be included, for instance. Many AW citizens would like to use AW at work, and Activeworlds' management is giving them this new option. Firewall support isn't just for Juno subscribers or for NetTaxi readers or for other Universe owners, but for all citizens, as is OpenGL support. Contrary to popular belief, AW is growing and is taking steps to ensure that its growth continues, and its partnership with Juno is supporting this growth. I remember a time when the JunoDome world had in excess of 100 people occupying it during a Juno advertising campaign, and I know many citizens who started out as Juno users. Furthermore, one of the biggest problems that AW (and the frustrated bot programmer) has faced, the discrepancy between versions 2.2 and 3.1 of the AW browser, will be eliminated with the upcoming software renderer. Yet, there are still thse who will complain that AW is not taking steps to ensure its continued success. Looking below, you'll find that there is an article about a petition in AW that is attempting to lower world prices. I would like to ask the creators of this petition what lowering world prices would accomplish. Would cutting the cost of worlds make the community closer? Would charging less increase AW's revenue so that it can further its development? Would eliminating the one-time signup fee bring more users to the universe? Absolutely not. Instead, lowering world prices would simply increase the number of dead worlds and reduce the number of people who actively participate in the AW community. And yes, there are also those who believe that lowering world prices would solve all of the problems of the Universe. However, despite all the positive things that AW has done for the community, I find that there are many steps that AW can still take to increase its userbase, and ultimately, its revenue. First, a stand needs to be made against troublemakers and those who aim to destroy worlds and to hack other users. Many worlds have been closed or hindered because of this sort of cyber-crime. AW needs to enforce its GZ behavior policies, Content Guidelines, and other various charters and rules more strictly. In addition, AW employees need to take a more active role in improving the Peacekeeping of AlphaWorld, as several of the Peacekeepers with which I have dealt have not handled a situation in a professional manner. In my experience, some Peacekeepers have been downright rude when I have contacted them, and their superiors did nothing to correct the problem. Most importantly, the company needs to moderate its newsgroups. Many a user, myself included, has left the newsgroups because of a select few citizens who continue to post inappropriate content that serves only to demean fellow users, ruining the atmosphere for legitimate debate. In fact, while I had been aggravated by the arrogance of those citizens in the newsgroups for a long time, I finally decided to leave the groups after Eep, instead of debating in a calm manner, flamed my posts on the subject of this article. In short, troublemakers both in-world and out-of-world destroy the community feel which is so crucial to AW's success, and AW must take swift and decisive action against them. What do I find wrong with Activeworlds' management? In short, very little. Activeworlds has done what any company tries to do - make money. While most Internet companies have floundered and become a "passing fad", Activeworlds Corp. has stayed around for over six years, during which a tremendous technological change has occurred. Through this change, AW has secured its place in the 1% of startup companies who survive past their first year, which in itself is quite a feat. While there are a few areas that leave room for improvement, I feel that AW has, in general, done a good job balancing appeasing its customers and securing corporate deals. Besides, AW currently has many community-friendly activities up its sleeve, such as new building worlds, an object maker for the AW browser, and more events, for which Goober King and the citizens who support his letter clamor ceaselessly. If everyone would work to make the community better instead of petitioning Activeworlds for what it is already attemping to do, then perhaps the Universe would be a better place. AW GUI IdeaJul 20, 2001, 1:26am
good good luck getting them to do it
[View Quote] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- sure aw betaJul 20, 2001, 11:16pm
"AWBuild" AvatarJul 23, 2001, 10:45pm
holy crap that face is so detailed! comparing to aw avs thats VERY detailed
[View Quote] PollenJul 25, 2001, 2:18pm
i didnt know he owned that world but seemingly the subject of the whole
thing is Pollen (which i know is a name of a world) i knew what he was talking about [View Quote] PollenJul 27, 2001, 2:19pm
not having your cussing ass replying to me would be an honor. FILTER ME!! ME
FILTER MEEEE!!!!!!!! [View Quote] Some good news =)Jul 30, 2001, 10:12pm
even if it does not come with a registry there is a program that can
generate a registry. But the OP has to be on the computer that is running it. Im not sure what the url is but if you really need to know i could find it for you. [View Quote] AlphaWorld Property Search releasedJul 30, 2001, 1:32am
AW Products Are Screwed...Aug 1, 2001, 2:33pm
Weather BotAug 1, 2001, 11:08pm
If i was to make a waether bot that was similair to awteens but not exactly
that wouldnt exactly be coping right? hehe....and what if i was to... sell it maybe? -- - Brandon (website coming soon) World: A'Dude Co-owned world: Safira Weather BotAug 2, 2001, 2:18am
script has nothign to do with sdk HEHAEHA plus evin if it where an C++
program it would matter becuase i wouldnt be selling the sdk i would be selling the program [View Quote] Cits with worldsAug 6, 2001, 8:41pm
today i logged into the cits from the world i own...the said they were
expired and i needed to pay to renew them. So i e-mail aw and they said all set.. and i logged in they worked. So dont be fooled and let them think you have to pay when the are suposed ot get renewed with the world. I dunno if thi happens all the time but watch out. -- - Brandon (website coming soon) World: A'Dude Co-owned world: Safira |