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Nov 28, 2001, 5:49pm
try scrolling all the way to the right

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e-mail forwarder

Nov 28, 2001, 10:43pm
hey does anyone know of a good e-mail forwarder? I hate putting my ISP
e-mail into websites when i sign up for somethign becuase i usually get a
whole bunch of shit from them. I had one but they started charging.

e-mail forwarder

Nov 29, 2001, 6:03pm
last time used that i had about 15 porn e-mails a day and i never had given
it out yet.

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Help - Windows Defrag

Dec 1, 2001, 6:39pm
so your saying all those programs are running when you defrag? or not? u
cant have any extra programs running becuase when they try to use the hard
drive it restarts defrag and scandisk and things like that that are scanning
the HD. If you closed them and it still does it then try running in safe
mode so that none of your startup items (some may start in the background
and u cant see them) and all of that extra crap wont load.

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How To Confuse

Dec 4, 2001, 6:08pm

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Windows XP Home (A Few Questions before I get it)

Dec 5, 2001, 10:44pm
prices have fallen a LOt in the past year... i got my system in march 2000
for $1500 and its a 750 mhz and 64.mb Gateway. Of coruse i've upgraded byt
hen but now you can get a faster machien for around a grand or even lower

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my paintball worl.d

Dec 6, 2001, 12:20am
pball sucks.....

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my paintball worl.d

Dec 6, 2001, 8:03pm
complaining about my opinion isn't constructive ether....

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Annoying people...

Dec 6, 2001, 12:24am
People like goten362 (escpecially in the bot ng) are reaaaallly
anoying...look at today he posted 3 posts about nothing in the same minute
and another one later on plus the other ones about his world. And he does
this like every day. I'm not trying ot be mean or anything ut i don't like
to download 4 messages in one day that say "im sueing delphi" and "these
bots are cool". So PLEASE, this is not a chat room, try not to post more
then 2 times a day and not about stupdi things.


computer illiterate

Dec 10, 2001, 5:38pm
ooooook......if you seriusly think the person wrote it was serius you have a should see the website i was on and they have some funny
articles on there

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Feb 21, 2001, 2:58pm
Can i downlaod this? That would be awesome. I know at the site yu can but
PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE let us download. it

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Feb 25, 2001, 8:35pm
ok like i was saying......i want to the and it showed
the scram link.......then i went there and it showed the rules and commands
but NOT a link to download it.....and you said that is were u couuld
download it.....anyways i'll just try to make a scram bot myslef....should
be easy enough
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Feb 26, 2001, 10:07pm
ok i didnt mean to cuase such an argument (i actually didnt start it ) but i
was just stating that there was no link o download scram i went
on and it and clicked cram....the header red "cally" and said it was
cally.....then i clciked the downoad button and it downloaded
installed it it said it usues this OWx (or whatevr )file and of course it
abvously didnt come with that b/c it didnt work....the program showed up but
had an error
i just asked for it so i wouldnt have to go through all the trouble making could include the file it needs and i would be happy or you could
just leave it the way it is and i would be mad but i wouldnt post here
anymore becuase its useless with you and you have to make a big deal out of
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Feb 27, 2001, 3:45pm
it says "run time error 14, type mismatch" if that helps you
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Mar 25, 2001, 2:21pm
i agree....
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Announcing our new Hosting Prices

Apr 3, 2001, 9:12pm
lol you copied that exactly of the other hosting page ive seen (i think it
excpet chnaged it to win 95 (which sucks for hosting) and your using the
3.0 server (which you'll need 3.1 if you want to host) even copied
there prices....very bad

very funny.....not trying to be mean but it sounds like your just a wannabe

Owner Of The World A'Dude

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World Server Big problem

Apr 3, 2001, 9:16pm
hey i host my own world when im online with the newest server......when i
click the admin it acts like its loading but never does....i press
ctrl+alt+del and its on the list so i have to end task it......theres no way
to get into it to propdump and i cant reinstall it without deleting the
worlds files and the objects with it....i dont know what the hell is wrogn
with it

NOTE: (i just tried to post this in the "beta" NG but it said i did not have
posting rights in "beta". Strange seems as though i can post in any other Ng
and yes i did type in my login stuff.
Owner Of The World A'Dude

World Server Big problem

Apr 4, 2001, 2:46pm
well it was not the way in your post..ill show you the way it is now:


i dont know how that could efect it and i didnt chnage this file at
all......i did chnage it to your settings and it shows up...Thanks

Owner Of The World A'Dude

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AWJBell tools...

Apr 4, 2001, 2:36pm getting alot of pizza tomrorw lol

Owner Of The World A'Dude

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Possible bug?!

Apr 13, 2001, 2:44pm
ITS THATS WAY ON PURPSOSE...they made it that way no bug. ask evryone that
builds they'll tell you the same... just rember to do that. for like 5
meters its 0.5a. Bots are diferent. Poeple sualy make them 5 meters=5.0a. So
dont mix them up

Owner Of The World A'Dude

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Happy Easter evryone

Apr 15, 2001, 2:03pm
Happy easter evryone. I dont think much poeple will read this today but when
you do youll know its for Easter. (abviusly)

Owner Of The World A'Dude
And the DudeHost company
(coming soon)

GorWorld....what is up with this world??

Apr 16, 2001, 1:59am
i have heard about this world and its so called age i
decided to go in today becuase ive never been in there and dont know what
its about. So anyways....i hear the bot say for my age and i said why? then
i started reading the signs in the GZ. Theres alot of stuff about slaves
(???) and a LOT about ejecting poeple for doing certain things which is
crazy. It makes me think they dont want poeple coming in there world. Alls
they want to do is eject evry one. Then the bot said he would eject me if i
didnt say my age. I said 14 and it ejected me. Someone who has actualy
survived please tell me what this world is about and why the hell i cant get

Owner Of The World A'Dude

GorWorld....what is up with this world??

Apr 16, 2001, 2:13am
oh now i just went in Gorrealm and i told the bot i was 99 and it ejected
me. Anyways what does Gor mean? it abvuisly has to do with slaves and free
poeple and that free poeple are better then slaves.....and all that
crap....someone please xplain before i lose my mind
Owner Of The World A'Dude

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GorWorld....what is up with this world??

Apr 16, 2001, 12:55pm
I live (and was born in) Maine, USA

Owner Of The World A'Dude

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GorWorld....what is up with this world??

Apr 16, 2001, 12:58pm
well first of all no one told me to stay out. Ive heard the name mentioned
in the newsgroups once but other then that i had no idea about they way they
do things or what Gor meant. So you cant blame me for asking when i didnt
even know what it was in the first place.

Owner Of The World A'Dude
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GorWorld....what is up with this world??

Apr 17, 2001, 9:25am
im in Sanford

Owner Of The World A'Dude

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A question about software developing......please help

May 1, 2001, 7:40pm
does anyone know of a software developing compny that will make a program
designed to your specifications?? I dont really care abotu the cost right
now ill just pick out the best one. I need a program made for me and have it
owned by me afterwards becuase i have NO idea how to program never mind
complex ones hehe

A question about software developing......please help

May 1, 2001, 8:35pm
im not making an ap on a calculator lol.......the company doest have to be
in maine....i need a web OS base and hopefully a mac version
(though its not required)....i cant tell you exactly what it is.....just an
web app and a web server app to go with it....just any general copnay that
makes software would be nice....and if you telllme the url *couagh* tht
would help better

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A question about software developing......please help

May 1, 2001, 10:46pm
well I meant that some programs can only run under one OS.....duuuuuuh...
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May 9, 2001, 9:29pm
ok this is NOT my post. it is Pierce Brosnan's. He said he couldnt log into
the NG so i postedit for him so dont email me about it!!!!!!!!!


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