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Someday : Fiber Optic Computers

Nov 20, 2004, 4:24pm
Look into quantum optic supercomputers

- MR

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Someday : Fiber Optic Computers

Nov 20, 2004, 6:38pm
Purchase yourself a subscription to New Scientist.

- MR

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JunoDome renamed

Nov 21, 2004, 8:19am
Its the subtle name for the GK's, because its like talkinng to a brick wall
most the time

- MR

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Nov 22, 2004, 9:25am
It is, but only when you log in.

Displayed VRT = Current Clock Time + (Uni Time Attribute - Clock Time at

VRT is correct at login, from there on it is treated as an offset.

- MR

[View Quote] > AHHHH.. if i adjust the time in my computer, the time at the bottom of AW
> changes :( why isnt it off a server :((((

AWTeen Ejection

Nov 23, 2004, 2:44pm
[View Quote] Oh dear... LOL

A very serious article regarding hacking.

Nov 28, 2004, 4:49pm
Thanks for the laugh John :)

- MR

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A very serious article regarding hacking.

Nov 28, 2004, 8:17pm
"One could say, that without the kryton, Europe would be a communist
controlled hellhole where possession of a Bible is illegal, instead of
Europe being a communist controlled hellhole where possession of a Bible is

Ahhh so true.

- MR :)

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Nov 28, 2004, 8:09pm
Im guessing you are going to get your cit dissabled in a few days...

- MR

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Nov 28, 2004, 8:21pm
So... if you don't want AW Software... why the hell are you posting it

- MR

"simba1" <simba at> wrote :
> No,
> I dont mean hacked AW software I mean something similar.
> Or is the AW universe software the *only* available software ?
> --
> Shaun Okeefe
> Undernet Webmasters / Promotions
> simba at


Nov 28, 2004, 10:04pm
Actually, 2 of them :O as to many others who develop things for AW, bots,
models etc. Grimm actually tried getting something to allow developers
access to the technology properly to use, but unfortunatly he left now.
Personally I can't think of a better setup for AWI unless they wanted to do
it, they lose no money (as they would not get people purchasing them anyway
just for such design, and the users dont make money) and AWI has the benefit
of having their user-base expanded by people attracted by higher quality
support products.

Good lucky getting past the localhost-only connection block.

- MR

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Dec 1, 2004, 3:24pm
Anyone who does use a uni they have for developing and distributes browser
for it should be shot *shrugs* That sort of use is not what I was

- Mark

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Dec 2, 2004, 8:33am
Solserver = Purchased like a world, it is a 'universe' with a maximum of 1
world, but is paid for yearly and AWI has to host it for you.

Galaxy is 1 world, but once you have it, you have it.

- MR

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Dec 2, 2004, 3:03pm
thats about universe servers.

To effectivly run 'Active Worlds' (I dont mean as a user, I mean as a
distributor / server) you need 3 pieces of technology:

The universe server
- This is the very heart of an active worlds universe, it is where details
of each citizen and their attributes (passwords, email etc) is stored.
- The universe server also stores all the world licenses.
- The universe server is controled by whoever owns the 'root' citizenship,
this is citizen #1 in Active Worlds it is 'AWLD'
- When you purchase a universe server, you purchase one for a certain amount
of size that you can divide how you wish among the worlds you create
- You also purchase a maximum user count that can be in the universe at
- The universe server we connect to for Active Worlds is infinate,
supporting as many worlds and users as the coding allows (65,0000)

The world server:
- The world server stores information about all of the objects, users and
attributes for all of the worlds that are running on it.
- World servers connect to the universe server and tell it which IP / Port
they are at
- When the world server connects to the universe, it checks the world being
connected has the right password.
- As far as the universe is concerned the world server is a node

The browser:
- The browser is what clients use to interact
- A client logs on and verifies his / her username and password by
connecting to the universe server.
- The universe server maintains the records of everyone in the universe, you
stay connected to it the entire time you are on Active Worlds.
- All telegrams / joins / your contact list etc are sent through the
universe server
- When you want to move to another world, you tell the universe server its
name and ask it to tell you the Host / Port of the World Server, and if it
knows that that world is connected to it (the universe) it will tell the
browser where to connect.
- The browser then connects to the world server, each world server can
support hundreds of worlds, you tell the world server which one you wish to
connect to when you first connect to it.


There are 3 actual types of top level server (what I have described as
Universe Servers), they are:
- Universe Servers : Supports multiple worlds (Most expensive) and once you
have purchased it it stays yours, you have a perminant license to use it.
- Galaxy Servers: These are like universe servers, but you can only have 1
world running at a time on them.
- Solservers: These are like galaxy servers in only being able to run one
world, however, you pay for them yearly and AW Inc hosts them for you (you
dont get an option in this) and these are the cheapest.


Everything plugged into any of the type of universe server is different and
completly seperate from any other universe server, for example:

'Active Worlds' (The first universe) can be found on
port 5671
'Active Worlds Edu' (the educational uni) can be found on port 5671

Each is a copy of the Universe Server, because they both run on port 5670 we
know they are on different machines.

If you connected 10 worlds to the active worlds universe, anyone in the
active worlds edu universe would not have a clue about them, because the 2
universes do not communicate.

Likewise, if you connected a browser to the awedu universe, it would be
nothing to do with users connected to the active worlds universe.


Important things to realise is that worlds and browsers just effectivly
connect to the universe server to give / recieve services from it such as
logging on. An active worlds environment is entirly based around a universe
server (regardless of its type, galaxy, solserver etc).

The final important note is, world servers / browsers / bots can only
connect to one universe at a time.

Hope that helps,

- Mark


Dec 2, 2004, 10:06pm
I should join AWI support

- MR


Dec 2, 2004, 10:49pm
I am afraid you will all have to put up with C P being well, an idiot... he
got suspended from a team for threatening to destroy all its work... so he
is a little pissed at me.

- MR

Active Worlds browser closes itself

Nov 30, 2004, 9:26am
*wonders why a command is written in all caps as a constant / enum instead
of a lowercase method and is not included in aw.h*

- MR

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Active Worlds browser closes itself

Nov 30, 2004, 4:20pm
By the defenition of enum.. thats impossible.

- MR

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Active Worlds browser closes itself

Nov 30, 2004, 8:25pm
AW_BOOL is not a function, neither is there any session targeting or calling

Also, if an enum isnt in an enum, it aint accepted, the arguments for the aw
functions are enums.

- MR

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Active Worlds browser closes itself

Dec 1, 2004, 10:08am
He is talking bullshit :)

- MR

Active Worlds browser closes itself

Dec 1, 2004, 3:22pm
A little thing called a decompiler,

- MR

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Active Worlds browser closes itself

Dec 1, 2004, 4:51pm
Would you please stop talking bull when someone actually asks for proper
help? Your unintelligent comments serve no purpose appear from making you
look like an idiot.

- MR

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[Events] Re-Genesis

Nov 29, 2004, 9:06pm
-- AWTeen Events Committee --

The AWTeen events team invites you all to attend the true start of an era,
that of Quasar Re-Genesis.

Saturday 4th of December, 2004 at 11:00 VRT see's the come back of one of
AWTeens most popular events of all time, its back, its reborn, and its
bigger, faster, more skilful and generally better than ever before.

Master of Games points are up for grabs so start attending, winning, and
even possibly winning some prizes! Everyone who turns up will receive 2
points as a special first-time-event reward with a 6 up for grabs for each

Check the December newsletter for more information on our new regular Quasar
schedule (note this is a special one-off time) and we look forward to seeing
you there.

- Events Leaders
Allen Iverson / Strike Rapier

[Events] Re-Genesis

Nov 30, 2004, 1:17pm
Yeah sorry about that, nothing I can do as it will take place after the
AWTeen world meeting,

The regular time will be 8pm VRT (10 GMT) for exactly that reason.

Hope that helps,

- Mark R

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[Events] Re-Genesis

Dec 5, 2004, 12:12am
Thanks to the 40 people who turned up to Regenesis, points will be added to
the database :)

Dont forget the new time next week!

- MR

Getting a copy of the teleport.cgi script..

Dec 1, 2004, 8:46pm
Just set the return type as AWT and do a replace on QUERY_STRING replacing _
with space, dump it to first line in outgoing stream.

- MR

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Getting a copy of the teleport.cgi script..

Dec 5, 2004, 11:40pm


- MR

Any news on New AW?

Dec 7, 2004, 5:31pm

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Property search down??

Dec 13, 2004, 4:02pm

NOT your main active worlds password... use your PPW.

- Mark R

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Property search down??

Dec 14, 2004, 3:32pm
Oh my god!!! RTFM!

- MR

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I will host worlds

Dec 12, 2004, 3:34pm
... who are you?

- MR

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