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Happy New Year! TaLLan hates me! :)

Jan 2, 2005, 12:49pm
Tallan, Veger, OneSummer [aka OneBrainCell]

All act the same,

- MR

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Happy New Year! TaLLan hates me! :)

Jan 2, 2005, 10:29pm
So.... what you are saying is...

They should hide behind a mask so when they make mistakes they are not held
responsable, lets take into account the hundred or so GK abuse reports that
get sent in each year... How many GK's have we seen dismissed due to huge
abuse of rights? Zero.

If people use rights in AW, they should be held accountable for them, hell I
am when im on PS in AWTeen, everyone else is, the peacekeepers are, why not
GK's? Could it be because they make bad descisions.

- Mark R

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Three Years Later...

Jan 2, 2005, 8:51pm
Chris is permitted personal time you know :O Hell with the length of time I
bug him he needs one, however like all AWI staff he can keep AWLD rights on
in AWI worlds just to ensure that nothing 'happens' if you know what I mean.

- MR

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Three Years Later...

Jan 4, 2005, 1:40pm
They finally got a single person to advertise with them!

! at Mart remains dead, opportunity lost
NewAW remains dead, opportunity lost
No Gor universe w/ higher charges, opportunity lost
No package citizenships, opportunity lost
No plugin servers, opportunity lost
No tech talks, opportunity lost

Mountain Myst gone, image weakened
Tourist building gone in AW, image weakened
E N Z O acting like a muppet on Newsgroup, image weakened
Major Gatekeeper abuse, image weakened

Christmas offers, image strengthened

Chrispeg arrived, abilities strengthened
Ray arrived, abilities strengthened

Question is, where is all of this money going to? presuming anything about
340,000 is active, and has been for 2 years we have:

Citizenships: $70
Worlds: 1000, averages about P-40/10: $220
Universes Hosted: $900

Income (approx):
Citizenships: $70 x 20,0000 = $1,400,000
Uni Hosts: $900 x 20 (approx) = $18,000
Worlds: $220 x 1000 = $220,000
Various misc projects: $500,000
Total: $2,138,000

Staff (approx):
Coders: 2x $50,000 p/a
Support: 1x $30,000 p/a
Art and Such: 1x $30,000 p/a
CEO / CFO: 2x $80,000
Total: $320,000

Opperating (approx):
Servers: $30,000
Offices: $50,000
Misc: $50,000 (most likely wayy over-estimate)
Total: $130,000

Approximate Total
Total: $1,688,000

Browsers Released: 2
Special Browsers: > 2
Advertisers Gained: 1 [I mean what the hell happened to Josh C?]
AWI Staffers up at 1am: 1 (Stacee)

All at my best approximation, of course.

- Mark R

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Three Years Later...

Jan 4, 2005, 3:08pm
Hehehe at

These significant strides and improvements would not be possible without
programmers, artists, support and staff. Activeworlds has
grown in each of these areas over the past few years. Where we once had a
programming staff of 1 lonely superhero, Roland, we now
have 5 programmers, we have hired artists, customer service representatives
and many more, most of them people from the AW community
who you know a on a first name (or at least an AW name :) basis. Almost
everyone here at the office was once a citizen who loved AW
and wanted to make it better!

Now they have 2 coders, and their primary support person had to leave :O

- MR

Three Years Later...

Jan 4, 2005, 3:42pm
No, im not.

- Mark R

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Three Years Later...

Feb 6, 2005, 8:51pm
$10 for life is business suicide - its a simple business fact, if you can
only support x users, and those x pay for life, you are screwed.

- MR

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test ^_^

Jan 4, 2005, 4:51pm

- MR

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test ^_^

Jan 4, 2005, 4:51pm
How'd you do that? LOL

- MR

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test ^_^

Jan 4, 2005, 6:26pm
k.. nother test.

- MR

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test ^_^

Jan 4, 2005, 6:26pm
Its not how your display name is set up,

Its the 'account name'

- Mark R

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Now im no sentimentalist

Jan 5, 2005, 8:38pm
AW GZ needs completely destroying up to 20 coordinates in every redirection,
and being remade - properly - without all these vandalismic signs easily
visible, heck terrain the ruddy thing with hills!

Of course, move the existing GZ elsewhere, to a backup world - but its got
to go out of the 'flagship world' - It just looks crap.

- Mark R


Jan 6, 2005, 6:55pm
I think someone hit Andras' nerve!

- MR

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Jan 7, 2005, 11:32am
I have just tried this and it is pretty good,

The 'advanced features' tab is the best: allowing you to easily browse all
the things like LSP's, Installed Web OCX's, and so on and so forth.

- MR

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Video/Picture tour of AWI Offices

Jan 13, 2005, 10:11am

I'm liking that resume, mine will look like that in 3 years :) appart from I
will be a full CCNA, although he probably is too o_0

- MR

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Video/Picture tour of AWI Offices

Jan 13, 2005, 10:12am
Although I make better websites o_0 what the heck is up wit hall those 404's

- MR

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Video/Picture tour of AWI Offices

Jan 13, 2005, 11:29am
Staffordshire, England.

- Mark R

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op host on XP-IIS?

Jan 14, 2005, 3:23pm
For a start, hosting an OP on XP Pro is a bad idea - you can only have 10
simultainious connections (thats 3.3 users in your world). You need a proper
server class OS like 2003 or .NET

- MR

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Gmail Invites

Jan 17, 2005, 3:55am
Best marketing plot ever,

a top-of-the-line exclusive beta product, no need to advertise because your
customers go saying how exclusive it is to make themselves look good.

- MR

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Recent vandalism attack on Tourist

Mar 14, 2005, 4:35pm
GNU... hack? hahaha....

If you had CT it would be much easier to cause much more distruction.

- Mark R

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hosting worlds

Jan 19, 2005, 7:10am
You don't usually have a contract when something is free, meaning you cannot
expect anything.

Also though, just because you pay doesnt mean that you can expct anything
without a contract.

- MR

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hosting worlds

Jan 24, 2005, 2:37pm
OMFG not the cloner!!!! OMFG!!!

You do realise saying someone will hack you is illegal, right?

- ME

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Unauthorized GuardBot users

Jan 22, 2005, 3:46pm

- MR

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Unauthorized GuardBot users

Jan 22, 2005, 3:58pm
Whowa, Andras.... You actually made a pretty sweet GUI for once o_0

- Mark R

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Active Worlds Wiki

Jan 25, 2005, 10:28am
Isnt the WIKI script available? AWI could host it on AWCommunity.

- MR

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Another minor bug...

Jan 24, 2005, 2:40pm
No problem.

- MR

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Jan 30, 2005, 3:47pm
Can you now say that in Russian?

- MR

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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 27, 2005, 6:54am
The one with the triplets who can see in to the future and people get
arrested before they commit the crime?

- MR

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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 27, 2005, 4:31pm
Star Trek - The Next Generation, stole that for one of its episodes.

- MR

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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 27, 2005, 6:05pm
"Mauz" <mauz at> wrote

> However, I don't think that the GK here will be seen as acting against the
> GK guidelines:
> It is not appropriate to discuss sexual orientation in a strictly G rated
> world.
> GKs are allowed to eject without warning, if they feel that necessary.

I do believe there are 3 situations in when this is allowed by the GK
guidelines, but I deleted the telegram they were in, anyone care to post

> Continuing argument after ejection can be considered harassment.

Oh yes... lets eject him, and then not be responsable for our actions... =\

> GKs do not have to argue with citizens who should know the rules already.

We have already seen examples of the GK's not following rules, the sexual
chosing comment is completly illegal, at least in europe.

> A returning offender can be ejected for 1 hour or more.

Well of course they are going to reoffend if they are being ejected

> And, GKs are largely trusted to handle things according to their own
> discretion.

They shouldent be, they are not their for their own personal domination...
Yesh the GK's have gone to pot since Skyee died.

> Yes there are GKs from all walks of life, some even homophobic (or gay!)
> or Gorean or whatever, but they may still be able to do properly
> what they are supposed to do, which is to greet and help newcomers.

Yet a lot of them spew completly incorrect macros in the wrong situations..

> --
> Mauz

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