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I will host worlds

Dec 12, 2004, 8:11pm
Not sure is correct. LOL... Especially when dealing with $5000 world server

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I will host worlds

Mar 7, 2005, 5:39pm
Give it up.

- MR

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Mass Message

Dec 13, 2004, 6:10am
Every 2 year old with a macro has been able to do that since time began...

Just look at OneSummer

- MR

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OT: h4x0r Keyboard

Dec 13, 2004, 5:01pm

- Mark

OT: h4x0r Keyboard

Dec 13, 2004, 5:09pm

Thats gotta be the best... ok, how many people use a copy of this CD.

- MR

OT: h4x0r Keyboard

Dec 13, 2004, 11:21pm
True, SP1 knows it to well... But people, knowing microsoft knows that we
know made a keygen :O

- MR

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OT: h4x0r Keyboard

Dec 14, 2004, 1:33pm
SWE is Libyan, no laws saying he can't download it off a P2P. Hence, Legal.

- MR

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OT: h4x0r Keyboard

Dec 14, 2004, 10:40pm
Kinda... you could put some OOP into it using class objects and most of the
interface was based around objects, but the main code 'appeared' to be

- MR

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OT: h4x0r Keyboard

Dec 14, 2004, 11:16pm

On large projects its far far easier to use VB's class-type system to go
putting information together, the only problem being only 1 class per

- MR

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Server down?

Dec 14, 2004, 5:10pm
Its officially dead.

- MR

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Server down?

Dec 14, 2004, 7:16pm
It appears you were right...

But now your wrong again.

- MR

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Server down?

Dec 14, 2004, 11:27pm
Hahaha, thats one of the best posts ive seen in ages.

- MR

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email aw

Dec 14, 2004, 9:55pm
.... why is this here?

- MR

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Dec 15, 2004, 7:56pm
Don't cross post... to pointless newsgroups.

- MR

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Dec 22, 2004, 3:52pm
Yesh someone really balled this one up didnt they Ray :O

- MR

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Dec 26, 2004, 9:39pm
E N Z O said they took out his user there for being activeworlds.

- MR

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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 27, 2004, 9:07pm
I hope noone decides to sue us all one day for ripping off trademarks :O

- MR

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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 28, 2004, 3:22am
It hardly has the active marketing being put in by pixar that shrek does now
does it...

'you go girl' might as well be 'im a silly twit but i will say something to
encourage you anyway' unless people actually stop and just check they are ok
with what they are doing model copying wise.

- mR

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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 29, 2004, 8:40pm
We neither, are trying to start arguments, we are just trying to ensure you
are safe.

- MR

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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 30, 2004, 2:02pm
Is it being charged for?

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Shrek Avatar :)

Dec 30, 2004, 3:21pm
Depends who's product is being promoted,

Pixar pays McDonalds to give away their toys in boxes, not the other way

- MR

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Gk's ? LOL

Dec 28, 2004, 10:02pm
Oh my god!...









Orbs brain fell out.

- Mark
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Gk's ? LOL

Dec 28, 2004, 10:35pm
Flash Funny :)

erm.. not G rated apparently... not worth a warning either,

- MR

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Gk's ? LOL

Dec 29, 2004, 4:09pm
Sharon... we wouldent want you, orb or bro being offended...

Why not just hit Alt + F4 on your computer and uninstall it? I mean, clearly
not living in the real world here like the rest of us...

Thats right... AW is a part of the real world!

Real World:
That place where bad things happen

- MR

Gk's ? LOL

Dec 29, 2004, 4:33pm
Even the virtual needs a real host for itself :P

But you do the wall thing anyway... let me know if you get through,

- MR

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Gk's ? LOL

Dec 29, 2004, 7:01pm
8 years huh?

I certainally can't see what impact you have had to AW, other than going

- MR

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Gk's ? LOL

Dec 30, 2004, 6:46pm
Inline code :O (new 19 inch monitor, im soooo happy!)

[View Quote] Damned Genetic Cloning...

> You are right AW is part of the
> real world. The cartoon of a load xxxx being dropped down the
> chimney by Santa as I said before is bad taste.

It seems, the rest of the world dissagree's with you

> Did you ever stop to
> think that is just what a lot people get for Christmas?

Yes... After spending several hundred on peoples presents I did think of
what they got!

> No they don't
> even get that. Christmas should be a happy time, a uplifting time
> but
> for some children it means another time when someone over looks
> them
> and gets drunk.

Mmmm alcohol... I did'nt get too drunk this christmas, saving it for
tomorrow. Tastey, like this tuna sandwhich im eating now.

> Maybe you do just you think it is funny.

I think you are hillarious

> Maybe a
> mother get phone call to find her child was killed in a car wreck.

Maybe that same mother had a very nice christmas with all her family.

> Maybe 50,000 people or more will die on Christmas day. You see " xxxx
> does happen"

Maybe YOU will die... damnit you did not...

> and you don't have to bad for it happen to you. I guess
> Norman Rockwell familes exist but for some of us they just never
> did.
> Is wrong to want protect people feeling? Will that cartoon destory
> a
> young child well being forever ? No, most likely not but it is in bad
> taste.

Will that cartoon represent a strong political statement about the need to
stop dangerous criminals from breaking into our homes each year down our
chimbneys?... No, I did'nt think so either.

> In a real place (The Gate) and yes many of us do pay to be there,

True, including me!

> you
> can not speak of Christ but you can mock the the day set aside to
> thank God for his kindness.

No no no... Welcome to the religion of Capitalism...

> Will my world fade because of some bad
> taste joke?

I don't know, you are making a pretty big fuss about it...

> NO, not all it just makes me feel sorry for those who find
> it funny.

You can feel as sorry for us all as you like, I am personally glad that the
GK acted as he did, granted the quality of that image was shite and would
have been much better done in 3DSM.. but can't have everything now, can we?

> What hurts me and destoys me inside sometimes is why
> everyday isn't Christmas in the hearts of people.

You crack me up, you really do.

> Let us not ask for
> justice let us ask for mercy in this hoilday season. You see sometimes
> we
> do get just what we ask for.

My dear, if heaven and hell do exist then I have absolutly no doubt I will
end up in hell, most likely along with the other 99% of the planet!

> To all the people no matter what God you serve , Like Dylan says "you
> got serve someone " please have a happy heart in this holiday time.

That iquotation is terrible grammar, he should be crucified.


How sweet, have a picture of me and a teddy bear..

Click Online: Invisibiliy and Tech

Dec 29, 2004, 2:40am
If you remember the invisibility cloak post a while ago, here is

activate media

- Mark R

Happy New Year! TaLLan hates me! :)

Jan 1, 2005, 4:18pm
Well I was completly pissed up when I got on AW last night :O and I didn't
go ejecting people, hehehe

- MR

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Happy New Year! TaLLan hates me! :)

Jan 2, 2005, 12:34am
He is currently swearing at everyone in AWGate GZ for no particular reason.

- MR

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