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truespace geniuses needed

Nov 10, 2004, 4:49am
I also learned TS from Robbies tutorial.

- MR

[View Quote]

Yasser Arafat Deceased

Nov 11, 2004, 5:37am
"He held out hope for his people when no-one else could"
The final words on the BBC report.


Now for some URLs, for a description of the story and history visit

Finally, which is
world leaders comments, I will leave it up to you to decide if you think the
Israeli Justice Minister needs punching or not.

Not bad for 75 years old.

- Mark

Pictures of Faluja

Nov 11, 2004, 6:03am
I thought some of you may like to see these pictures off of DigitalGlobe (3.5 MB
60cm (!!!!) resolution JPG)

- MR

Pictures of Faluja

Nov 11, 2004, 6:06am

I spy with my little eye, something begining with Nuke, more 60cm resolution
galleries. That must be rather worrying for the N. Koreans... not only can
all the military spy on them, commerical companies are parking sats over em

- MR

Deleted thread "Yasser Arafat Deceased"

Nov 11, 2004, 2:08pm
Show off

[View Quote]

Deleted thread "Yasser Arafat Deceased"

Nov 11, 2004, 3:37pm
Actually I said it would be incredibly bad taste actually :P

[View Quote] See :)~

- MR

Deleted thread "Yasser Arafat Deceased"

Nov 11, 2004, 6:09pm
You knew this was coming didnt you.

- MR

[View Quote]

Deleted thread "Yasser Arafat Deceased"

Nov 11, 2004, 6:50pm
Isnt the word bravo usually reserved for when something has been done
deserving of congratulations? I thought Bro / Orb / Whoever it was was
bordering on a need-to-ban based on their previous activities in the

Infact you deleted their messages too :O

- MR

[View Quote]

Deleted thread "Yasser Arafat Deceased"

Nov 12, 2004, 5:28am
How can a BBC news link about a major world figure passing away in
circumstances i certainally wouldent like to kick-it in be bad taste?

- MR

[View Quote]

Scientific Question

Nov 11, 2004, 3:54pm
No - it is a common misconception,

Such melting would only account for a minimal increase, however:

If the world temperature increased, then a large amount of that extra energy
would transfer into the ocean, and as time went on the heat would propagate

The more energy then the faster and further the molecules of water vibrate
around their position increasing the distance between them.

Because the ocean is a finite space, this means that the only way for it to
occupy a greater volume caused by the expansion would be for its upper
surface to rise, hence causing the water levels to rise.

To put an example on it, you all know how mercury expands in a thermometer
when it gets hotter? Well although water doesnt expand as much as mercury,
imagine it on a scale of the trillions of litres of water in the ocean and
then think "oh shite...".

- Mark R

[View Quote]

Scientific Question

Nov 11, 2004, 6:00pm
Survival of the fittest... or who has the biggest tanks.

- MR

Scientific Question

Nov 11, 2004, 6:09pm
Would you trust something like CNN to explain properly? BBC Science and
Discovery all the way :)

- MR

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Scientific Question

Nov 11, 2004, 6:21pm
Nukes are irrelevant, as soon as one is fired its all over, everyone dies.

- MR

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Scientific Question

Nov 11, 2004, 6:43pm
During the cold war Russia and the USSR developed a lot of miniture nuclear
/ radioactive systems, one of which was a device (the size of a shopping
trolley) containing an amount of radioactive material to which the seeds of
crops were passed under before being planted based on research showing how
it increased yield.

It was effective, however it caused several mutations in children born to
parents who had worked with the devices for a few years.

- MR

[View Quote]

Scientific Question

Nov 11, 2004, 7:11pm
>_< I havent slept for 30 horus dont expect me to remember everything,

all i remember at the mo is it was on a BBC documentary on the risk from
dirty bombs.

- MR

[View Quote]

Which movie......

Nov 12, 2004, 2:24am
Mwhahhaa rise of the general.discussion

- MR

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Which movie......

Nov 12, 2004, 6:54am


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Teens in Activeworlds

Nov 14, 2004, 8:38pm

By the way buildings created in Active Worlds software are still the legal
property of whoever built them under IP laws and if they decide to withdraw
it, they can.

- MR

Another AW Wedding!

Nov 16, 2004, 4:25am
She did... she is just denying it to you to not hurt your feelings.

- MR

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Testing Mozz thunderbird...

Nov 15, 2004, 5:21am
Idiot, how do you know your 4 key isnt broke?

- MR

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Testing Mozz thunderbird...

Nov 15, 2004, 6:30pm

!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? at ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~?,f".??^?S<OZ''"".--~Ts>ozY

Then i realise its 7 bit encoding.

- MR

BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 17, 2004, 6:24am
I have yet to crash any 2000 / XP / 2003 when running decent coded programs.

Blue screen of death would put that on 9x code.

- MR

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 17, 2004, 4:33pm
Yup, probably why my XP laptop keeps exploding... however with all the
hardware sorted never had a single major crash on this.

- MR

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 17, 2004, 6:08pm

Ever tried programming a multi-client network-based display system with full
live status screens and such?

Answer: No
Reason: Its hard...

Simple, I think not.

- MR

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 17, 2004, 6:40pm
I was refering to the screens and booking systems for the aircraft.

- MR

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 18, 2004, 7:00am
So why piss about making it ultra-portable when you can just dump it on a
distributed XP / 2000 Network and utilise all the back end API etc to send
and communicate like NDDE

- MR

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 19, 2004, 11:17pm
then he would win hands down, no questions asked.

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 20, 2004, 6:41am
He already controls it.

- MR

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 20, 2004, 4:25pm
No... seriously... if Bill decides its time to scorn the world... the world
gets f**ked.

- MR

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 22, 2004, 1:38pm
[View Quote] I may be wrong, but millions of banking locations around the world unix
Windows as the back end, your cash will probably go through at least 2
windows systems in a day.

- MR

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