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Events confirmed so far....

Sep 24, 2004, 3:05pm
[View Quote] And how would they do that, exactly short of changing the entire thing.

> 2.) Alphaworld's new objects removed.


> 3.) Alphaworld Games Bots removed.

Noone ever really used them...

> 4.) Alphaworld went down for brief time.

Goes down for maintainance at random.

> 5.) Customs Aide vanished for a few hours.

Dissapears most sundays.

> 6.) Price hikes back in 2002 (Worlds and Citizens)

Oh well, they needed the cash injection.,

> 7.) AWSales world vandalized.

Was a heap of lard anyhow..

> 8.) Various worlds either abandoned or dead.

Uh... well go visit them and make them un-dead!

> 9.) Lack of business contracts lately.


> 10.) Ejection by Customs Aide of the folks mentioning certain urls of the
> AW's competitors.

Uh... wouldent you want to stop idiots coming and spamming links to it?

> 11.) Allegations of Gatekeeper abuse scandal (Actually I wasn't able to
> strongly confirm it but it appeared more and more abuses were alleged.
> Again, I wasn't able to confirm it).

Oh I can...

> 12.) M A T T situation

Doubt you know very much behind that.

> 13.) Decline of various community organizations such as Alphaworld
> Historical Society (An impression made on myself after my request for
> OneSummer to keep me informed of AWHS goings-on have resulted in no
> updates,
> from her anyway) and others. Universal Town Network closed up. Active
> Worlds

UTN has been dead for ages... AWHS is just... well ask Rossy.

> Community Register (AWComReg) and Active Worlds Info Square (AWInfo)
> closed
> up.

Well start them up again then.

> 14.) Certain major towns and villages such as Pink Village no longer
> operates after their long-time existance.
> 15.) Beta newsgroup closed to public reading, thereby cutting off access
> to
> beta information. cutting off
> access
> to beta information. All attempts to stonewall attempts to gain
> information
> about next version was made.

Uh yes... we need our privacy in there for discussing features.

> 16.) Numbers of worlds/users is indeterminate in terms of its decline or
> growth (recovery). Various conflicting accounts suggests growth (recovery)
> or decline.

Well perhaps you should go on your own evidence... you DO have your own
evidence, right?

> 17.) Numbers of well-known worlds such as Discover by Hal 9000 and Varnia
> by
> Lord Chadd and others are no longer existed.


> 18.) Partnership between Activeworlds Inc. (then as part of Activeworlds
> Corporation) and Juno failed to generate significant revenues (among the
> strong factors in failing to generate interests among Juno users are lack
> of
> powerful features that came too late and et cetera). Caligari Corporation
> no
> longer has a valid partnership with Activeworlds Inc., as the Activeworlds
> Inc. is still offering Truespace 4 on its website, whereas Caligari
> Corporation is currently offering Truespace 6. Criterion Software Limited
> (CSL) did not mention any partnership with Activeworlds Inc. on its
> partners
> page.

Then they sued em! Good isnt it... PS: Not all go on there

> That's all I can think of. Mr. President, you may take opportunities to
> provide any rebuttal for it, or even better, to offer an explanation for
> latest events. Besides, press releases on the website of Activeworlds Inc.
> has been outdated and no September newsletter has been released. We would
> like an explanation. I do not want to get in trouble with Activeworlds
> Inc.
> as Eep did but rather to ask for explanation and to show a growing
> concerns
> for our beloved Active Worlds universe. Let's have all reasons.

No... you would like an explenation... the rest of us have paid enough
attention to know the answers already. PS: You may find eep to be one of the
most respectable people in AW... your just a pain ^_^

- Mark R
at Uni :D

Alpha World OP is gone

Sep 26, 2004, 11:11am
Thats correct according to my quick scan.

All down, zero zero reply.

- MR

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Alpha World OP is gone

Sep 27, 2004, 11:47am
According to chris they installed a new server and there was an actual HTTP
server error, probably why we were getting zero length replies etc.

Should be fixed now i think?

- MR

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Alpha World OP is gone

Sep 27, 2004, 3:26pm

Perhaps you need a fleet of ships protecting your servers when you upgrade
to your 4.0 security!

- MR

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Sep 26, 2004, 11:09am
Thankyou for that completly useless post.

- MR

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Sep 26, 2004, 2:02pm
Program downloads and the autoupdate is also hosted on

- Mark R

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Sep 26, 2004, 2:18pm
You want the browser download?

- MR

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Sep 26, 2004, 2:33pm
Doubt it, it would be madness to let the awgate object path go down.

- MR

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Sep 28, 2004, 6:41pm
Im just sure I got told by someone with a Ph. D about a day ago that VB was
a good language to develop in for single-project apps.

- MR

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Sep 28, 2004, 7:13pm
Well thats fine by me because the same guy is teaching us Java, C, C++ and

- MR

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Sep 29, 2004, 9:05am
ya know what... i honestly dont care :)

- MR

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Sep 29, 2004, 2:33pm
Of course not, but its very good for a majority of things.. C++ is sufficent
for everything.

- MR

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Sep 29, 2004, 6:36pm
in other words its utterly pointless going for total compatability because
it simply aint gonna happen.

- MR

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Sep 29, 2004, 6:58pm
Hmmm good one... but that would need a compiler to interpret it correctly,
so doesnt exec directly unless you compiled it to an EXE... hence losing the

- MR

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Sep 29, 2004, 7:48pm
And slow...

- MR

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ZenithBlu Hosting Website

Sep 28, 2004, 1:09pm
It always makes me wonder how things like this intend to survive.

- MR

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ZenithBlu Hosting Website

Sep 28, 2004, 5:24pm
But are you putting dedicated resources into it? Dedicated websites etc.

- MR

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ZenithBlu Hosting Website

Sep 29, 2004, 11:32pm
So again.. how can you ultimatly make a sucess of something that you dont
get any income from if yuo use dedicated resources.

- MR

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VWTV and their so called "factual information"

Sep 28, 2004, 5:24pm
I know, its quite hillarious. SATANS!

- MR

VWTV and their so called "factual information"

Sep 28, 2004, 6:34pm
[View Quote] Oh dear die hard Christian.

- MR

VWTV and their so called "factual information"

Sep 28, 2004, 7:31pm
Its really all that needs saying that Syntax...

"syntax" <xatnys at> wrote

VWTV and their so called "factual information"

Sep 28, 2004, 8:32pm
Oh for the love of god, most of AWRPG spends practically all their day
walking around acting as though they're from the 1600s. Its bound to
attraction ridicule etc, the hacking was over the top but the BB probably
was out of date.

- MR

VWTV and their so called "factual information"

Sep 28, 2004, 11:59pm
PS... it has to be said...


- MR

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For Kellie Williams

Sep 28, 2004, 10:29pm
A show of solitary, if you would.

For Kellie Williams

Sep 30, 2004, 10:18am
SR Got his details off of Jim i recon.

- MR

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Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached)

Sep 29, 2004, 1:59pm
You... are a freakin psycopath!

428 KB!?!?!?!?!

-- MR

Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached)

Sep 30, 2004, 6:36pm
Simple Reason... you dont have to code it.

- MR

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Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached)

Sep 30, 2004, 7:01pm
Oh didnt bother making anything, for a start I only make things I need,
secondly... why re-invent the wheel?

- MR

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Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached)

Sep 30, 2004, 7:17pm
Simple, needed a challange, experience with dealing with other user debugs
and the promotion is nice as well considering Ive just started my BEng,
regardless ive for a fair time wanted to release some software, thankfully
SWE gave me that oppertunity.

Their purpose to me is I use them as my personal support bots now, I don't
need to use anything else and if I do need any special features or such I
can just update the program to include them.

- MR

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build 557--huh?

Oct 1, 2004, 9:15am
Im guessing because were no longer in BETA?

- MR

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