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Sale of DreamlandPark Universe

Oct 2, 2004, 9:40pm
They Arnt

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AWTeen Changes

Oct 5, 2004, 12:01am
As this is related to the entire Community, as many people just come and go,
an important announcement.

Chantal has been a great caretaker for AWTeen and often put herself in the
line of fire with people for the sake of the world.

I hope everyone wishes her well and congratulates her on a job well done,
and also welcomes in Netwire who I assure you is more than capable of the
job and has been helping manage AWTeen for many years.

- Mark Randall
AWTeen Council

Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 7, 2004, 3:00pm
In short, as long as you have sufficent ability Dreamweaver is absolute God,
especially for developing huge sites using your own templates, PHP MySQL and
other scripting languages etc, also it has rich integrated testing and
html-validation systems.

- MR

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Volunteer Position Open-Cy Awards Coordinator

Oct 6, 2004, 5:54pm
I would consider it, of course. However as I have no idea when the hell the
next one is I could not possibly say if I would still be here at that time
or not.

- MR

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Volunteer Position Open-Cy Awards Coordinator

Oct 6, 2004, 6:49pm
Thats a longggg way away, I will of course make myself available to help in
any ways that I can, however thats too far into the future to know what I
will be doing.

- MR

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AW Cell Date Limit Increase

Oct 6, 2004, 10:08pm
Nice, so now how about a nice NEW gz :)

- MR

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AW Cell Date Limit Increase

Oct 6, 2004, 10:57pm
Wait... date limit?

- MR

Program upgrades

Oct 7, 2004, 7:47pm
Wow arnt you the cocky one.

You will get the upgrades once the developers finish creating 4.1's alpha
and the Alpha and Beta team suitably test it, until then... why don't you
stop using this outdated stagnent software?

- MR

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Program upgrades

Oct 7, 2004, 8:50pm
As far as I know there has been so much dev put into other projects it will
all be brought together from all the custom builds and put into a single
very highly powered browser. (ie: 4.1)

- MR

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Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 2:08am
Of course, the absolutly enormous power behind the 4.x is the server-side
technology making things like RPG's with 10's of thousands of simultainious
people, session-by-session rights and even view (of course this is if AWI
ever releases the framework for the community developers to do this).
Granted NewAW may be taking eons and complete when it should have only taken
4 month, but the idea works and if you think things like Mutation and AWRPG
are good now you would find it hard to BELIEVE the possibilities if they
were on one of these servers.

Also brilliant back end database selectability this means that things like
MySQL are now able to be used meaning you could do backups in seconds with a
single shell command.

Also, this nifty little thing at the bottom of, uh... not sure if im
allowed to give that out but what the hell.

Voice over IP is of course coming very soon and already has a fully working

Other things ive seen are fixed camera modes, web page browser control etc.

Were also looking at a complete security upgrade using a lot more tactful
encryption, so while useless if Sleepy E is bored one day; for every other
person who wants to try it, AW should become a lot more harder to break.

Sounds like there are also plans in the pipe for dynamic object properties
and world properties (notice how the dialogs changed several versions back
to support dynamically created options menus).

Andddd so on and so forth...

In short, as long as the AWI coders can somehow make the framework secure
enough for general release you can expect a set of Gen-3 (MMO) RPG's, ermm
trying to think of an example... ok, You walk into an area thats foggy, as
you get closer to the centre of it the world server updates the world
settings gradually increasing the level of fog just for your individual
avatar up every few seconds or so when you move about, making the fog appear
to be changing density.

[View Quote]

Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 1:09pm
You should have got an account named 'active worlds inc' it would make a
rather interesting situation to have the actual CEO of a rival company in
for a visit.

- MR

"e n z o" <enzo at> wrote>
and BTW... when I tried out THERE recently I thought it was cool for about 5
minutes, then I spent all my $$$ on a new hairdo and went to the beach, you
know the WATER is a FLAT SOLID PANEL??? I think I might write THERE about
adding some significant upgrades!!!

Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 1:57pm
[View Quote] Ohhhh you got that 1 in there didnt you :O

Now you see the 'intelligence' based company would reporgram the build 21
Customs Aide to something a bit more well... clever, centralised DB for
tracking things like monitored IP's (say's offices, anything in etc [I did this in AWEdu, twas rather effective]).

Throw in some chat monitoring, if people start mentioning and such
be alerted to it over the network so if someone has the time they can drop
in and challenge them.

- MR

Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 2:56pm
Would help if you made mention of which ones were gone because quite a few
threads have turned to name calling and may have been deleted.

- MR

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Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 11:25pm
Me too :(

- Marky R
OMG OMG OMG What did I just do??

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Program upgrades

Oct 9, 2004, 12:17am
Telegram from Mountain Myst, sent Wed Oct 6, 2004 18:35:
nope.... but nothing I can do about it

Will that do? It has no particular context like that but bollocks to it, im
drunk after a brilliant friday night party where I seemed to end up dancing
with these 3 chinese girls.

[View Quote]

Guide to the Newsgroup (Old 1)

Oct 8, 2004, 2:26pm
Thought this would be worth a repost, a good read.;action=display;threadid=95

- MR

Webpage links to worlds stopped working?

Oct 9, 2004, 9:46am
The AW Browser also installs an AWT MIME type set to auto-launch (do not
confirm open) so when you click a link, it downloads a file with the
teleport coordinates on the first line (it just a txt file) and it opens
with the active worlds browser.

If no browser is open it loads it, if it is already open it is told to

- Me :)

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Why not to use IE, and perfer Firefox..

Oct 9, 2004, 9:11pm
They are BHO's (Browser Helper Objects) and when you get the good ones they
are good (Google). Others install shite.

Firefox would simply deny the use of such things, reducing possible

- MR

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Why not to use IE, and perfer Firefox..

Oct 10, 2004, 7:57pm
IE or not if you had attempted to install most those toolbars you would have
got the spyware, IE or not.

Like you said, its all about knowing what things do when you install things.

- MR

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I expire October 13th, a few final words to all my friends...

Oct 11, 2004, 11:47am
Dude... 8 years, thats gotta look impressive in the 'time online' stat in
your citizen options... anyhow, 8 years is a verrrrry long time, you can go
reclaim your childhood now! :)

Once you have finished doing that, get yo ass back in here boy! (SWE

- MR

I expire October 13th, a few final words to all my friends...

Oct 11, 2004, 11:48am
PS: Your choice of screen names is continually disturbing, seek immediate
psychological evaluation.

- Dr. M

O/T *Superman* dies...

Oct 12, 2004, 12:53am
[View Quote] You and me agree for once.

- MR


Oct 12, 2004, 11:50pm
Well it would affect them... if AWI hadent already released the latest build
with a fix for it in.

Go AWI, (PS: Keep up with the build list)

- Mark

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Beta NG gone?

Oct 22, 2004, 2:01pm
It is still there for me? Check if you have beta status in your citizen


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Beta NG gone?

Oct 22, 2004, 4:46pm
Soooo... what did I just post to?

- MR

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Beta NG gone?

Oct 22, 2004, 4:54pm
No prob :)

In my experience they cloak it before the alpha and prelim beta teams all
start dumping secure information into it so thats probably why. I wouldent
think too much of it, its been done before, just a security consideration I

- MR

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Beta NG gone?

Oct 22, 2004, 4:57pm
You can always register to news:// and if you do
it quick enough you can use a pending auth for one of the others (bots,
community etc) to let you see the post # in Beta (on IE at least). However,
without authorisation for it (based on citizen options) it will not be
returned to you when you request a list of all of the newsgroups.

It could be that something has forced clients to refresh their list of
newsgroups on the server and as a result it has dissapeared off everyones
lists, but its a new one to me.

- MR

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Beta NG gone?

Oct 23, 2004, 3:04am
You can usually tell that when the alpha / beta team's start dissapearing at
random and come back swearing about crashes... Its a fairly good indicator,
at least initially.

- MR

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Beta NG gone?

Oct 26, 2004, 1:03am
Such an anticlimax eh? :P

Nothing interesting going on in there at the mo, just talking about tabs and

- MR

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Beta NG gone?

Oct 26, 2004, 6:11am
I very much doubt Rick or JP have a problem with me letting people have some
sort of insight into how we are still working to create a better product.

- Mark

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