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New Objects

Sep 13, 2004, 4:54am
AW's is tiny compared to AWTeens. Our AWTeen object path is updated in some
way at least once a month, be it models, textures, sounds etc.

- Mark R

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New Objects

Sep 13, 2004, 4:58am
You would think, being a software company and all they would well... write
some software to do it and upload, as it could be cached...

RWX Reader + FTP + History + Bot = Seconds to do job instead of months.

- MR

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New Objects

Sep 13, 2004, 5:23am
This aint a 'simple' task, its a click your fingers task task... any one of
the 3 programmers could do it in minutes, if they knew what the registery
way set out like etc im pretty certain any decent coder could do it in a few

As for Mousty... no comment.

- Mark R

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New Objects

Sep 13, 2004, 12:44pm
last i heard she was contracted just to do the DLL server for NewAW2 which
would take about 1 weeks work.

- MR

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New Objects

Sep 13, 2004, 5:28pm
FTP is a plain text protocol, wouldent be too difficult. The only thing you
need a bot for is to connect to the world server and call reload registery,
and a simple loop to check and update if the item is not already in.

Using premade classes and good OOP wouldent take much at all.

By the way... You do know more corprate systems are developed in VB than any
other language? Thats why they use VBA, because it is pointless to use a
rediculously complex language for something best suited to the VB interface.
I think you will find in each year there is a lot more development in Visual
Basic than there is in C++, because when people want software, they want
good software and they want it there and then, the logical solution is VB.

Dare I actually ask if you can do VB and use it to its maximum potential
Bowen? Do you perhaps have a little experience with it, or none at all. I
have several years to develop with it and must have put over 5,000 hours
solid hours in, sometimes 15 to 18 hours at a time developing solutions to
AW and other problems. Just today I wrote a browser application for a CD I
produced, neat little thing, took a few days to write, day or so to debug,
nice little solution.

- Mark R

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New Objects

Sep 14, 2004, 12:55pm
Well this "show off" Mark has been making random tools and programs for this
community for years, just like you. I don't use gc anyway, I use VS because
its what we will be using at university, which is the whole reason I started
learning it.

But going back to the origional point we had before Bowen decided that he
wished to comment on languages he apparently does not know about. Isnt this
really all thats required AWI side.

- MR

"andras" <andras at> wrote> let see if you can compile it. I
bet Mr. "Show Off" Mark wouldn't do :)
> Anyway - the tar file contains the source and the required
> libraries/Makefile. It runs under Windows and under Linux - you just have
> to compile it with a proper environment.
> The tool is a command line utility where the options/parameters are
> explained if you invoke it without any parameter.
> The source code is a good example for a very simple bot/ftp combination.
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 5:18pm
Regrettably Legion this just 'one of those things', the Alpha testers and I
have spent a long time testing VoIP, making sure it is clear and
understandable and of a high quallity.

Unfortunatly (and this is such as the way of the world) it is something that
can not easily be got around, if got around at all. For example, if you were
blind, you would be able to use Active Worlds with a screen reader, but not

There are certain limitations on what is possible, it would not be fair to
ask for everyone else to not use their other senses. I understand it would
be a problem however VoIP is no toy, and has major corprate and educational
aspects (the side of AWInc most people dont see).

As with everything, you can only use software up to your personal
capability, just as someone with poor eyesight could not perhaps read text
on AW (on its default size), they may very well be capable of seeing clearly
enough to use the building interface when close to the object, one part they
can use, one part they can not.

I, personally find the implimentation of VoIP essential, as those using my
software know Eclipse includes a full audio Text2Speech readout because it
is part of what clients and users want.

Take something else, C&C Red Alert 2 for example, sound not only plays an
ambient, but also informs the user of key aspects of the gameplay, nuke
launches, attacks etc. Yet some deaf persons play this game, would it be
sensable for Westwood to remove these audio cue's, limiting the over-all
game-system of the whole, to that of the most limited person. Clearly not.

Now I understand what you are saying, and I can't speak for the AW
developers, but I can speak as a developer myself for whom AW is a
specialist topic, Voice chat is essential for the progressive development of
Active Worlds and as good as it is to try and keep your software available
for everyone to use it would be the descision of a fool to not go ahead with
voice chat for the sake of those who could not use it.

- Mark R

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 10:23pm
[View Quote] Of course they are, but will all due respect, would you rather have
something reasonable or nothing at all.

- Mark R

Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 10:24pm
Broadcast mode :O

- Mark R

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 14, 2004, 10:54am
Thats an old build, for the corprate clients. Search tab is only shown in
universe if its actually set.

- MR

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 14, 2004, 10:56am
And of course the difference from just writing the thing in text and sending
it via telegram as a quote is....? 10, 20 minutes work or so.

- Mark R

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 14, 2004, 11:50am
Yeah, for the most parts it will only be enabled in private worlds, you can
control the use of it with the rights list just as you can building. Also,
it says when the other person is speaking so if you do hear something
inappropriate you know who to kill.

I would imagine if and when it comes into the main AW universe there would
be like a 2nd AWGate with voice chat enabled, for those wishing to go there.

Also, me agree's with SWE, enough of the Mr. President >_<

- Mark R

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 18, 2004, 9:03pm
Dude... somethings some you can do, somethings you can't... People do their
best to accomodate everyone but they aint going to spend the majority of
their time doing it.

Its one of those try and "live with it"s

- MR

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 18, 2004, 9:52pm
Well... do you demand full lyrics and transcripts from every AW radio
station? Nada... would they be willing to do so, nada... So tough titties to

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 24, 2004, 12:27pm
Well... anyone who has used 4.0 knows its going to be on I presume...

- MR

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A little culture

Sep 13, 2004, 2:20pm
From the last night of the proms:

Good luck if anyone can beat the speed on Fantasia on Sea Songs.

- Mark R

A little culture

Sep 13, 2004, 3:42pm
Those are from the last night of the proms, the last day of an absolutely
huge festival in every country in Britain organised by the BBC. On the last
night they do about 10 simultainious concerns around the UK and at the end
you get about 1 million people singing together.

- MR

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A little culture

Sep 13, 2004, 3:49pm
His end joke was so bad about the crack, lol. - Made in London! Yesh can you
imagine the postage and packing on that???

- Mark R

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A little culture

Sep 14, 2004, 8:07pm
Please stay off the mind altering drugs before making posts.

No more Pot for YOU :)

- MR

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A little culture

Sep 14, 2004, 10:33pm
Internationally recognised national boarders usually make something a
country, and not a state. With the devolution, each country has its own
governing body, which in turn is top-managed by the Government of the UK.

The UK is "as 4 peoples in one kingdom".. When we pretty much owned 90% of
the known planet they were still individual countries, not directly part of
the UK.

- Mark R

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Sound problems...

Sep 18, 2004, 10:39pm
.... so did I... or was it just an hearing aide... surley if you can hear
MIDI files containing hundreds of notes a minute you could deal with that of
which is the most familear, the human voice.

- MR

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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 9:07am
Now let a 'pro' do it...

Virtual Construct:
Construction Industry Slight Decline (seasonal)
Real Estate Industry Not applicable

Relative Medias:
Television Broadcasting Industry Declining
Radio Broadcasting Industry Stable, Too much spam causing tension
E-Newspaper Industry Declining, AWNews needs help guys

Professional Activities
Bot Development Industry Increasing, Several new developers
Modelling Industry Stable
Worldbuilding Industry Stable (seasonal variations down in
Website Hosting/Design Industry Stable
World Hosting Industry Stable, Some Losses
Object Path Hosting Industry Stable, Some Losses

Misc Activities:
Tourism Industry Declining, Fewer users exploring.
Townbuilding Industry Declining
Worldbuilding Industry Slight growth

Active Worlds Sectors
Education - Reasonable, some yearly gains
Corprate - Resonable, some yearly gains
Government - Not Applicable
Law Enforcement - Gatekeepers on mass decline, PK's stable
Other - N/A

Fiscal and User Evaluation
A.W. Economic Growth Rate Stable, Seasonal
A.W. Population Growth Rate Reasonable
A.W. Currency Unit: United States Dollars ($)
A.W. Economic System Type Free Enterprise, Capitalism, Heavy Monetrarism
A.W. Government Type Single Management, Deligated
Head of Organisation CEO - Rick Noll (E N Z O)
CFO - J.P. McCormick
Physical Locaility Newburyport, Massachusett, United

Thats Slightly more accurate.

A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 11:41am
Oh dear... I think OFSTED better close that university down.

- MR

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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 10:08pm
Insert wind, rotate through 360 degrees

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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 10:10pm
That would explain your cambridge1 and cambridge2 subdomains.

- MR

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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 10:34pm
Its part of Eclipse.

- MR

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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 11:15pm
I think it would show up on anything with rDNS if you did enough scans.

- MR

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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 16, 2004, 7:08am
Well Bowen,

For someone who not too long ago decided to turn his back on a great many
of his old friends and now blindly insults some of them at regular interval
for what I can see to be nothing more than the sake of it, or in some cases
to try and be part of the 'Andras Clan'.

I would advise you to 'massage' your own ego by actually doing something
productive, and not trying to bring down others without ever doing anything

I seem to remember the last time I saw you for any length of time was me
asking that you were not immediatly banned from AWTeen, even after you
decided everyone deserved to be swore at for almost a week, this shortly
before you went and joined Andras. Something I no longer think you are

I would say to anyone who wishes to act 'greater than thou', make sure you
actually are first and your using that greater than thou abilities of yours
to make a positive difference in AW, then you might have some grounds to
look down to people who just couldent care less.. and don't even try that
unless you have a reason to.

AW has moved beyond a point where people just 'giving their time' can make
much of a difference, the next generation of AW community is going to need
to be founded on highly-skilled inviduals and groups who can communicate
effectivly and are willing to devote some of their time to investigation, to
check what they think is right, is right, and people without the need to
resort to blind insults when the chips are down for them.

Speaking of which, yet another:

I hope I have made myself Crystal clear

- Mark R

VIRUS or real?

Sep 15, 2004, 11:41am

VIRUS or real?

Sep 15, 2004, 1:38pm
It is a valid email. But would never contact you unless you applied for a
job, and even then would probably be rick or jp who responded via their own

- MR

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