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AWTeen Bulldozer??

Mar 22, 2003, 9:26am
Noone in awteen, acting for AWTeen sounds official and professional. Its
part of the job app.

- Mark

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E N Z O 's World

Mar 25, 2003, 4:03pm
Because its his, and he can do whatever he wants with it :O

- Mark

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E N Z O 's World

Mar 27, 2003, 4:08pm
Translation: Because thats his private world where he takes random AWI
ladies and winks at em all day :P

- Mark

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E N Z O 's World

Apr 1, 2003, 4:28pm
hint: Lookup something called price elasticity.

- Mark

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The Game

Mar 28, 2003, 4:28am
So you have said... 10+ times.

- Mark

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e-mail virus going around

Mar 29, 2003, 7:46pm
Poor lil Java Debug...

- Mark

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Activeworlds Organization Meetings

Mar 30, 2003, 6:29am
Basically she is on about how meetings are often spontainous, hell im
infamous for calling spontainious meetings It got me thrown out of MaEC in
AWTeen (that and working too hard, TWICE) anyway thats besides the point...

The point is for all of you who want your meetings to me mapped out 7 years
into the future its _not_going_to_happen_ because noone changes their plans
for AW if you give them 2 minutes notice, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months
or 2 years because nomatter how much time you give them if people have
something better to do they will do it, and if they havent they will stay
for the meeting regardless, hell I can just go to bed and have a bot speak
whats being said so I dont have to be sat at the computer staring at it (a
good idea btw).

Sure some people get 'upset' when they dont get to all the meetings *glares
at certain lady* but the way I see it you usualy end up with a much better
attitude with spontainious meetings... Remember back to when AWI raised the
prices, a few of us went "right then!?" and within 5 minutes the meeting
hall at my mansion in Alphaworld was full and we ended up having to go

So its not that people dont like spontainious meetings, its only when they
are deliberatly timed to keep some people out or cause distruption to them
*glares at certain members of awteen core* that it should be considered a
problem, otherwise its all good unless it gets out of hand...

Anyway I have this f**king virus (the 1 that attacks Kazzaa although I only
have Imesh :S bah identical source code anyway...) and teach certain EXE's
the joys of what happens when you open a file in binary in C++ and slowly
begin using a seek an overwrite function ;)

- Mark
Yes Yes I know my spelling is absolute 5h|T3 just let me off this time...
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Activeworlds Organization Meetings

Mar 30, 2003, 7:36pm
Theyre not going to let you spy on them you know...

- Mark

AW & Revenue

Apr 1, 2003, 4:20pm
o.0 Wernt you meant to be moving to Australia?

- Mark

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New Universe

Apr 5, 2003, 12:18pm
I saw the logo with the Euro symbol in and pressed alt + f4

- Mark

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New Universe

Apr 5, 2003, 12:22pm
Hmm upon closer inspection this site looks slightly out of it..

It says how they provide a free SDK kit.. hence, is this An AWI universe?

The emails are to the domain, not the 1 so Id guess that
means its not AWI.

There is no support etc pages that are enabled or created...

So seriously what the hell is the deal with this universe, appart from the
absolutly pathetic attempts to make it seem european by using that lame
little Euro symbol for an E trick who in gods name is running the thing?

- Mark

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Re: Patched Browser

Apr 7, 2003, 5:29pm
Might as well just use the erm... trick...

Theres no harm in it really, I sometimes need to use multiple browsers, for
example being at an event to watch over it, while being in another location
building, and where bots cant be in 3D to watch building etc.

- Mark

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AW Next Year

Apr 15, 2003, 4:07pm
Haha! Thank god for that.

Nice comeback Rick.

- Mark

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AW Next Year

Apr 17, 2003, 8:43pm
that says allot... lol

Someone mind explaining what in gods name he is on about?

- Mark

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AW Next Year

Apr 18, 2003, 10:25pm
I came, I saw, I booked each 1 of you a block of 10 hours in a nice padded
mental health clinic.

- Mark

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What ever happened to Alphaworld features vote?

Apr 17, 2003, 5:08pm
2 weeks? Gawd struth E N Z O your easier to entertain than I thought...

As for NewAW its tue its boring as hell, everyone who is there has done
almost everything there is to do, we need some beta people in there creating
up new ideas (I wanted to make a handgliding area and such if Bill could
enable fly in that sector only using the plugin) etc.

Im sure it will get better as more people go into it.

- Mark

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Customs Aide Greets Twice

Apr 20, 2003, 12:31pm
Cause there are 2 customs aides? (no seriously)

- Mark

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GK Apps

Apr 20, 2003, 1:54pm
In such a case they shouldent be given eject or PS then.

- Mark

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Let's Plan a Coup

Apr 25, 2003, 3:06pm
Yes why not. Let em all build in AWGate!! meh :P

- Mark

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Get Wells, Birthdays Problem

Apr 26, 2003, 10:16pm
I believe what we are trying to say is...

Get over it!

- Mark

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Get Wells, Birthdays Problem

Apr 26, 2003, 10:46pm
Sorry a little harsh, however what im trying to say is the data that is ate
by AW would be more than you could possibly ever imagine, I typically have a
misc folder of a gig just from AWTeen, AWRPG and 1 or 2 others, imagine that
for everywhere? It simply isnt logical or viable to go dishing out webspace
in such a way.

I agree they should be preserved, some websites do that, im some
circumstaces you can use web archive to get the pictures etc, not sure about

But simple maths... 350,000 users... x 20 mb free space

Yeah yeah I know its 1024 each time but you will live...

I must stress AW does not have the finance available to do such a thing to
the very best of my knowledge... not to mention 7TB HD's dont exist yet...

I know it is concerning, but its something we have to end up accepting, you
get nothing for nothing as they say.

- Mark

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Get Wells, Birthdays Problem

Apr 28, 2003, 4:02pm
While tearing though the cit database with a query bot it gives out
percentages... by my rough guess from the status bar, only 150,000 are
active citizenships and the majority are expired or so foth...

And egh... you just prooved yourself wrong.... the rev from the $350000 cits
isnt $2,100,000 cause most of em dont exist.

- Mark

[View Quote] > you
> the
> to
> start

Tourists+No Pics=Citizens Revolt

Apr 27, 2003, 7:08am
*Bangs head against wall* Gahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now your *really* beginning to take too much reading time...

I know, why don't you go and spend $1,000,000 and get a brand new universe,
a huge several TB server to give everyone who registers free webspace and
infinite bandwidth and transfer.

And hell your outspying who??? There are people in Active Worlds who have
spent ages learning to investigate such things and will probably end up
knowing more than you! Gawd get with the Programme

Jesuz if you actually bothered to read other posts you will know that
Community Revolts like this accomplish *nothing* unless you can hit AWI hard
with facts and figures why its good to their business model, Rick and JP are
not idiots if they think something would be globally beneficial and the
benefits outweigh the costs then there is a pretty high probability that
they will try it, I just cant see that being the case.... your not even
talking about having it for a finite time, your talking keeping this
webspace *forever* and that's just plain ridiculous. If its for file hosting
what can AWI even recover from it? Sites like google display adds but you
may have noticed adds don't appear when you use a downloaded file from
geocties in Active Worlds.

And if you bothered to ask you would know all you have to do to copy
actions, is to right click the object, tap insert to copy it and now you can
copy and paste its actions etc, the building inspector will annihilate the
object for you once you have unselected it.

- Mark

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Tourists+No Pics=Citizens Revolt

Jul 5, 2003, 4:21pm
*Raises an eyebrow* Please check the date before bringing back up The Ladys
rubbish :)

- Mark

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Tourists+No Pics=Citizens Revolt

Jul 5, 2003, 5:02pm
Ud be suprised, IPs and reverse DNS can work well some times

- Mark

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Tourists+No Pics=Citizens Revolt

Jul 6, 2003, 9:27am
Yeah, well... in some cases. Server logs can help if you know the cells

- Mark

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Beta Reports

Apr 29, 2003, 1:18am
Will you stop complaining already....

A very sleepy (it is 4:20am)
- Mark

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Auto-Hide online status

Apr 30, 2003, 4:20pm
I personally hide my status because I wish to choose when I wish to be
bugged by people etc, not them choose for me. Overused... perhaps not.

- Mark

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Auto-Hide online status

Apr 30, 2003, 5:56pm
Egh... the point is if you everyone can see you dont know who is stalking
you :o

- Mark

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What should be "R" and what should be "X"?

Apr 30, 2003, 4:23pm
Egh Brock, Ste... does this mean we cant do Survivor events any more? Rats!

- Mark

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