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Nov 13, 2001, 10:54am
create URL .... (from the browser)
ShellExecute (..., "http://...", ...); from the bot

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Nov 20, 2001, 6:41pm
All languages that have the ability to load a DLL can
be used, that includes even stuff like Lotus Notes,
VBA (Excel/Word) and (with a wrapper class) Java.

Fortunately JavaScript cannot load DLLs.
QBasic is something I don't know either.

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Nov 21, 2001, 6:49pm
I haven't read much about it, but I think the bot itself
is VB, it is just an OCX or VBX or something like that,
which can be controlled by JS. At least the JS version
I know cannot call load DLLs.

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can a bot be created using this program language?

Nov 23, 2001, 2:20am
Basically assembler can do everything, it is a direct
verbal version of machine language. you could even use
a 6502, Z80 or a microcontroller to create a bot, if
you can find out the protocols and implement TCP/IP.

This assembler didn't look like something you can run
on your PC, it could be from a 8-Bit CPU.

Leave your fingers from things like this if you want to
do anything in windoze, at least if you do not want to
invest half a year to create a "hello world" (for the

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can a bot be created using this program language?

Nov 24, 2001, 1:10am
These might help you find more machines that are
not first choice for bot programmers :

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can a bot be created using this program language?

Dec 1, 2001, 3:17am
GUI programming in Java is a pain (Swing sucks)

And Bowen is right, most powerful is C/C++ and it is
most portable. HTML frontend and C/C++ backend can be
used on nearly all systems, much more reliable than
most Java installations.

This might change in some time and Java might win some
points, but I think until then Java isn't 1st choice.

But Data21 asked for an easy language, and I think that
portability doesn't count for him. A good first step
could sure be done with Borland Delphi. I don't know it
myself, but learned structured programming in Pascal.
Pascal and Delphi are close related, Delphi seems quite
powerful to me, not too complicated.

[View Quote] > Well that's not really true. The most portable programming language out=

> there is Java, because it will work the same way on any computer that
> supports it. It also looks like C++ a lot, but it is not a compiled
> language, so it is much less powerful (in terms of execution speed) tha=
> C++.
> =

> Fox Mc Cloud
> =

> "bowen" <bowen at> a =E9crit dans le message news:
> 3c07cd95 at

-- =

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AW.DLL needs versioning

Nov 25, 2001, 8:36pm
A wish to the AW SDK developers :

Please add a VS_VERSION_INFO ressource to your DLL
so you can right-click a DLL and see which version
it belongs to.

Optional, and even better, have the DLL version in
the name of the distributed files.

Best would be, you did both.

A DLL makes more sense if you can really share it
between several applications. Currently each bot has
to have its own DLL in the directory, because no bot
uses the really dynamic loading of libraries with
LoadModule(), and the import-library linked bots are
not compatible with different DLL versions.

This would help bot users and bot developers to
organize the current DLL chaos.

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Please just give me a list and tell me if it'll be a definate or you'll need another program.

Dec 1, 2001, 10:35pm
Instead of writing a completely new bot from scratch you
could try to learn scripting bots. You will find links
to bots and bot scripts on

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Re: Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 22, 2001, 3:26am
Eliza is an old basic (or lisp?) program that you can still
find on the web. It was the first AI program ever (1966).
You can try it online :

or download Java implementations of it :

If you need an own one, maybe these pages helps :

I posted the source here some months ago. OK, it was not
an eep, but could at least have been an early version *g

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bot urls

Dec 31, 2001, 1:25am
you find several here =>

but the list isn't complete of course

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bot urls

Jan 1, 2002, 6:42pm
It is browser friendly :)

No JavaScript crap, no huge graphics, even the date of last
change below - my browser likes it.

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paintball script

Jan 5, 2002, 9:27pm
Please learn how to use this outlook junk or use a
good newsreader. Multiple postings are the best way
to make people ignore you.

Check if you want to
look for better options, they have a nice collection
of freeware, shareware and trial reviews with download
links there.

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What would it take...

Feb 16, 2002, 9:52pm
Bots don't need the citizen password for login. That
would mean, that a ppw. would be sufficient to read
someone elses telegrams. I don't think that this is
really a good idea.

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 4:30am
Is that important, as long as the lines are good ?

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FWD: AASwamp

May 5, 2002, 3:22am
"... will be available for free download after May 5 ..."

Maybe not ready yet

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Ejected Bots and Cits

May 28, 2002, 2:45am
This is not always the case.

I have at least 2 times ejected bots that were set to
"follow" and the owner disappeared too.
Maybe it happens when bot and owner are both within
the visibility range, or they changed the behaviour
in newer world servers.

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Aw contact list bot

Jun 11, 2002, 3:41am
I received a question by email but the return address had
permanent errors, so I'll answer here :


> Question was:
> When I try to use the bot with 3.3 i get a "Cannot find file contacts.txt , there is a
> file contacts.txt.sav but no contacts.txt .have tried to rename it but it disappears. I
> like the program and use it often. can you help

3.3 doesn't have the contact list text file anymore :(

You can still use it though, but have to add your contacts
manually in the bot, it cannot take them from the browser
anymore. The 3.3 browser itself seems to remove the contact
list when it takes the contents over.

So this is what you can do :

Either (if you still have it) use the bot you had in your
AW 3.2 directory. It will still work.

Or, if you have upgraded and not newly installed :

- create a new directory
- copy aworld.ini (from your AW3.3) into it
- copy your old contacts.txt into it (the saved one)
- copy the bot and aw.dll there too

That should work, the bot now has all the files it needs.
Actually even an empty file with just the name "contacts.txt"
would do as well, as the browser doesn't update the file

I hope this helps :)

Volker [Ananas]

Xelagot 3.305 now available

Jul 28, 2002, 5:45pm
It's because people don't delete what they don't reply to ;)

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Lister Version 1

Aug 22, 2002, 12:33pm
In non-binary NGs it should at least be announced in the
subject if there's an attachment.

I will keep most of my thoughts about your extremely arrogant
answer for me. Just so much : This is a global community and
not all places on the earth have the same infrastructure.
Some places are too far from towns, some countries have no DSL
and no cable at all in most regions.

Bluemoon knows about the problem so it should be OK now.

If you want to learn more about it, mr. big mouth, read about
newsgroup nettiquette before you post such a crap.

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deleting bot

Aug 27, 2002, 4:28am

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reset terrain

Sep 15, 2002, 3:41am
If you have access to the world server :

I think it works to just delete the terrain.dat / terrain.idx
while the world isn't running.

On next world startup, it will create the empty database new.

Please backup before you delete, as I haven't tried it yet, but
it should be the same what happens, when you do an minor upgrade,
an upgrade where the data structure of the other databases didn't

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Keeping information in "action" field

Oct 30, 2002, 3:18am
Uninterpretable data in _commands_ usually make the command
useless. You should be able to append data that will be ignored
behind a semicolon though, where the browser would expect a
new trigger. Afaik., this cannot cause problems at all.

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How to use AwCLBot

Oct 30, 2002, 3:22am
The bot doesn't work so well with 3.3, as it used to get the
list of citizen numbers in your contact list from this text

What you still can do : create an empty text file contacts.txt
in a new directory, copy aworld.ini into the same directory,
because it gets its universe data from there, and you will be
able to still use the world rights tools and add new entries
with right click to the list window.

Automatic filling it from your AW browser contact list doesn't
work anymore though, sorry :-/

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How to use AwCLBot

Oct 30, 2002, 6:40pm
Well, in this case it is important to have the file not in the
browser directory, as the browser would delete the file after
having imported the (empty) file.

Doesn't need to be plain text, plain nothing works as well :)
Maybe I should remove the error message when the file isn't
there, the program doesn't really need it.

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Nov 1, 2002, 3:21pm
Hi :)

teleport.cgi is a service of AW

If you don't have your own teleport.cgi (some have), you can
replace each occurance of teleport.cgi with the complete path
to AW's teleport.cgi.

p.s.: Ananas(ATNOSPAM) => Ananas at :)
I just don't want to appear in too many spam lists.

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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 14, 2002, 3:44am
Not a very good idea. Actually even a very bad idea, as
some might want to keep their version. There isn't only
ActiveWorlds but a lot of universes, all with different
universe and world server versions.

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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 16, 2002, 9:28am
What about asking someone to move your mouse
and click the keys for you?

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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 16, 2002, 9:29am
I've seen that (5.25") *g

Object Building Script

Dec 10, 2002, 4:48am

But be aware that you will need to open a windows32
console ("DOS box") to run it *g

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bot info please?

Dec 12, 2002, 1:00pm
Andras has one on

If you have an object path on your local PC or a list of all models,
you can try this one :

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