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ananas // User Search
ananas // User SearchPropdumpAug 21, 2002, 1:18am
struct entry {
unsigned long owner; unsigned long timestamp; int x, y, z; // Placement short ry, rx, rz; // Rotation unsigned char mod, des, act; // Lengths }; FILE *out; struct entry Entry; char *pModel, *pDescr, *pAction; out = fopen ("propdump.txt", "wb"); fprintf (out, "propdump version 3\r\n"); ..... fprintf (out, "%lu %lu %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ", Entry.owner, Entry.timestamp, Entry.x, Entry.y, Entry.z, Entry.ry, Entry.rx, Entry.rz, Entry.mod, Entry.des, Entry.act); fwrite (pModel, 1, Entry.mod, out); fwrite (pDescr, 1, Entry.des, out); fwrite (pAction, 1, Entry.act, out); fwrite ("\r\n", 1, 2, out); As you don't get the three length elements from AW, you need to get the length of the 3 strings AW_OBJECT_MODEL, AW_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION and AW_OBJECT_ACTION (with strlen for example). The three strings are pointers (if you use strdup/free), but could as well be char [] like in the aw_string() example (with strcpy). In all three strings you have to replace all occurances of linefeeds (0x0d 0x0a) by (0x80 0x7f) - well, in the model name it cannot occur but who knows. I'm not absolutely sure how the current SDK sends the linefeeds, so you should verify this information. [View Quote] BOT HOSTMar 5, 2001, 4:05pm
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--------------F34B6CFA77B33A32E0197E11 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Germans who want to use the Telekom tdsl for hosting, have to calculate that it has only 128 kbps upstream. It isn't symetric. nova schrieb: > > Well dsl is available in so many difrent types includeing one type called > vdsl wich can give you up to 56 megs a sec dls and uploads. --------------F34B6CFA77B33A32E0197E11 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vha.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vha.vcf" begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------F34B6CFA77B33A32E0197E11-- Deleting * from description boxesMar 4, 2001, 11:58am
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--------------31605E2148BCF86AB775B529 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 2 methods you can try (means I never tried them) : 1. use Andras' Bot (I think SyntaxBot) from 2. uses the HamFon builder or other build bots - Save the area you want to clean out (propdump to olddump.dat) - use the console command "find" to filter the lines : find "*"<olddump.dat>newdump.dat Type it exactly as I typed it, including the quotes - load this new dump to the buildbot and delete the objects anpetu olowan schrieb: > > Is there a bot or a program that I can use to delete all the > objects in my world that has a * in the description box? I > don't know how they got there, but they are and are taking up > a lot of cell space. Also, I have some objects that try to > download but can't find the objects anywhere, not even the > black triangles for them. Any suggestions besides calling > everything quits? > > Thanks --------------31605E2148BCF86AB775B529 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vha.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vha.vcf" begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------31605E2148BCF86AB775B529-- Deleting * from description boxesMar 4, 2001, 1:06pm
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--------------9992C9C342F9EB7444CD8595 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 429 = RC_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT Maybe the universe data, host and port? Check your browser INI file (aworld.ini) to find out which settings the universe requires, both can be left blank for AW - it uses the default then. Oh, and the bot requires a line off course, you need to be connected to the internet ;) anpetu olowan schrieb: > > Ok, I downloaded the bot, no problem.........but the bot > won't connect???? Get error 429 whaterver that means. --------------9992C9C342F9EB7444CD8595 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vha.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vha.vcf" begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------9992C9C342F9EB7444CD8595-- Deleting * from description boxesMar 4, 2001, 1:08pm
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--------------85CAD321DCAF91C508B535DF Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit anpetu olowan schrieb: > > Ok, I downloaded the bot, no problem.........but the bot > won't connect???? Get error 429 whaterver that means. --------------85CAD321DCAF91C508B535DF Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vha.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vha.vcf" begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------85CAD321DCAF91C508B535DF-- message to troop2Mar 5, 2001, 3:59pm
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--------------EE2DD192491EFA4154FFD524 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit As the 3.1 refuses to work in several universes you cannot be too sure about that. Several universes seem to wait with the upgrade. xelag schrieb: > But I suppose all 3.0 browsers are now 3.1, that should be ok then. --------------EE2DD192491EFA4154FFD524 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vha.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vha.vcf" begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------EE2DD192491EFA4154FFD524-- [VC++] Enum + Other thingsSep 1, 2002, 8:45am
Not a problem of the include of aw.h, as it is a link error.
I guess the problem is that the aw.h file is in the additional libraries, where aw.lib or awstatic.lib should be instead. The other one, display the enum, cannot be done from aw.h as they are not much more than an array of integers (that's why ++ and -- works on enums), but the identifiers are only processed be the compiler, they disappear later for the same reason why you cannot display the #define identifiers but only their values from the running program. [View Quote] [..] C source snipped, not relevant for this error message > > THIS!!! GAHHHHH!! > > Linking... > aw.h : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file > Error executing link.exe. > > Could someone tell me what that means and how I can nuke the error and get on with my programming? C++ is stressfull enough even when things DO work. > > - Mark [VC++] Enum + Other thingsSep 3, 2002, 4:29pm
I don't think something like an enum exists in VB, I'm not
too familiar with it though. But a control sure could have the text representation of the error numbers as a list that can be accessed with a method - just I'm not familiar with the VB-SDK for AW either :-/ [View Quote] Well it had to happen sooner or later...Mar 9, 2001, 11:01pm
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--------------778487007A43871ACE40238D Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Online books at crazy glue il schrieb: > > I finally decided that I wanted to learn VB, C++, or C, I need links for the > compliers (again) > Twist, If your offer still stands I will gladly accept it! > > -- > We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:] > ~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL > crazyglue3 at > Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them? > Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them? > That's is the question. --------------778487007A43871ACE40238D Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vha.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vha.vcf" begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------778487007A43871ACE40238D-- How to determine AW_OBJECT_NUMBER without aw_query?Oct 3, 2002, 9:04pm
Build Inspector-like applicationSep 29, 2002, 6:14pm
Need 3D StudioMax 4.0, 4.2 or 5.0 .Cab filesOct 19, 2002, 12:19pm
Usually a software company will replace a damaged CD when you send
them the old original one. [View Quote] AWSDK MSDN Type thingOct 20, 2002, 4:29pm
Logic CommandsOct 25, 2002, 2:55am
Would be an interesting trigger.
I guess, implementing it as a command extension would be too much work and would not fit into the current concept. [followup to wishlist] [View Quote] N e w B o t s . .Mar 16, 2001, 2:02am
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--------------9A7437FE0656FC52A8DA0A82 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit My english isn't too good - is "leave again" a releave or a relief ? [View Quote] begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------9A7437FE0656FC52A8DA0A82-- N e w B o t s . .Mar 16, 2001, 8:49am
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--------------55CFF4A0317652CC1862C67B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit did you ever reply to the reply you replied to? [View Quote] begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------55CFF4A0317652CC1862C67B-- Callbacks in MFCDec 6, 2002, 9:54pm
Add them as normal functions, not class members, that's way
easier, e.g. : void EvCellBegin (void) { ... } ...... extern void EvCellBegin (void); aw_event_set (AW_EVENT_CELL_BEGIN, EvCellBegin); [View Quote] [C++(.NET)] StringCoords functionDec 16, 2002, 10:15pm
That was too easy :)
Your buffers are all only 1 byte large (the '\0' that terminates the "" string) With sprintf you copy several characters into this location that can hold only 0 characters (!) Fix : make larger buffers from the buffer variables or allocate them large enough. #define LARGE_ENOUGH 30 so it's either static char buffer[LARGE_ENOUGH]; or char *buffer=NULL; if (! buffer) buffer = malloc (LARGE_ENOUGH); ... Oh, and yaw is never filled What about this version : void StringCoords(long X, long Y, long Z, long YAW) { char buffer[LARGE_ENOUGH]; /*Divide by 1000 to get the actual coordinates except for YAW when divide by 10*/ dxbuffer = X / 1000; dybuffer = Y / 1000; dzbuffer = Z / 1000; dyawbuffer = X / 10; sprintf (buffer, "%d%c %d%c %da %d" , abs(dxbuffer), dxbuffer<0 ? 'e' : 'w' , abs(dzbuffer), dzbuffer<0 ? 's' : 'n' , dybuffer, dyawbuffer); if (sStringCoords) free (sStringCoords); sStringCoords = strdup (buffer); } with sStringCoords global declared like this : char* sStringCoords = NULL; [View Quote] [C++(.NET)] StringCoords functionDec 16, 2002, 10:27pm
oops, I didn't see - you use double precision variables for your dxbuffer and so. If you want decimal places, you have to use %lf instead of %d
[C++(.NET)] StringCoords functionDec 22, 2002, 8:29pm
using AW SDK with older VC / VS versionsDec 25, 2002, 12:57am
I found a way, works fine with VisualStudio 5.0 :)
This fixes "fatal error LNK1106: invalid file or disk full: cannot seek to ..." Download masm32v7 from and install it From the masm32\bin directory copy link.exe into your vc\bin directory (with backup copy of course) and replace the existing one there. For those who do not want to download/install this large masm, I will put the linker alone here for some time : C++ Source codeJan 10, 2003, 5:10pm
Bouncer BotMar 25, 2001, 7:10pm
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--------------3564F0C6E6FC66E8DFE43EAD Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit At least 2 commands to check occurance : - strstr() checks the occurance within a string. The returned pointer is NULL if it isn't there. There is no case insensitive version of strstr() so you need to upper- or lowercase both strings before you compare. - strtok() can break a sentence into words that you can check separate with stricmp() or the CString method CompareNoCase(). The next two are MFC classes and might not exist in other C++ compilers, I don't have too much experience in ++ yet : Dynamic arrays are implemented in the MFC class CObArray and the subclass CStringArray (other subclasses exist too). Optional you can use the MFC class CStringList - check which one has better methods for your purpose. [View Quote] begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------3564F0C6E6FC66E8DFE43EAD-- Bouncer BotMar 26, 2001, 5:53am
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--------------3D8F0E0901B47AC3D6F9FA28 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Not a problem with the strtok() method, that should be prefered for larger word lists (better performance) [View Quote] begin:vcard n:Hatzenberger;Volker x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany version:2.1 email;internet:vha at end:vcard --------------3D8F0E0901B47AC3D6F9FA28-- 3.4 vb sdkFeb 8, 2003, 4:20pm
What Andras wrote will fix some crashes, that's for sure.
But why do you identify the people by name at all? Citizen numbers will not change as often as names and a comparison of two integers is way faster than a string comparison orgy - plus you could use switch/case very comfortable like this : #define CIT_TheMask 12345 (well, put the correct cit. numbers there ;) #define CIT_Builderz 12346 (... and some more) #define CIT_Cadet 13254 void handle_avatar_add (void) { int Session; switch (aw_int (AW_AVATAR_CITIZEN)) { case CIT_TheMask : case CIT_Builderz : (... and some more) case CIT_Cadet : Session = aw_int(AW_AVATAR_SESSION); aw_whisper (Session, "Whisper password to gain rights"); break; } } In handle_chat() you could choose a similar solution. As you would need the cit. number #defines in several places, it would be helpful to put them into a header file that you can #include where you need the definitions. Optional you could hold all citizen numbers in an integer array and compare those in a loop, a little slower but easier to add more citizens. [View Quote] 3.4 vb sdkFeb 17, 2003, 4:42pm
.... and 2 optimisation suggestions :
void handle_avatar_add (void) { int session; session = aw_int(AW_AVATAR_SESSION); switch (aw_int (AW_AVATAR_CITIZEN)) { // Saves some space to have the constant only once case CIT_Cameron999: case CIT_NelXaga: case CIT_SuperGuy3: case CIT_TSAAgent1: case CIT_DSdarkknight: case CIT_Ssl: case CIT_Aeo: case CIT_Reaper: case CIT_Duo: aw_whisper (session,"Whisper password to gain rights"); break; } } void handle_chat () { int session; session = aw_int(AW_CHAT_SESSION); char *ChatMsg; ChatMsg = strdup (aw_string(AW_CHAT_MESSAGE)); switch (aw_int (AW_AVATAR_CITIZEN)) { // shortened and much faster as you have only the one relevant strcmp case CIT_Cameron999 : Cameron999 = !strcmp (ChatMsg, "¶La®ge Stinky Gorillas Basking In The Sun¶"); break; case CIT_NelXaga : NelXaga = !strcmp (ChatMsg, "¶Nøøb Hater¶"); break; .... and so on ... default : free (ChatMsg); return; } free (ChatMsg); ProcessRights(); } |