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3.4 vb sdk

Feb 19, 2003, 5:57pm
Wrong post to answer to, I just commented on the coding style,
not on the concepts.

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Programming Languages

Feb 10, 2003, 9:10pm
Swing (the Java GUI classes) are a real pain, the C++ GUI
classes I know are easier to handle, some are available
for several platforms. Java is less portable than C++ if
you use portable C++ GUI classes, even if SUN tries to tell
us something different. Swing is extremely version dependant,
even a minor version change can make your program fail to run.

Java itself isn't a bad developement language, but only for
backend stuff. Easy to switch between C++ and Java later if
you understood the OO conzepts. The language differences are
minor. C++ is way faster, the programs are more compact and
you cannot do everything in Java that you can do in C++.

Leave the fingers away from C# though, that's plain crap. And
for both C++ or Java use Visual Age (by IBM) only if you have
good nerves.

But C/C++ and Java are sure not the only choices, coming from
VB you might like Pascal/Delphi. I do not know Delphi, just
Pascal and Turbo Pascal, and those are very well structured
languages that make it easy to learn a good style.
Not as portable as C/C++ or Java but much easier to read and
understand without taking classes.
Several bots (e.g. [Delph]) are written in Delphi, AccuTrans
is in Delphi too, so for AW it should offer everything you

So if you want to get into the language fast, Delphi would be
1st choice, if you want to put some more work into learning
and program developement time is less important than program
speed, C++ is what you should try.

Java only for very specific things, web services for example,
but never for GUI programs.

Otoh.: Ask 10 program developers and you will get 10 different
answers ;)

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Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 6:54pm
Spellcheckers are for people who cannot write properly.

Otoh. I would be interested to know what a Norwegian spell
checker would do to an English text ...

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RWX browser/modeler

Mar 25, 2003, 5:32am
Is his plugin interface documented?

I checked and didn't find any documentations about that -
and I didn't download the stuff because it needs DX7 or so

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afk gesture?

Apr 19, 2003, 9:06pm
I doubt it very much. As AFK is a contact list feature and all
contact list functions are excluded from the SDK, a bot sure
has no way to check the AFK state of a visitor.

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Problemes using AW SDK with visual c++

Jun 16, 2003, 2:13pm
For me this scheme worked :

void EvCellObject(void)

this function (not method!) has been created with the editor,
not with the class browser. It is not part of any class.

SetCallbackFunction ()
extern void EvCellObject (void);
aw_event_set (AW_EVENT_CELL_OBJECT, EvCellObject);

This combines both Strike Rapier's and Agent1's hint.

The complete project will not work as it is based on an old
AW.DLL but if you're interested, I can upload it somewhere
for experimenting. It is a very simple backup/restore bot.

bensezoug schrieb:
> have some problemes to use the AW SDK with visual c++
> There's something wrong with "aw_event_set"
> I set up the handler:
> aw_event_set (AW_EVENT_CHAT, handle_chat);
> the handle_chat function is in the same class
> when I build the prog I have this error:
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\awbot\awbotDlg.cpp(190)
> : error C2664: 'aw_event_set' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'void
> (void)' to 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
> None of the functions with this name in scope match the target type
> Ther's no doubt the mistake is mine, I'm a beginner in coding.
> If someone could help me...

Problemes using AW SDK with visual c++

Jun 21, 2003, 8:41am
I think, class members have different calling conventions.
I once tried to define a global pointer to a class function
and when I called it, it crashed the program.

Maybe class members are _fastcall or _pascal or so.

xelag schrieb:
> This is exactly as what I do in Delphi with Xelagot: I define a
> procedure which is NOT a class member, install it with aw_event_set,
> and in that procedure I call the bot's own class procedure.
> Alex

Sync'ing with VRT

Jul 21, 2003, 12:57pm
There are 2 functions to get the time, one is
localtime, the other gmtime. As gmtime and VRT
are in a fixed relation you can also easily
calculate the difference between VRT and local
time (if needed) - but maybe you will not even
need the local time at all and can just use the

I'm not familiar with VB but that's how it works
in C and as those C functions are based on kernel
functions I'm quite sure it can work just the
same in VB.

(The NG server seems to have eaten the first posting
attempt, sorry if it appears twice now)

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Sync'ing with VRT

Jul 21, 2003, 3:34pm
DST flag should not be forgotten.

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Sync'ing with VRT

Jul 24, 2003, 4:46am

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Sync'ing with VRT

Jul 24, 2003, 5:33pm
It is not an AW invention, afaik. they have choosen the time
zone with the lowest inhabitants count.

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 5:30pm

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 5:37pm
And what about ?
And XelaG's (sorry, I don't have it handy on this box)?
And ...

You have quite some work now that you have started this ;)

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 6:12pm
hm, my "installer" is pksfx or unzip *g

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AW Objects - database?

Apr 6, 2001, 5:31pm
You can access AW's "main" folder :

You can get lots of informations from the registry, Andras'
rwxtract.exe can generate a registry list the used textures. Just the
tags informations is missing.

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Contact list bot

Apr 4, 2001, 5:57pm
Fixed a bug that didn't allow to add a citizen by his number.

Added a dialog to the bot, it can now help manage the lines in the
world rights dialog box.
Not really a contact list feature but related (and I didn't want to
make a separate program just for that).

Version :

I need a xleagot script that delets tourist buildings, & rebuilds them under the owners cit#.

Apr 12, 2001, 5:54pm
nearly unreadable, not thought to be used for writing but for drawing

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I need a xleagot script that delets tourist buildings, & rebuilds them under the owners cit#.

Apr 12, 2001, 6:51pm
All newsgroups have some rules.

In AW and most other newsgroups some of them are

- Do not to post in HTML
- Do not post binaries without mentioning it in the header (pictures
are binaries)

and few more. An exception from the binaries rule are the "binaries"
usenet newsgroups.

I'm afraid you will hardly receive the answer that you want it you do
not follow these few rules.
Some will filter you and some will flame you or joke about you - but
hardly anyone will answer your questions.

The mail protocol is coded 3 in four, that means three bytes of binary
code need 4 bytes of transfer.

Your message had a size of about 7k, the same message as a normal
posting would have had about 1.6k - so the background graphics is 5.4k
of useless information, only 22% of the message were necessary.


I need a xleagot script that delets tourist buildings, & rebuilds them under the owners cit#.

Apr 12, 2001, 10:32pm
[View Quote] That's why I explained instead of flaming :)

I need help with rebuild in xelagot

Apr 12, 2001, 7:04pm
(slightly off topic)

Sorry, I cannot help you with the Xela, but I already did very similar
stuff with the Hamfon BuildBot that you can download at

It has filters for object scanning so you can very easily find the
tourist stuff, save it and remove it from the area you have scanned.
It has an option to keep the owner ID or to change the owner to the
bots boss and it has an option to specify an offset for building so
you can rebuild the stuff in a different area and/or world.

I hope it helps :)

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I need help with rebuild in xelagot

Apr 13, 2001, 6:00am
[View Quote] Masochism?

Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 8:51am
My speed always goes down when I change the floppy disc where
I have my cache. I have to find out which one of the 4,000
floppies it wants at the moment, remove the one that is now
in the drive and replace it by the one I found.
Depending on 5.25", 3.5" or 8" it needs more or less time to
check in the floppy - that really slows down AW cache a lot
and I cannot recommend to use floppy discs as caching media.

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 11:33am
I had that too, but when I upgraded to Dos 5.01 it went away.
If you don't have 5.01 a step back to 3.31 will reduce your trouble

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:00pm
.... sais it and opens the next page in Rodneys book ...

pip a:=b: avatars.dat ? I have to look, I somewhere had a MSDos
version of pip, maybe I can still find it, I will send it to
you then. But I'm afraid it is on an ESDI drive that I cannot
connect to any computer anymore.

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:20pm
wasn't that "hard sectored" ?

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:25pm
Sorry, cannot find pip for dos anymore, I checked all drives but
it seems to be gone

Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 6:42pm
pip works like an assignment,


means you want to assign b:avatars.dat to drive a:
(same name as there was no different name given)

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 11:02pm
not everyone used Z80 or 8080 - so you could well have been serious

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 11:14pm
Define "really old" - if it's less than 20 it doesn't make me
wonder that you never heard about 8" and hard sector floppies.

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Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 19, 2001, 7:39pm
I have chaos, I (seem to) need chaos, sometimes I love chaos !

I will think about a function for random textures in my PHP thingie.

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