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Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 20, 2001, 4:02am
You are not 100% right, you CAN change the backdrop just for you.
Check that local object path thing in the browser help.

Create a local object path for the world where you do not like
the backdrop, copy the backdrop of your choice there, same name
as the backdrop the world currently uses, and the world will show
this backdrop - just for you. No bot and no bot rights needed.

You can schedule a program that changes this backdrop depending
on the daytime and it requires just re-entering so that the
changes can take effect. The scheduled program could have simply
the name "command /ccopy <yourbackdrop> <worldbackdrop>" or
"cmd /ccopy <yourbackdrop> <worldbackdrop>" on NT systems.

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Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 20, 2001, 4:28am
[View Quote] This does not require to be a bot programmer, it requires to know
your operating system, it is a DOS and Windows command.

> I would like a visitor to teleport to my location and either 1) see a
> background I have put up, or 2)have them click a download button like with
> other pictures and have a background download that way.

In that way it will not work in any world where you do not
have caretaker rights, no solution exists, sorry.

Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 22, 2001, 5:38am
You talk a lot of stuff about things you do not understand.

And trying to explain it does not help unless you try to understand.

You do not even know what notepad is and try to discuss world
server stuff? Forget it unless you are willing to learn some
basics about AW technology.

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Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 22, 2001, 6:39am
[View Quote] Not me, several others tried, but with little success.
I am just one of those poor people who are too curious to
use filters.

> "You do not even know what notepad is and try to discuss world
> server stuff?"
> As far as a citizen is concerned, within the use of the Active Worlds
> program to build in worlds like AW and AW teen, I don't see where notepad
> comes into play outside of tracking filenames and actions. Perhaps there is
> a higher level use for world owners that is not applicable in this instance.
> If you know of somethings that notepad can be used for by citizens in worlds
> such as AW AWteen, feel free to mention them.

This is what you said : "Notepad helps keep track of file names,
I don't think you can actually build objects in it."

Well, you can. Objects and avatar geometry, some even do the
tags and joints with notepad I heard.

> "Forget it unless you are willing to learn some
> basics about AW technology."
> I am here, willing to learn about the basics of AW technology.

You should know then that the backdrop is a world feature,
not an object attribute. This is explained several times in
this thread. They even explained to you how you can change the
backdrop for yourself.

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Attention VB Programmers

Apr 19, 2001, 9:00am
Here you find the SDK description :
The pages are all below this path so you can use a download manager
to make an offline copy from it.

Hint to Facter :

What about a complete zipped version ?
The links seem all to be relative to this path so it should be
easy to do.

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Attention VB Programmers

Apr 19, 2001, 5:06pm
That's exactly what I used, but I think it would not be a bad idea
to have it in one piece. TPP is no freeware.

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Help (1.20KB Attach)

Apr 26, 2001, 5:55pm
.... and the entries get lost when you move the application to
a different machine
.... and they stay and make the registry grow when you delete
the application, slows down even after installing/removing.
.... and they do not save code, reading an INI key is one line
of code, not more than reading a registry key.

IMO the registry was one of the most stupid things that M$ did
to prevent people from having control over their applications.

And I heard that the newer programming guidelines of M$ ask the
developers not to use the registry anymore for program internal
settings. Only settings that are needed to access from outside
an application should be held in a registry.

Real operating systems don't have something like that.

Standalone applications should have all their data within one
subdirectory so they don't need an uninstaller. If they have
user created data a second (default-) directory for that is OK.
Especially if the setup stuff is not user dependant.

The only thing that should be entered in a registry is the
place where other applications can find this application and
the command extension, if applicable. It compares to UNIX'
/etc folder.

Registry only, if it really cannot be avoided !

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Best bot for the job?

May 1, 2001, 10:10pm
As you know Karlskrona2 :

Do they remove citizenships after some time of beeing a lazy visitor?

How are they related to Wolfsburg2 ?

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Best bot for the job?

May 2, 2001, 11:11am
Thanks :)

> Both projects are initiated by a Danish(!) team called Superflex and the
> technical administrator / caretaker for both worlds are a Danish
> architect.

I was curious as Layout and object set of both universes
are so very similar

> The intention is that the universes should have citizens only from the
> real world Karlskrona and Wolfsburg but in this phase everybody is
> welcome, if they can speak Swedish or German that is :)
> If the universe is reset for the next phase your citizenship may be
> revoked but no signs of that yet.

Hm, mine disappeared 2 times already - and with that my (small)
contact list.

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a bot that changes the op?

May 11, 2001, 6:04pm
This will cause trouble, the world.dat / world.idx might not be
updated and if both OP's have different AV-sets this causes
confusion and weird results.

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a bot that changes the op?

May 11, 2001, 7:44pm
My idea was, if someone wants a bot do this job for him he wants
to change the OP frequently.
There is no difference between the bot and the world owner himself
doing this I think, just with the difference that a bot will
never be too lazy-

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Passing a Variable to a url

Aug 10, 2001, 8:22pm
Never did that, always worked without. Sometimes it helps to read the
manual only if needed ;)

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The bird bot

Aug 6, 2001, 1:42am
Good idea but I tried and it didn't work, it complained
"Bot 3 could not be started"
and killed the 2 other skunks (I used that AV) too.


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The bird bot

Aug 10, 2001, 8:11pm

[View Quote] > Hi,
> A new version of BirdBot will be released soon which allows you to
> choose how many birds to run :)
> - Ima

-- =

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The bird bot

Sep 21, 2001, 8:43pm
What is "soon"? (I like bots with only few buttons :)

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An object yard bot

Aug 24, 2001, 5:48pm

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 7:41am
Nothing to be afraid about.

An off-topic post is by far not abusive enough to ban
someone or take away her/his web account.
Reasons to do that are continous spamming, flooding,
posting huge binaries or abusive contents, not just
off-topic posts.


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Programing error

Oct 5, 2001, 2:20am
You can !

- LoadLibrary() loads the dynamic link library into memory
- GetProcAddress() gives you access to the functions
- FreeLibrary() unloads the library

Pendant in Unix :

- dlopen() loads the shared library into memory
- dlsym() gives you access to the functions
- dlclose() unloads the library

Actually the it is only loaded if it isn't already in memory,
otherwise the reference count is increased. Unload is only
done if there are no references left.

The access functions return pointers to the functions that
you can directly use to call the functions. The declarations
of the pointers that receive the result have to contain the
exact prototypes of the function in pointer form.

One trap is that all linkers have different ideas of the name
argument for GetProcAddress(), it is the internal name and
depends very much on calling convention (pascal, cdecl, stdcall)
and some linkers append a brief parameter description for the
prototype, I think the format is
itoa(lengt of argument list) + ' at ' + atoi(resultlength)

If the DLL is your own it's a good idea to have aliases
for these weird names.

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Universe Question

Nov 4, 2001, 6:07pm
As long as you do not "sign up" for an event that is
triggered you will not receive the notifications.

aw_event_set (AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, AvatarAddCallback);

and an own AvatarAddCallback() function are needed

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Universe Question

Nov 4, 2001, 8:02pm
I can only tell you the scheme, as I'm not familiar
with the VB OCX, only with the DLL through C++ .

Somewhere in the main, you need to tell the SDK which
function to call when a new avatar comes into range :

sdk.AwEventSet (AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, AvatarCallback);
sdk.AwStateChange ();

After you did this your function AvatarCallback()
will be called from the SDK, you don't need to call
it yourself.

In your callback function it should look somehow like
this :

Public Function AvatarCallback()
Save the citizen attributes in a global array,
you'll need at least :
NewName = aw_string (AW_AVATAR_NAME)
NewSession = aw_int (AW_AVATAR_SESSION)
and maybe
NewNumber = aw_int (AW_AVATAR_CITIZEN)

Add these retrieved values to your list of
people who are in range, so you can keep track.

and maybe a greeting to the new avatar :
aw_whisper (NewSession, "Welcome "+Newname)
End Function

Never call this function yourself, the SDK does that
for you, to inform you of a new arrived avatar.
Note that this arrived avatar might be a bot as well,
so you should check the name for brackets before you
send the greeting or add it to your list or array.

You will need basically the same for AW_EVENT_AVATAR_DELETE
to see who leaves your bots range.

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aw_url_send problem

Nov 6, 2001, 9:54am
This target will cause the link to always be loaded
in a new blank window. This window is not named.

This target makes the link load in the immediate FRAMESET
parent of this document. This defaults to acting like
"_self" if the document has no parent.

This target causes the link to always load in the same
window where the action originated. This is useful for
overriding a globally assigned BASE target.

This target makes the link load in the full body of the
window. This defaults to acting like "_self" if the
document is already at the top. It is useful for breaking
out of an arbitrarily deep FRAME nesting.

source is the best HTTP reference of all :

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please read and please try to help.Thanks.

Nov 7, 2001, 9:25pm has several compilers for free,
limited to private use. has a free C/C++ compiler
(and a Fortran) has a free C compiler but finding what
you need is not easy, they are organized like my room ;)

More sources for free languages are

Most flexible is C or C++ but not a beginners language, you
can learn that later, if you like, based on experience with
a different language.

The best one for learning is sure a Pascal language like
Delphi (-> Borland-link), it is structured and easy to read.

There are some free compilers for Java too, but IMO Java
is slow, the class libraries for developing a GUI frontend
are mostly crap and the developement environments are
bloated and ressource consuming.

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please read and please try to help.Thanks.

Nov 7, 2001, 10:48pm
I did try Java and found it eeeeew

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please read and please try to help.Thanks.

Nov 8, 2001, 1:14am
The problem is if you use Java, C or C++ your coding
will be quite chaotic. If you start with Delphi you
have some restrictions that make it easier to structure
your problems. Usually restrictions are crap but in this
case they help.

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please read and please try to help.Thanks.

Nov 8, 2001, 9:17am
Read my first reply and check out these two pages :

You can dowwnload there and apply for a serial number,
legal and for free.

Volker [Ananas]

btw.: Java isn't web based, there are frontends in Java
as well, but you will have a hard time if you start with
Java, the class libraries to create frontend (GUI)
applications are crap.

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please read and please try to help.Thanks.

Nov 8, 2001, 9:27am
I forgot one, there's even a FREE online book :

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Nov 9, 2001, 4:10am
aw_query() isn't centered around the bot position though,
so the max. range actually spans even the largest worlds.
That is something the avatar-related events and commands
cannot do.

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oy builder

Nov 12, 2001, 2:11am
sounds like a DLL is missing, maybe the aw.dll that has
the correct version. Should be in the same folder

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oy builder

Nov 12, 2001, 2:57pm
From what you wrote now I guess you try to make an object yard.

Maybe the object yard generator can help, it can generate an
object yard from a registry, several parameters can be set in
the INI file, like spacing between objects, number of layers,
optimisation, and building range.

It has to be run from a console window, because it prints some
informations at the end of a run that help you adjust the INI
entries for the building range, so don't just click it ;)

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oy builder

Nov 12, 2001, 7:21pm
lol, that's a user error then :)

1. the program isn't a bot and does not build.

2. it does not create a square itself, you have to set
the parameters, the program does not know the width of
your world and the layer count, spacing and optimization
if you don't define these settings.

In awReg2Prop.INI the entry


decides how wide it builds. If you want a long row along
the world border, set it to the world width. If you need a
square, reduce this width, until the informations it writes
to the screen after a run give you a nearly square area.

You might want to savemore space by creating the propdump
in layers :


and/or sort the models by size. That saves a lot of space
too because the rows can be closer :


And you can save space by suppressing large objects :

The INI file is documented so it should be easy to find
good values for your needs.

4,000 objects in layers should easily fit into a trial
world, if you exclude sky boxes and huge ground objects.

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