joeman // User Search
joeman // User Search
Feb 9, 2003, 3:19am
NCC, why the hate for americans? Did you learn it on TV between reruns of
star trek? Really, your going on a rampage of hate without looking at the
big picture. Only very few americans are the fat, slobbish picture that you
have invisioned us as a whole to be. Well, whatever, know what you're
talking about before you start piping off hot air.
[View Quote]"ncc 71854" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3e45aca6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> YOU need help, YOU arrogant americans started the exact same things in
> ppl's countries. The WHOLE world will celebrate it when the USA is gone,
> can bet on that, stronzo.
> "johnny b" <jbitt2ATjunoDOTcom> wrote in message
> news:3e456539 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "deserved" ? Innocent people being slaughtered like
> news:3e45399b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
Feb 9, 2003, 9:03pm
Facter != yasnt.
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3e4669e6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> OK yasnt :)
> - Mark
> "facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3e465bc4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> relocating
> contact
> they'll
Feb 9, 2003, 8:52pm
That was rather selfish and childish, wow. But, you've done this before...
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3e46b0d2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you people have akingdom and blupearl you don't need me nor do I need you!
> later much!
Feb 9, 2003, 9:27pm
You do know, theres more than one hosting service than heartfall. We've all
seen how bad heartfall is, but dont base other hosting services on their
horriable trackrecord. Really, just leaving makes you look selfish, not
caring about others. You brought in a lot of traffic for AW.
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3e46e047$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No, you have my greedy ex-hosting service to blame for the last world
> deletion, which was put to a public vote, the community voted to wipe the
> world and start over. Had my ex-hosting company charged me what he posted
> his service rates instead of taking advantage of me and charging $175.00
> more, there would have been no deletion. If you do not know the facts do
> speak.
> And just to let you know, this is the last time it will be deleted and I
> not kidding!
> "joeman" <joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3e46dbba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> before...
> you!
Feb 9, 2003, 9:27pm
Uh, hes a minor, not an adult.
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3e46de68 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I will say this one more time and only once, I can not be held responsible
> for the way NCC 71854 handles himself, he is his own person, he is a 26
> old adult who is not my responsiblity. But yet you speak as if I have a
> puppet here where I can control what he says.
> Maybe the same example is perhaps I should blame you for what he says, its
> your fault for not controling him when I am not.
> Use your commen sense here will ya? You already got what you wanted, what
> more do ya want?
> MrBruce
> "bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
> news:3e46daf4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> say
> anymore.
> not
> get an
> self!
> says things
> you! later
> wrong besides
> say "you
> on Maury
> trusted
> price. You
> doing this
> representing you to
Feb 10, 2003, 12:52am
Uh, this "support" to MrBruce seemed to backfire.
[View Quote]"ncc 71854" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3e471258$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I did nothing but supporting bruce, but all I got back was disrespect, so
> DONT be surprised if i disprespect ppl the same way, I give what I get,
> there is NOTHING i should apologize for. If ppl are hostile to me ill be
> times as hostile back to them.
> "ihnk" <awihnk5 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3e470cbc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> keeps
> being
> a
> your
> Not
Feb 12, 2003, 10:49pm
Since you arent aware of how AW handles the computers "ID" and IP, I wouldnt
start talking about it as if you build the damn thing. First off, the
computer "ID" is just part of the computers MAC address, which is non
existant for dialup users. Also, these dialup users get new IP addresses
every time they connect to the internet. So, no static IP, and no MAC,
means no ban. Also, dont post a ton of pictures.
[View Quote]"rowey" <rowey22 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e4a9ec4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ill begin by starting on the vandalism, while I had the small interest of
> builder for A!!CT my colleagues and I also came across these people who
> vandalizing, yes they are cits, their citnumber not sure, name, no idea,
> but the fact is they are using a process of masking their IP address to
> avoid the banning via this method, in addition this "masking" effect also
> disguises their Computer ID, so you cannot ban them that way either.
> Now, the "persons", 2 of them do also come in under tourist ID's and
> tourist builds and place rather lame porn around the area (small things
> amuse small minds), now with this in mind, while we as Moderators and rule
> abiding citizens and tourists do our best to minimize the effect of such
> events, they will continue to happen until AW or one of you networking
> engineers out there, can work out how to gain the real ip of the offenders
> through its mask. I've consulted several network engineers including my
> college teachers, whom also do not know how the IP is masked outside the
> range of the persons ISP.
> This , while unfortunate will continue until we can collectively work out
> idea of how to stop it, now while peer pressure might seem the best
> by some to this problem, it would also be fruitless Id fear as the more
> provoke these people the more it will continue. I would suggest that we
> simply ignore these events, clean the mess made, reinstall the tourist
> builds deleted and just keep at it, these kids will grow bored of doing it
> eventually, then we can get on with our interests.
> As for the state AW's is in, its becoming very disheartening, I've been on
> for well over a year now and seen it slowly dying off. This didn't bother
> so much when all I did was build, but once I assumed the role of Caretaker
> for A!!CT you really begin to notice the full effect of no one being
> and very much notice the populace of other worlds.
> I agree with a previous Post about why is AW working on a New3.4 when the
> old one can hardly stay alive, and considering the amount of bad feedback
> I've been getting from the beta testers, I fear the end is nigh. I'm one
> comes to build, the social interaction is a distant second, but why bother
> building if no ones there to see it. I had the privilege of location
> building, meaning inside the p20 of A!!CT and I was able to have my builds
> seen, however, we are all not as lucky, we endeavored to place teleports
> builds but still, the best intentions are worthless if they are un-used.
> Awgate is a sad depressing place to see also, and personally, when I first
> arrived, found the continuous scrolling of "advice" by the "gk's" to be
> excessively confusing and when I asked the GK on duty at the time (who
> remain nameless) if I could get a list of instructions, she began
> again, when I asked for a URL, I was responded to by ,"What's a URL?".
> pulling my hair out trying to learn the AW Browser I still found it
> difficult to find immediate help so I could learn at a faster rate.
> Tourists arrive at Awgate, new, fresh keen to have a look around, click on
> things, maybe build their first little masterpiece, they want help, and
> not available without it being forced down their throats by a GK why is
> going insane with the mouse button. Awgate needs to be revamped, new
> freshen the place up, make it something worth looking at, not a place you
> cant wait to leave. Place instructions at Awgate itself, off in a corner
> somewhere where signs can inform a newbie tourist where to find immediate
> help, have a GK there, who is assigned to specifically help tourists in
> orientation area. This area should be out of range from GZ, so it
> the confusion to the newbies. AW cannot rely on people being amazed at
> seeing 3d avatars, because alot of us have seen them before, there nothing
> new about them, but the AW building aspects and atmosphere is new, its
> but the management of AwGate specifically is poor and a major downer for
> whole experience of being in AW. (*I will say that some Gk's at Awgate are
> good and do try very hard, for which I'm sure we are all grateful, its
> a few bad bananas spoil the whole bunch*)
> AW is home, in more ways than one to a few of us, I've seen just about
> world in AW at one time or another some good, some bad, some bloody ugly,
> but to those who built them, have stayed up endless nights by the glow of
> our monitor, they are OUR masterpieces, they are something we sit back and
> can say, I built that, and I'm bloody well proud of it. While we, the
> citizens and tourists are the lifeblood of AW, we DO try our hardest to
> bring new objects to our respective OP's we do try to find new ways to
> in tourists, to find a niche that will set the world we call our home
> from the others, but it will continue to remain a fruitless mission if AW
> doesn't pick its heels up. To JP and Rick, we do love this product you
> made for us to use and enjoy, but it needs some serious overhauling to
> life back into it, New3.4 is not the solution, personally, I'm not
> interested in what New3.4 might or might not bring. Your solution is in
> presentation, show newbies that yeah, AW looks like a really nice place to
> kill my Sunday afternoon off, because ALL of us who have been here for a
> prolonged period of time, know full well its addictive qualities, this is
> what makes AW unique, but its let down by its Entrance Point ( AWgate),
> let down by its newbie help, its let down by callus fools who have found
> the flaw in the AW browsers ability to see through a masked IP and the
> who deliberately destroy tourist builds..
> The few of us who have remained loyal supporters or AW are losing a
> proportional interest in this place, I personally don't want to bring
> newbies here, because I know hey will more than likely lose interest and
> have wasted several hours teaching them how to build etc, and I know on
> point, I'm not alone.
> Solutions......
> Put New3.4 on hold, fix what's existing
> Update AwGate and review re-screen Gk's, perhaps even run a survey on
> opinions of the GK on duty, time log them whatever and cross reference.
> Build a Newbie Orientation area at AWgate away from listening range of GZ
> and appoint respected cits to the position, atleast a signed area to help.
> Keep AW locked away from tourists ( Only for the reason it effects
> owned worlds, whom pay substantial amounts of money for the privilege)
> For the worlds owned by AW that do allow tourists, such as AWTeen etc,
> some kind of back up system for the world, so in the event of wide spread
> vandalism, the world can be restored to the pre-vandalized state.
> These are just a couple of ideas that I think might help, but the main
> source of advertising AW relies on, is you and I, the dedicated supporters
> telling our friends, well , AW make it worth talking about and you will
> that within a few months, we can ALL collectively get AW back to a place
> be proud of.
> I have attached a few screenshots of my Builds for those whom have not
> to A!!CT lately, I haven't included a screenshot of A!!CT GZ Tower I built
> (*with some assistance from Defiance*), its something that should be seen
> first hand =). Other builds of mine in A!!CT include the Bot Center (not
> shown)
> For those who do know me from A!!CT, I quit as CT Moderator because of a
> select morons (who shall remain nameless) and will remain so until the
> solution is rectified. So all the new things I was planning on introducing
> will remain on hold. Whitestar introduced the VoiceChat which we both had
> been working on, but other than that, he will not be introducing any more
> my plans until I give him permission.
> On a final note, I have appreciated the feedback from all tourists,
> and moderators regarding my builds in A!!CT, however, due to the current
> circumstances I will not be building anything new for A!!CT, I will remain
> as an Advisor to Whitestar and Defiance but that's all, until , like I
> the situation is rectified. I'm also not currently accepting invitations
> build in other worlds, or for specific games etc, I do however thank all
> those people who have asked my assistance or advise over the past several
> months.
> If AW Management requests my assistance, I'm willing to make some kind of
> arrangement.
> I can be contacted at - rowey22 at hotmail.com
> Thanks for your Time..
> Happy Buildin' and lets not have AW Die completely
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Feb 13, 2003, 2:56pm
Some are dialup connections, some may be proxy servers, I really dont care
to figure out which are which. But, I can tell you he is on dialup, so he
wont have a computer ID. Really, will you *please* know what evidance is
before you pull it out. Your "evidance" just supports my arguement that hes
on dialup. Really, do some reading up on TCP/IP, and trust me when I tell
you how this cant be done with AW, I possiably know more about the
innerworkings of the software than most people here.
[View Quote]"defiance" <Defiance at micro$oft.com> wrote in message
news:3e4b7dbd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 23:53:38 "Confederate" = ip
> 23:56:06 "Confederate" = ip
> 02:24:51 "Confederate" = ip
> 17:38:07 "Confederate" = ip
> 20:23:38 "Confederate" = ip
> 00:31:29 "Confederate" = ip
> 20:30:07 "Confederate" = ip
> explain this!
> "andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
> news:3e4b74ce at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> their
> are of
> number
> except
> since it
> communication where it has to receive an answer from the server. It is a
> bogus rumour! Anyone with a very little knowledge of the TCP protocol will
> laugh on that idea :)
> where the provider has multiple broad range of IP addresses but you can
> always track down who is the provider at
> .
> caretaker,
> retrieved. Next time post a URL pointing to them somewhere on your
> Thanks.
Feb 13, 2003, 11:21pm
The computer ID is the MAC address still... Dont worry. And through
proxies, well, I dont think that'd work because of the new universe
authentication code, but, I havent fooled around with the Proxy or Tunnel
functions of AW.
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3e4be457$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> joeman wrote:
Konstanz, Germany
University Campus Maputo, Mozambique
> 4 are dialup addresses while the rest is probably proxies or hacked
machines (very unlikely someone is using AW in Mozambique, tho it is
possible. More likely one of the machines at the university is acting as a
> But, I can tell you he is on dialup, so he
> That is not true any longer. Roland changed the way the computer ID
calculated and it doesn't depend on the MAC address.
> Really, will you *please* know what evidance is
> agree :)
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)
Feb 15, 2003, 2:38pm
Who says their not using multipul ISPs and proxys?
Oh, and I claim to know just as much about the AW Protocol and
inner-workings as any AWCom developer. I dont see you claiming the same.
As eep would say, "Drive though".
[View Quote]"rowey" <rowey22 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e4e3ea2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I find it most amusing that you ask all find it necessary to argue a fact
> what we have seen, Yes, it seems illogical or improbable that someone can
> use an ip that is not their own and not inside the range of their ISP, and
> until you have seen it happen before your eyes, Id argue the fact it cant
> happen either, but I have seen it, others have seen it, you dont need
> how do we prove something you won't consider being possible. As I said in
> origional message, I consulted my Network Engineer Teacher, and he said it
> cant happen either, but it does, this person(s) is able to manipulate
> IP beyond its normal capabilities, we can read books till we're blue in
> face, the simple fact is, its possible, yet beyond explanation from us.
> Some of you argueing its illigitamacy,some of you probably have no
> nor interest in worlds, you come here, build chat, thats you done, others,
> have technical logs and monitor exactly what goes on in these worlds,
> the clock, we cant explain it, thats why I mentioned it here, figured we
> might get some kind of responce, but all you seem to want to do is prove
> point wrong, its very petty. Without trying to compair what your money
> for in your university degree, how about you listen to whats being said,
> instead of argueing it. A solution is required, not all your pissy
> to prove what you do or dont know. I dont claim to know anything more than
> the next person, but I know what I witnessed, so please contribute
> not arguements.
> As for andras, should I post again I will use hyperlinks for pictures, i
> didnt consider 100kb of documentation and pics would create such a stir.
> "equin0x" <equin0x at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3e4c7ffb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> of
> idea,
> also
> rule
> offenders
> out
> it
> on
> bother
> Caretaker
> the
> feedback
> bother
> builds
> first
> on
> you
> immediate
> nothing
> are
> ugly,
> of
> and
> AW
> to
> is
> found
> GZ
> help.
> spread
> supporters
> built
> seen
> introducing
> had
> more
> remain
> several
> of
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Feb 15, 2003, 4:30pm
Its called a proxy, dream on. Next.
[View Quote]"defiance" <Defiance at micro$oft.com> wrote in message
news:3e4e76ac at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> He has access to ISPs in Venezuela, USA, Australia, Phillipines,
> Taiwan....yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, dream on.
> "joeman" <joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3e4e6ceb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> fact
> can
> and
> cant
> in
> it
> others,
> than
> interest
> and
> networking
> work
> tourist
> when
> (who
> URL?".
> place
> at
> its
> Awgate
> its
> about
> glow
> back
> the
> to
> home
> if
> you
> to
> for
> this
> the
> bring
> on
> of
> privilege)
> etc,
> main
> not
> of
> the
> both
> I
> kind
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Feb 14, 2003, 12:42am
I know the activeworld that you speak! E n z o is the awseome of awesome!
Yes please! He is the active of the world, so he is the cool, yes no? I
think it is awesome for him to be the world of active, dont you not? COOL!
[View Quote]"jacob the hero" <warejacob at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e4c5485$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Everyone, Active world is Cool! E n z o is Awsome Guy, I Like him, if you
> know Active world
> Telegram me
> ~Jacob The Hero~
Feb 15, 2003, 2:30am
Get a beta account, you need one to log in with beta anyway, and it
automatically updates. Its like, magic.
[View Quote]"neocube a" <majmatrixx at excite.com> wrote in message
news:3e4dc160$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ok sorry to say however I do not have it and I would like to obtain a
> copy...now where would I do that. I checked the AW.com addy but nothing
> there... please do tell :)
> ~neo
> equin0x wrote:
Mar 7, 2003, 9:23pm
Hacker, haha, how could he hack AW, ahaha.
[View Quote]"yami trunks" <Chris101d at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3e692784 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://www.petitiononline.com/ejectTW/petition.html
> Please many have been wronged by this theiving hacker, go here and sign
> Please Suport our cause in getting rid of this monster.!
Mar 26, 2003, 4:54pm
Uh, he isnt paying for any of it, the company is. Its practically free to
create a world on a uniserver.
[View Quote]"duskbat" <duskbat at innocent.com> wrote in message
news:3E81B40D.7080505 at innocent.com...
> Bandwith and servers he is paying for and with no one left in aw hardly
> at all he must be pickin up the extra costs
> I pray aw gets more users!
> carlbanks wrote:
Mar 29, 2003, 6:59pm
Shhh, she's just having... one of those moments. :o
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3e8607e3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Huh?
> "the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3e860578 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <snip>
Jul 15, 2003, 4:30pm
.... mmmm, sandwich...
[View Quote]"baro" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3f137743$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Rick wants to eat you in a sandwich, it is a trick!
Jul 20, 2003, 7:09pm
She speaks on an "online war"... We'll, we're armed to the teeth in a'odd;
so all I can say is "yay!" But, AWCom has the biggest weapon of all: the
universe ban ;).
[View Quote]"john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3f1aeec6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The Lady has formed her own AW Decleration fo independence!!!!!
> http://alpha.b0x.com/aw/awdeclaration.htm
> <Sarcasm>
> Isn't this great!!! This is gonna work!
> </Sarcasm>
Jul 25, 2003, 10:35am
Really pimping your hosting, its on there twice ;D.
[View Quote]"builderz" <builderz at vastnexus.com> wrote in message
news:3F203682.C9CA525C at vastnexus.com...
> Here are a few more:
> XelaG Bots
> http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot
> AW News
> http://www.awnews.org/html/
> 3D Host
> http://www.3dhost.net/
> Magsbot
> http://www.turtleflight.com/magine/mb.html
> Builderz
> http://www.3dhost.net
Jul 25, 2003, 2:21pm
Ah, well, you formatted the list just like your signature ;).
[View Quote]"builderz" <builderz at vastnexus.com> wrote in message
news:3F213F94.D8578285 at vastnexus.com...
> If you'll read my other posts, you'll notice that my signature always
> has my hosting URL on it. I just didn't take it out of my signature for
> that post and it was listed twice. :)
> Builderz
> http://www.3dhost.net
> joeman wrote:
Aug 12, 2003, 7:07pm
Wait... what makes them not evil?
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3f3013c0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Besides.. the French are evil... (except Miles and Ombre)
> - Mark
> "strike rapier" <strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3f30135c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> name
> feel
> the
Aug 5, 2003, 10:05pm
ASP sucks, PHP is where its at :).
[View Quote]"john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3f303f16 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> there is - have updating sound and an asp script to send a different 1 2
> slient if its not... lol
> ".duo." <ncommons at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:3f301dd3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> give
Aug 5, 2003, 10:04pm
Because it's so easy ;).
[View Quote]".duo." <ncommons at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f302a44$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> why must we be so mean to her for being strange?
> "john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
> news:3f2ffd60 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Aug 5, 2003, 10:04pm
Why... in gods good name did you post that in HTML?
[View Quote]"weebo" <weebo at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3f304390$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sorry to have wates your time rofl
Aug 9, 2003, 10:38am
LSD perhaps? She just doesn't give up on her harebrained schemes. Maybe we
can all ban together in a "democracy" and get her committed to a mental ward
for a nice long time.
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f34b093$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'd really like to know what you've been lacing your crack with. It
> seems to make a serious catatonic trip.
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 69
> Processing time: 57 days, 10 hours.
> (Total hours: 1378)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Aug 10, 2003, 7:34pm
Uh, I think anyone who's posting is a citizen... well... all except john ;).
[View Quote]"the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3f36874e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Any here? Any reading this ng as citizens? If so, fess up.
> Now.
> <pushes "Send">
Aug 11, 2003, 2:52am
no, this is defiantly -NOT- safe. First tip, it was packed, second tip...
Norton IDed the unpacked version as backdoor.beastie... Do you need any
[View Quote]"alexthemartian" <alex at virtual-studios.net> wrote in message
news:3f371ab8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://pythonbuilder.5u.com .. im not trusting programs unless they are
> veified :-P
> "Telegram from Python Builder, sent 55 minutes ago:
> Python Database is a program full of AW Television Stations and Radio
> Stations....you can easily switch back and forth from one to the other.
> was made by a good programmer friend of mine for the Python Builders but
> is being released to the public. It also has a built in bot that generates
> hills if you own a world and protects tourist builds but the TV and RADIO
> Station section is the best.
> Download it by going to: pythonbuilder.5u.com"
Aug 11, 2003, 2:59am
And third (its rather late), what kind of icon is that for a program that
*isn't* a virus?! Anywho... don't run it. I'm too lazy too, butttttttttt,
someone should report that website so we don't have a bunch of people
downloading it...
[View Quote]"joeman" <joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3f372126$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> no, this is defiantly -NOT- safe. First tip, it was packed, second tip...
> Norton IDed the unpacked version as backdoor.beastie... Do you need any
> more?
> -Joe
> "alexthemartian" <alex at virtual-studios.net> wrote in message
> news:3f371ab8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This
> it
Aug 17, 2003, 6:27pm
Wow, you get a gold star for being "Ultral33t h4x0r number 1!!".
[View Quote]"themask" <admin at themask.3dhost.net> wrote in message
news:3f3d893c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Kol = Noob.
> I packeted him for fun one time.. Took him down for a couple hours.. was
> like 5-6 hours.
Aug 17, 2003, 7:58pm
Yes you did, you were just bragging about how you "packeted" him... Wow, you
"ultral33t h3x0rzzzz numbner1111 [owa!!!" sure have some weird names for
[View Quote]"themask" <admin at themask.3dhost.net> wrote in message
news:3f3fe837 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I never said or was expressing myself to say I am elite or somesort of
> So no need to be an ass.