joeman // User Search

joeman // User Search

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 5:50pm
As Grimm pointed out, it grabs the welcome message, title, and search
keywords from the world server. The search keywords are in +3.3 world
servers only. You cannot pull this information unless a bot enters a world.
Instead of adding some new protocol to have the world server push all of
this to the uniserver, I think AWC made the right choice and made a bot. I
think they just wanted to keep this under cover, until 3.3 came out. But,
you guys just had to ruin it ;). I don't think its that big of a problem,
at least they should have an option to have your world not databased.


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:05pm
No, he's not doing it because he just can! He's doing it so the search
database can be updated. In 3.3 you can go in and type in a keyword.
Because of this bot, worlds matching that keyword will come up. If you ban
this bot, your world will not come up in that search. So, its your choice.
If you don't want your world included in this search, ban that IP. He's not
doing it because he can, he's doing it because its his job.


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:15pm
Your quick to judge. MrGrimm is doing his job. His JOB, your saying that
he should not do his JOB? This is absurd! Listen, I have been talking with
MrGrimm a little, and a new and improved system is coming where you can
limit the access to your world to the search spider, maybe. There is no
reason for what your doing, soon the search spider will be moved to an AWC
server, you block that, you block anyone working at AWC. I really think
your fighting a war that doesn't need to be fought. Please, just calm down
and collect yourself. Also, stop blaming people for doing their job!


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:22pm
Well, scratch that idea. AWC said that it will be run on citizen #1.
Still, they aren't stealing any thing, they are just databasing the title,
name, and keywords. If someone comes in, your views are that they are
stealing parts of your world then. All those things are sent to the browser
when it enters. Maybe you should ban everyone that enters? According to
you they are stealing parts of your world. Well?


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:32pm
I do think that there is a lack of communication. That is AWCs weak point,
AWC to community communication is very small. A letter to the users would
have been good. But, this was only a beta run. Something should have been
done, but it wasnt, like always. Still, I think this is a feature that we
need, or, would like. Its more or less a good thing. I do think that
ananas did a good thing by pointing it out, but he seems so bent on the
death of this thing :(.


[View Quote] [View Quote] Regardless of that, Joe, wouldn't it have been prudent (not to mention
polite) to inform world owners at least 24 hours in advance that they were
sending a bot through the worlds, with a brief explanation of the purpose of
doing so?

Come to think of it, here's a good question, has AWC sent email to world
owners (as a group) about anything, ever? Just wondering if there is a
failure to communicate, or just a complete lack of concern about


Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:35pm
Its not illegal at all! Try to sue him, or the company over it! You would
be laughed out of court. All they are doing is indexing publicly available
information. This is not illegal. If someone wrote down your world name,
title, and or keywords, according to you, they would be doing something
illegal. You have an odd lookout on what's illegal and what's not. Its a
bot running on #1. If someone came into your world with the privs of #1,
would you be just as mad?


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:39pm
It was a beta test. Beta for crying out loud! It didn't touch anything,
just entered, and left. That's all... Nothing was harmed. Your making such
a big thing out of this "Oh! Lets ban grimm for doing his job!" and "That's
illegal!". It was a test of the system. Go ban it if you don't like, but
don't make false claims of something being illegal. Its just like google
coming up and recording your website address, that is not illegal or wrong.


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:41pm
Well, would you consider google coming to your site and indexing it illegal
and wrong?


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:43pm
I know, there *will* be bot restrictions for this too! This is beta! There
is no bot restriction code in it right now, but there will be. You may be
able to set like bot:off in the keywords, and the bot would not index your


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:44pm
*will* = most likely, sorry :)


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 7:36pm
They can be added to the eject list by hand, under world options >


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 7:49pm
I don't think so, adding the ejection by hand will just disconnect all
clients with that IP, regardless if they are using the #1 cit.


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 8:10pm
They cant delete the ejection if they are ejected. I have ejected people
with AWLD rights plenty of times.


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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 8:49pm
Do you know how ejection works? Here's a brief break down

Right click > eject:
Check if CT, if so, don't eject, else, eject.

World options > eject:
Disconnect user with IP, if connect again in timelimit set, disconnect.

Cit #1 is CT in every world, you cannot eject CTs from right click and
eject. But, if you add them in by hand, the world server will just
disconnect them, regardless if they are CT. That's just how things work...
They cant come back in and remove it, because the world server will just
disconnect them.


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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 4:19pm
I have talked with MrGrimm, that's all the bot does, is index. Your way too
unsecure to have a bot run through and grab your world title, welcome
message, and keywords (3.3). That's all it does, that's all it will ever
do. Stop trying to prove AWC wrong, you will loose. If you don't, just ban
the bot from your world and stop moaning.


[View Quote] Aine

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 4:46pm
Erm, its too early... *insecure


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Feb 25, 2002, 8:05pm
Impossible, you cant hex edit to allow tourist enter. You would need to
mess with the login packet to the world, you would need to put a proxy
between the client and server. There are only a few people that know how to
do that. I doubt they did. There is a bug in the browser where if you log
into a world as a cit, then login as a tourist, your a tourist in the world.
Trust me, its more smoke and mirrors, not hacking. Anyway, the browser is
encrypted, doubt someone could get past it.


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Feb 25, 2002, 10:22pm
Newer world server, that trick only works on older world servers.


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Feb 25, 2002, 10:50pm
No, the world server just doesn't kick you if its an older version, nothing
to do with the client. And, it is changed in 3.3, AW and AWTeen are both on
3.3a servers, and that trick doesn't work in either of them.


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Feb 25, 2002, 11:28pm
All server. The uniserver just wont pass along the host/port of the world
server if there's no tourist enter enabled. Also, in the new world servers
with the protocol update, don't allow you to do the cit to tourist trick
because they can check the universe about the status of tourists being able
to enter. So, the client has no interaction because it can be hacked or run
through a proxy. So, no, the client is not involved with the decision to
not allow tourists to enter worlds. Sorry.


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The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBud

Mar 3, 2002, 2:51pm
H3 us3d l33t h4x0r sp34k j0! Ph34r t3h h4x0r! (ph33r ju = fear you) I
guess :)


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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 10:54pm
No, someone hacked the Peacekeeper account, or, a peacekeeper went nuts.
Who knows, but, why would someone move their servers somewhere else because
a password got hacked? Think!


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Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 22, 2002, 11:35pm
You need much help.


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I got a question

May 14, 2002, 10:08pm
There is an inbrowser editor for the terrain, but he's asking for one that
will load terrain from a DEM. There's nothing in browser for that. I
suppose it wouldn't be very hard to write a bot to do it, like Rolands.
Maybe he should add it to the SDK site ask an example? :)


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I got a question

May 16, 2002, 7:48pm
I know that it can be done both ways :).


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Password theft

May 16, 2002, 11:52pm
The encryption is based off of the computers harddisk serial I believe. If
someone were to steal your 3.2 aworld.ini and use it on another harddisk
with a different serial, it should not work. Although, the serial may not
even be the key. I heard something about the serial somewhere, and I
believe that this is what its for. I doubt you'll get much out of Roland
about how the key is generated ;).


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Password theft

May 19, 2002, 2:48pm
The only problem is, some users use modems to connect to AW, so NIC serials
are out of the question. :)


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Quick comment about 3.3

May 19, 2002, 2:45pm
Well, yes and no. Yes, you will be able to log in to your 3.2 world with
the 3.3 SDK. But, no, you will not be able to use global mode in your 3.2


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Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 2:09pm
Oh come on! Its a serial number from an area on your computer hashed.
Hashes cannot be reversed, so there are no worries. I doubt anyone could
create some sort of virus that would make your computer melt, or take over
the world from a serial number on your computer. I think your over reacting
a lot. What about the people with static IP addresses? That's a static
with their computer like serials are. So, the line of thinking that your on
suggests that AW is already spyware. I think you need to find something else
to bitch about, this is nothing big.


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Browser Tracking....

May 27, 2002, 1:55pm
Hmmm, well... Not all of us have P4's, so its not the P4 ident. You will
have to take into account all of the different pieces of hardware that are
on a machine. My guess is that its a combination of a lot of things. It
would be trivial to change it though, because of ejection based on citizen
numbers. Most of us don't have more than one or two accounts, so it would
be easy to keep the offending person out of your world for good. Sure, if
one wanted to get back into a world after ejection, it would be easy. But,
one would be ejected again quickly after they were found out. Stop trying
to be the next ubahh4xX0r and just use AW like a normal person.


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