joeman // User Search
joeman // User Search
Mar 13, 2001, 8:12pm
heh, stupid me :D
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3aae9b1c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Object refresh rate simply dictates when the browser check the OP for new
versions of the objects it has already downloaded. It has nothing to do with
this problem.
> -Agent1
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3aae97f7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Mar 13, 2001, 7:53pm
Well, i was staring off into space at school today when i came up with
this idea. This is a spin off of plugins for the browser, but what if you
had plugins stored in your object path? The short story would be, you could
make your own plugins, to do something. Once you have it done, upload it
then use it to do stuff... Thats the short end... Heres the long end...
There would need to be a plugin SDK, and phrasers, ect, for use in the
browser. But this would open up activeworlds as anything you want it to be.
Gaming, Drawing, anything! A faw ideas of mine, a /plugins/ folder in the
root of your op. Plugins.dat for active plugins, mabey in activeworlds a
"create plugin plugin=blah" type thing. Download on demand of the plugins.
Tell me what you think :)...
Mar 13, 2001, 9:39pm
This is more of a what do you think thing :D...
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3aaea72e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *cough* WISHLIST *cough*
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3aae96f2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> could
> be.
> plugins.
Mar 14, 2001, 12:31am
Mabey it would be like java, only working inside of paramiters, and a
"sandbox". So it could not harm program on your computer, or do anything to
crash the browser :D...
PS... Mabey this isnt such a good idea after all :(...
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3AAECB8C.F16B9679 at oct31.de...
> Nice idea but huge security risk. As soon as you develop a real plugin,
> not just scripting stuff, you have to deal with certifications, trusted
> companies, message boxes in the browser asking "may I download this",
> plugin version control, restart browser to replace plugin ...
> joeman wrote:
Mar 20, 2001, 9:14pm
Give me $700 a month, and you can have 1 MB of storage for mp3's on my
server :D...
[View Quote]"agent fox mulder" <jarync at home.com> wrote in message
news:3ab7e0d3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey everyone,I have been looking all over the internet for a site that has
> mp3's(Not mp3s players Or mp3 storage)But for a mp3 site that has mp3's
> names like www.whatever.com/whatever/whatever.mp3 so i can get mp3s to
> play in activeworlds,Also i have been looking to see if i can find a site
> builder program to do that with.But i have found not even one at all.
> Geocities does not allow you to have mp3s on their server. So does anybody
> know a site/site builder program that has mp3s with the name like what i
> said earlier in the post Or to store them and give them names like
> that?...Thanks in advance
> -Agent Fox Mulder
Mar 23, 2001, 11:56pm
Either that, or aw will be shut down for good :-(....
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3abbf6bf at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Heh, I just heard AWCI is going to declare bankruptcy within the month.
> Probly unfounded but gives us a ray of hope of new management
Mar 24, 2001, 2:15pm
Mabey they can just GPL the servers :).
[View Quote]"tony m" <tony at triton-dynamics.iwarp.com> wrote in message
news:3abc3777 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> They cant GPL browser source; it uses RenderWare and Criterion won't let
> them do it like that unless they take out the RW stuff.
> cybor <cybrzero at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3abc04ab$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> month.
Mar 26, 2001, 12:18am
hehe :)
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3abe9482$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Careful! He might have "hacked" the server ;)
> -Agent1
> "gamer" <Gamer at active-worlds.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3abe44e6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 22, 2001, 6:19pm
Im from madison WI...
[View Quote]"mike zimmer" <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
news:3ae33a12 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just for a count how many AW users do we have from Wisconsin in here?
Apr 30, 2001, 11:07am
I asked E N Z O about it a few days ago, and he told me that they did it for
Fandom. Thats all i know :-).
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3AECC9AA.B36491B5 at tnlc.com...
> I was in AWshow world the other day and saw a picture and sign with SG-1
world on it as one of AW's "showoff" worlds but it said it's a private world
and, of course, wasn't even in the world list (and hasn't for days now). I
was wondering if anyone here had ever been into it or even seen it listed?
I'd like to check it out. Who owns it? AWCI is no help (as usual).
May 1, 2001, 6:40pm
Yep, only beta testers can post to the beta NG. If you post some of your
"pearls of wisdom" here i could pass it along to the beta NG :-).
[View Quote]"billyat" <billyat at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
news:3aeeb593 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I can read the Beta NG now, but I can't post to it. No biggie, but they
gunna miss my pearls of wisdom.
> --
> billyat (Bill the Yat)
> "if you don't like polls -- LIE TO THE POLSTERS"
May 30, 2001, 11:03am
Ok, first thing, calm down. Next thing, call awcom (978) 499-0222, and ask
them to change your password for your world Billy!, you can also e-mail them
about this :-) or telegram and awcom staff member. The password will go
into effect, the world will be dropped and you can host it again.
Jun 24, 2001, 5:29pm
Uhh, he's having problems with his computer shutting off at random times,
also taking forever to start. The power supply fan will spin up, slow down,
make some sick noises, and quit. Its not his hard disk. Once he gets a new
power supply he should be good as new.
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3B360719.85EB4559 at yahoo.com...
> moff piett wrote:
> Have you tried running a program such as scandisk (on surface scan mode)
> and doing a disk defragmentation? Your disk could be dying due to it
> being extremely fragmented. For instance, I haven't done a defrag on my
> Dell notebook computer for several months. When I did, the defrag froze
> at around 56%. I went into DOS, did a scandisk (with the surface scan
> option enabled) and it found and marked some bad clusters on the
> physical surface of the disk. Turns out the defragmentor was trying to
> move data onto the bad sector of the disk and kept repeating this
> process until it froze (I left it running overnight). Anyway, after
> running scandisk, I went back into Windows, started my disk defragmentor
> program again, and it didn't freeze that time. After it was done (it
> took about six hours to finish), my system was almost like new again.
> If scandisk doesn't seem to work, you may want to try Steve Gibson's
> SpinRite utility. Anything you ever wanted to know about it (and more)
> can be found at http://grc.com/spinrite.htm.
> If you are going to get a new hard drive (or more than one drive), and
> need to backup and restore the entire contents of partitions or drives,
> I recommend looking into Symantec's Norton Ghost program, which can be
> found at http://www.symantec.com/sabu/ghost/ghost_personal/.
> If you are unhappy with your current system and choose to buy a new one,
> some relatively inexpensive "bare bones" computer systems can be found
> at http://www.accessmicro.com/hotdeal/computer.php3. If you are looking
> to just buy computer components separately, I recommend checking out
> http://www.pricewatch.com/.
> Hope some of my babbling helped. ;)
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> http://aw.stuff-x.com/
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
Jul 13, 2001, 8:07pm
First, don't use HTML, that's worse than this uni-wide messaging system.
2nd, this will only be used for notices, like that "do not give your
password to anyone" crap. It will only be showed on login (uh, I think). I
don't think awcom is going to abuse this, and if they do, tough cookies,
leave aw if you don't like it.
Aug 8, 2001, 11:36am
Hmm, looks like he stole your ip too.
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (Win98; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: community
Subject: To Rick Noll a long and sincere letter
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-ID: <3b7091b5 at server1.Activeworlds.com>
From: "yo momma" <peace at nospam.com>
Date: 7 Aug 2001 21:11:17 -0400
X-Trace: server1.Activeworlds.com 997233077 (7 Aug 2001
21:11:17 -0400)
Lines: 74
X-Authenticated-User: yo momma
Path: server1.Activeworlds.com
Xref: news community:61705
Message-ID: <3B70A212.AFCA95E1 at nospam.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (Win98; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: community
Subject: Hey Yo Momma
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
From: "insanity" <peace at nospam.com>
Date: 7 Aug 2001 22:22:28 -0400
X-Trace: server1.Activeworlds.com 997237348 (7 Aug 2001
22:22:28 -0400)
Lines: 10
X-Authenticated-User: insanity
Path: server1.Activeworlds.com
Xref: news community:61707
[View Quote]"insanity" <peace at nospam.com> wrote in message
news:3B70A212.AFCA95E1 at nospam.com...
> Everyone nowadays uses nospam.com to protect their e-mail addy but come
> on... Your post to RN was serious I can tell but you stole my
> peace at nospam.com
> and even ended with peace to all... Please take my wife, take my
> money... but pleeeeaaaasssseee don't take my identity *S*
> Peace to all... from the original peace at nospam.com
Aug 10, 2001, 7:47am
.... and the point of this is?
[View Quote]"ryan." <RyanBirkin at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b73aa65 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> create solid no , light color=orange fx=fire type=spot angle=25 pitch=90
> brightness=999, rotate 50
Aug 27, 2001, 6:43pm
Nope, the new browser is next to impossible to hack. Its got great
encryption that people have failed to crack. It will take a very long time
for someone to get by it, but once they do it wont be in beta any more.
[View Quote]"lanezeri" <Lanezeri at stuff-x.com> wrote in message
news:3b8aa6d8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think it's funny how the 3.2 browser is downloadable to anyone.. they
> should make it private or tell the people NOT to tell others.. yes, you
> a beta name, but that could be fixed..
> --
> Lanezeri
> Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X
> http://aw.stuff-x.com
Aug 28, 2001, 6:51pm
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
news:3b8b9aba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not quite Joe:
> Actully, Loc'N Kee released the 3.2 encryption about a week ago, and its
> that "great". And its not that complex either, jew a few new lil anti hack
> routines...but no program in the whole world is completely hack proof.
Yes, but I was addressing the fact that no "normal" person is going to be
able to get by it. Loc'N Kee is no "normal" person, he has done alot with
> KAH is right, you just use the auto update tool, type a command in a dos
> shell and away it goes....
> You do need a BETA to get online with it...you can still use standalone
> mode...and you can always get a BETa user to send you the 3.2 cache for a
> couple of worlds if you wanna play around...
Yes also, but you will not be able to log in, thats what I was addressing in
my first post. Of course you will be able to get into stand alone mode.
> -Gamer
Oct 31, 2001, 7:24pm
Ya, it has to do with the new protocol that was implemented in 3.2. This
was mentioned to Roland, he didn't see it as a big thing. Also, other
people see your chat as Cozmo instead of cOzMo.
[View Quote]"brandon" <brandon at fake-email-adresses.com> wrote in message
news:3be075b2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this isn't a serius bug but it is kinda strange....well lets say you are
> logging into your account by pressing Login> Citezin
> Now if you type in a variation of your name instead of the way its really
> typed it chnaged it to that in the chat window.
> Ex. My cit name is officialy Cozmo...
> I type cOzMo in the login box and press ok...
> in the chat window cOzMo: bla bla bla
> in the contact list and options > citezin is Cozmo
> see what i mean? it's not serius or anthing but i thought you'd like to
Dec 30, 2001, 8:16pm
How so? The registry can be on two machines at the same time :).
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3c2f8dcc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It has to run on the same machine as the server then...
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "marnvin" <vincent at vimaxarts.com> a écrit dans le message news:
3c2f1390$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 3, 2002, 2:36am
Or better yet, advertise on TV. Selling a CD with a 3 MB file on it isn't
very economical. If you were to do a TV Ad, you could just tell people
where to download it. :)
[View Quote]"birdmike" <birdmike at Home.com> wrote in message
news:3c33de1c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Besides raising the citizen prices so drastically, perhaps a better option
> would be to sell AW like you sell a game. Though I am not very familiar
> with Everquest, it seems to have worked well for them. If AW was marketed
> in stores, it would definitely increase the user base exponetially. Most
> new AW users are from referals or accidental discovery.
> Though it may not be an appealling option, why not raise the price of
> licenses? I mean, it seems to me worlds would cost more than
> Just my opinions.
> -BirdMike
Jan 3, 2002, 2:49am
Heh, I just found AW by luck. It was AW or another site on a list of VRML
worlds. I think AW really needs to get the message out that they are here.
If not a full blown TV ad, maybe banner ads on other websites like Yahoo?
[View Quote]"birdmike" <birdmike at Home.com> wrote in message
news:3c33e116$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> True. But anything would be better than relying on referals!
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3c33dfcf$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 7, 2002, 12:52am
The servers total land and users is all in the license code in the
server.ini, and now in the 128bit license file. Also, the newer versions of
the universe software do communicate with the mother ship, but they do not
check the total land and users against the server running at AWC. They do
tell mommy if its cracked, or someone is trying to break it.
[View Quote]"scottydm" <smiller6 at uswest.net> wrote in message
news:3C38FDDC.90D99730 at uswest.net...
> That is the way I understand it too. My impression is that the software
> is "hard coded" for a particular total land area and total number of
> online visitors. My understanding is that the privately owned Uniserver
> does not need to communicate with the "mother ship" in order to discover
> these things the way a world server communicates with the Uniserver.
> foxmccloud wrote:
periodical fee to AW after that.
3c38d567$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
turn, the
> --
> Send all SPAMS, FLAMES, and CONSPIRACY THEORIES to smiller6 at uswest.net
> Send all other IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE to scottydm at uswest.net
> ___
> /////\\ Digitally Enhanced Portrait of:
> {|-0-0-|} Scott D. Miller,
> | % | Silicon Mercenary
> \===/ Freelance Chip Designer
> always #5 FOO = ~FOO; // the sound of a beating heart
Jan 10, 2002, 1:29am
There were so many people asking if you gave out your aworld.ini, I didn't
know where to post this. Ok, here it goes... Your aworld.ini holds an
encrypted password specific to your machine. If someone else gets your
aworld.ini, they would need to steal your machine to use it. So, as of 3.2,
your safe :).
[View Quote]"data21" <dbmiller at kiski.net> wrote in message
news:3c3ceba3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 1st the remove tourists, then they kick all users of the 2.2 browser out,
> now they are removing citizenships for no reason LOL.
Jan 10, 2002, 8:43pm
I know, I'm just pointing out that if you did, there's no need to fret :).
[View Quote]"data21" <dbmiller at kiski.net> wrote in message
news:3c3d1c98 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I never gave my aworld.ini to anyone.
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3c3d0a94$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 3.2,
> out,
Jan 12, 2002, 12:45am
It does take a lot of bandwidth, not as much as the world server, but still
a lot. Also, you need to support all the data from the citizen database,
and worlds database. Sure, you could run one off of a 56k, 486 machine, but
it would be slow, very slow. Even off of a cable modem, I suppose, it would
be slow. Also, in the early days of AW, there was a website kicked out by
the uniserver that you could click a link and goto a world. I do think that
it is a good idea to separate the world from the universe a little more than
it is. Like, you could connect or "dock" your world in a universe, or
universes. But, you could also get to it by clicking a link, such as
Just my thoughts :)
[View Quote]"your hiroshi" <bentremblay at mediaone.net> wrote in message
news:3c3f8f99$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I may be way off base here, but what role does the uniserver play in AW?
> To my understanding, it provides 2 functions:
> 1) One central database of all users.
> This allows for telegrams, and authentication.
> 2) One central database of all worlds.
> This provides the "worlds" list.
> Now I don't see the uniserver being a resource-intensive, supercomputing
> sort of thing.
> The server application that runs a world does most of the heavy lifting.
> services provided by the uniserver could be very lightweight a la Naptser.
> Directory services. Just use LDAP or whatever.
> The only reason the Uniserver is essential is because the architecture was
> deliberately created to fail without it.
> a) You should be able to visit someone's world server simply by typing a
> in.
> b) Telegrams are not super-essential in the world of Instant Messenger,
> could be provided via any number of IM or mail systems.
> c) A web server running an application that lists any world server that is
> registered with it, and provides a clickable URL to that server, should be
> easy to implement. (Such as OnLive Traveller.)
> What is my point? It should cost next-to-nothing to maintain the core
> functionality of AW, AS-IS, use-at-your-own-risk, RTFM.
Jan 12, 2002, 1:44am
Think of it this way, the current list is 24kb long, well, a little less.
It was 24kb long when all the 3dhomepages were there, so, this math is
predicting how much AW pushed out during the height of 3DHP. So, simple
math, 24 x 486 (current users on at the moment, there were many more on at
the height of 3DHP) = 11664. So, 11 MB every 30 seconds for the world list.
So, about 2880 of these happen per day. Just estimating, simple math again,
2880 x 11664 = 33592320kb, that's about 3,359 MB, which is 3GB a day, just
for the world list. If that isn't enough bandwidth, add contact list,
telegram, and world information inquires. All those add up. 3.3GB alone is
a huge amount. So, it does take bandwidth to create a list.
Now, this number could be off by like, 500 MB, because you don't always have
486 users on at a time, sometimes you have less, sometimes more. It would
be interesting to see someone create a bot that would gauge the bandwidth
coming out of the AW uniserver. Oh, don't forget about 24/7 bots that are
running around AW.
Also, add to the bandwidth world heartbeats, client heartbeats, bot
heartbeats, world license information, citizen logon and registration, etc.
It could get up to a very BIG number.
I could be waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy off with this, but, I don't think I am.
[View Quote]"blasto" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
news:3c3fab58$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It doesn't take bandwidth to create a list!
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3c3fa35c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> still
> but
> would
> that
> than
> Naptser.
> was
> is
> be
Jan 12, 2002, 1:57am
Or even communicating the choice of only sending only full worlds, or only
open worlds to the browser. But, AWC should do something about the
bandwidth. They are rough numbers, but, big numbers. Good thing they don't
have to pay for bandwidth by the MB, or they would have gone broke years
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3c3fb24a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> AW could be sparing a lot of bandwidth by only sending the changes when
they occur instead of the whole list each time, since it's
> 99% the same every 30 seconds (that is, all the names identical and most
worlds at 0 citizens)...
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> a écrit dans le message news:
3c3fb115$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
alone is
Jan 12, 2002, 4:33pm
Ah, thanks for the info :)
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3C3FDDDF.CB3CBB86 at andras.net...
> joeman wrote:
> AW actually sending only the changes - not the full list :)
> Andras
> <quote from SDK>
> Applications can use aw_world_list to query the universe server for a list
of all worlds
> running in the universe. Previously (before build 20), the entire list
would be returned in
> response to a single call to aw_world_list. However, that mechanism
could not handle
> a list of more than 750 worlds. Since the number of worlds in the main
AW universe is
> now well over 750, this mechanism has been changed beginning in build 20.
It now
> may require more than one call to aw_world_list in order to get the
complete list of
> worlds. Furthermore, subsequent calls to aw_world_list will only return
the changes
> since the previous call; the entire list is only returned once per login
session, on the first
> call or series of calls.
> </quote>
Feb 21, 2002, 5:16pm
If you read any of this at all, you would know its awc bot databasing all
the worlds for a new 3.3 search thing...
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:3c754071$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in one second in each world a bot with privs of citezin number one could
> change everyones.....welcome message...? you never know bots work very
> It could also collect data about your world such as any sor of settings
> althoguh i dont think it can qeury that fast. It could wipe out a world
> fastim pretty sure (though i dont think they are stupid enough to do that
> just saying its a possibility).
> I'm not THAT worried about this although whoever owns it *coughcough* had
> better tell us what they are up to before a riot starts.
> -Zeo
> (formerly Cozmo)
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message
news:3C74974A.DF5201FC at oct31.de...
> 50
> '[Search Spider]' 0 1
> 0x0