joeman // User Search

joeman // User Search

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Competly dissable in browser web links

Jun 22, 2002, 7:12pm
Are you drunk?


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Bump Events

Jul 2, 2002, 4:48pm
If it was handled by the server there would be lots more lag. Server
handling collision detection, the server would melt and spread 40 megatons
of nuclear waste all around in a big cloud of smoke with burning elves and
Santa and evil Santa...


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Chat name

Jul 2, 2002, 10:31pm
I found this is 3.1, its a small little bug. Other people will only see the
name in your citizenship settings.


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Jul 8, 2002, 11:20pm
No, they have to be on your contacts list in order to block them.


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fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 12, 2002, 6:15pm
PNG support would add about 600kb of bulk onto the browser.


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fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 12, 2002, 7:37pm
No, Roland tried adding it to the browser. The library files added about
600kb of bulk to the browser, if my memory serves me right :).


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fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 13, 2002, 6:47pm
Well, I dunno which library he tried, but this is also coming from a person
who refused to implement GIF support... Well, who knows, maybe grimm can
whip something up :).


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fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 14, 2002, 2:11am
The AW browser in itself isn't a commercial product. Well, it can be argued
in both ways. Its not a commercial product in the way that you don't need
to pay to use it. It can be argued that it *is* a commercial product
because its sole intent is getting AWC more cash, which doesn't seem to be
working right now ;). I'm sure there's some loopholes out there where
Roland could have or grimm can put a free GIF library into the Activeworlds
browser. As for PNG support, it would be nice, but GIF would be better, or
higher on the list of image format additions. Right now AW seems to be
stagnant, so we shall see what they add when they, start working again. :P


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fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 14, 2002, 1:28pm
GIF is more widespread, you can find much more in GIF format than in PNG :).


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Jul 17, 2002, 11:08am
They're coming, shamus was talking about adding in his particle engine.


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MUCH NEEDED WISH - Paragraph Capabilities In Telegrams

Jul 20, 2002, 3:18pm
You cant spoof telegrams from citizens, entering a world under a spoofed
citizenship is another story...


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Okay whoever it was who was talking about different VRT times...I have the solution

Jul 18, 2002, 11:22pm
You now have spyware. Have a nice day.

-Happy magic man... No, not gandalf... Joe!

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Multiple People Grams

Jul 20, 2002, 2:58pm


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Multiple People Grams

Jul 20, 2002, 3:42pm
No its not. I will stab whoever implements this with a rusty spoon.


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Multiple People Grams

Jul 20, 2002, 4:32pm
Its not useful at all, its counterproductive. I'm sorry your highness, I
wouldn't want you to hurt your fragile hands by right clicking and pasting
in your message. That would be too much work! Listen, I don't want to get
Spam. So, if this isn't implemented, I get less. If it is, I hold you to
blame, and my spoon is very rusty.


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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 2, 2002, 6:37pm
I'm running AW, dreamweaver, fireworks, kazza, winamp, Outlook, four
sessions of IE, and AIM on a 450MHz machine... Nothings slow, everything's
running just fine. Its a problem with Strike rapers machine.


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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 3, 2002, 6:27am
Its gotta be his machine. I don't see what his problem is. I have an AMD
1400 board laying around that I'm hesitant to put in due to how good my
450MHz machine is. Strike should be more than happy with his current
machine, but, you cant always make people happy :o.


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object path usage

Aug 3, 2002, 8:03pm
Not currently.


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[ONLINE] Making AW Secure

Aug 11, 2002, 12:08pm
A 'browser ID' would be hard to figure. People already got pissed about the
computer ID when it was introduced. Also, what would be in this 'browser
ID'? Every serial number that your OS can get, you can change. I suppose
the only *true* secure ID on your computer would be your proc serial, but
most processors don't have software accessible serial numbers.

Proc ID: Few machines have them.
MAC Address: Very few people have them, buy a new NIC, you have a new one.
Can be changed.
GUID: Changes every restart.
HD Serial: Can be changed.
BIOS Serial: Reflashing your bios changes this.

There's nothing on current computers that could be 100% secure. The only
real way would be putting an EEPROM with its write fuse blown controlled
through a I2C/SMbus on the motherboard. Would be extremely cheap way to
tracking new generation motherboards. Sadly, very few people would purchase
these new generation mobos due to the serial number stored on their
hardware. Personally, I wouldn't.


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[ONLINE] Making AW Secure

Aug 11, 2002, 3:42pm
All the hardware IDs and the like could be changed, so when they come on
next, the key is different.


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[ONLINE] Making AW Secure

Aug 11, 2002, 8:10pm
Software ids would be sooooo easy to change. Any person with a hex editor
could change your current hardware ID.


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[ONLINE] Making AW Secure

Aug 12, 2002, 3:07am
Ok, lets convert this from TardSpeak to English.
[View Quote] [W]hy the hell [are] little kids getting abducted all the [time]? [J]ust
have the

> parents keep their stupid little brats inside and off the damn internet!!

parents keep their stupid little [kids] inside and off the damn internet!!

> they don't belong in chat rooms anyway if they're gonna misuse them by

[T]hey don't belong in chat rooms anyway if they're [goning] to misuse them
by (what are you doing on the internet then?)

> giving out personel info...stupid idiots

giving out personal information... Stuipd idiots.

Wow, your poor grasp of the english language makes me rench up my guts. I
mean, really. What are you doing on the computer when you speak at the
level of a second grader and spell much worse. If you tell people not to
use the net when they're kids, why the hell are you on it? Were you born
retarded or did you work at it?


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[ONLINE] Making AW Secure

Aug 12, 2002, 3:09am
Read before you spout. Once one tourists session expires, anyone can come
on with his name.


[View Quote] TardToEnglish: Dude, two tourists can't have the same name,


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Aug 21, 2002, 6:08pm
Lets stop the hate, and feel the love.


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Telegram bombing

Aug 24, 2002, 7:21pm
Then Operator would just be blank... I don't see the upside to this.


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mp3 sound

Sep 13, 2002, 10:29pm
Sorry, but, nothing new will be added to 3.4 that hasn't already been


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everybody move

Sep 16, 2002, 9:53pm
Well, uh, no. Browsers *do* get object clicks, at least they did last time
I checked using a piece of software which shall remain nameless :o.


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Security Lockdown

Sep 19, 2002, 7:27pm
Cloning cant really be stopped, sorry.


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Security Lockdown

Sep 20, 2002, 7:16pm
But, that's also done with this "AWProxy".


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Security Lockdown

Sep 20, 2002, 8:44pm
Uhm, no, not really. Well, depends. If you want to log any-old-person in,
then, the world would have to be running behind the proxy. But, if you want
to log a citizenship of yours in, or spoof a user, then the world does not
need to be behind the proxy.


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